G.R.O.W. Campaign Devotional 1
Leading and following by faith instead of fear.
Numbers(1) (Part of the GROW Campaign(4) series)
by Stuart Johns(233) on February 4, 2018 (Sunday Morning(383))
Capital Campaign(2), Faith(19), Growth(5)
G.R.O.W. Campaign Devotional
February 4, 2018
G.R.O.W. Campaign Packet
I am excited to share with you about the capital campaign
We are calling it the G.R.O.W. Campaign
The acrostic stands for Give to Revive Our Worship
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The Board of Administration has been diligently working to prepare a comprehensive document for the capital campaign
We have a packet for each family this morning as you leave the worship service
This project has been something that the board has been discussing for several years
We have been sharing it with you all through the Mission Possible Meetings over the last year
We believe that expanding is God’s vision for Idaville Church at this time
We realize that this requires a step of faith
So over the next four weeks you will be hearing devotionals from four leaders about faith and growth
As leadership we are committed to taking the step of faith that we are asking you all to take
Rebellion Against God’s Plan (Numbers 13:1-14:45)
The Lord instructed Moses to send some men into Canaan to explore the land (God said He was giving the Israelites the land)
If you remember Moses chose one leader from each tribe to be part of the scouting party
They spent 40 days exploring the land
They brought back a cluster of grapes that required two men to carry and also pomegranates and figs
Caleb immediately tells the Israelites that they should go up and take possession of the land, because they can certainly do it
The other 10 leaders didn’t feel the same way
They were probably afraid, which drove them to lead by fear instead of faith
They began to spread a bad report about the land among the people
Their tactic worked – the people wept and grumbled against Moses and Aaron
Leading by faith
Moses and Aaron fell facedown before the Israelites
Joshua, and Caleb tore their clothes and said this to the assembly, “The land we passed through and explored is exceedingly good. If the Lord is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us. Only do not rebel against the Lord. And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will swallow them up. Their protection is gone, but the Lord is with us. Do not be afraid of them.”
God speaks to Moses and wants to destroy the entire Israelite community, but Moses intercedes for them
God’s punishment for being unfaithful
God explains to Moses that the punishment for the Israelite’s lack of faith in Him would be wandering through the desert for 40 years
The ten leaders who rebelled against the Lord and incited the Israelite community to do the same, were all struck down with a plague and died before the Lord
Continued rebellion
The morning after all of these things happened the Israelites went up toward the hill country
Moses told them not to disobey the Lord’s command
They didn’t listen and were beaten down by the Amalekites and Canaanites who lived there
The Lord was no longer with them
We as leadership have a choice to lead in fear or faith – we are choosing to lead in faith
You all have a choice to follow fear or faith
Our prayer is that you will follow faith instead of fear
We have an incredible opportunity over the coming weeks, months, and years to see God do something miraculous
This project is beyond our ability
If we try to do it in our own strength, we will fail
If we trust God to do it in His power, we will succeed, because God will grow our faith and He will be glorified
Isaiah 45:3, I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.
The greatest way for us to follow in faith is through prayer
I want to challenge everyone to commit to praying about the “Give to Revive Our Worship” Campaign over the next seven weeks
We will be opening the church up every Tuesday and Thursday from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm for anyone who would like to come and pray at the church for the church and this campaign
I also want to challenge everyone to commit to pray for the campaign on a daily basis
Fasting and prayer are a powerful combination, so I’m also challenging everyone to consider fasting at least once a week or more to pray for the growth of our church and this expansion plan
Ephesians 3:20-21, Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
We will hear from three more leaders during the month of February
On March 4, 2018 we will have our regular quarterly Mission Possible Meeting during the Sunday school hour (9-10 am)
On March 25, 2018 we will have a special Commitment Service during the worship service where each person or family can privately choose to make a faith promise commitment for the next three years toward the G.R.O.W. Campaign [show commitment card]
In the coming weeks you will see the outline of a tree trunk painted on the green wall in the entryway to the gym
During the Commitment Service we will be asking everyone to place their hand print on the tree as a way of committing to the growth of the church
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We will fill in the trunk of the tree as we grow through the capital campaign
If you have any questions about the packet, please contact any of the Campaign Team members at any time (their names are listed on the back page of the packet)