
The Overcomer

(John 16:25-33)



“When he was seven years old, his family was forced out of their home on a legal technicality, and he had to work to help support them. At age nine, his mother died. At 22, he lost his job as a store clerk. He wanted to go to law school, but his education wasn't good enough. At 23, he went into debt to become a partner in a small store. At 26, his business partner died, leaving him a huge debt that took years to repay. At 28, after courting a girl for four years, he asked her to marry him. She said no. At 37, on his third try he was elected to Congress, but two years later, he failed to be reelected. At 41, his four-year-old son died. At 45, he ran for the Senate and lost. At 47, he failed as the vice-presidential candidate. At 49, he ran for the Senate again, and lost. At 51, he was elected president of the United States. His name was Abraham Lincoln, a man many consider the greatest leader the country ever had. Some people get all the breaks.”


Unknown, Leadership, Vol. 4, no. 1.




He overcame a lot in this world, to eventually be seen as one of our countries greatest leaders



  • ME

    • Peace in job transitions

        • Laid off from Child Evangelism Fellowship

        • Resigning from Every Generation Ministries

    • Peace in serving

        • Several weeks ago I was having trouble sleeping

        • I woke up every half hour from midnight to 3:00 am

        • I finally cried out to the Lord and said, “Please tell me what you what to say, so I can go to sleep!”

        • I immediately fell asleep and had a dream about our first Sunday back after the pandemic

          • Every pew was filled to capacity

          • After the service, I was trying to make my way to the back of the church to get outside, so I could greet everyone

          • I got stopped two times in the foyer

          • The second person who stopped me, gave me a hug and whispered in my ear, “great message, today.”

          • When I finally saw who the person was, I realized it was Chuck Smith, founder of the Calvary Chapel movement and the person who highly influenced me to preach verse-by-verse through books of the Bible

          • I told him that I preach the way I do, because of him

          • He asked me to tell him more, which I did

          • That dream gave me peace about preaching God’s Word

          • I’m also excited about the fulfillment of the first part of the dream, where every pew will be filled


  • WE

    • Think of a time when you experienced peace through a difficult situation (child, spouse, family member, coworker, neighbor, school, work, etc.)

    • Where did you find your peace? (God, worship, the Bible, prayer)


The disciples had struggled with understanding Jesus and His words. ​​ After teaching the people, Jesus would explain the meaning to His disciples. ​​ He tells them that a time is coming when He will speak plainly to them and they will understand. ​​ They would experience peace of mind instead of confusion. ​​ Jesus also explained that they would experience trouble in the world, but He would bring them peace through fear and hardship. ​​ John wants us to understand that . . .


BIG IDEA – We can have peace through Christ.


Let’s pray


  • GOD (John 16:25-33

    • Doubt Turns To Faith (vv. 25-30)

        • Speaking plainly (v. 25)

          • Jesus used parables a lot while ministering on earth

            • If we look through the Synoptic Gospels (Mathew, Mark, and Luke), we can find multiple parables that Jesus used to teach the people

            • Matthew 13:34-36, Jesus spoke all these things to the crowd in parables; he did not say anything to them without using a parable. ​​ So was fulfilled what was spoken through the prophet: “I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter things hidden since the creation of the world.” ​​ Then he left the crowd and went into the house. ​​ His disciples came to him and said, “Explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field.”

            • So, we know that Jesus used parables every time he spoke with a crowd of people

            • But that’s not what is being referred to here

          • “Jesus had taught ‘figuratively’ (16:25), but the Greek word used here (paroimia) does not simply mean illustrative speech or the use of metaphor and parable; rather, it is speech that is obscure and enigmatic (difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious) . . . For the Middle Easterner, this is the ‘dark saying,’ which typically possesses prophecy or wisdom” [Burge, The NIV Application Commentary, John, 442]

          • Jesus wasn’t using a metaphor or parable here

            • He was speaking about the future, but the disciples were not going to be able to understand what He was saying until after His crucifixion, burial, resurrection, and ascension [Köstenberger, Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, John, 478]

            • John 16:12-13, “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. ​​ But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. ​​ He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.”

            • An hour (time) was coming when Jesus would speak plainly

          • An hour is coming

            • We know that after Jesus’ resurrection, He spent 40 days on earth, before ascending to the Father

              • He obviously used that time to speak plainly to His disciples

              • He did that not only with the eleven disciples, but with other disciples, as well

              • Last week, I mentioned the two disciples on the road to Emmaus and how Jesus taught them from Moses and Prophets concerning everything that would happen to the Christ

              • Luke 24:30-32, When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. ​​ Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight. ​​ They asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?”

              • Their hearts were burning within them, because they were starting to understand Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection – the Scriptures (prophecies) began to make sense to them

            • The coming of the Holy Spirit

              • While Jesus began to speak plainly to them before He ascended into heaven, I believe He is referencing the coming of the Holy Spirit here

              • We see that in John 16:12-13 – the Spirit of truth will guide them into all truth

              • We know that when the Holy Spirit descended at Pentecost, the disciples spoke boldly and with confidence about Jesus

          • Jesus continues to reference the future as He talks with His disciples

        • Direct access to the Father (vv. 26-27)

          • In that day,” refers to a time in the future, after Jesus has returned to the Father

          • Asking in Jesus’ name, but speaking directly to the Father

            • The disciples will ask the Father in Jesus’ name

            • Last week I mentioned that praying in Jesus’ name means coming to the Father with Jesus’ authority and in conformity to His nature

            • Jesus is not saying that praying to the Father in His name means that He will ask the Father on their behalf

            • PRINCIPLE #1 – As disciples of Jesus, we have direct access to the Father.

              • Biblical history

                • After the Israelites came out of Egypt, camped at Mt. Sinai, saw the top of the mountain enveloped in smoke and fire, and heard God speak, they were afraid and asked God to speak directly to Moses – Moses would then speak to the people for God

                • When the tabernacle was built, the most Holy Place was where the ark of the covenant was kept and God’s presence dwelt, between the two cherubim

                • Only the High Priest was allowed to enter the most Holy Place

                • The High Priest was the intermediary between God and the people

                • The Israelites would take a perfect lamb to the temple to be sacrificed by the priests in order to cover over their sins

                • The people did not have direct access God, but had to approach Him through the priests

              • Because of Jesus’ finished work on the cross, the Israelites and all of humanity, now, have direct access to the Father

                • We don’t have to bring a perfect lamb to church and have the pastor sacrifice it to cover over our sins

                • We don’t have to go to a confessional and ask the priest for forgiveness of our sins

                • We can go directly to God

                • Matthew 27:50-51, And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. ​​ At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. ​​ The earth shook and the rocks split.

                • Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection opened the way for us to have direct access to the Father

                  • Read Ephesians 2:11-18

                  • Ephesians 3:10-12, His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, according to his eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord. ​​ In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.

                  • Read Hebrews 10:19-25

                • This direct access is only available to those who have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ

                  • Admit that you are a sinner (Rom. 3:23; Rom. 6:23)

                  • Believe in Jesus (Rom. 5:8; 1 Cor. 15:3b-4)

                  • Choose peace with God (Romans 5:1-2, Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand.)

                  • #1 – My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Believe in Jesus, by faith, and have peace with God.

                  • We can have peace through Christ.

              • As disciples of Jesus Christ, we have direct access to the Father

                • When we struggle with sin, even as disciples of Jesus Christ, we can confess that directly to God (1 John 1:9)

                • If we are struggling with a relationship at home, work, school, etc., we can go directly to God

                • Those of us who are struggling financially, go directly to God

                • When we have health concerns, either long-term or recently diagnosed, we can go directly to God

                • Whenever we experience anxiety and depression, because of life circumstances and everything that is happening in our world, we can go directly to God

                • Whatever we’re dealing with right now, we have a Father who is poised and listening to our cries for help – we just have to go directly to Him

                • Psalm 34:17-18, The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. ​​ The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

                • #2 – My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Go directly to God in prayer about whatever is troubling me.

            • We can go directly to the Father because He loves us

          • Love of the Father

            • Jesus explains that the Father loves us because we love Jesus and believe that Jesus came from God

            • “God’s loving openness to our prayers is in fact the outworking of God’s prior love to us in ‘giving’ Jesus (cf. 3:16). ​​ Our prayers, based on our having entered a state of loving (pephilēkate, perfect) and believing (pepisteukate, perfect), are therefore premised on God’s prior loving and Jesus’ self-giving implied in the important words ‘I came from God.’” ​​ [Borchert, The New American Commentary, John 12-21, 178s]

          • Jesus explains again God’s plan for Him

        • Returning to the Father (v. 28)

          • It’s pretty straight forward

          • Jesus came from the Father and entered the world to accomplish God’s redemptive plan, through His death, burial, and resurrection

          • When He perfectly completes that plan, He will leave the world and return to the Father

          • The disciples hadn’t experienced that yet, because they were living through it

          • We understand it, because we have God’s Word, the Bible, that tells us the whole story from beginning to end

        • The disciples’ understanding (vv. 29-30)

          • The disciples now believe/understand, or do they?

          • Jesus was telling them that a time/hour was coming in which He would speak plainly to them

            • They thought that hour had come, yet it wouldn’t come until after Jesus’ resurrection

            • Perhaps, for the first time, it finally sank in that Jesus had come from God and would be returning to God, but they still didn’t fully understand His death, burial, and resurrection

          • Powerful theological truths

            • While the disciples make some powerful theological statements, it’s doubtful that they fully comprehended what they were saying

              • Jesus knows all things

                • While on earth, Jesus relied on God to tell Him things that He needed to know

                • This was part of setting aside some of His divine attributes

                • But Jesus, as fully divine, is omniscient (all-knowing)

                • PRINCIPLE #2 – Jesus is omniscient! (all-knowing)

                • That’s a truth and principle that we can hold on to as disciples of Jesus Christ

                  • The COVID-19 pandemic did not catch Jesus by surprise

                  • The racial tensions we’re currently facing in our nation is something He already knew about before we did

                  • The health issues or death of a family member are already known by Him

                  • The financial struggles and relational issues we will face in the future are current knowledge to Jesus

                  • He knows what’s best for us and will never leave us alone

                  • Hebrews 13:5-6, Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” ​​ So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. ​​ What can man do to me?”

                • We can have peace through Christ, because He knows all things

                • The disciples may not have fully understood this when they made the statement, but it would become evident and a truth they would live by in the future

              • Jesus can anticipate our questions without us having to ask

                • “In Jewish thought, the ability to anticipate questions and not needing to be asked is a mark of divinity (see e.g., Josephus, Ant. 6.11.8 §230) . . . In the present instance, the disciples acknowledge that there is no further need to ask Jesus questions to test his religious knowledge; he has often been shown to know others’ thoughts and intentions (e.g., 2:23-25; se Carson 1991: 548).” ​​ [Köstenberger, 479]

                • Because Jesus is all-knowing, He is aware of what we need before we ask

                • When Jesus taught His disciples about prayer, He said this right before giving them the model prayer, Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him (Matthew 6:8)

            • Jesus’ omniscience and ability to anticipate their questions without them having to ask, leads the disciples to say that they believe Jesus came from God

          • The disciples’ belief

            • “The disciples had arrived at the point of a ‘belief’ that they could express. ​​ But typical human words and adequate believing may be far apart in real life. ​​ People may say they believe in Jesus, but that does not mean they have arrived at the point where their life patterns follow their beliefs.” ​​ [Borchert, 180]

            • This is true of people today

              • When we talk with individuals about a relationship with Jesus, many times they’ll admit they believe in God

              • A belief in God does not guarantee spending eternity with Him in heaven, because even the demons believe in God and they shudder (James 2:19)

              • A relationship with Jesus can and should transform us completely – people should be able to recognize a life style/pattern change through the power of the Gospel

            • The disciples may be able to say the words “We believe,” but Jesus tells them that their actions will prove differently

        • This transitions us into the second point

    • Fear Turns To Peace (vv. 31-32)

        • Question instead of statement (v. 31)

          • In the 1984 translation of the NIV, they have the beginning of verse 31 as a statement, “You believe at last!”

            • When we read that, it sounds like a statement of triumph or relief

            • It seems like Jesus is rejoicing with the disciples, but that’s not what is intended here

          • Most translations and scholars agree that it should be a question instead of a statement

            • “Do you now believe?”

            • I came imagine that Jesus’ face showed shock or disbelief when He asks the question

            • Perhaps the question could be stated like this, “Do you now believe, really?” ​​ (it adds the dimension of doubt)

          • The reason that Jesus would be asking the question with doubt in His mind is because He knows what is going to happen in just a few short hours

        • Foretelling the future (v. 32a)

          • We know the events in the garden, because they have been recorded for us

          • After Jesus was arrested, all of the disciples deserted him and fled (Matt. 26:56b; Mark 14:50)

          • While the disciples left Jesus alone, He was not truly alone – the Father was with Him

        • Never alone (v. 32b)

          • The Father was with Jesus throughout His arrest, trial, crucifixion, burial, and resurrection

          • PRINCIPLE #3 – God is always present with His people (omnipresent).

            • The writer of Hebrews quotes Moses

              • Moses spoke to the Israelites as leadership was transitioning to Joshua

              • In Deuteronomy 31:6 he says this, Be strong and courageous. ​​ Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.

              • We can hold on to this principle, promise, and truth as disciples of Jesus Christ

                • God is always present with us

                • He is there through every trial and triumph in your life

                • Even when you feel like He is distant, the truth is, He is right there with you – truth triumphs over feelings every time

              • #3 – My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Claim the promise that God is always with me.

            • We can have peace through Christ, because we know that God is always present with us

          • Jesus’ final thought for His disciples

        • Peace in Christ (v. 33)

          • Peace

            • Jesus has told the disciples about His leaving, about the fact that they would experience the same things He did, about their scattering and leaving Him alone, so that in Him they would have peace

            • Aside from being in Christ, they would not experience true peace

            • “Inner peace is conditional; it can come only through Jesus.” ​​ [Gangel, Holman New Testament Commentary, John, 305]

          • Trouble

            • We live in two realms or realities

            • In the world we will experience trouble – that is inevitable

            • We can experience peace even while going through trouble, when we are in Christ

            • We have to remind ourselves about being connected to the vine – Jesus – and what they means

          • PRINCIPLE #4 – Jesus is all-powerful! (omnipotent)

            • Jesus tells His disciples and us to take heart! – be courageous! – have hope!

            • Even though we will go through trouble in this world, Jesus has overcome the world

            • While we will experience the same things that Jesus did on earth (persecution, hatred, kicked out of the church, etc.) we can have hope, because He has overcome the world

            • His perfect sacrifice on the cross satisfied God’s standard for redemption

            • His resurrection meant that He won over sin and death

            • He has overcome and because of that we can have peace through Him no matter what this world throws at us (COVID-19, racial tensions, relational struggles, health issues, financial strain, fear, anxiety, depression, etc.)


  • YOU

    • We can have peace with God, because of Jesus perfect sacrifice

    • We can have peace through Christ, because He knows everything

    • We can have peace through Christ, because He is always present with us

    • We can have peace through Christ, because He is all-powerful and has overcome


  • WE

    • These are the truths that we should be sharing with the world as disciples of Jesus Christ



“In his book Hidden in Plain Sight: The Secret of More, author and pastor Mark Buchanan illustrates God's love through the story of Tracy. He writes:


Tracy is one of the worship leaders at our church. One Sunday, as she sat at the piano, she talked about the difficult week she'd just been through. It was chaotic, she said—a mess of petty crises on top of a rash of minor accidents, all mixed up in a soup can of crazy busyness. It had left her weary and cranky. She got up that Sunday to lead worship and felt spent, with nothing more to give.

However, Tracy's 8-year-old daughter, Brenna, helped her gain new perspective earlier that morning. When Tracy had walked into the living room, the window was covered with scrawl. Using a crayon, Brenna had scribbled something across the picture window, top to bottom and side to side.


At first, it seemed like one more mess for Tracy to clean up. Then she saw what Brenna had written: love, joy, peace, patience, kindnece, goodnece, faithfulnece, gentlnece and selfcantrol (in Brenna's delightful spelling).


Mark writes: ‘Tracy stopped, drank it in. Her heart flooded with light. It was exactly what she needed to be reminded about: the gift of the fruit of the Spirit that arises, not by our circumstances, but by Christ within us.


And then Tracy noticed one more thing Brenna had written at the edge of the window: Love one another. Only Brenna, in her creative spelling, had written: Love won another.’


As Mark concludes: ‘It's what Jesus has been trying to tell us all along. You were won that way. Now go and do likewise.’”


Mark Buchanan, Hidden in Plain Sight: The Secret of More (Thomas Nelson, 2007); submitted by Van Morris, Mount Washington, Kentucky.






Labor Pains

(John 16:16-24)



“Do you know what the word gospel means? Euangelion. It means literally the joy news. J.R.R. Tolkien, says there’s a kind of story … that brings us unbelievable joy … He says these stories always have a certain kernel to them. There’s always some incredibly hopeless situation, and victory is snatched out of the jaws of defeat. But how? Always through someone who comes in, and whose weakness turns out to be strength, someone whose defeat turns out to be a victory. He says it’s those kinds of stories that just seem to bring us joy. He called them eucatastrophes.


Do you know what the word eucatastrophe means? The joyful catastrophe. The tragedy that turns out to be a triumph. The sacrifice that turns out to bring joy. He said, however, there’s a Eucatastrophe of the eucatastrophes. There is a Story in all of the stories. He believes there’s a bass string to the human heart, and those stories can kind of make it reverberate a little bit but can’t pluck it.


Tolkien says the gospel story is the only story that will pluck that string so the whole heart never stops reverberating and vibrating with joy. The reason it will reverberate is … this is the reality to which all of the other stories point. It happened. It really happened. There really is a hero who defeats the villain. There really is Jesus. The word gospel means the joy news. Joy. It’s real. You have to have it.”


You can read the sermon here.


Tim Keller sermon on “The Joy of Jesus” from the Series: The Fruit of the Spirit—The Character of Christ, (May 3, 1998).





  • ME

    • Seth’s labor and delivery

        • We were expecting Seth, but he was trying to come early

        • For weeks leading up to his birth, the doctor was telling Judy not to have the baby

        • She had been on medication to stop contractions

        • So, when they finally said she could deliver the baby, she was not as mentally prepared as she had been with Wade’s delivery

        • Everything happened pretty quickly from there

        • I remember that Judy was laboring through her contractions, but I also remember that I needed to use the restroom, because my bladder was full

        • When I told Judy I was going to step into the bathroom, she told me I wasn’t going anywhere

        • She grabbed my hand and I stayed right there with her until Seth was born

        • I’m certainly not comparing the discomfort of a full bladder with labor, but I also remember not having to go to the bathroom after Seth was born

        • What discomfort I had was transformed by the birth of our second son

    • Tears of joy

        • Aside from my salvation experience and my marriage to Judy, the birth of my three boys has brought me the greatest joy

        • I tell people that I cried at the births of all three boys, but they were tears of joy

        • If you’ve never experienced the birth of a child, it’s hard to explain the sheer joy that fills your heart

        • The fullness of joy has to spill out of your body somehow and for me it spilled out through my eyes


  • WE

    • Women

        • If you have given birth, you understand what Jesus is telling His disciples in this passage today

        • The birth of your child is what caused you great pain, but the same child is also what brought you great joy

        • I suspect that most women don’t forget the pain associated with child birth, but I also think that the joy that fills their heart and life following the delivery, is what gives women the strength and courage to go through it again and again

    • Men

        • With technology today, we can also experience a little bit of what labor pains are like (we’ll never understand it fully)

        • They have machines that try to simulate contractions

        • They also have weighted belly suits that let us know what it’s like to carry the extra weight of a baby

          • I tried one of those on when we were expecting Wade

          • The instructor dropped a pencil on the floor and asked me to pick it up

          • When I bent my knees and squatted down to pick it up, both of my knees popped

        • While we can’t truly understand and experience the pain of childbirth, it doesn’t diminish the joy associated with the birth of our children


Jesus is trying to help His disciples understand that He is going to be leaving them soon. ​​ They will experience grief and heartache as He goes to the cross, but their grief will only last for a short time. ​​ He uses the illustration of a woman in labor and the joy she experiences at the birth of her child. ​​ God does not substitute something else to relieve the mother’s pain, in childbirth. ​​ Instead, He uses what is there already but transforms it [Wiersbe, 363]. ​​ The same was going to be true for the disciples. ​​ God was going to transform their grief into joy. ​​ He wasn’t going to remove it or substitute it with something else. ​​ God is doing the same thing in our lives even today. ​​ Jesus wants us to understand that . . .


BIG IDEA – God brings joy through transformation.


Let’s pray


  • GOD (John 16:16-24)

    • Resistant Joy (vv. 16-22)

        • Jesus’ statement (v. 16)

          • “In a little while you will see me no more . . .”

            • This part of the statement should not have taken the disciples by surprise or caused them confusion, because Jesus had been alluding to this for quite some time

            • John records at least three times when Jesus mentioned that He would be with them for only a short time

              • John 7:33, Jesus said, “I am with you for only a short time, and then I go to the one who sent me.” [NIV]

              • John 12:35, Then Jesus told them, “You are going to have the light just a little while longer. ​​ Walk while you have the light, before darkness overtakes you. ​​ The man who walks in the dark does not know where he is going.” [NIV]

              • John 13:33, “My children, I will be with you only a little longer. ​​ You will look for me, and just as I told the Jews, so I tell you now: ​​ Where I am going, you cannot come.” [NIV]

            • Just like the disciples

              • When we’re faced with a situation that we don’t want to accept, it’s easy to block out the truth

              • We hear only what we want to hear

              • We struggle with denial, because we don’t want it to be true

              • So, it’s not difficult to understand why the disciples, even after being told multiple times by Jesus about His eminent departure, are still confused by His statement here

              • They’ve blocked out the truth, because they don’t want to accept His departure

              • My guess is that when they agreed to follow Him, they believed He would be with them longer than three plus years

            • In a few short hours, the disciples would not see Jesus, because He would be buried in a tomb

            • While the disciples should have understood Jesus’ impending departure, the next part of the statement would have confused anyone

          • “. . . and then after a little while you will see me.”

            • Most scholars agree, and John’s first readers would have understood, that Jesus is referring to His resurrection here – this is the benefit of hindsight

            • The disciples didn’t have that benefit when Jesus was making this statement to them

            • Resurrection was not a common activity in the 1st Century – resurrection was not common prior to Jesus’ resurrection or since His resurrection

            • On the last day (the end of times), resurrection will be common

              • John 5:28-29, “Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice, and will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment.” [NASB]

              • 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. ​​ After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. ​​ And so we will be with the Lord forever. [NIV]

            • Since resurrection was not commonplace, it’s not hard to see why the disciples struggled with the second part of Jesus’ statement

          • What we see next is their confusion

        • Confused disciples (vv. 17-18)

          • Because the disciples have blocked out Jesus’ multiple references to His departure (His death), they don’t understand the first part of His statement

          • And, because resurrection was not commonplace, they definitely didn’t understand the second part of His statement

          • Talking about Jesus instead of to Jesus

            • It’s fascinating that the disciples are talking amongst themselves about Jesus, instead of talking directly to Him

            • They’re all together at this point, with Jesus

            • But isn’t this just like us

              • Whether it’s something spiritual or non-spiritual, we find it easier to talk to someone else instead of the person who has the solution or can actually affect change

                • We spend time talking about our boss to another colleague at work instead of talking to our boss

                • We spend time talking to other neighbors about the neighbor, who is causing problems in the neighborhood, instead talking to them

                • We spend time talking to another family members about the family member we have a problem with instead of talking to the family member directly

                • We spend time talking about other believers in the Church (the universal Church) instead of talking to them about their beliefs

                • We spend time talking about church leadership with other church members, instead of talking to church leadership about our concerns

              • And most of the time we neglect to talk to God, first, about all of these situations, when He is the One who can and will transform our perspective and keep us from saying something that we may later regret

            • #1 – My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Commit to talk to God, first, about individuals and situations that I am struggling with, and then go and talk with the individual(s) who can affect change.

          • While the disciples started out talking to each other about Jesus, they ended up acknowledging that they needed Jesus’ help to understand His statement

          • Jesus didn’t need to have any supernatural knowledge to know that the disciples wanted to ask Him about His statement, because it was obviously written all over their faces – Jesus saw that they wanted to ask him about this, . . .

        • Jesus’ explanation (vv. 19-22)

          • Jesus asks them what they are discussing (v. 19)

            • Jesus doesn’t keep them waiting in agony

            • Instead He asks them if they are questioning each other about His statement

            • Jesus then repeats the statement

          • Jesus tells them they will weep and mourn while the world rejoices (v. 20)

            • Jesus starts with the 23rd “Amen, amen” saying found in the book of John [Michaels, The New International Commentary on the New Testament, The Gospel of John, 842]

            • He begins to explain what His statement meant

            • Weep and mourn while the world rejoices

              • This is again a reference to His death and burial that would happen within a day

              • The disciples were going to be shocked, confused, hurt, and scattered, because their Rabbi, their Teacher, their friend, their Messiah would be dead

              • This would cause rejoicing by the world

                • The world would be the Romans and the Jews

                • Jesus had been exposing their sin and making them culpable (responsible) for their own sin

                • John 15:22, If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin. ​​ Now, however, they have no excuse for their sin. [NIV]

                • They knew right from wrong and would have to make a conscience choice to either follow what was right or choose to continue in their sin

                • With Jesus dead, the world would rejoice, because they would no longer have to constantly experience the feelings of guilt every time they saw Jesus in the Temple courts or throughout the Roman Empire

                • What they didn’t understand was that Jesus’ death was part of a divine plan to bring redemption to the world

                • They also didn’t understand that part of God’s plan was to bring Jesus back to life, and in doing so, conquer sin and death

                • This was all part of God’s plan to enable us to be in a right relationship with Him, again

                • Humanity’s relationship with God had been severed since the time of Adam and Eve

                • God was restoring that relationship through the death, burial, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus

              • Jesus was only going to be separated from His disciples for a short time – three days

            • Grief will turn to joy

              • When Jesus came alive again, He showed Himself to certain disciples (Mary Magdalene, Peter) and then to the eleven disciples, and eventually to around 500 disciples

              • What the disciples thought was the end, was just the beginning

              • The grief they would experience would only be short-lived

              • They didn’t understand that when Jesus told them, but Jesus told them nonetheless – He was preparing them ahead of time

              • “OT Israel knew that it is God who is able to ‘turn their mourning into gladness’ and to give them ‘comfort and joy instead of sorrow.’” ​​ [Köstenberger, Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, John, 475-76]

                • Jeremiah 31:13, Then maidens will dance and be glad, young men and old as well. ​​ I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow. [NIV]

                • Isaiah 61:2-3, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion – to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. ​​ They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.

              • The disciples would only grieve for a little while, because Jesus would be coming back to life and seeing them again

            • “Confusion turns to truth and grief turns to joy when we understand what Jesus has said.” ​​ [Gangel, Holman New Testament Commentary, John, 302]

            • Jesus then uses a woman’s labor and the birth of a child to help the disciples understand that God would bring joy through transformation

          • Birth illustration (v. 21)

            • PRINCIPLE #1 – God brings joy, not by substitution, but by transformation.

              • “The same baby that caused the pain also caused the joy.” ​​ [Wiersbe, The Bible Exposition Commentary, New Testament, Volume 1, 363]

              • Relief of pain in childbirth

                • Perhaps in the 1st Century there was some kind of root that a woman in labor could chew on to relieve pain, but they didn’t have an epidural or intravenous pain medication like we have today

                • They had to go through the intense labor pains associated with childbirth

                • In the 1st Century there was not a substitute that a mother could use to relieve the pain

                • All the pain and hardship of labor was overshadowed by the joy that the mother experienced once the baby was born

                • The pain that the mother was experiencing was transformed into joy after the baby arrived

              • Jesus uses this birth analogy to help the disciples understand what they will be going through shortly

            • Jesus uses something the disciples understood to help remove their confusion about His original statement

          • Application of the illustration for the disciples (v. 22)

            • Just as a woman’s pain is transformed into joy once her baby is born, so it will be with the disciples and their grief

              • They’ve already been experiencing apprehension and anxiety about Jesus leaving

              • When He is crucified, their apprehension and anxiety will turn to grief and mourning

              • When He appears to them, after His resurrection, their grief will be transformed into joy

              • The same Jesus who had died, would be alive again!

              • God did not substitute another person in Jesus’ place, rather He transformed Jesus by allowing Him to come alive again

              • In Luke 24:17-27 we read about two disciples heading home after Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection (read the passage)

              • They had lost hope, but Jesus transformed their disappointment into joy, when He revealed Himself to them

              • Thomas’s doubt was transformed into belief when He saw the risen Lord

            • No one will take away your joy

              • The joy that the disciples would experience after seeing Jesus resurrected, would never be able to be taken away from them

              • The memory and joy that I experienced at the birth of my three sons cannot be taken away from me

              • As parents, the joy you experienced at the birth of your children cannot be taken away from you

              • As believers, the joy of our salvation experience cannot be taken away from us

              • We have joy that is resistant to any situation or circumstance that this world can throw at us, because of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection

            • Biblical examples of transformation through pain [Wiersbe, 364]

              • Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, falsely accused of taking advantage of Potiphar’s wife and imprisoned as a result, but God transformed that situation for His glory and to save His people (Genesis 37-50). ​​ You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives (Gen. 50:20) [NIV]

              • The Israelites experienced persecution by the Egyptians after Joseph’s death, but that persecution only caused them to multiply and prosper

              • King Saul relentlessly pursued David in an attempt to kill him, but God used those circumstances to transform David into a man after His own heart and to give us many of the psalms that encourage us today as we face difficulties

              • In the 1st Century a cross was a symbol of death, but today we wear a cross around our neck or printed on a piece of clothing as a symbol of life, eternal life through Jesus’ perfect sacrifice – God transformed the cross so it would be symbol of hope and joy

            • God brings joy through transformation

          • Application for us

            • Every one of us goes through difficulty and pain, but we can experience joy if we allow God to transform the situation

            • He won’t substitute the pain and suffering, but He’ll use it to transform us

            • We have to be open to His transforming power in our lives

            • The Apostle Paul went through some pretty serious difficulties, things that we have probably never experienced, but listen to his words to the Roman and Corinthian believers

              • Romans 8:18, I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. [NIV]

              • 2 Corinthians 4:17-18, For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. ​​ So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. ​​ For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. [NIV]

            • Substitution instead of transformation

              • I believe that many times God uses pain and suffering in our lives to get our attention, because He was to transform something in us

              • How many times, when faced with difficulties, suffering, and pain do we choose substitution instead of transformation?

                • When there’s conflict at work we look for a new job instead of allowing God to transform us

                • When there is pain and suffering in our family, we substitute with social media, friends, hobbies, etc., instead of allowing God to transform us

                • When there’s conflict in our neighborhood or at church, we may move to another neighborhood or church, instead of allowing God to transform us

                • God will transform the pain into joy for His glory, if we allow Him to

              • “The way of substitution for solving problems is the way of immaturity. ​​ The way of transformation is the way of faith and maturity.” ​​ [Wiersbe, 364]

            • #2 – My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Experience joy by allowing God to transform the pain and suffering that I’m currently experiencing.

        • We not only can have resistant joy, but our joy can also be complete

    • Complete Joy (vv. 16:23-24)

        • Prediction of His ascension (v. 23a)

          • In the New Testament, in that day, usually refers to the end of the age or the last days – when Jesus returns a second time

          • That’s not how it’s being used here, because the disciples are going to be asking the Father in Jesus’ name – they’re not in heaven yet

          • In that day,” is referring to the time after Jesus rises from the dead, ascends into heaven, and sends the Holy Spirit as another Counselor

          • The disciples will no longer ask Jesus for any questions

        • Praying in Jesus’ name (vv. 23b-24)

          • Two different Greek words for ask

            • In that day you will no longer ask me anything

              • Erōtaō – means to question or inquire of

              • NASB – In that day you will not question Me about anything.

            • I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name

              • Aiteō – means to ask, to ask or request for oneself

              • NASB – Truly, truly, I say to you, if you ask the Father for anything in My name, He will give it to you

              • As I mentioned in John 15:16, this does not mean that Jesus or the Father are like a genie in a bottle, granting every wish and whim that we ask for

                • As Jon Courson points out, praying in Jesus’ name means that we are coming in His authority and in conformity to His character and nature [Courson, Jon Courson’s Application Commentary, New Testament, 571]

                • Too often we pray selfish prayers that fall into the category of “Comfort” instead of “Mission” [Carter & Wredberg, Christ-Centered Exposition: ​​ Exalting Jesus in John, 331-32]

                • When we pray using the example that Jesus gave His disciples, we can be confident that the Father will give us whatever we ask in Jesus’ name

                • Matthew 6:9-10, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” [NIV]

              • “The name of Christ is both the passport by which the disciples may claim access into the audience chamber of God and the medium through which the Divine answer comes.” ​​ [Swete cited by Hoskyns cited by Burge, The NIV Application Commentary, John, 442]

            • The disciples didn’t need to ask the Father in Jesus’ name before this time, because Jesus was with them

          • Jesus was with them

            • That doesn’t mean they never asked God for things while Jesus was on earth or even before He was on earth

            • The dynamic of praying to the Father would change after Jesus’ death, burial, resurrection, and ascension

            • PRINCIPLE #2 – Believing prayer, in Jesus’ name, is the power that brings complete joy.

              • The disciples would experience complete joy as they prayed in Jesus’ name according to the will of God

              • We can experience complete joy also when we pray in Jesus’ name according to the will of God

              • #3 – My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Pray in Jesus’ name according to the will of God, so I can experience complete joy.


  • YOU



  • WE




“According to author and pastor Tullian (Tuh-lee-en) Tchividjian (Cha-vid-jen), ‘Suffering exposes the foundation of your life.’ In other words, suffering will reveal the true source of our joy and identity. Tullian offers the following personal story to illustrate this truth:


Seven years ago, after 41 years of marriage, my parents got divorced. It wasn't because of infidelity or abuse, physically or emotionally. My family and I still scratch our heads and wonder exactly what happened. Was it really a case of irreconcilable differences? I don't think that's possible for Christians because of the power of the gospel. It was an incredibly painful time for my siblings and me. We experienced a happy, healthy, loving home growing up. We had remarkable parents, and they provided the stability we needed as children. I don't know what it's like for a mom and dad to go through a divorce while their children are young. All I know is that it's weird to watch your parents' divorce in the stage of life where you have to explain it to your own kids.


The Bible states clearly that God hates divorce. It grieves his heart. There was nothing about my parents' divorce that seemed redemptive. I couldn't understand why God allowed it to happen. I was struggling with the whole situation, not simply because I was sad that my mom and dad apparently could not keep the promises they made to one another 41 years earlier, but because part of my identity was wrapped up in being the son of my parents. I felt important because of their standing in society. My mom and dad were remarkable citizens and church people. Their reputation made me feel significant. I realized years later that much of the devastation I had experienced was due to the fact that I had idolized my parents and their reputation.


Tullian concludes: ‘If the foundation of your happiness is your vocation, your relationships, or your money, then suffering takes your source of joy away from you. But if your ultimate value in life is God, then suffering drives you closer to your source of joy—God.’”


Tullian Tchividjian, "Job: Center Stage,"





As some of you know I really love genealogy. In fact, I would probably call myself a genealogy junkie. It is not only a hobby of mine but a passion as well. I really can’t get enough. I would do genealogy all day every day if I could get away with it. I have been tracing my family tree since I was in junior high and have been tracing Judy’s tree since we were married. I love to trace family trees whether there are any relation to me or not. In fact, I have done work on the family trees of some of you who are here this morning. I usually can’t help myself and after talking to someone about their family I will go right home and start searching on and I won’t stop until I have exhausted the available resources. It is really exciting to be able to go back generation after generation on my family tree or honestly anyone’s family tree.

Here is a depiction of the first six generations of my Webb family tree including me. There I am with my father Philip, my grandfather William, my great grandfather Pearl, my great great grandfather James and my third great grandfather Aquilla.

Now I have a confession to make. Last Tuesday was my mom’s birthday. And she called me on her birthday not the other way around. It probably didn’t surprise her because I am usually three days late calling her for most special days. But before we hung up she asked me if I was preaching today and I said yes and later on as I laid awake in bed I realized that in the PPT this morning I had only put my Webb family in and not hers. I felt bad about that especially if she was going to watch this morning so here is my mother’s side of my family tree. Her maiden name was Haney. My mom Jean, my grandfather Joseph, my great grandfather Ellis, great great grandfather Thomas, my third great grandmother Louisa and I actually have one more known generation on my Haney side my fourth great grandfather William Haney. There you go mom, Happy Birthday.

Back to the Webb side of my family tree. My third great grandfather Aquila Webb was born in 1803 in Maryland. That is as far back as I have been able to document. Now, I have found another Aquilla Webb who was married in Maryland in 1802, and I could surmise that he is the father of my known Aquilla but I can’t prove it. In genealogical terms that is what we call a brick wall. Now there are many ways to break down our genealogical brick walls and one of those is with DNA. We receive about 50% of our DNA from our parents, about 25% from our grandparents and so on and so on. So it could be possible to find someone who shares DNA with me that also shares a common ancestor back to my fourth great grandfather whether that is this unknown Aquilla Webb or someone else.

There are a number of DNA tests and testing companies out there. The different tests can help you learn different things about your ancestors. An Autosomal DNA Test can be taken by males or females and will typically give you DNA matches within 5 to 6 generations on both your mother’s and father’s sides of the family. The YDNA Test is taken by a male, and is used to track the Y chromosome passed from father to son over the generations. It can provide paternal matches and a paternal haplogroup. A haplogroup is the area of the world that ancestry originated from many, many generations back. If a father’s family line is in question, this DNA test may help break down that brick wall. Third, there is the mtDNA Test that can be taken by males or females, but it looks only at the genetic markers of your mother’s maternal line. It too extends back many generations and can provide maternal matches and a maternal haplogroup showing where your maternal ancestry originated. ​​ If your brick wall involves your mother’s maternal family line, this DNA test may be helpful.

So if I took a DNA test and uploaded it onto say,, it would be compared to other people’s DNA that has been submitted and would tell me if I shared DNA with any of them and how much. That could help me to break down that brick wall and find more generations of my family tree. The DNA that is in you right now is the same DNA that is in everyone who is a part of your biological family and can be traced many generations back even to the original area in the world that your ancestors came from. And as Christians, we have DNA is us as well, it’s a supernatural DNA.

That brings us to our scripture this morning, which is found in John 16:4b-15. Jesus again tells the disciples he is leaving and mildly rebukes them for thinking only about themselves as he prepares to go to the cross and back to the Father. He says leaving them will greatly benefit them but they will not reap the benefits until after he is crucified and resurrected. Only then can he send the Holy Spirit to them and into the world to fulfil his purpose. When we surrender to Jesus as our Lord and Savior the Holy Spirit comes upon us and infuses us with the DNA of our Father, who is God. As Christians with the Holy Spirit in us we start to grow more like Christ, start to look more like Christ, thinking and loving more like Christ. This is because of God’s DNA that the Holy Spirit puts in us at our conversion.

Judy and I have been watching a new TV show called The Genetic Detective. In this show, the Genetic Detective, Ceecee Moore takes DNA from cold case crime scenes and matches it to people who upload their DNA to the database called GEDMatch. From these DNA matches she can compile a family tree that works from the past to the present that includes the perpetrator of the crime. She can then give this new evidence to the police. One of her catch phrases is DNA doesn’t lie. If DNA from a crime scene matches DNA in the database then that means they are part of the same family. That brings us to our big idea this morning that John wants us to understand which is that the Holy Spirit in us is the proof that we are part of the family of God. Just as physical DNA doesn’t lie, spiritual DNA doesn’t lie either. If you have the Holy Spirit in you, you are part of God’s family tree.

Before we start to unpack what it is the Holy Spirit does in the world and in our lives, let’s pray, Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this time that we can take out of our busy weeks to stop and rest in your word. I pray that our hearts and minds will be open to what you want us to hear, to learn and to apply to our lives this week and in the future. In Jesus’ name Amen.

Our first point this morning is the Work of the Holy Spirit and that is found in John 16, verses 4b-11. Follow along as I read those verses. This is what God’s Word says, “These things I did not say to you at the beginning, because I was with you. 5 “But now I am going to Him who sent Me; and none of you asks Me, ‘Where are You going?’ 6 But because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart. 7 But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you. 8 And He, when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment; 9 concerning sin, because they do not believe in Me; 10 and concerning righteousness, because I go to the Father and you no longer see Me; 11 and concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged.”

The first thing we see is that Jesus says he didn’t tell them certain things in the beginning because he was with them. What didn’t he tell them? Pastor Stuart told us about these things in last week’s sermon. The things that he didn’t tell them was about the persecution they would come up against once he had left them to go to his Father. He said they would be put out of the synagogue and even killed. The reason he didn’t tell them about the persecution earlier was that he was with them. Throughout his ministry, Jesus shielded the disciples from the opposition and took the brunt of the persecution. The disciples had not personally seen persecution but that was going to change after Jesus was crucified. They would face the hatred of the world because of their allegiance and faith in Jesus. Jesus never promised a life of ease and comfort in following him. In fact he said following him was like picking up their own cross and being willing to lose their life for his sake (Luke 9:23-24).

Next Jesus again brings up the fact that he is leaving and returning to the Father. He mildly rebukes the disciples for not asking him about where he is going. Now you might wonder why Jesus said that because back in John 14:5, Thomas said we don’t know where you are going and in John 13:36, Peter asks Jesus where he was going. But Thomas was asking about the way of Jesus’ departure and Peter was questioning the reasonableness of the cross and Jesus says those things were secondary. The point was the goal of the cross, which was the glorification of Jesus, and returning to the Father to sit on his right hand.

We know from the gospels that the disciples never imagined that the Messiah would be a conquering, suffering, dying and resurrected Lord. They couldn’t fathom that and so never truly focused on where Jesus was going and how he was going to get there. They were so filled with their own sorrow and grief that one, they never stopped to think about the excruciatingly painful and humiliating way of the cross that Jesus was going to take to go back to the Father. They should have been comforting him, not the other way around. Two, they never considered that for Jesus to return to the Father was to be the most glorifying and wonderful thing imaginable for Jesus. They didn’t seem to be concerned for Jesus at all and seemed to protest Jesus abandoning them rather than expressing a genuine interest in what he was about to experience. Their selfishness, anxiety and grief blinded them to what Jesus wanted to teach them. ​​ 

In verse 7 Jesus says, “But I tell you the truth” which means “listen up.” He says that it was for their advantage that he was going away even if it seemed disastrous to them right now. He wanted to send the helper to them but that couldn’t happen until he went away. Jesus in his earthly body could not be everywhere. He was limited in time and space but the helper would have no such limitations. The helper could be with believers anywhere and everywhere they would go. There would be uninterrupted fellowship with forever with Jesus through the Holy Spirit.

Jesus doesn’t tell the disciples why the helper couldn’t come until he went away. We know why this was necessary today but the disciples did not which was why they were still feeling fear, anxiety and confusion that night. The helper’s ministry was and is to reveal the person and works of Jesus Christ and that could not be fully realized until Jesus’ finished work of redemption and salvation on the cross, ascension into heaven and exaltation at the right hand of the Father.

This coming of the Holy Spirit was a fulfillment of the promise found in Matthew 28:20 which ends, “and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” That promise found at the end of the Great Commission means that as we live on this earth making disciples, baptizing and teaching people about the good news of Jesus, the Holy Spirit is right there with us.

In verses 8-11, we see the Holy Spirit’s work in the unbelieving world. His work is to convict the world of its guilt in regard to sin, righteousness and judgment. The Greek word John uses for “convict” translates to “reprove” or “convince”. It is a word that would have been used in a court of law to cross examine a person on trial or an opponent in an argument. ​​ The idea was for the person on trial or the opposing party to see and admit the error of their ways. In this context the word refers to being convinced that the position they have taken in regard to Jesus is wrong. The outcome of the Holy Spirit’s work could go one of two ways. They could be convinced of their sin and their need for a savior or they could continue to reject Jesus, be convicted and spend eternity separated from God. The Spirit’s ministry in the world is a positive ministry. His goal is to bring sinners to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ not condemnation. No one can be saved apart from the Spirit’s convicting and regenerating work.

The Holy Spirit is going to convict or convince the world of three things. The first thing that the world will be convicted of is their sin. What is this sin? It is the sin of their rejection and unbelief in Jesus. They did not believe in Jesus as the Son of God or as Messiah. This was not a problem of understanding on their part but a willful rejection of Jesus as Lord and Savior. If they had believed they would have repented and accepted him. Holman says, “The root of this sin is the belief that we can atone for ourselves. God is not looking for perfect people but people who are willing to accept the atonement that he has already provided.”

The second thing that the world will be convicted of is their righteousness and that is seen in the fact that Jesus was returning to the Father in heaven. The Jews thought they knew God and that they were the righteous ones. Everything pointed to Jesus being God’s Son and the Messiah sent by him but they thought there was no way that Jesus of Nazareth could be the Son of God, so they rejected him and crucified him. They thought they were doing the “righteous” thing. The Holy Spirit came into the world to convict them in regard to their righteousness because guess what? The proof that Jesus was the true Son of God and the Messiah was the fact that he would return to heaven and would be accepted by God back to his rightful place. That’s why in verse 10, Jesus says, “and you no longer see me.” He is in heaven.

God is holy and he cannot be where sin is and the proof that Jesus was the sinless, righteous one sent from God was that he was accepted back into heaven after his life, ministry and death here on the earth. This proves that Jesus was righteous and that the world was not. Barrett says, “Jesus’ death proved his complete obedience to the will of God, and his exaltation proved that his righteousness was approved by more than human acclamation.” The world believes in the relative righteousness of people but not the absolute righteousness of Christ. Man is not worthy to declare the righteousness of Jesus, but God is and we should be glad, because God declares our righteousness based on the righteousness of Jesus.

The third thing that the world will be convicted of is their judgment. The world’s judgment is wrong and the Holy Spirit convicts the world of its false judgment. The world thought it was judging Jesus but in fact it was the world that was judged. That is seen in the fact that the prince of this world now stands condemned. The prince of this world is Satan and by Jesus’ death and resurrection on the cross he has already been beaten and condemned to the lake of Fire for all eternity. This is not an arbitrary feat of power but justice being done in the overthrow of the evil one. By the time the Holy Spirit comes, Satan is already condemned and he will convict those in the world that follow Satan of that fact. And if Satan is already condemned then that means that his followers are too. The world is already condemned and in desperate need to learn of its plight. This is a warning to those who follow Satan that he will not get away from judgment and neither will they.

There are only two possible responses to the convicting work of the Holy Spirit: repentance or rejection. Those who reject the Spirit’s conviction will spend eternity in Hell while those who repent will spend eternity in Heaven.

Our big idea this morning that the Holy Spirit in us is the proof that we are a part of the family of God. But the opposite is also true. If you don’t have the Holy Spirit in you, you are not part of the family of God. You are not in God’s family tree. It is the Holy Spirit’s function to convict and convince lost sinners of their guilt in regard to sin, righteousness and judgment. The question for all of us this morning is have we been convicted and convinced by the Holy Spirit. Have we repented of our sins and accepted Jesus as our Savior and become part of God’s family tree? Remember DNA doesn’t lie. Romans 6:23 says the wages of sin is death. It is a spiritual death and an eternal separation from God. But the rest of the verse says, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. This morning, you can become part of God’s family tree. That brings us to our first next step which is to confess my sin, accept Jesus as my Savior, be infused with God’s DNA by the Holy Spirit and become part of the family of God.

In verses 12-15, we see our second point this morning which is the revelation of the Holy Spirit that believers receive. Follow along as I read those verses. This is what God’s Word says, 12 “I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. 13 But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. 14 He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you. 15 All things that the Father has are Mine; therefore I said that He takes of Mine and will disclose it to you.”

Jesus goes from talking about the role of the Holy Spirit in the world, those who aren’t part of the family of God, to the role of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the disciples, those who are already part of God’s family tree. Jesus calls the Holy Spirit the Spirit of Truth, because he is going to reveal “all truth” to the disciples. There are three aspects to this revelation of the Holy Spirit. There is the need for revelation, the extent of the revelation and the goal of the revelation. Jesus says there is a lot more that he needs to impart to them but at this moment they can’t bear the things he has to tell them. There were three reasons they couldn’t bear it at that particular moment and would need the revelation of the Holy Spirit.

First, it was partly because they were overcome with sorrow because he said he was leaving them. They couldn’t get past their feelings of anxiety, loss, etc. and focus on the additional teachings Jesus wanted to give them. Second, they would not be able to totally understand the significance of the cross and the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus until after it happened. Like most Jews, the disciples believed that the Messiah would be a political and military deliverer, not that he would die. They couldn’t understand how the death of Jesus translated into his glory and the coming of his kingdom. The Holy Spirit was the one who would bring all the things that Jesus had told them during his ministry back to the disciples’ minds. Then they would understand and believe. John 2:22 says, “After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said. Then they believed the scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken.” We also see this in Luke 18:34 and John 12:16.

Third, all revelation is limited by the ability of the receiver to understand it. Until the Holy Spirit came on Pentecost they lacked the power both to grasp and to live out the implications of further revelation. This further revelation was specific truth about the Person of Jesus and the significance of what he said and did while on the earth. God doesn’t dump truth on us all at once and expect us to remember it but teaches us truth as we need to know it. The Bible is the greatest example of this truth in the progressive unfolding of the plan of salvation from Genesis to Revelation. Submission to Christ and knowledge of Christ go hand in hand. When we have the Father’s DNA in us we can better know Jesus and become more like him. BIG IDEA ​​ 

The next aspect of the revelation of the Spirit was the extent of that revelation. The revelation of the Holy Spirit was not going to be new revelation but it was going to be clarity of the revelation given to the disciples by Jesus himself. The Holy Spirit doesn’t speak on his own, in fact, he only speaks what he hears from Jesus and the Father. Just as Jesus while he was on the earth never acted on his own initiative but always did the will of the Father, the Spirit never acts on his own initiative but does the will of the Son.

Tenney says, “The Spirit would not present an independent message, differing from what the disciples had already learned from Christ. They would be led further into the realization of his person and in the development of the principles he had already laid down. They would also be enlightened about coming events. He would unfold the truth as the disciples grew in spiritual capacity and understanding.”

The Holy Spirit would also tell the disciples what was yet to come. This means in the immediate future not necessarily in the far future. “All truth” would comprise the New Testament writings. The Holy Spirit inspired the authors of the books of the Bible to write exactly what God wanted them to say. We see this today in God’s Word, the Bible. The Word of God is all the Christian needs in order to daily walk rightly with the Lord. 2 Tim 3:16-17 says, “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; 17 so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.” This means we need to study the Bible and studying the Bible apart from being filled with and walking in the Holy Spirit is fruitless. Also, the leading of the Holy Spirit in your life will always be consistent with God’s revealed will in the Bible. How do you know that you are being lead to do God’s will or not? Is it consistent with the Word of God?

That brings us our second next step which is to let the Holy Spirit continue to transform me by revealing the truth of Jesus and his Word to me.

Third, we see the goal of the revelation of the Holy Spirit. The goal of the Holy Spirit’s revelation to the disciples was to bring glory to the Son which in turn brings glory to the Father. The “what is mine” in verse 14, is nothing less than the revelation of the Father himself. The Holy Spirit would bring glory to Jesus by disclosing the truth about Christ, just as Jesus glorified the Father by revealing the truth about him.

It is the Spirit’s purpose to glorify Christ in revelation and our purpose to glorify Christ in proclamation. It is the witness of the Holy Spirit that ultimately testifies to the truthfulness of God’s Word. Only the Spirit can convince lost sinners of its divine inspiration. The Spirit must work in people’s lives for them to change their views of both the Bible, God’s written word, and Jesus, the incarnate Word. That sovereign work in the hearts and minds convinces people that the Bible is from God, that its words are reliable and that its message about Jesus is indeed the good news of salvation. Our final verse this morning focuses on the harmony and the oneness of Jesus, the Father and the Spirit. The Father gives to the Son and the Son gives to the Spirit and then the Spirit gives to us.

In closing, I want to read an article written by J. Warner Wallace, who is the author of Cold Case Christianity and a Christian apologist which means he defends Christianity against objections to it. The article is called “What Ancestry DNA kits reveal about God, our past and the way forward. Fortune reported recently that “DNA test kits are blowing up in popularity.” More people than ever are interested in discovering their ethnic heritage23andMe (the DNA testing company named after the 23 chromosome pairs that make up the human genome) has already performed over 5 million genetic tests for people who want to know more about their ancestry.

DNA test advertising reveals something important about our desire to know our past. In one well-known AncestryDNA commercial, a man named Kyle dances in lederhosen and tells the audience his family always thought they were German. His DNA test, however, revealed he was predominantly Scottish and Irish. This revelation seems to change the way he sees himself, and the commercial ends with Kyle wearing traditional Scottish garb, saying, “So, I traded in my lederhosen for a kilt.” The message here? Once you discover who you really are, you’ll begin to engage the world differently. Learning about your past will change the way you go forward.

Wallace goes on to say: My son, Jimmy, and his wife were recently given an opportunity to experience this for themselves when they received an ancestry DNA test as a gift. Jimmy was curious to learn about his own Scottish, German and Italian heritage, but when the results returned, none of his DNA was traced back to Italy, despite his strong Italian heritage through my mother’s side of the family. Why wasn’t Italy highlighted on his genetic map? Because our Italian ancestors (like many other Italians) trace their lineage through other parts of Europe like France and the Balkan regions. In essence, my son’s genetic test provided him with a snapshot of our family migration pattern, capturing our location prior to our arrival in Italy.

All ancestral DNA tests are similarly rooted in time. The people groups that came to Italy from France and the Balkans didn’t originate in those regions. If the test could take a snapshot one thousand years earlier, it would find them living somewhere else. The further back in time we go genetically, the smaller the number of people groups and the less diverse their locations. When my son learned his genetic history preceded Italy, he naturally wanted to know how far back in time he could trace it. Sadly, France (or the Balkans) was as far as he could go. Unless Christianity is true. The Christian worldview explains human origins in a way that not only satisfies our desire to know our past, but also helps us understand our identity so we can effectively move forward.

Christianity teaches that all humans were created by God and descended from a single pair: Adam and Eve. This means we are all genetically linked as siblings, cousins and distant relatives. According to Christianity, if our DNA technology was capable of even greater precision and historical “distance,” it would ultimately identify the Garden of Eden as our place of origin. This Biblical truth about our past, can help us navigate the future in a way that Darwinian explanations cannot. Later he concludes with: Once we discover who we really are, we’ll begin to engage the world differently. Learning about our past can truly change the way we go forward.

When we realize we have been created by God in the image of God to be in relationship with God that changes everything. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” Until you accept Jesus as your Savior and the Holy Spirit infuses the Father’s DNA in you, you are not part of God’s family tree. That is the old. But once you accept Jesus as your Savior you have the Holy Spirit in you. You are a new creation. You now discover who you were truly meant to be and begin to engage the world differently and it changes the way you live your life in the future. You will start to grow more like Christ, thinking more like Christ and loving more like Christ. DNA doesn’t lie. The Holy Spirit in you is proof that you are part of the family of God.

As Gene and Roxey come to lead us in our final song, let’s pray: Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for the Holy Spirit in us that helps us to be more like your Son, Jesus. Help us to accept the revelation of the Holy Spirit in our lives and allow him to teach us, to guide us, to correct us and train us in righteousness. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


The Hate Locker

(John 15:18-16:4a)



The 2008 film, The Hurt Locker, is a story about “the early months of the post-invasion period in Iraq . . . Sergeant First Class William James becomes the new team leader of an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) unit with the U.S. Army's Bravo Company, replacing Staff Sergeant Thompson, who was killed by a remote-detonated improvised explosive device (IED) in Baghdad. He joins Sergeant J.T. Sanborn and Specialist Owen Eldridge, whose jobs are to communicate with their team leader via radio inside his bomb suit, and provide him with rifle cover while he examines an IED.” ​​ [].


Initially the new team leader is not accepted by the other two team members, because of his brazen and reckless way of handling the disposal of explosives. ​​ They eventually bond as a team. ​​ Some of the Iraqi people hate them, which is why they are constantly being targeted and attacked by the insurgents. ​​ The hurt locker is a difficult place to work and live.


While we aren’t living and working in the hurt locker, it can feel like we are working and living in a hate locker. ​​ The hate locker is also a difficult place to work and live.


As followers of Jesus Christ we are part of the Alpha & Omega Company in God’s army as we fight the spiritual battle against Satan and his minions. ​​ As father’s we are called to be the spiritual leaders of our households. ​​ While this message is not specifically a Father’s Day message, as father’s we have to be aware of the spiritual battles that are taking place in our own families and lead our “troops” well.



  • ME

    • Secular work environment

        • Before working in ministry, I worked for several secular organizations including a bank, mortgage corporation, and direct mail marketing company

        • While I can’t say that the people I worked with hated me, I can say that my lifestyle, language, ethics, and morals made some of them uncomfortable

        • There were times when I was treated differently, because of my religious beliefs and personal standards

        • How I reacted to various conversations, invitations, and social settings was watched carefully

        • While I wouldn’t call my work, “a hate locker,” it was still an uncomfortable and sometimes difficult work environment

    • Ministry work environment

        • There were and have been times, while working in ministry, that I can say it felt like a hate locker

        • It’s unfortunate that the secular work environment can be more compassionate and understanding of differences than the ministry work environment


  • WE

    • Work environment

        • Perhaps you’ve experienced the same thing I have that your work environment is more forgiving than your ministry environment

        • Some of us may say the opposite – that our work environment is more hostile than our ministry environment

    • Ministry environment

        • It’s not hard to see those who have been hurt by the church, because they don’t want anything to do with the church anymore

        • They have experienced both the hate and hurt locker and never want to return to it again


Jesus tells His disciples that they are going to experience the same things, from the world, that He did – hatred, persecution, and death. ​​ They will be put out of the synagogue and even killed, because they are connected to Jesus, His words, and His works. ​​ As true disciples of Jesus Christ, we will also experience the same things He experienced – hatred, persecution, and death by both religious and non-religious people in the world. ​​ The great news is that . . .


BIG IDEA – Being hated by the world means we’re in good company.


If we’re hated by the world, then we know that we are loved by Jesus and the Father (John 15:9) and we are in the same company as Jesus’ disciples.


Let’s pray


  • GOD (John 15:18-16:4a)

    • Same Treatment (vv. 18-25)

        • The world’s reaction to disciples of Jesus Christ (vv. 18-19a, 20)

          • PRINCIPLE #1 – Being a disciple of Jesus means being hated and persecuted by the world.

          • Hatred (v. 18-19a)

            • Jesus has just given His disciples the command to love each other as He has loved them (John 15:12, 17)

            • Now He tells them about the hatred the world has towards them – it’s the total opposite

            • He reminds them that the world hated Him first

              • Being hated by the world means we’re in good company.

              • Jesus then gives them the opposite truth or principle

              • They would be loved by the world, if they belonged to the world, but they don’t

              • We’ll talk about that in just a little bit

            • The disciples won’t just be hated, but they will also be persecuted – it moves from an attitude of the heart to action

          • Persecution (v. 20)

            • Jesus reminds them what He said earlier about a servant and master

              • Earlier that evening, when Jesus washed His disciple’s feet, He said the same thing, no servant is greater than his master (John 13:16)

                • In that context Jesus is exhorting His disciples to follow His example

                • In fact, He tells them that they are to continue to practice foot washing with each other (John 13:14-15)

              • In the current context, Jesus, telling His disciples that no servant is greater than his master, means that they will not miraculously avoid the same treatment He received, but will experience persecution as well

                • When the disciples began their public ministry we know that they experienced the same hatred and persecution that Jesus did

                • Luke tells us in Acts 5:17-42 about one of the times that the disciples experienced persecution

                • We see their response in Acts 5:41, The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name.

                • In fact, all of disciples/apostles, except John, died for their faith in Jesus and witness for Him

                • The early church also experienced persecution, On that day [the day of Stephen’s stoning] a great persecution broke out against the church at Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria (Acts 8:1)

            • Two conditional statements support the statement that no servant is greater than his master

              • Persecution

                • If they persecuted me [and many of them did], they will persecute you also

                • Jesus is telling them that persecution will happen for them – it’s not if, but when

                • The second conditional statement is similar

              • Obeying Jesus’ teaching

                • This conditional statement can be taken two ways – positive and negative

                • PositiveIf they obeyed my teaching [and some of them did], they will obey yours also

                  • This brings hope for the mission of Gospel

                  • The apostles experienced the positive side of this statement many times

                  • The most dramatic would be on the Day of Pentecost

                  • Luke tells us about in Acts 2:41, Those who accepted his [Peter’s] message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.

                • NegativeIf they obeyed my teaching [which they did not!], they will obey yours also [which they will not!]

                  • The apostles also experienced this, especially with the Jewish religious leaders (Acts 5:17-42; 12:1-19; 16:16-40)

                  • They were opposed to the message of the Gospel, although not all of them were

              • Being hated by the world means we’re in good company.

          • Application

            • Do you feel like you are being hated and persecuted by the world?

              • This is a real concern in the United States, because most Christians rarely experience direct attacks of hatred and persecution

              • Those who experience these direct attacks are what most other Christians would label as “radical” or a “Jesus freak”

              • They’re completely sold out for the Lord and take the Great Commission seriously

              • They see every human being from an eternal perspective

              • If we aren’t being hated and persecuted by the world, perhaps it’s because we are part of the world (we are both in the world and of the world)

              • Probably, every one of us can honestly say that we need to improve in this area

            • #1 – My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Evaluate my relationship with the world to determine whether I am hated or loved by them.

              • If you are loved by the world, what changes do you need to make in order to be hated and persecuted by the world?

              • Being hated by the world means we’re in good company.

          • Why will the world hate and persecute disciples of Jesus Christ?

        • The reasons why (vv. 19b, 21-25)

          • Chosen out of the world (v. 19b)

            • Jesus tells His disciples that they will be hated by the world, because they don’t belong to this world

              • He has chosen them out of the world to be His messengers of the Gospel

              • “As they grow more Christlike, it will become evident that though they are in the world, they are not of it (17:11, 14), and this, in turn, will convict the world (3:19-21; 7:7) (Carson 1991: 525).” ​​ [Köstenberger, Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, John, 464]

            • As disciples of Jesus Christ, He has chosen us out of the world to be His messengers of the Gospel

            • This first reason is only the beginning – this is why the world will hate us

            • Next we see why the world will persecute us

          • Jesus’ name (v. 21)

            • The world will persecute the disciples and us, because of Jesus’ name, and their ignorance of the truth about God

            • ​​ “The three-step logic is as follows: when people oppose the disciples, it is because they oppose Jesus; if people oppose Jesus, it is because they do not know the Father (see 15:23); therefore, if people oppose the disciples, it is ultimately because they do not know God.” ​​ [Köstenberger, 465]

            • Praying at the capitol building

              • When any pastor is asked to pray at the capitol building, in Harrisburg, to open a session of the house or senate, they provide guidelines for the prayer

              • They encourage pastors to be inclusive in their prayer, because of the various faiths that are represented

              • While they don’t say a pastor cannot close with, “in Jesus name,” that would definitely not be inclusive of all religions

              • Most pastors will close by saying, “I pray in Jesus’ name,” instead of “We pray in Jesus’ name.”

            • Have you ever noticed that God and Jesus’ names are used as cuss words? (that’s another example of the world’s hatred because of Jesus’ name)

              • OMG = “Oh, my God” (Oh, my Allah)

              • “God d$%# it!” (Buddha, d$%# it!)

              • “Jesus Christ!” (Hare Krishna!)

              • Notice that no other religions leader’s name is used as a cuss word

            • The world will persecute us because of Jesus’ name and their ignorance of the truth about God

            • They will also persecute us because of Jesus’ words

          • Jesus’ words (v. 22)

            • We don’t want to misunderstand or misinterpret what is being said here

              • Jesus is not saying that if He had not come, the world would be prefect and sinless

              • Rather, He is stressing that the world is culpable, because they have rejected the divine revelation that Jesus shared with them [Köstenberger, 466]

              • Jesus brought them the truth of God and they rejected Him – they rejected God’s ultimate plan of salvation from sin

              • Therefore, they are responsible for their own sins and the consequences associated with them [Gangel, Holman New Testament Commentary, John, 287]

              • Read Romans 1:18-23

            • “The verdict is absolutely clear. ​​ Jesus did come, the gospel was presented, the people have been disobedient, and therefore they are guilty of sin.” ​​ [Borchert, The New American Commentary, John 12-21, 157]

            • They have no excuse for their sin, that will satisfy a holy, loving, and just God

            • It wasn’t just Jesus’ words that brings persecution, but also His works

          • Jesus’ works (vv. 23-24)

            • The same truth applies here as to Jesus’ words – the world would not be perfect and sinless if Jesus had not come and done the miraculous works that He did

            • They rejected His miracles and therefore are guilty of the sin of hatred

            • They don’t just hate Jesus, but the Father also

              • That’s what Jesus is saying at the beginning of verse 23

              • Jesus has been telling them all along that He and the Father are One

              • PRINCIPLE #2 – God and Jesus are One.

              • We can’t say that we love God and not love Jesus

              • We can’t say that we believe in God, but not Jesus

              • They are inseparable – they are one in the same

            • “Religious interest that pursues signs may be suspicious (4:48), and faith based on sight is intrinsically inferior (20:29); even so, it is infinitely better than no faith, and the signs and works of Jesus make a legitimate claim on faith (4:34; 5:36; 9:32-33; 10:38). ​​ Rejection of Jesus’ words (v. 22) and works (v. 24) is thus the rejection of the clearest light, the fullest revelation; and therefore it incurs the most central, deep-stained guilt.” ​​ [Carson, The Pillar New Testament Commentary, The Gospel According to John, 526]

            • How does this apply to us?

          • Application

            • PRINCIPLE #3 – Jesus’ words and works expose our sin.

              • We have Jesus’ words in the Bible – God’s Holy Word

              • We can and do experience the miraculous works of Jesus, though sometimes we miss them or fail to acknowledge them

              • When we reject Jesus’ words and works we are responsible for our own sin

                • We have all sinned (Rom. 3:23) [lying, stealing, blaspheme, anger, lust]

                • We all deserve eternal separation from God (Rom. 6:23)

                • God’s grace is extended to us continually (Rom. 5:8)

                • Isaiah 53:5, But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.

              • #2 – My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Accept Jesus’ words and works and be healed from the guilt of my sin.

              • When someone makes that decision for Jesus, they are promised eternal life (the kind of life we need here on earth to obey God, and the kind of life we need to spend eternity with God in the new heaven and the new earth)

            • Jesus gives one more reason why the world hated Him and us by association

          • Fulfill Scripture (v. 25)

            • It was to fulfill their Law

              • It’s fascinating that Jesus says “their” Law

                • The Jews would claim that they were obediently following God’s law – which is oddly true, since they are fulfilling Scripture

                • Unfortunately, they were also rejecting God’s plan of salvation from sin

                • There was a discrepancy between what they said and what they did

              • The fulfillment of Scripture comes from two Old Testament sources

                • Psalm 35:19, Let not those who gloat over me who are my enemies without cause; let not those who hate me without reason maliciously wink the eye.

                • Psalm 69:4, Those who hate me without reason outnumber the hairs of my head; many are my enemies without cause, those who seek to destroy me. ​​ I am forced to restore what I did not steal.

          • We’ve explored the reasons why the world hates and persecutes disciples of Jesus

        • What should our response be when persecution comes?

    • Same Response (vv. 15:26-16:4a)

        • It should be the same response the Jesus had when He was hated and persecuted

        • Don’t stop testifying (vv. 15:26-27)

          • Jesus never stopped telling the Jews, and everyone else who would listen, about the kingdom of God and the character of God

            • I’m sure that Jesus got frustrated when people would hear His words and see the miraculous works God allowed Him to do and then reject Him

            • But, He never stopped testifying, never stopped sharing, never stopped fulfilling God’s purpose for Him on earth

          • Help from heaven

            • Jesus promised the disciples that the Holy Spirit was coming (Counselor)

            • The Holy Spirit would testify to the truth of what Jesus had said while on earth

            • Jesus then exhorts His disciples to do the same thing

              • They would be able to testify about Jesus, because they had been with Him from the beginning

              • They knew the whole story of who He was and why He came from the Father

              • They would know the ultimate sacrifice He would give to bring eternal life

              • They would know about His miraculous resurrection from the dead – defeating sin and death

              • They would know how He ascended into heaven, so they would know how He would return again – in the clouds

            • We have the same Holy Spirit living in us, who testifies about Jesus

              • Because of God’s Word, we know the same things that the disciples knew

              • PRINCIPLE #4 – God is pleased when His people testify about Jesus.

                • We have been given the same commission and command as the disciples

                • We are to go into all the world and preach the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, making disciples of every nation, baptizing them, and teaching them everything that Jesus has commanded us (Mark 16:15; Matt. 28:18-20)

                • #3 – My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Testify about Jesus to my family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors.

                  • Testify about how He saved you from sin

                  • Testify about how He has provided for you in difficult times

                  • Testify about how He has healed you, physically

                  • Testify about anything and everything He has done for you

          • Our first response should be to testify about Jesus, while our second response should be to stand firm

        • Don’t fall away (vv. 16:1-4a)

          • Jesus did not fall away from His responsibility to fulfill God’s plan of salvation

            • That didn’t mean that, in His humanness, He didn’t hope and pray that He wouldn’t have to suffer the cross

            • Luke 22:42, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”

            • For Jesus, it was about fulfilling God’s will and not His own

          • Jesus told His disciples the kind of persecution they would face, so they would be prepared ahead of time and be able to stand firm

            • Put out of the synagogue

              • When we are sharing the truth of God’s Word it can bring out separation, even within the church

              • Conviction of sin can cause Christians to feel uncomfortable and they will respond with flight or fight

                • Some will leave the church and say, “I felt like my toes were getting stepped on every week!”

                • Others will attack the preacher and/or the leadership, just so they don’t have to deal with their own sin

                • In some extreme cases, the pastor is forced out of the church and another pastor is brought in that will satisfy what the people want to hear

                • 2 Timothy 4:3, For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. ​​ Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. ​​ They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.

              • The disciples wouldn’t only be put out of the synagogue, but most of them would experience death

            • Killed

              • In our western culture, we rarely experience this extreme form of persecution, but it is happening frequently to Christians in most other parts of the world

              • They are willingly dying for their faith in Jesus Christ

              • I believe that even Christians in the United States will eventually experience this form of persecution as we get closer to Jesus’ second coming

            • “‘When people think about the Holocaust, they think about the crimes against Jews, but here's a different perspective,’ said Julie Seltzer Mandel, editor of the Nuremberg Project for the Rutgers Journal of Law and Religion. ‘They wanted to eliminate the Jews altogether, but they were also looking to eliminate Christianity.’

              Fragile, typewritten documents from the 1940s lay out the Nazi plan in grim detail: Take over the churches from within, using party sympathizers. Discredit, jail, or kill Christian leaders. And re-indoctrinate the congregants. Give them a new faith in Germany's Third Reich.

              Says Mandel, ‘The best evidence of an anti-church plan is the systematic nature of the persecution itself. Different steps in that persecution, such as the campaign for the suppression of denominational and youth organizations, the campaign against denominational schools, and the defamation campaign against the clergy were supported by the entire regimented press, by Nazi Party meetings, and by traveling party speakers.’”

              Edward Colimore, "Papers Reveal Nazi Aim: End Christianity," Philadelphia Inquirer (1-09-02); submitted by Aaron Goerner, New Hartford, New York


            • It’s important for us to be prepared to experience the same kind of treatment that Jesus did, because He promised us that it would happen – no servant is greater than his master

          • Jesus didn’t tell them about this at first, because He was with them

            • He realized that while He was on earth, all of the hatred and persecution would be directed at Him

            • He had to tell them about the coming hatred and persecution for them, because He was going to the Father


  • YOU

    • Are you hated or loved by the world? ​​ (what changes?)

    • Have you accepted Jesus’ words and works and experienced His healing from your sins?

    • Are you testifying about Jesus to your family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors?


  • WE

    • We are all called to the great commission and the great command




“I heard [a story] about attempts to ship fresh North Atlantic cod from Boston to San Francisco during the nineteenth century. At that time the only way to ship the fish to the West Coast was to sail around the South American continent—a trip that took months. As you can imagine, the first attempts to dress the cod in Boston and pack them in ice failed miserably. By the time they reached California, the fish weren't exactly fit for consumption.


Next, the cod were placed in holding tanks full of water, shipped to California alive, and dressed there. The results were less than satisfactory. The fish didn't get much exercise during the trip, and as a result they were pasty and relatively tasteless.


Finally, someone hit upon an interesting idea. ‘Why don't we put some catfish in with the cod?’


Why? Because catfish are cods' natural enemy. Sure enough, when a few catfish were placed in those tanks with them, the cod were always alert and swimming around. This time, when the fish reached San Francisco, they were in perfect shape.”


Bill Myers and David Wimbish, The Dark Side of the Supernatural (Bethany).





Remain In Me

(John 15:1-17)



Purpose: To visualize the powerlessness of depending on ourselves rather than God.


Objects: An electric power strip with multiple outlets (the kind that computers and appliances are plugged into). One or two appliances and a light.


Experience: Hold up the power strip for everyone to see and say: "You have all seen one of these. We use power strips to plug computers or appliances into." Then plug one or two appliances and lights into the strip. Finally, plug the power strip into itself and attempt to turn on the lights and appliances. When they don't turn on, ask, "Why won't this work?"


"Well, obviously it won't work because the power strip doesn't have any electrical power in itself. It has to plug into an electrical outlet in order to bring any power to the other appliances." Then, unplug the power strip from itself and into a wall outlet so that the appliances and lights turn on.


Craig Brian Larson, Arlington Heights, Illinois.





  • ME

    • Reading God’s Word

        • Spiritual disciplines are very important, because it helps us to stay connected to God and Jesus

        • For quite some time I’ve been fairly faithful with reading the Bible every day

        • YouVersion Bible app and Our Daily Bread app are really helpful with tracking the number of days I have read them

        • There is a reminder each morning that tells me how many days I have read in a row and then it encourages me to keep up the good work

        • While reading and studying the Bible is a spiritual discipline that I’ve been able to maintain pretty consistently, I can’t say that about my prayer life

    • Praying

        • I so desperately want my prayer life to be as consistent, but I’ve struggled over the years

        • I was going through a four-week coaching cohort with Daniel Henderson from Strategic Renewal as we worked through his new book Glorious Finish

        • It was during one of the coaching sessions, that it dawned on me, that I was missing the perfect opportunity to pray for 30 minutes each morning

        • I ride my stationary bike almost every morning for 30-35 minutes

          • My usual thing to do during that time was to watch television

          • I don’t know why it took me so long to realize that I could be praying during that time instead of watching television

          • It’s made all the difference in the spiritual discipline of prayer

          • I look forward to the time together with the Lord

          • My reverence of God is many times guided by what I read that morning in my devotions

        • There are still times when I don’t work out and I find it difficult to spend 30 minutes in prayer during the day

        • I like the fact that I’m doing a physical and spiritual work out at the same time – it helps me stay connected to Jesus


  • WE

    • Physical disciplines

        • We all probably have some physical disciplines that we practice consistently

        • Take a moment to think about what those physical disciplines are

        • What interrupts those physical disciplines?

    • Spiritual disciplines

        • Every one of us probably has spiritual disciplines that we consistently do every day

        • What are those spiritual disciplines?

        • What stops us from being consistent with those spiritual disciplines?


In order to be physically strong, we have to consistently remain active, either in a gym or at home. ​​ The same is true of our spiritual lives. ​​ Jesus tells His disciples in John 15:1-17 that if they want to be spiritually strong, they have to remain in Him. ​​ While we may be able to fool other people, like these two guys (show redneck six-pack abs picture), . . .


BIG IDEA – God knows the condition of our connectedness.


He will act accordingly, based on whether or not we are remaining in Christ.


Let’s pray


  • GOD (John 15:1-17)

    • Branches – we must remain (vv. 1-11)

        • Vine metaphor (vv. 1-8)

          • Participants

            • True vine

              • “When Jesus calls himself the true vine, he’s indicating the existence of a false vine.” ​​ [Carter & Wredberg, Christ-Centered Exposition: ​​ Exalting Jesus in John, 304]

                • All throughout the Old Testament, Israel is symbolized as the vine (Ps. 80:9-16; Is. 5:1-7; 27:2ff.; Jer. 2:21; 12:10ff.; Ezk. 15:1-8; 17:1-21; 19:10-14; Hos. 10:1-2)

                  • Unfortunately, they are not depicted in a positive light

                  • Read Psalm 80:7-9

                  • Read Isaiah 5:3-5

                • They’ve failed in their task of pointing people to the Lord

                  • Their role, as God’s chosen people, was to show the other nations what a relationship with God looks like

                  • We see the result of this failure on Israel’s part, Your vine is cut down, it is burned with fire (Psalm 80:16a)

                • Fortunately for us, God had another plan

              • Jesus is now the vine

                • He is perfect without sin, so He doesn’t fail in pointing people to God and showing them what a true relationship with God looks like

                • Psalm 49:6, he says: “Is it too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel I have kept. ​​ I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring my salvation to the ends of the earth.”

                • God was promising, through Isaiah, that He would provide salvation for all nations, through His Son, Jesus

                • Jesus did not fail in that task, which makes Him the true vine

              • While the role of the vine has changed, the role of the Gardener has not

            • Gardener

              • God is still pictured as the gardener

              • God, as the gardener, only makes sense, because the gardener is in control of everything that happens in the vineyard [Köstenberger, Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, John, 450]

            • Branches

              • Jesus’ disciples (immediate context)

              • Psalm 49:6

                • Israel (restored)

                • Gentiles

              • All followers of Jesus Christ (general sense)

            • Now that we have established who is represented in the metaphor, we can look at the content of the metaphor

          • Fruitful or fruitless

            • Fruitful

              • How?

                • Pruning/cleaning process

                  • The Greek word for pruning is kathairō which means “to cleanse”

                  • It has the sense of cleansing by pruning [Rogers & Rogers, The New Linguistic and Exegetical Key to the Greek New Testament, 218]

                  • “A method of viticulture consisted of training the vines on trellises, poles, or trees (4-6 feet high), which provided a canopy-like form (Columella, Book 4, 18-19) . . . To train the vine for maximum yield the vinedresser had to prune excessive branches.” ​​ [Rogers & Rogers, 218]

                  • Every one of us, as followers of Jesus Christ, has experienced the pruning process

                  • We all know the areas in our lives where God has asked us to sacrifice something that represents sin in our lives – that’s the pruning process

                  • What is God asking you to sacrifice right now, so you can seek holiness?

                  • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Submit to God’s pruning in my life, so I can be more fruitful for Him.

                  • Jesus told His disciples that they were already clean, because of His word that He had spoken to them (they had been pruned/clean)

                  • If a follower of Jesus Christ says that they have not experienced the pruning process, it’s probably because they are not a true follower of Jesus Christ – they aren’t connected to the vine

                  • We’ll talk more about that in just a little bit

                  • We can be fruitful by being obedient to God’s pruning process in our lives, but we also have to remain in Jesus

                • Remain in Jesus

                  • PRINCIPLE #1 – Spiritual fruit is the result of being connected to Jesus.

                  • When we think of the word “remain,” it has the sense that a relationship is already present [Michaels, The New International Commentary on the New Testament, The Gospel of John, 803]

                  • For the Jews, remaining in Jesus meant holding to His teachings, To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teachings, you are really my disciples. ​​ Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” ​​ (John 8:31-32)

                  • The same is true for us also

                  • If you remain in me and my words remain in you . . . (John 15:7a)

                  • We can’t produce fruit on our own

                  • Imagine for moment that Neil Starner or Vinnie Spangler brings you a branch from one of their fruit trees that is just loaded with fruit. ​​ You’re excited because you won’t have to go to Sandoe’s or Hollabaugh’s anymore to get that kind of fruit. ​​ You place the branch in a special spot in your kitchen and excitedly wait for the next season to come. ​​ But, the branch doesn’t produce any fruit at all. You’re crushed and disappointed. ​​ Perhaps you go to Neil or Vinnie and complain that your branch is broken or something is wrong with it. ​​ The misconception you’re living with, is that the branch will produce fruit again next year. ​​ The reality, is that the branch will never produce fruit again, because it has been separated from the tree.

                  • “The key to the Christian life is Christ’s life in the Christian.” ​​ [Carter & Wredberg, 306]

                  • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Make sure that I am connected to Jesus by holding to His teachings and having His Word remain in me.

                  • God knows the condition of our connectedness.

                • What fruit should we be looking for, to know that we are connected to Jesus?

              • What fruit should we be producing?

                • From John 15 [Carson, The Pillar New Testament Commentary, The Gospel According to John, 517]

                  • The fruit is a result of praying in Jesus’ name

                  • Obedience to Jesus’ commands (v. 10)

                  • Experience of Jesus’ joy (v. 11)

                  • Experience of Jesus’ peace (14:27)

                  • Love for one another (v. 12)

                  • Witness to the world (vv. 16, 27)

                  • “This fruit is nothing less than the outcome of persevering dependence on the vine, driven by faith, embracing all of the believer’s life and the product of his witness.” ​​ [Carson, 517]

                • From other passages in the Bible

                  • Winning lost souls (Rom. 1:13; John 4)

                  • Holiness (Rom. 6:22)

                  • Financial giving (Rom. 15:28)

                  • Helping practically (Col. 1)

                  • Giving praise to His Name (Heb. 13)

                  • Love (Gal. 5:22) – wait for vv. 9-11

                • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Examine my life to make sure that I am producing the fruit that shows I’m connected to Jesus.

                • As we remain in Jesus and produce much fruit, we see the results of that

              • Results of being fruitful

                • Answered prayer

                  • This is not a “genie in bottle” kind of answered prayer

                  • Every one of us may want it to be that way, but it isn’t

                  • When we’re genuinely connected to Jesus, His desires become our desires

                  • We’ll be praying according to God’s will and not our own – no more selfish prayers

                  • Our prayers will center around the fruit that we should be producing

                  • When that happens, God will answer those prayers, because He will give us whatever we wish for, because it is what He wishes for

                • God is glorified

                  • The Westminster Shorter Catechism asks the question, “What is the chief end of man?”

                  • The answer is, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy Him forever.”

                • Showing the world that we are Jesus’ disciples

                  • When we’re producing the fruit that comes from being connected to Jesus it will transform every area of our lives

                  • It will transform our families, our work place, our community, and our church

              • Each one of us should be striving to be fruitful, but we also see those who are fruitless

            • Fruitless

              • How?

                • Bears no fruit

                  • Jesus says that the Father cuts off every branch that does not bear fruit

                  • The Greek for “cuts off” is airō which means “to take off or away”

                  • It wouldn’t be a stretch for the disciples or John’s readers to remember Judas Iscariot at this point – he would be an example of a branch that is not bearing fruit

                  • Carson mentions that Judas would not be the only person in the New Testament who was initially connected to Jesus or the Christian church, who later testified “that the transforming life of Christ has never pulsated within them (e.g. Mt. 13:18-23; 24:12; Jn. 8:31ff.; Heb. 13:14-19; 1 Jn. 2:19; 2 Jn. 9).” ​​ [Carson, 515]

                  • They did not persevere by remaining in Jesus

                  • This is talking about professing Christians who appear to be part of the Christian community, but eventually admit that they were never really part of it from the start [Köstenberger, 455; Gangel, Holman New Testament Commentary, John, 284]

                  • There have been multiple people in the past couple of years who have admitted to deconstructing their faith (they no longer believe in God). ​​ I read the Instagram post of one of those individuals recently. ​​ I was not surprised to read that they admitted to not producing fruit or ever being part of the Christianity. ​​ He has grown up in a pastor’s home, as did his wife. ​​ They were surrounded by Christians and simply adopted the Christian lifestyle without the relationship with Christ. ​​ This individual says, “Stepping away from belief in God has felt like a loss in some ways – but it’s felt like freedom in others. ​​ Jess and I both always had this sense that we weren’t doing enough of the things we were supposed to do as Christians. ​​ We didn’t enjoy going to church. ​​ We didn’t enjoy reading the Bible. ​​ We didn’t enjoy praying. ​​ We didn’t enjoy worship. ​​ It all felt like obligation, and our lack of enthusiasm about those things always made us feel like something was wrong with us. ​​ Now I don’t believe anything was wrong with us. ​​ We simply didn’t believe – and we were too afraid to admit that to ourselves. ​​ So in that sense, we have a tremendous sense of relief now.

                  • Notice that there was no talk of a relationship with Jesus Christ – it was all about a works mentality and the fact that they never had a genuine conversion experience (they simply adopted their parents, grandparents, and sibling’s beliefs)

                  • Arrogance/Pride (Job 42:1-6; 1 Cor. 1:18-25; Ps. 7:9)

                  • God knows the condition of our connectedness.

                • Don’t remain in Jesus

                  • They are no longer remaining in Jesus

                  • Jesus said that we cannot bear fruit apart from Him

                  • In fact, we can’t do anything apart from Him

                • We see the results of fruitlessness

              • Results of being fruitless

                • Cut off from the vine

                • Thrown into the fire

                  • This is talking about eternal separation from God and Jesus in hell

                  • 1 John 2:18-19, Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. ​​ This is how we know it is the last hour. ​​ They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. ​​ For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us.

          • What we see in vv. 9-11 is the practical application of what Jesus just said

        • Practical application (vv. 9-11)

          • Follow Jesus’ example

            • The Father loved Jesus perfectly, and He in turn loved His disciples perfectly

            • Jesus wants His disciples and us to remain in His love

              • The way that Jesus had remained in the Father’s love was by obeying His commands

              • The way that we remain in Jesus’ love is by obeying His commands

                • As was mentioned last week, the commands that Jesus is talking about is not a list of do’s and don’ts

                • It is a lifestyle of following Jesus’ example in every area of our lives

            • When we obey Jesus’ commands and remain in His love we can experience complete joy

          • Results

            • Jesus is telling them about obeying His commands and remaining in His love, so that His joy will be in them

            • “It is an inspiring thought that Jesus calls his followers into joy. ​​ The Christian life is not some shallow, insipid following of a traditional pattern. ​​ It is a life characterized by ‘unexhausted (and inexhaustible) power for fresh creation’ (Morris, p. 674).” [Morris cited by Gangel, 285]

        • As branches we must remain in Jesus in order to be fruitful

        • Jesus then changes from vineyard metaphor to another familiar concept – servants and friends

    • Friends – we must obey (vv. 12-17)

        • Command – love one another (vv. 12-13, 17)

          • Jesus does not call it a new command here, because He has already said that in John 13:34-35

          • We already learned about what it looks like to love one another like Christ loves us when we looked at John 13:31-38

          • PRINCIPLE #2 – God is pleased when His people love each other faithfully and fervently.

          • The only way that we can love others like Christ loves us is to be connected to Him and remain in Him

          • Expression of love

            • Laying down our lives for our friends

            • In the Greco-Roman world, the ultimate expression of love for a friend was a willingness to sacrifice oneself, even to the point of death [Michaels, 812; Köstenberger, 458]

            • “Unity instead of rivalry, trust instead of suspicion, obedience instead of self-assertion must rule the disciples’ common labors. ​​ The measure of their love for one another is that of his love for them . . . which would be further demonstrated by his forthcoming sacrifice.” ​​ [Tenney cited by Gangel, 285]

            • Jesus was going to live that expression of love out within a couple of days

          • Jesus then explains what friendship with Him means

        • Evidence of being Jesus’ friend (v. 14-15)

          • If we obey His commands, we prove that we are Jesus’ friends

          • Obedience doesn’t make us Jesus’ friend, but it is evidence that we are His friend – it’s what characterizes the friendship

          • Friends instead of servants

            • Under a supreme ruler (potentate) there are several levels

              • Every level is required to obey the ruler

              • The servant is required to obey without any explanation or reason given

              • Friends are given more information – they know what the ruler is thinking and why he is asking them to do a certain thing

                • That is what Jesus has done with His disciples

                • He has told His disciples everything that He has learned from His Father

                • I think about an apprentice and his master

                  • In the apprenticeship relationship, it is the responsibility of the master to impart his knowledge and skill to the apprentice

                  • As the apprentice moves through the process of learning and skill they finally reach the level of master

            • Jesus has taken the eleven disciples through a 3-year apprenticeship and has promoted them from servants to friends

          • While most apprentices seek out a master to learn from, Jesus did it differently

        • Jesus has chosen us (v. 16)

          • Jesus had chosen these eleven men to be witnesses for Him

          • He appointed them to go and bear fruit

          • We know from church history that they accomplished that goal

          • As followers of Jesus Christ, He has chosen us and appointed us to go and bear fruit – fruit that will last

            • That is the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20

            • He promises to be with us until the end

        • Jesus repeats the same promise about the Father answering their prayers


  • YOU

    • Is there an area of your life that you need to submit to the pruning process of the Father?

    • Are you connected to Jesus?

        • Are you holding to His teachings?

        • Is His Word remaining in you?

    • Are you producing the kind of fruit that proves you are connected to Jesus?


  • WE




“Nearly seven years ago, I started a business. I prayed diligently about the decision and sensed God's confirmation to move forward. Because of my inexperience in retail operations, I depended heavily on God for wisdom and direction. Between the first time I caught a vision for this venture and the day we opened our doors, I prayed every step of the way.


On opening day, customers lined up around the building. With pounding heart and sweaty palms, I became acutely aware of the fact that the success or failure of this business rested on me. For the next four years, I ran the store as if this were true.


Instead of praying for God's wisdom or listening to the counsel of trusted advisors, like my husband, Dan, who was also my business partner, I relied on my own understanding. I simply was too busy and preoccupied to spend time reading my Bible. And when I did make time, I found myself re-reading the same passage over and over and never grasping the words. Daily preoccupation over my work took the place of daily quiet time with God.


Jesus said, ‘I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing’ (John 15:5). I discovered how true his words are. The longer I skimped in my spiritual life, the further I fell from the vine. And the further I fell from the vine, the more all my efforts proved fruitless.


Making decisions apart from God and Dan started to have a snowball effect that eventually led to the demise of our business—and nearly our marriage.

Looking back on those four years, I know now what was at play: apart from Christ, I could do nothing. Instead of remaining in Jesus, as he instructs us to do in John 15:5, I ran on ahead without him.”


Marian V. Liautaud, "Remain in Me," Christianity Today's Kyria blog (12-22-09).






The Gift of Peace

(John 14:25-31)



“You might not know the name Angelo Dundee, but you've undoubtedly heard of Muhammad Ali, probably the most famous professional boxer of all time. For more than two decades, Angelo Dundee was in Muhammad Ali's corner, literally. He was Ali's cornerman! He's the one who made Ali float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. He also trained fifteen other world boxing champions. Angelo Dundee described his job as a cornerman this way: ‘When you're working with a fighter, you're a surgeon, an engineer, and a psychologist.’


As followers of Jesus Christ, we have something even better than a surgeon-engineer-psychologist in our corner—the Holy Spirit.


Mark Batterson, If (Baker Books, 2015), page 249.




The corner man for a boxer probably helps to provide motivation and peace when needed.


The Holy Spirit provides those same things for believers and so much more!



  • ME

    • Meeting Muhammad Ali

        • In the mid 90’s I worked for a mortgage corporation in Hollywood, FL

        • In the basement of the building I worked in, Angelo Dundee was still training boxers

        • One day, while I was working, I noticed that a crowd of people were gathering at the restaurant in the center courtyard of the two buildings

        • When I asked a fellow colleague what was happening, she said matter-of-factly, “Oh, Muhammad Ali is visiting his former coach, Dundee.”

        • I said, “really?”

        • She said, “Yes, if you go down there you can get his autograph.”

        • So, I went down there and got Muhammad Ali’s autograph and shook his hand

        • Here is a scanned image of his autograph [show the image]

    • Looking for a lost item

        • There have been times in my life when I have misplaced something I need

        • I get really frustrated and rush around the house trying to find the item and blaming others for moving it from its normal place

        • Most of the time I get more and more upset, frustrated, and angry

        • I’m definitely not experiencing peace at that moment

        • While it’s one of the hardest thing to do, even though it shouldn’t be, I eventually stop looking for the item and begin to pray

          • Most of the time when I stop, pray, and listen, the Lord reminds me, where I put the item after the last time I used it

          • No one else had moved it from its normal place, because I had failed to return it to its normal place

          • When I stop, pray, and listen, then I’m able to experience peace

        • Ultimate peace comes when I finally find the item I’ve been looking for


  • WE

    • Looking for a lost item

        • Perhaps every one of us have experienced looking for an item that we can’t find

        • We understand the frustration and anger that builds as each passing minute goes by

        • We only experience peace and rest when the item is found

    • Anxiety and depression

        • I’ve never really struggled with anxiety and depression, though I’ve had family members and friends who have

        • Many of those individuals only found peace when they sought the Lord through prayer, quoting Scripture, singing hymns or worship songs, and/or reading and studying the Bible

        • While that may sound simplistic, it’s not easy to do when you’re struggling with anxiety and depression

        • For many people, they have to continue to do those things every time their feeling anxious or down


The disciples were experiencing fear and anxiety as they struggled with Jesus’ continued references to leaving. ​​ Jesus’ verbal encouragement, that He would not leave them as orphans, didn’t seem to appease their fears and anxiety. ​​ The disciples were struggling with focusing too much on themselves and their needs, instead of what Jesus was trying to tell them. ​​ He had promised to provide another Counselor for them that would be with them forever. ​​ This Counselor would teach them all things and remind them of everything that Jesus had said to them, while on earth. ​​ Jesus was going to the Father where He would intercede for them. ​​ What Jesus wanted His disciples to understand is that . . .


BIG IDEA – Peace comes from having “the Spirit within us, the Saviour above us, and the Word before us!” ​​ [Warren Wiersbe]


The same is true for us as disciples of Jesus Christ. ​​ We can have peace, knowing that the Holy Spirit lives in us, that Jesus is interceding for us before the Father, and that we have God’s Word before us.


Let’s pray


  • GOD (John 14:25-31)

    • Spirit Within Us (vv. 25-26a)

        • Jesus told His disciples all of these things while He was still with them

          • As was mentioned last week, the commands of Jesus were not just a list of do’s and don’ts, but rather it was a lifestyle, modeled after Jesus’ life

          • It was the complete revelation of God through Jesus

          • This was what Jesus was referring to here

          • It’s also important to look back at last week, because we learned that the Father would give the disciples the Holy Spirit to live within them and be with them forever (John 14:16-17)

        • Peace through loss

          • We know that the presence of the Holy Spirit within the disciples, from Pentecost on, gave them peace and confidence to accomplish the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and the Great Command (Matthew 22:37-40)

          • While they initially were anxious about Jesus leaving them, they found peace from having the Spirit within them

          • Every disciple of Jesus Christ can experience peace in loss, because the Holy Spirit lives in us

            • All of us have experienced loss during the Coronavirus

              • Loss of income/job

              • Loss of connection with other people

              • Loss of health

              • Loss of life (Maria and Earl passed away this past week)

              • Loss of sanity (especially those of us with children)

              • Loss of confidence in local, state, and federal leadership

              • Loss of peace in general

            • Our country is currently experiencing loss on a daily basis

              • Loss of life (George Floyd and others)

              • Loss of order (looting and rioting)

              • Loss of confidence in those sworn to serve and protect (though there are many who serve and protect well)

              • Loss of hope in the reconciliation of the races

            • We can experience peace through loss, because we have the Holy Spirit living in us

              • Perhaps you’re struggling, right now, with experiencing peace through loss

              • You don’t even know what to say to God – words allude you

              • The Apostle Paul, writing to the Roman believers, lets us know that the Holy Spirit living in us, knows just what to say

              • Romans 8:26-27, In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. ​​ We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. ​​ And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.

              • What incredible hope, confidence, and peace this brings to those of us struggling with loss

        • Peace comes from having the Spirit within us, but it also comes from having the Word before us.

    • Word Before Us (vv. 26b-27)

        • Jesus was telling His disciples that the Holy Spirit was going to accomplish two specific things, as it pertains to His words – the Word of God (the Bible)

          • Teach them all things

            • The Holy Spirit wasn’t going to teach the disciples, or us, any new revelation

            • He was going to teach them what it meant

            • “The Spirit’s ministry in this respect was not to bring qualitatively new revelation, but to complete, to fill out, the revelation brought by Jesus himself.” ​​ [Carson, The Pillar New Testament Commentary, The Gospel According to John, 505]

            • “The inspiration of the Spirit, therefore, does not bring forward new revelations about Jesus, but simply gives correct applications and meanings for what he did in history.” ​​ [Burge, The NIV Application Commentary, John, 399]

            • PRINCIPLE #1 – Every disciple of Jesus has the Holy Spirit as their teacher.

              • This is a great principle and truth for us as disciples of Jesus

              • Many times we may discount the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, to teach us the meaning and application of God’s Word

              • A lot of believers simply take what an evangelist, pastor, or Sunday school teacher says as law and never rely on the Holy Spirit to guide them and teach them on their own

              • Every one of us should be like the Bereans, Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true (Romans 7:11)

              • Don’t discount your ability to hear from the Lord through the Holy Spirit that lives within you

              • Every disciple of Jesus has the Holy Spirit as their teacher

              • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Claim the promise that, as a disciple of Jesus, I have the Holy Spirit as my teacher.

            • The Holy Spirit taught the disciples the meaning of everything that Jesus had taught them, as He reminded them of everything Jesus had said

          • Remind them of everything Jesus had said

            • That’s the second specific thing that the Holy Spirit does for every disciple

            • He reminds us of everything that Jesus has said

            • John 2:22, After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said. ​​ Then they believed the Scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken.

            • How many of us have experienced the Holy Spirit reminding us of what Jesus has said?

              • The Holy Spirit may speak to us individually with a word of hope and encouragement when we are experiencing loss or feeling anxious and depressed

              • The Holy Spirit may use other believers who come along side of us in our loss, anxiety, and depression and they share a verse or passage of Scripture with us that encourages us

              • The Holy Spirit may use the DJ’s or a song on the Christian radio station at just the right time to remind us of Jesus’ words (on Air1 radio they have multiple people who share “39 Seconds of Hope”)

            • This was going to be an invaluable asset for the disciples as they carried out the Gospel mission that Jesus commissioned them to do

              • Matthew 28:18-20, Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. ​​ Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. ​​ And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age.”

              • The Holy Spirit was going to remind the disciples of everything Jesus had commanded them, so they could accomplish the Great Commission

              • The Holy Spirit does the same thing for us as disciples of Jesus Christ – He reminds us of everything that Jesus had commanded, so we can accomplish the Great Commission

              • The Holy Spirit empowers us to share the Gospel with those we come in contact with

            • What an incredible ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives – teaching us the correct application and meaning of Scripture and reminding us of Jesus’ words, so we can share it with others

          • When we have the Spirit in us and the Word before us, we can experience the peace of God

        • The gift of peace

          • Jesus left His peace with the disciples and us as a gift

          • The way Jesus establishes peace is completely different than how the world establishes peace

            • The world’s peace

              • For the world, peace means the absence of conflict

              • “The pax Romana (‘Roman peace’) was won and maintained by a brutal sword.” ​​ [Carson, 506]

              • Every President of the United States that I can remember has talked about bringing peace to the Middle East, but none have succeeded

              • In the United States we may think that there is peace between the various races, but the senseless taking of any life reminds us that there is not peace in race relations – there is still conflict, hostility, and racism in our culture (Read Galatians 3:26-29)

              • The prophet Jeremiah explains perfectly, why there is no peace in the world

                • Jeremiah 6:13-15, “From the least to the greatest, all are greedy for gain; prophets and priests alike, all practice deceit. ​​ They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. ​​ ‘Peace, peace,’ they say when there is no peace. ​​ Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? ​​ No, they have not shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. ​​ So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when I punish them,” says the Lord.

                • Every one of us is greedy for gain

                • We have a desire to rule over others, to be better than others, to be in control of every situation, to oppress others so we can advance

                • The world will never experience true peace until we follow the example of Christ

                • Read Philippians 2:1-8

                  • Are you lacking peace at home? (consider your spouse or children ahead of yourself, look to their interests too)

                  • Are you lacking peace at work? (consider your boss or coworker ahead of yourself, look to their interests too)

                  • Are you lacking peace in your neighborhood? (consider your neighbor ahead of yourself, look to their interests too)

                  • Are you lacking peace at church? (consider fellow believers ahead of yourself, look to their interests too)

                • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Seek peace by considering others ahead of myself and looking to their interests too and not just my own interests.

              • While the world will never really experience peace, this side of heaven, disciples of Jesus Christ can experience peace even in the midst of conflict

            • Jesus’ peace

              • Jesus peace didn’t come through a brutal sword

              • He didn’t kill the enemy in order to establish peace, He gave His life on the cross so that we could experience a greater peace – peace in the midst of conflict and persecution

              • PRINCIPLE #2 – Jesus gives us peace in the midst of difficulty and conflict.

              • “As Jesus is about to remind his followers, the world hates them (15:18), and in this world they will face affliction (16:33). ​​ Rather than extracting them from danger (cf. 17:15), Jesus, through the Spirit he would send, offers his followers poise and resolve in the midst of discomfiting circumstances. ​​ As Jesus was about to demonstrate, his peace is not the absence of conditions that intimidate but rather is the composure to be faithful in the face of adversity.” ​​ [Köstenberger, Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, John, 444]

              • Scriptures about this peace

                • Philippians 4:4-7, Rejoice in the Lord always. ​​ I will say it again: ​​ Rejoice! ​​ Let your gentleness be evident to all. ​​ The Lord is near. ​​ Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. ​​ And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

                • Colossians 3:15, Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. ​​ And be thankful.

                • John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. ​​ In this world you will have trouble. ​​ But take heart! ​​ I have overcome the world.”

                • Romans 5:1-2a, Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand.

                  • This is the ultimate peace that Jesus gives us

                  • Romans 8:6-8, The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; the sinful mind is hostile to God. ​​ It does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. ​​ Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God.

                  • Jesus gave His life on the cross, so that we could be made righteous in God’s eyes – so we could be at peace with God

                  • Our natural state is rebellion against God

                  • We’re at war with God, because we want our own way instead of His way

                  • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Accept God’s gift of grace through faith in Jesus, so I can be at peace with God.

          • The peace that Jesus offers us is an eternal peace that helps us deal with loss and conflict here on earth – we don’t have to be afraid or let our hearts be troubled, because we can rest in Jesus’ peace

        • Peace comes from having the Spirit within us, the Word before us, and the Saviour above us!

    • Savior Above Us (vv. 28-31)

        • Jesus is leaving (vv. 28-29)

          • Jesus repeats a phrase He has already used with the disciples

            • Jesus was going to the cross and then to the right hand of the Father after His resurrection and ascension

            • He would be coming back to them immediately after the resurrection, but ultimately in His second coming

          • Jesus’ departure should make them glad

            • Jesus’ next statement reveals the fact the disciples are so focused on their needs and desires, that they cannot rejoice in God’s ultimate plan for salvation and the spread of the Gospel

            • The sense of loss they are experiencing and feeling, about Jesus leaving, is overshadowing everything else

            • If they truly loved Jesus they would be glad that He was returning to the Father

            • “If Jesus’ disciples truly loved him, they would be glad that he is returning to his Father, for he is returning to the sphere where he belongs, to the glory he had with the Father before the world began (17:5), to the place where the Father is undiminished in glory, unquestionably greater than the Son in his incarnate state.” ​​ [Carson, 508]

            • “When Jesus was here on earth, He was necessarily limited by having a human body. ​​ He voluntarily laid aside the independent exercise of His divine attributes and submitted to the Father.” ​​ [Wiersbe, The Bible Exposition Commentary, New Testament, Volume 1, 354]

            • They should be glad that Jesus is returning to the Father, because He would send the Holy Spirit to live in them and He would intercede for them at the right hand of the Father – they would have two Counselors (Advocates) working for them

            • Romans 8:34, Who is he that condemns? ​​ Christ Jesus, who died – more than that, who was raised to life – is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.

          • Jesus tells them that He is returning to the Father, before it happens, so they will believe in Him after it happens

          • While Jesus leaving creates a sense of loss in the disciples, Satan’s coming will create conflict and persecution for them

        • Satan is coming (vv. 30-31)

          • Jesus is finishing His discourse with the disciples, because very soon He will be arrested, tried, convicted, and killed

          • The prince of this world is coming

            • Jesus is referring to Satan here

            • Satan was already in the world, but he was coming to play his part in redemption history

              • Satan had already entered Judas Iscariot, so that he would betray Jesus, as we’ll see in the coming weeks

              • It would take false witnesses, influenced by Satan, to convict Jesus

              • Matthew 26:59-61, The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for false evidence against Jesus so that they could put him to death. ​​ But they did not find any, though many false witnesses came forward. ​​ Finally two came forward and declared, “This fellow said, ‘I am able to destroy the temple of God and rebuild it in three days.’”

              • My guess is that, if Satan knew that God’s plan was, to have Jesus die as the perfect sacrifice for sin, that he wouldn’t have come – he wouldn’t have entered Judas and influenced the false witnesses

          • PRINCIPLE #3 – Jesus is holy

            • Jesus’ holiness is evident in two ways

              • He was sinless

                • Satan had no hold on Jesus

                • “He then argues that although sin gives Satan his controlling power, he cannot control Jesus because ‘there is no sin in Jesus.’” ​​ [Morris cited by Borchert, The New American Commentary, John 12-21, 135]

                • There was not foothold that Satan could use to gain access to Jesus’ life, because He was without sin

                • That’s why Jesus is the only One who could take our punishment for sin – He was sinless

                • Up until this time, the Jews had to sacrifice a perfect lamb, without blemish to cover over their sins – this was a continual ongoing necessity

                • When Jesus died on the cross it was, once for all, to take away our sins

                • As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are in Christ, and the only way that Satan can get a foothold in our lives, is if we allow him to

                  • Because we are not fully sanctified yet, we can still give controlling power to Satan by giving in to the temptations of sin

                  • As humans we are still fallible – we will make mistakes – we will sin

                  • 1 John 1:9, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

                  • Is there a sin that is currently giving Satan controlling power in your life?

                  • Confess that the Lord right now

                  • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Confess any sin that is giving Satan controlling power in my life.

                • Jesus’ holiness is evident through His sinless life, but also through His obedience to the Father

              • He was obedient

                • The world would learn about Jesus’ love for the Father and His perfect obedience to the commands of the Father through His disciples

                • As they, and we, obediently fulfill the Great Commission and the Great Command, the world will know all about Jesus

        • Time to leave

          • Jesus tells His disciples that it is time to leave

          • Did they leave the upper room or not?

            • John 18:1, When he had finished praying, Jesus left with his disciples and crossed the Kidron Valley. ​​ On the other side there was an olive grove, and he and his disciples went into it.

            • Because of this verse there are kinds of ideas about whether or not Jesus and the disciples left the upper room

            • Some believe that what we read in John 15-17 was shared in the upper room

            • Others believe Jesus shared it while they were on their way to olive grove

            • Since it is not stated clearly in Scripture and it’s not theologically important to the content of the text, we’ll just leave it ambiguous at this point


  • YOU

    • Have you claimed the promise that the Holy Spirit is your teacher?

    • Do you need to consider others ahead of yourself and look to their interests too instead of just your own interests, so there can be peace?

    • Are you at peace with God, through faith in Jesus Christ?

    • Is there any sin in your life that is giving Satan controlling power?


  • WE




“In Worry Less, Live More, Robert J. Morgan illustrates the fact that many in society are very conscious of anxiety:


Amazon keeps track of your highlights. When e-book owners mark sentences, the online retailer knows and notes it. Recently Amazon released a list of the most popular passages in some of its bestselling books, such as The Hunger Games, the Harry Potter series, and Pride and Prejudice. Also released, the most highlighted passage in the Holy Bible. I expected America's favorite biblical portion to be John 3:16Psalm 23, or the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. But, no, it was a less prominent text, but one that's striking a deep cord in today's worried world. It was Philippians 4:6-7:


Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”


Robert J. Morgan, Worry Less, Live More (Thomas Nelson, 2017), page xiii.






Obedience From The Heart

(John 14:15-24)



“If I'm not abiding in Jesus, then where is it that I abide? I once asked myself. I began to notice that when I was tired or anxious, there were certain sentences I would say in my head that led me to a familiar place. The journey to this place would often start with me walking around disturbed, feeling as if there was something deep inside that I needed to put into words but couldn't quite capture. I felt the ‘something’ as anxiety, loneliness, and a need for connection with someone. If no connection came, I would start to say things like, ‘Life really stinks. Why is it always so hard? It's never going to change.’ If no one noticed I was struggling or asked me what was wrong, I found my sentences shifting to a more cynical level: ‘Who cares? Life is a joke.’ Surprisingly, by the time I was saying those last sentences, I was feeling better. The anxiety was greatly diminished.


My comforter, my abiding place, was cynicism and rebellion. From this abiding place, I would feel free to use some soul cocaine – watching a violent video with maybe a little sexual titillation thrown in, having more alcohol with a meal than I might normally drink – things that would allow me to feel better for a little while. I had always thought of these things as just bad habits. I began to see they were much more; they were spiritual abiding places that were my comforters and friends in a very spiritual way.


The final light went on one evening when I read John 15:7 in The Message. Peterson translates Jesus' words on abiding this way: ‘If you make yourselves at home with me and my words are at home in you, you can be sure that whatever you ask will be listened to and acted upon.’ Jesus was saying in answer to my question, ‘I have made my home in you, Brent. But you still have other comforters you go to. You must learn to make your home in me.’”


Brent Curtis and John Eldredge, The Sacred Romance (Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1997).





  • ME

    • Obedience

        • I know that no one else has ever experienced this, with their own children, and that Judy and I are probably all alone in this

        • When our children were younger, they would obey out of obligation

        • They would clean up their toys and pick up their clothes, not because they loved to do, but because we asked them, or required, them to do it

        • They would grumble about it and sometimes it took a second or third time of telling them before they would obey

        • That’s not obeying out of love, but out of obligation


  • WE

    • Compliments

        • How many of us have experienced the “compliment setup” with our children?

        • They come and say some pretty nice things about us, but it’s not genuine or out of love, but rather as a way to “butter us up” to ask for something


Jesus continues to teach His disciples as His death draws near. ​​ In John 14:15-24 He combines love and obedience three times (vv. 15, 21, 23). ​​ We can and do obey out of obligation, but John wants us to understand that . . .


BIG IDEA – True obedience comes from a heart of love.


Let’s pray


  • GOD (John 14:15-24)

    • Coming Counselor (vv. 15-17)

        • Obedience to the Lord’s commands is evidence of our love for God

          • What commands are we to obey?

            • “What the one who loves Jesus will observe is not simply an array of discrete ethical injunctions, but the entire revelation from the Father, revelation holistically conceived.” ​​ [Carson, The Pillar New Testament Commentary, The Gospel According to John, 498]

            • The disciples were to copy the example of Jesus – how He lived His life, who He hung out with, how He spoke to those He ministered to, etc. [Borchert, The New American Commentary, John 12-21, 122]

          • PRINCIPLE #1 – God is pleased when His people obey Him out of love.

            • If we’re really honest with ourselves, we would admit that we don’t always obey God out of love, but rather out of a sense of obligation

              • We’re just like children who have to be told to do something, perhaps multiple times

              • We have this feeling that if we don’t obey God, He’s going to punish us

              • The reverse of that is also true – if we obey Him, He will bless us

              • This was evident with the Israelites in the Old Testament, as they were preparing to enter the Promised Land

                • Time and time again we read throughout the Old Testament about God’s blessing and curse on the Israelites based on their obedience to His commands and decrees

                • Deuteronomy 11:26, See I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse – the blessing if you obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today; the curse if you disobey the commands of the Lord your God and turn from the way that I command you today by following other gods, which you have not known.

                • The blessings/curses – God would provide everything they needed for their livelihood (crops and critters), He would also drive out the nations before them, even though they would be larger and stronger than them (Deuteronomy 11:1-32)

              • The danger in reading these verses, and applying them to our lives today, is that we can still obey out of obligation and a desire to be blessed instead of being cursed

              • Our obedience can still be without love

                • We may read the Bible every morning, but not out of love for Jesus or God, but because we want God to be pleased with us and bless us

                • We may pray every day (morning, noon, and night), but again, out of a desire to be blessed, and not because we love God or Jesus

                • We may attend church, give sacrificially to the church and to the poor, serve at church and in our community, simply out of a desire to be blessed by God and not out of love

            • The transformation comes when we do all of those things out of love for God and Jesus

              • 1 John 5:3-4a, This is love for God: ​​ to obey his commands. ​​ And his commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world.

              • When we truly love God and Jesus with our whole being, those spiritual disciplines don’t feel like a burden any more

              • We can’t wait to spend time reading the Bible, praying, giving, serving, etc.

              • We don’t look at the Lord’s commands in the Bible as a list of do’s and don’ts, but rather as loving instruction from a loving Father who wants what’s best for us

            • True obedience comes from a heart of love.

            • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Ask the Lord to help me obey Him out of love and not obligation or a desire to be blessed.

          • Most modern translations begin verse 16 with the word “and” or “then,” which can make it seem that what comes next is based on the condition of love or obedience to Jesus’ commands – somehow we can earn or be entitled to receiving the Holy Spirit – that is not the case

        • Another Counselor

          • Not entitlement, but entailment

            • Entailment is defined as a deduction or implication, that is, something that follows logically from or is implied by something else (one thing will be true if all others are also true)

            • The first entailment of genuine love for Jesus is obedience to His commands

            • The second entailment is the giving of another Counselor (the Holy Spirit)

            • “The Spirit’s gift in these verses is controlled by verse 15a, ‘if you love me.’ ​​ The gift, then, is an outgrowth of the loving relationship between Jesus and his disciples, not an entitlement earned by the disciple.” ​​ [Burge, The NIV Application Commentary, John, 395]

            • “Jesus is describing a set of essential relations, not a set of titillating conditions. ​​ His true followers will love him; they will obey him; and he on his part will secure for them . . . another Counselor.” ​​ [Carson, 499]

            • What naturally happens when we genuinely love Jesus is that we obey Him and experience an incredible relationship with the Holy Spirit

          • Jesus tells His disciples that He will ask the Father to send them another Counselor

            • Keep in mind that Jesus is talking with His disciples prior to His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension

            • Jesus is speaking here of Pentecost, which will not happen until after His ascension into heaven

            • NOTE: ​​ Today is Pentecost Sunday (May 31, 2020)

            • Acts 2:1-47 explains the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost (sound like the blowing wind, saw what seemed like tongues of fire that rested on each of the disciples, filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in other languages as the Spirit enabled them) and how it transformed Jerusalem (many repented and believed in Jesus) and then the whole world

          • Another

            • The use of the word “another” means that the disciples already had a Counselor

              • Jesus was their Counselor while He was on earth

              • He encouraged them, strengthened them, and taught them for three years

            • Counselor

              • “It comes from a verbal root that describes someone ‘called alongside’ and occurs in secular Greek literature for an advocate in a court of law, who comes ‘alongside’ a person to speak in his or her defense and provide counsel.” ​​ [Burge, 395]

              • The Holy Spirit will continue the work of Jesus by encouraging, strengthening, and teaching the disciples

              • The Holy Spirit, as another Counselor, will help believers in a variety of ways as John outlines in the rest of his Gospel: [Köstenberger, Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, John, 437]

                • “He will bring to remembrance all that Jesus taught his disciples (John 14:26)”

                • “He will testify regarding Jesus together with his followers (John 15:26)”

                • “He will convict the world of sin, (un)righteousness, and judgment (John 16:8-11)”

                • “He will guide Jesus’ disciples in all truth and disclose what is to come (John 16:13)”

            • While Jesus was with His disciples only a short time, the Holy Spirit would be with them forever

          • Forever

            • Once the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost, He would be with the disciple’s forever

            • While Jesus was giving this promise to His disciples, we know from Scripture that this truth is for all believers

              • PRINCIPLE #2 – God promises the Holy Spirit to everyone who believes in Jesus.

                • Ephesians 1:13-14, And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. ​​ Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession – to the praise of his glory.

                • 2 Corinthians 1:21-22, Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. ​​ He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.

                • Ephesians 4:30, And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.

              • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Claim God’s promise that, as a believer in Jesus, the Holy Spirit lives in me.

            • Since the Holy Spirit lives in us we know that He will accomplish the same things in us that He did in the disciples

          • Spirit of truth

            • The Holy Spirit will bring to our remembrance all that Jesus taught his disciples

            • The Holy Spirit will testify regarding Jesus together with us

            • The Holy Spirit will convict the world of sin, unrighteousness, and judgment

            • These are the truths that make the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth

          • The world

            • We see here that the world cannot accept the Holy Spirit

            • They can’t accept the Holy Spirit, because He is the Spirit of truth

              • We know that those who don’t believe in Jesus or God, don’t want to be held to an absolute moral standard

              • They want to be able to do whatever feels good or is right for them (moral relativism)

              • They can’t see Him, because they are blinded by sin

              • They can’t know Him, because their minds are block by the false truths and narratives they’ve been fed/taught

            • That’s not the case with Jesus’ disciples and us

          • Believers

            • We know Him, because He lives with us and will be in us

            • Gangel does an excellent job of explaining the Holy Spirit living with us and being in us as he quotes Gromacki:

              • “First, the spirit was dwelling ‘with’ the apostles in the Gospel era. ​​ In Greek the words, ‘with you’ literally mean ‘beside you.’ ​​ In that sense, the Holy Spirit had a companion ministry to the apostles. ​​ He was beside them, but not inside them.”

              • “Second, Christ predicted that the Spirit would be in them. ​​ After the death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ, the same Spirit who was beside them would be inside them. ​​ Christ also changed verbal tenses to show the difference in the two relationships of the Spirit to the apostles. ​​ The verb menei (‘dwells’) is in the present tense, whereas the verb estai (‘will be’) is in the future tense (Gromacki, p. 136)” [Gangel, Holman New Testament Commentary, John, 268]

            • The disciples had experienced the Holy Spirit living with them, but they had not yet experienced the Holy Spirit being in them (Pentecost would bring that experience of the Holy Spirit being in them – forever)

        • So, Jesus explained and promised the coming of the Holy Spirit (another Counselor)

        • Now He talks about His coming (resurrection)

    • Coming Christ (vv. 18-24)

        • The disciples will not be left as orphans

          • We know that the disciples are already concerned about Jesus’ leaving them

            • Peter already asked Him where He was going and why He couldn’t come with Him now (John 13:36-37)

            • As the spokesperson for the disciples, Peter is probably voicing the concern that all of them are feeling

            • Jesus was going to the cross and then to the right hand of the Father, and while the disciples didn’t understand that fully, they knew enough to be concerned

            • In Old Testament times, orphans did not have any rights in the court system and had to have an advocate that would plead their case [Köstenberger, 439]

            • “. . . in secular Greek the word orphans is also used of children stripped of only one parent or of disciples stripped of their master (cf. NewDocs 4. 71).” [Carson, 501]

            • Jesus is comforting them as they wrestle with the emotions and fears of losing Him

          • He promises to come to them

            • Some scholars see this reference as Jesus promising to come to them in the person of the Holy Spirit

            • I would agree with the scholars that see this reference as Jesus’ Easter resurrection

              • Verses 19-20 seem to reference that and unpack it for us

              • After Jesus’ resurrection we know that He did not show Himself to the world in general

              • He did show Himself to His disciples

                • Mary Magdalene (John 20:14-16)

                • Mary the mother of James, Salome, and Joanna (Matthew 28:9)

                • Peter (Luke 24:34)

                • Two disciples on the Emmaus Road (Luke 24:13-16)

                • The disciples without Thomas (John 20:19, 20, 24)

                • All of the disciples (John 20:26-28)

                • Seven disciples at the Sea of Galilee (John 21:1-2)

                • A mountain in Galilee (Matthew 28:16-17)

                • Over 500 hundred people (1 Corinthians 15:6)

                • James, Jesus’ half-brother (1 Corinthians 15:7)

                • Saul of Tarsus (Acts 9:3-5)

          • He also promises them life

            • Jesus is predicting His resurrection, but the disciples probably don’t realize it, at this point

            • We know what He’s talking about, because we are on this side of His resurrection

            • What exactly is Jesus talking about here?

              • He is talking about eternal life

              • “Will live” is in the future tense, Jesus is talking about the eschaton (the end of times)

              • 1 John 5:11, And this is the testimony: ​​ God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.

                • Why do we need eternal life in the Son?

                  • Isaiah 53:6, We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

                  • We have turned away from the God who created us

                  • We have rejected Him and His plan to deal with our sin

                  • Romans 3:23, For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

                  • God’s plan to deal with our sin was to send His Son, Jesus, as the perfect sacrifice to take away our sins

                  • 1 Peter 3:18, For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. ​​ He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit.

                • PRINCIPLE #3 – Jesus’ life gives us life.

                  • Jesus paid our penalty for sin when He died on the cross

                  • Because of His perfect sacrifice, we can all have eternal life

                  • It is offered to us as a free gift from God, but we have to take it and accept it for ourselves

                  • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Accept God’s gift of eternal life, through His Son, Jesus.

            • Eternal life brings with it an incredible connectedness to Jesus and the Father

          • We’re all in this together

            • That phrase was made popular by the Disney movie High School Musical – there was even a song about it in the movie

            • This phrase has become popular again as we have been going through the Coronavirus pandemic (there are a lot of other phrases that are being used during this time to help bring hope and encouragement)

            • Jesus wants us to understand that, as His disciples, we are not alone

              • Jesus and the Father are One – I am in my Father

              • We are united with Christ – you are in me

              • We have the Holy Spirit within us – I am in you

            • On that day,” is again referencing the time after Jesus’ resurrection (the disciples would finally understand all that Jesus had taught them about who He was, where He came from, and why He came to earth)

          • Jesus promises His disciples, and us, that we will not be left as orphans to fend for ourselves

        • He returns to the main theme a second time

          • True obedience comes from a heart of love.

            • Jesus reverses the order when He says, whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me.

              • The verb “has” doesn’t mean simply to possess, but it means “to grasp fully with the mind.” ​​ [Barrett cited by Borchert, 128]

              • This wasn’t a list of do’s and don’ts that the disciples were to follow, but rather a lifestyle of loving and obeying Jesus

              • “When I was in elementary school, by buddy’s dad drove the church bus. ​​ I loved spending Saturday night at his house and then riding the bus to church on Sunday. ​​ They would do all of these silly promotions on the bus routes, and on Sunday everyone who rode the bus was given a cheap, white kite with this written on it in big, red printing: ‘I ♥ Jesus.’ ​​ Looking back, I can just picture dozens of kids who had no idea who Jesus was flocking to the park and flying their ‘I ♥ Jesus’ kites. ​​ How many Christians are like those kids? ​​ Over their lives fly ‘I Love Jesus’ kites, but love for him isn’t evident in how they live. ​​ If we love Jesus, we will live differently (v. 21). ​​ We can fly dozens of kites, but it doesn’t mean we love Jesus. ​​ The only evidence that we do indeed love Jesus is the way we live.” ​​ [Carter & Wredberg, Christ-Centered Exposition: Exalting Jesus in John, 298]

            • Love, genuine love for Jesus, is the key to obeying His commands

          • PRINCIPLE #1 – God is pleased when His people obey Him out of love.

            • We see three results of genuinely loving and obeying Jesus

              • We will be loved by the Father

              • We will be loved by Jesus

              • Jesus will show Himself to us

                • So many people want Jesus to show Himself to them before they will take a step of faith toward Him

                • But we see again that when we grasp fully with our mind the commands of Jesus and obey them, we are saying, “I love You, Jesus!”

                • It’s a step of faith that moves us toward Jesus, and then He promises to show, reveal, manifest Himself to us

                • If you really want Jesus to show Himself to you, then take the step of faith toward Him and experience His presence in you

                • I hope and pray that you’ll take that step of faith today

            • While we can certainly obey God out of obligation or a desire to be blessed, God is pleased when we do it out of genuine love from the heart

        • Judas asks a great question

          • John lets us know that this is not Judas Iscariot

            • He was already gone, carrying out his plan to betray Jesus

            • He didn’t sneak back in to the upper room after he had finished his business

          • The question

            • For Judas, and perhaps the other disciples, it didn’t make sense that Jesus would show Himself to them and not the world

            • They already believed in Him, while the world didn’t

            • Wouldn’t it be better if Jesus showed Himself to the world?

            • We know that God and Jesus will never force themselves on anyone – they will pursue us, but never demand that we obey them, love them, follow them, or believe in them (it is a freewill choice that each person has to make for themselves)

            • We know from Scripture that Jesus used the disciples to spread the Gospel throughout the known world (this is perhaps another reason why He is showing Himself to them after His resurrection)

            • “Jesus reveals himself to people he knows will respond to him and obey his teaching.” ​​ [Gangel, 269]

          • Jesus’ response to the question

            • At first glance, it may seem like Jesus doesn’t even answer Judas’s question, but He does

            • His answer is love

            • He returns a third time to the main theme and our big idea, true obedience comes from a heart of love.

              • PRINCIPLE #1 – God is pleased when His people obey Him out of love.

              • We see a second time the relational result of obeying His commands out of a heart of love

                • We will experience the love of the Father

                • We will experience the presence of the Father and the Son with us

            • Jesus explains that the reverse is also true, he who does not love me will not obey my teaching

        • Jesus is not saying these things in a void, but is only teaching them, what He has heard from the Father, who sent Him


  • YOU

    • What does your obedience of Jesus’ commands look like?

        • Are you obeying out of obligation?

        • Are you obeying out of a desire to be blessed?

        • Are you obeying out of love?

    • Have you claimed God’s promise of the Holy Spirit living in you?

    • Have you accepted God’s gift of eternal life, through Jesus?


  • WE

    • Imagine the transformation at Idaville Church and in our communities as we obey God’s commands out of a heart of love



“When I was dating my wife, Anna, one thing I admired about her was her love for sports. I love sports too, but there are two sports I don't like. Forgive me if you like these, but I don't.


The first is bowling. I can't understand it. You pick up this cannonball and throw it on this beautiful maple floor that's tilted. And it goes down and disappears, thank goodness. All of a sudden ‘swbump!’ it comes back again. You throw that thing down again, and it goes down and disappears. All of a sudden ‘swbump!’ it comes back. All night you're trying to get rid of it. Finally, when you're done and you try to leave, they make you pay for throwing that ball down on the ground. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.


The other is roller-skating: four wheels, none of them turn, and they expect you to go around in circles.


This is a true story. On our first date, I knocked on Anna's door. I was so excited. I said, ‘Where would you like to go tonight?’ She said, ‘Do you like bowling?’ And she picked up her own bowling ball. She had her own bag. Now, I was in love, so when she asked if I liked bowling, my answer was, ‘I love bowling.’ And we went bowling all night. We had a great time.


The next week I knocked on her door. I said, ‘Where would you like to go this week?’ She picked up her skates. She said, ‘Do you like skating?’ I said, ‘I've been waiting for months for someone to ask me go skating. I love skating.’ And we skated all night.


I look back on it now and think, what made it easy for me to change? Did I have to work up this thing to change my desire for bowling and skating? No. It was because of my relationship with that girl. Because of the love that I had in relationship with her, change was easy.


The power to change is predicated upon your relationship with God. How often I think, God, it's hard to do what you're asking me to do, hard to change. Do I just grit my teeth? ‘No,’ the Lord says, ‘why don't you just come closer to the cross? Why don't you let me restore and renew my relationship with you? Would you come close?’”


Wayne Cordeiro, "A Personal Relationship," Preaching Today audio no. 225.





Got Trouble?

If I were to ask everyone this morning do you Got Trouble? I would expect that most of us would say yes. At this particular moment in time that could be a loaded question. But we’ve always had trouble, haven’t we? Even before we ever heard the word coronavirus we had troubles. We had stress, anxiety, busyness, sorrow, fear, depression, sickness, and loneliness. We were troubled about climate change, the government, unemployment, our country, our world, and technology. We had physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial troubles. We had trouble at work and at school, etc.

Then coronavirus hit and all our troubles were amplified. ​​ We now have more stress and anxiety, more loneliness, more fear, more uncertainty, more unemployment, etc. We’ve also added troubles that come from living isolated from others and from teaching and learning online.

So got trouble? Yes, of course, we do. Trouble has been around since Adam and Eve sinned and all of a sudden were troubled by their nakedness. They were troubled by their sin and shame. Humans have had trouble for a long, long time. But I believe the key is how do we respond to our troubles? Do we hide ourselves from God like Adam and Eve did or do we confront our troubles and pursue the cure for them? Maybe this morning you can admit to having troubles but don’t know how to properly respond to them. Or maybe you have troubles and know how you should respond but are struggling with that response. No matter how you are struggling with your troubles this morning, I want you to know that God’s word gives us the cure. I hope and pray that you will take some next steps this morning in response to your troubles.

In our passage this morning, we see that the disciples also had troubles. They were troubled by many things. They were mainly troubled emotionally and were struggling in how to respond. Jesus tells them that his presence, his person and his power would help them to properly respond to their feelings of being troubled. But before he explained how his presence, person and power would calm their troubles, there was one thing they needed to do first and that was believe. The same is true for us today. The cure for our troubles is the same as the cure was for the disciples back then. John wants us to understand this morning that “Belief in Jesus Christ is the cure for our troubles.” That is our big idea this morning. If we first don’t believe in Jesus as the Son of God, as God incarnate, then we will never believe in his presence with us, in his person to save us and in his power to answer all our prayers asked in his name. Before we dive into our study of God’s word this morning lets humble ourselves in prayer.

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for your Holy Spirit to fill us, to fill our hearts and minds wherever we are worshipping you this morning. Thank you Lord that our worship of you is not reliant on a building but is reliant on a heart. A heart that is open and receptive to your spirit. I pray that your thoughts and words would penetrate our hearts and minds and that even in this time of isolation you will give us ordained opportunities to share your word with people this week. I thank you that your Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. May your word encourage us, guide us and convict us where needed. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Our first point this morning is Christ’s Presence. Belief in the presence of Jesus Christ is the cure for our troubles. Follow along as I read from the gospel of John 14:1-5. This is what God’s Word says, “Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also. And you know the way where I am going.” Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, how do we know the way?”

The first thing we see in this passage is that the disciples are troubled in their hearts. They are emotionally troubled. What were the disciples troubled about? Well first of all, Jesus had told them in the week leading up to this moment that he was going to die. This troubled the disciples because they must have been thinking how could a dead Messiah set up a kingdom and rule the world. It didn’t make any sense. Just with that piece of information it must have seemed as if their world was crumbling and crashing down around them. Then in the Upper Room Jesus washes their feet coming on the heels of the disciples arguing amongst themselves about who was the greatest among them. The shame they probably felt then added to their emotional turmoil. Then Jesus tells them that one of them was going to betray him. Think about what their emotional states must have been like.

But just as they thought their troubled hearts couldn’t take anymore, Jesus again says he is leaving them and they cannot follow him and that Peter is going to deny Jesus three times in one night. We saw this in Pastor Stuart’s sermon last week. Peter has just asked why he couldn’t follow Jesus now. He said he would follow his Lord and Savior anywhere. Peter said he would even lay down his life for him. In John 13:38, we see these words, Then Jesus answered, “Will you really lay down your life for me? I tell you the truth, before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times!” The disciple were probably thinking that if Peter couldn’t stand against the coming trial then what chance did they have.

I also think that the disciples were troubled because they could feel that Jesus was troubled. Have you ever become troubled for no other reason then someone close to you was troubled? Jesus was troubled and that must have added even more to the disciples’ troubled hearts. Fear, sorrow, uncertainty, loneliness, stress, anxiety and possibly even depression was probably setting in by now.

So in the midst of all these troubles, Jesus says, “Do not let your hearts be troubled.” Wow. Did Jesus really say those words with a straight face? They were emotional wrecks at that moment and Jesus knew it. We have seen this word “troubled” before which means to “stir up” or “to shake.” We saw it in the story of the crippled man beside the pool at Bethsaida in John 5:7 where the water would be “stirred up” and in John 13:21 when Jesus was thinking about going to the cross and was “troubled” in his spirit. When Jesus told them to not let their heart be troubled, he knew they were already troubled. He understood their fears, their anxieties, their confusion and concerns. And being a compassionate Savior he sympathized with their sorrow and grief. In Hebrews 4:15, it says, “For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.”

Jesus tells them to stop being troubled but he didn’t end there. He was getting ready to tell them how to not be troubled. He was going to give them the cure. Thank God that Jesus didn’t end it with verse 1a. Have you ever had a problem and was troubled about something and someone says to you, “just move on” or “get over it” instead of giving ideas or ways to accomplish the “moving on?” It is probably because they don’t know how to “move on” or “get over it” themselves. But guess what Jesus does know and he says to the disciples, “Believe in God, believe also in me.” Jesus clearly states his deity here but he was also commanding them to believe in him just as they believed in God. The Jews already had a strong belief in God whom they could not see. The disciples needed to have that same kind of faith in Jesus when he was no longer physically present with them. He was calling them to an ongoing trust, belief and faith in himself. Though they genuinely believed in Jesus and who he was, as they would see him arrested and crucified their faith would be at an all-time low.

Jesus wanted the disciples to believe that even if he was not with them physically, his presence was always with them. Puritan John Owen in the “The Forgiveness of Sin” noted, “A sense of God’s presence in love is sufficient to rebuke all anxiety and fears; and not only so, but to give, in the midst of them, solid consolation and joy.” Do you believe that this morning? Do you believe that the presence of God is with you at all times, even at times when your heart is troubled? It’s hard to do, especially in the midst of the uncertainty and fear of the Coronavirus world we live in. We don’t know if it’s safe to go to the store or safe to be around friends and family we don’t live with or even when it’s safe to come back to church.

But Jesus this morning is saying to us all, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in me, have faith in me, trust in my presence.” So if you are having trouble this morning sensing Jesus’ presence around you, this first next step may be for you, which is to believe that the presence of Jesus Christ is the cure for my troubled heart. ​​ 

This next step is not easy because even though God is ever-present with us, as we let the world creep in we draw ourselves away from his presence. We need to focus ourselves on God and not the world in order to feel him with us. That means being in God’s Word and being in prayer. Maybe for you it means listening to Christian music or being around Christian friends, etc. Now maybe you say I have tried all that and I still don’t feel God’s presence. I would say continue to focus on Jesus until you do. By focusing yourself on Jesus 100% and focusing on your troubles 0%, sooner or later you will begin to feel the presence of God. And remember God does not promise to take our troubles away from us but he does promise to always be with us through them. This next step is not easy but it will definitely be worth it.

In verse 2, Jesus further comforts his disciples, by letting them know their physical separation from him was only temporary. He mentions “his Father’s House” and that there are “many rooms” there and he assures them it is so. He also gives them a reason for his leaving which is to prepare a place for them in the Father’s house. The “Father’s House” refers to heaven and the “many rooms” as MacArthur says, “are not to be seen as a giant housing facility in heaven but rather a father building additions onto his house for his sons and their families, as was done in Israel.” “If it were not so” means there is not the slightest doubt about it.

We need to remember that most Jewish people really had no thought of an afterlife, no idea of a place of going when they die. But Jesus assures them that there is a place called heaven where all who believe in Jesus will go when they die a physical death and that there will be room for everyone there. Jesus also says he is preparing a place for the disciples there but the preparing can’t happen unless he goes away, unless he dies, is raised again and returns to the Father. ​​ 

In verse 3, Jesus confirms that his absence is temporary by telling them he will come back and take them to be with him where he is in heaven. Now what did Jesus mean here when he said he was coming back for them? Did he mean his resurrection in three days or when the Holy Spirit would come upon them at Pentecost? Or did he mean the Rapture or the Second Coming? I don’t know and the commentaries are all over the place as well. The important thing to remember is that if are a true believer in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior then you will spend eternity in the presence of God and his son, Jesus. It is sufficient for the believer to know they will be with their Lord forever.

Then in verse 4 we see that Jesus tells the disciples that they know where he is going and the way there. He has told them time and time again he is returning to the Father. He just told them he is going to the Father’s house to prepare a place for them there. Five times in verses 3-4, Jesus uses “I” or “me.” He wanted the disciples to trust in him personally.

Then Thomas speaks up and voices the same concern that all the disciples have at that moment which is “We have no idea where you are going so how can we know the way?” Honestly, that was profound because how can we know the way somewhere if we don’t know the destination. But Jesus had just told them they did know the way but they couldn’t comprehend it and would have trouble accepting that the cross was the way that Jesus would return to his Father.

That brings us to our second point this morning which is Christ’s Person. Belief in the person of Jesus Christ is the cure for our troubles. Follow along as I read verses 6-11. This is what God’s Word says, Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him, and have seen Him.” Philip said to Him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us.” Jesus said to him, “Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? ​​ Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does His works. Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me; otherwise believe because of the works themselves.

Now John 14:6 is my favorite Bible verse of all time and one of my favorite Christian songs by the group Disciple is about this verse. In fact I told Judy she needs to get Disciple to come to my funeral and play that song. But this verse is a stumbling block to many people, in fact, to most people outside of Christianity. When Jesus says, “he is the way and the truth and the life the emphasis is on the word “way.” Jesus himself was the answer to Thomas’ question. Access to the one true God is only through believing in the person of Jesus Christ and no one else.

The exclusivism of this statement cannot be diminished. This is why Jesus as our Lord and Savior is essential to Christianity. Jesus, as God incarnate, is the only way to God. Acts 4:12 says, Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” Jesus alone is the way to God, but he is the way for all. No one is excluded no matter their religious background or even lack of religion. Jesus in his grace welcomes everyone to the Father if they will come through him.

But this is where all other religions fall short. They believe that Jesus was just a good man or only a prophet. They don’t believe that Jesus and God are one. They don’t believe that Jesus died on a cross for the sins of humanity so they could be saved, reconciled to God and spend eternity in heaven with God. Jesus was also the truth because he is the authoritative representative and revealer of God the Father. And he is the life because he is both life and the source of life to us. Burge says, “God’s truth and God’s life is incarnate in Jesus.”

So, the question is what do you believe about Jesus? Do you believe that he is the only way to God? Do you believe that the person of Jesus Christ is the cure for your troubles? That he is the cure for your lost heart. Romans 10:9-10 says, If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. ​​ So do you believe that he died on a cross for your sins and rose again? If not the second next step this morning is for you which is to believe that the person of Jesus Christ is the cure for my lost heart and accept his salvation.

In verse 7, Jesus tells the disciples if they really knew him, they would know the Father. They had spent three years with him and he had taught them everything the Father had spoken to him. They had seen the miracles that Jesus performed that could have only come from the Father. But the truth is they did not know Jesus fully because if they did they would have known the Father as well. Until now all had been preparation for them to know Jesus fully and to understand that Jesus and God were one. Jesus said, “From now on you do know him and have seen him.” “From now on” probably means after the resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit they would realize that because they had seen and known Jesus they actually did see and know God. The more we know Jesus, the more we know God. That was why God came down to earth as Jesus. It was to show us what he was like and what he was about. As a result of what Christ was going to do on the cross his followers would know God and how much he loved them. God loved the world and wanted so much to be a relationship with us that he died on a cross as Jesus Christ in order to save us from our sins and spend eternity with us.

The disciples believed that Jesus was the Son of God, the Messiah, but they never fully grasped the truth that he was God in the flesh. Knowledge of the Father can only be obtained as we more fully know and understand the Son. This was hard for the disciples to grasp and it can be hard for us today as well, but we grasp it through faith. If we truly know Jesus we would believe that his presence, person and power is the cure for our troubles.

The disciples’ understanding that Jesus and God were one was lacking, and Philip asks Jesus to now show them the Father and they would be satisfied. He probably thinks if they can just see the Father that will put an end to their troubled hearts. Philip was one of Jesus’ first disciples but even he didn’t realize that he had literally been in the presence of God for the past three years. This question from Philip gives Jesus the opportunity to teach his disciples about the intimate relationship between himself and the Father. The fact is, Jesus says, the Father and I are so closely connected that anyone that has seen me has seen the Father. I and the Father are one.

In verse 10, Jesus reminds them that the words he spoke to them came directly from the Father and that the miraculous works that he had performed in their sight should prove to them that he is in the Father and the Father is in him. Jesus used the same argument with the Jews in John 10:37-38. Jesus is talking, “If I do not do the works of My Father, do not believe Me; but if I do them, though you do not believe Me, believe the works, so that you may know and understand that the Father is in Me, and I in the Father.” The proof that he and the Father were one was established by his words and his works, which were the miracles he performed. Surely no one but God could perform the miracles Jesus did in the presence of the disciples. Gangel says, Jesus’ words reflected his deity much more than his works did. They had been fascinated by his works but had not listened carefully enough to his words.” Tenney says, “The way that Jesus made known the character and reality of the Father was by his words and works. The truth of God filled Jesus’ words; the power of God produced his works.”

That brings us to our third point this morning which is Christ’s Power. Belief in the power of Jesus Christ is the cure for our troubles. Follow along as I read verses 12-14. This is what God’s Word says, “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father. Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.

In verse 12, Jesus makes an amazing promise to those who believe in him. “He that believes on me” stresses personal commitment. The person who really trusts and believes in Jesus will do the works that Jesus did and even greater works than Jesus. The greater works did not mean greater in power, but greater in extent, in that their words and works would reach to all corners of the earth. Jesus’ earthly ministry was limited in time and space. He never went outside of Palestine to teach and preach and perform his miraculous works. The disciples on the other hand would take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. The power to perform those greater works would only be possible because Jesus was going to the Father. Only then could the Holy Spirit come and fill each believer and empower them to do these greater works. Even though Jesus would not be present with the disciples, the Spirit would provide them with all the power they needed to extend the gospel to all the world. Morris says, “The things that they do are not necessarily the miracles but the mighty work of conversions that we see in the book of Acts. On Pentecost alone more believers were added than throughout Jesus’ earthly ministry.”

In verses 13-14, Jesus talks to the disciples about another benefit of leaving them to go to the Father. That was prayer. They had seen how important prayer was to Jesus as he would go off to a quiet place to pray to his heavenly Father. Now, he was empowering them to use prayer in order to see his power. Prayer would bridge the gap between their needs and his abundant, limitless, resources. The power of prayer would cure the disciples’ troubles. But it was more than that in that this power of prayer would enable them to do the “greater things.” But there was a rule to seeing the power of Jesus in prayer and that was, it had to be asked in his name. What does it mean to pray and ask in Jesus’ name? ​​ To ask in Jesus’ name means to ask in accordance with all that Jesus’ name stands for and to recognize that the only approach to God is through his son. It also means to ask in accordance with the character, will and purposes of Jesus. The Jewish culture took names very seriously. They equated one’s name with the character, spirit and power of that person. That is why the Jews never spoke the name of Yahweh. If we are not going to pray for the will of Jesus or God to be done we shouldn’t ask in Jesus’ name or even at all.

The asking in Jesus’ name was paramount for two things. One, we must ask in his name so that the Son may bring glory to the Father and two, we must ask in Jesus’ name so that our prayers would be fulfilled. ​​ Jesus’ purpose for coming to earth as a baby and dying on the cross for our sins and being resurrected was all for the glory of God. That would not change after his resurrection and ascension into heaven. ​​ Jesus did not do anything and will not do anything that does not bring glory to the Father. Carson says, “He enables his own to do “greater things” in order that he may bring glory to the Father.” Jesus said that if you ask “anything” in my name I will do it. “Anything” makes this promise very wide indeed. There is no limit to the power of prayer asked in the name of Jesus. But we can’t forget the believing. We can pray in Jesus’ name without believing that Jesus has the power to cure our troubles. Our belief is important. Which brings us to our third next step this morning which is to believe that the power of my prayers asked in Jesus’ name is the cure for my troubles.

In closing I want to read this account which is confirmed by Mike Riches, senior pastor of Clover Creek Bible Fellowship, Tacoma, Washington.

It was a phone call one never wants to get. A friend called from Ohio to say that our mutual friend, Debbie, was dying of leukemia and was at a cancer center in Seattle. Later, Debbie's husband called, telling me that Debbie had slipped into a coma. The doctors had given her two to three days to live. Debbie's two adult children had flown in to say their good-byes. He invited me to come and pray.

I admit that this was a huge stretch for my faith. But I asked a friend to go with me, and we set out for Seattle. As we drove, John 14:12–14 ran through my mind: "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it."

Now was my chance to prove that I really believed those verses. Could we really do the things Jesus did? Would he really do the things we asked in his name? At the hospital, we introduced ourselves to Debbie's family and then approached her bed. I silently asked the Lord what to pray. Luke's account of Jesus rebuking a fever came to mind. Debbie, however, was a sad sight. By all outward appearances, what I was about to pray seemed impossible.

Nevertheless, I prayed, "Lord, I come to you based on the authority and power you have given me because of Jesus. Jesus, you said we would do even greater things because of your power in us. You told me in John 15 that if I abide in you and your words abide in me, I can ask anything and it will be granted. So, right now, in the name and authority of Jesus in me, I rebuke the cancer and death. In Jesus' name, I pronounce healing and abundant life."

My prayer was simple, based on Scripture, and spoken in faith and in the authority of Jesus' name. Nothing happened at the moment, though, so my friend and I said good-bye.

Debbie continued to be on my mind, but I also knew the Lord had heard my prayer. It was all in his hands. A week later, my phone rang. It was Debbie. She had awoken from her coma and asked the medical team to unhook her life support! She had heard that I had visited her several days before and had prayed for her. "Would you please come back?" she asked. So the next day, I drove back to Seattle to see with my own eyes what the Lord had done.

What an amazing time that was. Debbie—alert and smiling—told me the story. For three days after we prayed for her, while still in a coma, she sensed that an angel was standing by her bed. On the third day she woke up and knew in her heart that the Lord had completely healed her. The doctors' tests showed no sign of any cancer whatsoever. We rejoiced!

We were then able to share the gospel with her family. As a result of Debbie's healing, her son and his wife received Christ and are now joyfully serving him. And, to this day four years later, no cancer has returned.

I wanted to read that story to you because it directly talks about praying in the name of Jesus and in accordance to the will of Jesus and for the glory of God. But I want you to know that every prayer prayed in Jesus’ name is not going to be that dramatic. God is sovereign and he knows what is best for us. But guess what? Belief in Jesus’ presence, person and power brings the cure for our troubles because it brings us peace.

We may have anxiety, depression, fear and uncertainty but we still believe that the presence of Jesus Christ will bring us peace in the midst of our troubled hearts. We can pray for the spiritual healing of our friends and family but then the ball is their court. We still believe that the person of Jesus Christ can cure the lost heart and we can have peace that Jesus will always be there waiting for our friends and family to accept his person as the way to salvation. Finally, we and our loved ones may still get sick and possibly die but we still believe in the power of a prayer prayed in Jesus’ name and we have peace that God is sovereign and in control of all things. Belief in Jesus Christ is the cure for our troubles.

As Gene and Roxey come to lead us in our final hymn this morning, let’s pray: Dear Sovereign Lord, I praise you for your Word. I praise you for your son, Jesus. I thank you that you love us with an everlasting love. Continue to walk with us through all our troubles and give us peace as we believe in your presence with us, your person to save us and your power as we pray for all things in your precious name. In Jesus’ Amen.




Be Like Christ

(John 13:31-38)



Do you remember the Gatorade commercial that originally aired in 1992 featuring Michael Jordan? ​​ Michael was probably at the height of his career. ​​ He was unstoppable on the court. ​​ He and the Bulls had won two consecutive NBA titles and Michael had won two consecutive MVP awards. ​​ In the 1992-1993 season, the Bulls won their third consecutive NBA title and Michael won his third consecutive MVP award.


Gatorade capitalized on Michael Jordan’s fame and put together a marketing campaign that featured him. ​​ They even had a jingle written to go along with the commercial. ​​ Most of us, from that time, can at least remember part of it.


The lyrics go like this:


“Sometimes I dream
That he is me
You've got to see that's how I dream to be
I dream I move, I dream I groove
Like Mike
If I could Be Like Mike
Like Mike
Oh, if I could Be Like Mike
Be Like Mike, Be Like Mike
Again I try
Just need to fly
For just one day if I could
Be that way
I dream I move
I dream I groove
Like Mike
If I could Be Like Mike
I wanna be, I wanna be
Like Mike
Oh, if I could Be Like Mike




I don’t know if Gatorade’s sales went up or not. ​​ What I do remember is everyone wanting Air Jordan sneakers, his jersey, and posters of him.



  • ME

    • What I was thinking about in 1992

        • Judy and I were already married

        • We graduated from college in May of 1992

        • I wasn’t thinking about being like Mike

        • In fact, I wasn’t even sure what I was going to do with the Business Management and Economics degrees I had

        • We were preparing to move to Florida, where Judy had gotten a Kindergarten teaching position with a Christian school

        • In August of 1992 I wasn’t thinking about anything except Hurricane Andrew

    • Being like my father

        • As I matured and grew I knew that God was calling me into pastoral ministry

        • When I finally submitted to that calling, I knew that I wanted to be like my father

        • He had pastored for many years at this point

        • I know the kind of godly man he is and the passion he has for preaching the Word of God

        • I have wanted to be like him for a long time

        • I’m still striving to be like him


  • WE

    • Be like . . .

        • Perhaps there’s someone you want to be like

        • Maybe it’s a parent or grandparent

        • It could be a teacher, a friend, a friend’s parent, a pastor, a boss, an athlete, a musician, a movie star, etc.

        • When we want to be like someone, we do the same things they do, we say the same things they say, we act the same way they act


In the John 13:31-38 we see that Jesus gives His disciples a “new command,” about love. ​​ The command to love God and our neighbor wasn’t new, but the command to love like He loved was new. ​​ John wants us to understand that . . .


BIG IDEA – ​​ Being a Christ follower means loving like Christ.


Let’s pray


  • GOD (John 13:31-38)

    • Lauding (vv. 31-32)

        • When he was gone

          • Review by reading John 13:26-30

          • John is speaking about after Judas left

          • We see then that Jesus has some important things to say to the remaining eleven disciples

        • Glorification of Jesus and God

          • In these two verses, John uses glorified three times

            • All three are in the aorist tense, which, in the Greek, normally refers to the past

            • God’s glory had already been revealed through Jesus

            • “Throughout Jesus’ life of perfect obedience, God has been honored. ​​ God’s power has also been made visible through the many signs of Jesus’ ministry . . . Jesus’ glory thus occurs when God’s glory radiates through him.” ​​ [Burge, The NIV Application Commentary, John, 375]

          • In verse 33, John uses glorify two times

            • These two uses are in the future tense

            • Since God has been glorified through Jesus’ life, God will glorify Jesus at once

            • The full glorification of Jesus has not yet taken place, because it’s still in the future

            • It’s not, however, an eschatological (end times) future, but rather, a very near future (within days)

            • Jesus is telling His disciples that through His death, burial, and resurrection, He and God will be glorified

        • This really sets the stage for Jesus’ next statement

    • Leaving (v. 33)

        • My children

          • This reminds me of the beginning of John’s Gospel when he writes, Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God – children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. (John 1:12-13)

          • The Greek word for children means actual small children and not necessarily offspring [Michaels, The New International Commentary on the New Testament, The Gospel of John, 757]

          • Jewish teachers and Rabbis would affectionately address their students as children

          • It’s also important to remember the setting where Jesus is talking to His disciples

            • They have been celebrating the Passover Feast together

            • Within family units, the head of the family would address the entire family

            • As Jesus is talking with them, He is “fulfilling the paschal role of head of the family.” ​​ [Carson, The Pillar New Testament Commentary, The Gospel According to John, 483]

            • That is another important reason why He addresses them as “my children” or “dear children.”

          • Jesus’ next statement is self-explanatory for us

        • I will be with you only a little longer

          • PRINCIPLE #1 – Jesus is all-knowing (omniscient)

            • He knew what was about to happen

            • He knew that He would be crucified on a cross, buried, raise to life again, and ascend to the Father

          • It makes perfect sense to us, because we have the rest of the story – Jesus is going to be arrested that very evening, eventually falsely convicted, and then put to death

          • For the disciples this scene was unfolding right in front of them – they have no idea what’s coming

        • You will look for me and where I’m going, you cannot come

          • This is the third time that Jesus used the same words

            • The first two times He was talking to the Jewish religious leaders

              • John 7:33-34, Jesus said, “I am with you for only a short time, and then I go to the one who sent me. ​​ You will look for me, but you will not find me; and where I am, you cannot come.”

              • John 8:21, Once more Jesus said to them, “I am going away, and you will look for me, and you will die in your sin. ​​ Where I go, you cannot come.”

            • When Jesus is talking to the Jewish religious leaders, He is saying to them that when they are ready to look for Him, they won’t be able to find Him, because He has returned to the Father – they’ll have missed their opportunity to be with Him

            • The sad reality for the Jewish religious leaders is that they will die in their sin and be separated from God and Jesus for all eternity

          • When Jesus uses the same words, with His disciples, He’s not saying the same thing as He did to the Jewish religious leaders

            • They’re going to look for Him at the empty tomb, but not find Him there

            • They’re going look for Him in the clouds, after His ascension, but not find Him there either (although He will return in the same way the disciples saw Him leave)

            • They cannot come to the place where He is going

              • The first place He is going, where they cannot come, is to the cross

                • Jesus had to fulfill His purpose on earth by dying on a cross to take our punishment for sin

                • He was the only One who could fulfill that purpose, because He was perfect, without sin (the disciples were human and imperfect, so they couldn’t go to the cross with Him, to die for the sins of humanity)

                • Gospel

                  • All have sinned (Rom. 3:23)

                  • 1 John 1:8, 10, If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us . . . If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word has no place in our lives.

                  • Just 5 of the 10 Commandments proves that we are all sinners (lie, steal, blaspheme, hate, lust)

                  • James 2:10 – keeps the whole law, stumbles at just one, guilty of breaking all of it

                  • Punishment for sin (Rom. 6:23)

                  • God’s perfect plan (read Rom. 5:6-8)

                  • 1 Peter 3:18, For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. ​​ He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit.

                  • Romans 10:9-10, That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. ​​ For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.

                  • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Be saved by confessing with my mouth that “Jesus is Lord,” and believing in my heart that God raised him from the dead.

                • There was a second place that the disciples could not come to

              • The second place they could not come was to the Father – that would happen eventually, though

          • So, Jesus had some important things to do that the disciples could not help Him with

        • But, there was a new command that they could help Him with

    • Loving (vv. 34-35)

        • New command – love one another

          • You may be thinking, “Wait a minute, loving others isn’t a new command, it’s in the Old and New Testaments!”

            • Leviticus 19:18, ‘Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. ​​ I am the Lord.’

            • Read Mathew 5:43-48

            • Perhaps you read the story about a woman and her husband who came to a pastor and said, ‘We're going to get a divorce, but we want to come to make sure that you approve of it.’ There are people who come to the pastor hoping that when they say there is no feeling left in their marriage, the pastor will say, ‘Well, if there's no feeling left, then, the only thing you can do is split.’

              Instead, the pastor says to the husband, ‘The Bible says you're to love your wife as Jesus Christ loved the church.’

              He says, ‘Oh, I can't do that.’

              The pastor says, ‘If you can't begin at that level, then begin on a lower level. You're supposed to love your neighbor as you love yourself. Can you at least love her as you would love a neighbor?’

              The husband says, ‘No. That's still too high a level.’

              The pastor says, ‘The Bible says, Love your enemies. Begin there.’

              Erwin Lutzer, "Learning to Love," Preaching Today, Tape No. 99.


          • What made the command new, was that they were to love as Jesus had loved them

            • Perhaps the most recent act of love that Jesus demonstrated for the disciples was washing their feet, which He then instructed them to do for each other

              • This was an act of servitude

              • He had humbled Himself and encouraged them to do the same

            • The next act of love that Jesus would demonstrate for them would be dying on a cross for their sins

              • It was a selfless act

              • “This rule of self-sacrificial, self-giving, selfless love, a unique quality of love inspired by Jesus’ own love for the disciples, will serve as the foundational ethic for the new messianic community.” ​​ [Köstenberger, Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, John, 423-24]

          • PRINCIPLE #2 – God is pleased when His people show Christ-like love for each other.

            • I have to admit that I have struggled with this in the past and sometimes still struggle with loving other Christians like Jesus loves them

              • When someone hurts us, it’s difficult to love them

              • When someone says unkind things about us, it’s difficult to love them

              • When someone falsely accuses us, it’s difficult to love them

              • When someone criticizes us and blames us for how things are going, it’s difficult to love them

            • When this happens within the church, it’s perhaps even more difficult

              • “The measure in which Christian people fail in love to each other is the measure in which the world does not believe in them, or their Christianity. ​​ It is the final test of discipleship, according to Jesus.” [Morgan cited by Gangel, Holman New Testament Commentary, John, 255]

              • All of us can probably think of someone in the church, who we don’t particularly love like Christ loves – we may not even like them, but we tolerate them

              • In fact, we may feel like we’ll never be able to love them like Christ does, because we want to be upset with them and hold a grudge against them, instead of letting those feelings go and loving like Christ

              • The truth is that we can’t love them correctly on our own

              • Recently I was sent a picture of a jug into which water was being poured. The idea was that love, or whatever we need, is poured into us like that. I don't think of it so at all. I think of the love of God as a great river, pouring through us as the waters pour through our ravine in flood-time. Nothing can keep this love from pouring through us, except of course our own blocking of the water. Do you sometimes feel that you have got to the end of your love for someone who refuses and repulses you? Such a thought is folly, for one cannot come to the end of what one has not got. We have no store of love at all. We are not jugs, we are riverbeds.”

                Amy Carmichael in Whispers of His Power. Christianity Today, Vol. 34, no. 14.


              • The capacity to love like Christ, doesn’t come from within us, it comes through us as we remove the barriers of anger, hatred, dislike, dissension, disunity, and bitterness

              • That’s when God’s love can be poured out through us to one another, meaning that we are being obedient to Jesus’ new command

              • Paul tells us what love looks like (Read 1 Cor. 13:4-7)

            • I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of not following this new command in my own heart and mind

              • God has been working on me over the past several weeks and especially this past week as I’ve been preparing this message

              • Confession

                • We all love each other, but at times, we are guilty of not loving like Christ loves us

                • Join me this morning is confessing to the Lord that we have allowed anger, hatred, dislike, dissension, disunity, and beitterness to block God’s love from flowing through us to one another

                • I’m going to kneel before the Lord this morning is complete and total submission to Him as I confess this before Him

                • I encourage you to do the same wherever you are this morning (if you can’t physically kneel, then kneel in your heart)

              • Commitment

                • I’m committing today, with God’s help through His Holy Spirit, to strive to love every one of you with Christ-like love

                • I would appreciate your prayers as I endeavor to do this

                • One way that Judy and I express love is through hospitality, so don’t be surprised when we start contacting you and asking you to join us for a meal in our home (of course it will have to wait until we are able to gather together again)

                • Hopefully you’ll see other ways in which I am striving to love you like Christ loves me

                • Will you join me in making the same commitment?

                • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Be obedient to Jesus’ new command, by striving to love every one with Christ-like love.

          • Being a Christ follower means loving like Christ.

          • When we love each other, like Christ loves us, something amazing will happen

        • Known as disciples of Jesus

          • Those in our community will see that we are truly disciples of Jesus Christ

          • The transformation that takes place within us will be evident to those around us

          • We will see more and more people coming to Christ for salvation

          • We will experience revitalization as a church and revival within our communities

          • This is what we have been praying for

        • I wish we could stop the message here, but there’s one final point

    • Lying (vv. 36-38)

        • Simon Peter asks Jesus’ two questions

          • Where are you going?

            • Jesus doesn’t answer Peter directly

            • Jesus just restates what He already said

              • Peter can’t follow Him to the cross, now

              • Jesus goes on to say that Peter will follow Him later

              • We know from church history that Peter did follow Jesus to the cross

              • He would not let them crucify him in the same way they crucified Jesus, so he was hung upside down on a cross

            • Peter is still trying to understand what Jesus is saying, so he asks a follow-up question

          • Why can’t I follow you now?

            • It seems as though Peter may have understood that Jesus was talking about dying on a cross, when he says that he will lay down his life for Jesus

            • PRINCIPLE #3 – God knows the extent of our commitment to Him.

              • We see this in Jesus’ response to Peter’s bold statement

              • “Will you really lay down your life for me?”

              • How many times have we made bold statements to the Lord, especially in a time of trial or difficulty, only to break that commitment when things get better?

                • Pastors hear these kinds of statements frequently

                  • “I really need to get back to church.”

                  • “I’ll see you on Sunday.”

                  • “We’re going to start coming to church again.”

                  • Many times those statements are empty, because the person or family never comes

                • Perhaps we’ve all made statements to the Lord about spiritual disciplines

                  • “Lord, I promise to read Your Word every day.”

                  • “Lord, I going to spend ___ minutes in prayer each morning.”

                  • “God, I’m going to begin tithing 10% to the church.”

                  • “Lord, I’m going to sign up to volunteer at church this year.”

                • It’s tough to change our habits and routines – it takes an act of our will and self-discipline

              • When we make these statements, God already knows the extent of our commitment and whether or not we will truly follow through with them

              • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Only make commitments to the Lord that I am ready and willing to maintain.

          • Peter had good intentions and probably wanted to be as bold as his statement, but Jesus knew what was going to happen, even that night

        • Jesus predicts Peter’s denial

          • Jesus tells Peter that while his intentions are good, the reality is that he would disown Jesus three times before the rooster crows

          • We know the story because it’s recorded in all four Gospels (Matt. 26:69-75; Mark 14:66-72; Luke 22:54-65; John 18:25-27)

            • Jesus is arrested that very night in the Garden

            • The disciples all abandon Him and run away

            • Peter and John follow Jesus to the high priest’s home

            • As Peter is warming himself by the fire, he denies knowing Jesus, or being His disciple, three times

            • When faced with reality, Peter wasn’t really willing to lay down his life for Jesus, at least at this time

            • He eventually dies for the Gospel of Jesus Christ


  • YOU

    • Are you loving those in the body of Christ like Jesus loves you?

        • What changes do you need to make in order to love like Jesus does? [Be Like Christ]

        • How can you begin that process today?

    • Are you making commitments to the Lord that you are ready and willing to maintain?


  • WE

    • This is a challenge to every one of us as followers of Jesus Christ

    • Being a Christ follower means loving like Christ



“Ever feel overwhelmed by the Bible's command to love unconditionally? When people ask me, ‘How can I ever start to love everyone like I should?’ I give the same answer I give those who ask how they can start jogging: Start slow, and then get slower! For the first week, the goal is ‘just to keep moving.’ Too many people buy new shoes and a fancy running suit and sprint out the door, eagerly chugging as hard as they can for about three blocks. Then their stomachs begin to ache, their muscles cramp, and their lungs burn. They wind up hitchhiking home exhausted, and gasp, ‘I will never do that again.’ That's called anaerobic (without oxygen) running. It's caused by a body using up more oxygen than it takes in. Many people try to run that way, and many people try to love that way. They love with great fervor and self-sacrifice, giving 100 percent but without the resources to continue for a lifetime. Down the road they find themselves in pain, gasping and cramped, saying, ‘I will never do that again.’ Love, like running, must be aerobic. Our output must be matched by our intake. Running requires oxygen. An enduring love requires God's word, his consolation, his presence. As we love aerobically, we'll build up our capacity to do more and more. And pretty soon we won't be huffing and puffing for half a mile; we'll be running marathons.


Roger Thompson, Leadership, Vol. 4, no. 1.




Where do you need to start loving today?



Mother’s Day

Life’s Goal

(Proverbs 31:10-31)



“According to a poll by Family Circle magazine, 86 percent of mothers think they don't get enough respect, and 80 percent agree that moms who stay at home get even less. Even so, 77 percent of mothers who work full-time would rather stay home if they could.


Moms in both camps are a bit defensive: 73 percent of those at home think working moms look down on them, while 66 percent of those who work feel the same way about moms who are at home.


The main message, however, is a positive one: while 70 percent of mothers say that being a mom is much more demanding than they expected, 92 percent say it is also much more rewarding.”


Time (5-6-2002), p. 18; submitted by Jon R. Mutchler, Ferndale, Washington.





  • ME

    • Stating the obvious

        • I’m not a mother

        • I’m not a wife

        • I’m not a woman

    • That’s why I have to rely on God’s Word to speak about woman today


  • WE

    • Expectations from other moms

        • Perhaps you’re a stay-a-home mom (I guess every mom is a stay-at-home right now, with the Coronavirus), and you feel like working moms are looking down on you

        • Maybe you’re a working mom, and you feel like stay-at-home moms are looking down on you

        • Take heart that both kinds of moms are feeling the same way, so don’t put that undue pressure on yourselves

    • Biblical characteristics from God

        • It’s easy to look at what other moms are doing and feel like a failure, but don’t play the compare game

        • God’s Word gives us Biblical characteristics and qualities for women, and He is the One we should strive to please

        • Being a wife and mother will fall into place when we spend time focusing on God and His Word


Most everyone is familiar with Proverbs 31. ​​ There is a ministry organization that’s called Proverbs31 Ministries. ​​ People talk about a Proverbs 31 woman. ​​ We’re going to look at Proverbs 31:10-31 today as we celebrate Mother’s Day. ​​ The writer of this section of Proverbs talks about a wife of noble character and how rare that can be. ​​ Fortunately, it is not impossible. ​​ As we look at this passage today, I want to encourage every woman to . . .


BIG IDEA – ​​ Seek to be rare, don’t compare.


Let’s pray


  • GOD (Proverbs 31:10-31)

    • Background

        • The final verses in the book of Proverbs (vv. 10-31) have two very powerful patterns that are important to recognize

          • Acrostic

            • This is not the only acrostic poem in Proverbs or the entire Bible, there are others

            • The beginning of each verse starts with the consecutive letter of the Hebrew alphabet (there are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet) [show image of the Hebrew alphabet]

            • [Show image of Proverbs 31:10-31]

            • This shows an incredible beauty in how the poem was constructed

          • Chiastic Structure

            • The other pattern we see is the chiastic structure

            • [Show image of chiastic structure]

            • In a chiastic structure there are matching pairs that point to a central theme that the author doesn’t want the reader or audience to miss

            • They say certain things heading into the central theme and then say the exact same things in reverse order as they move away from the central theme

        • We are going to be using the chiastic structure as our guide, looking at the central theme first and working our way out

    • Central theme (v. 23)

        • Who is this Proverb written for?

          • I don’t want us to miss the historical and contextual significance of the book of Proverbs

          • Most of the book was written by Solomon with help from Agur and Lemuel at the very end

          • It seems to be primarily written to Solomon’s son(s) about how to obtain wisdom and live a disciplined and prudent life

          • As it pertains to our passage today, and the central theme, the character qualities listed are for a wife, perhaps for Solomon’s son(s)

        • The central theme then is about the husband of this woman of noble character

          • The husband of this woman is respected at the city gate

          • He is part of the ruling council of elders for her city

        • With that said, I don’t want us to take too much time focusing on the husband, because it’s Mother’s Day

        • “The woman was formed out of man – not out of his head to rule over him; not out of his feet to be trampled upon by him; but out of his side to be his equal, from beneath his arm to be protected, and from near his heart to be loved.” ​​ [Matthew Henry cited by Anders, Homan Old Testament Commentary, Proverbs, 358]

        • Let’s look at the character qualities, of this ideal wife, that allows her husband to be respected at the city gate

        • We’re going to look at each matching pair as we get further and further from the central theme

    • Character qualities (vv. 10-22, 24-31)

        • Making of coverings and garments (vv. 22, 24)

          • For herself (v. 22)

            • She works hard at the textile trade

            • Most women in the Near East were gifted at weaving and making their own garments

            • We’ll see this more as we progress through this passage

            • She is weaving large coverings for her bed

            • She is also clothed in fine linen and purple

              • Fine linen would have been made from flax and imported from Egypt

              • Purple refers to wool that was dyed and was imported from Phoenicia (the dye came from shellfish found there)

              • The woman would have made her own garments from these imported materials

              • She was dressed with the best

              • She’s resourceful as we will see in a moment

            • TODAY

              • Most of our wives aren’t weaving or sewing their own sheets and blankets, but they are making sure that we have sheets and blankets at the best possible price – they’re researching the thread count to make sure the quality is good

              • They are also making sure to dress well

              • Making sure that our bed has sheets and blankets and dressing herself well shows us, guys, that our wives love us and are concerned about us

            • She not only makes items for herself, she also makes items to sell

          • For others (v. 24)

            • She is so industrious that she has more than enough garments and sashes to sell to the merchants

            • I’ve been impressed with those of you in our congregation, who know how to sew, and have used your giftedness to provide hundreds of masks to individuals in our community and beyond – and you’ve done that out of your own generosity, at no charge (we’ll see the character quality of generosity in v. 20)

          • She is not only concerned about herself and her husband, but also her children

        • Clothing of children and herself (vv. 21b, 25a)

          • Her children don’t have to be afraid of the cold associated with the season of snow, because their mother provides scarlet clothing (v. 21b)

            • Again, the dyed cloth would have been expensive

            • Scarlet would have referred to wool garments instead of a light linen made from flax

            • Wool would have helped to retain heat

            • Waltke explains that mentioning the color of the thread, is another way of saying wool, simply because “linen does not readily accept dye.” [Waltke, The New International Commentary on the Old Testament, The Book of Proverbs, Chapters 15-31, 530]

            • This mother spares no expense in taking care of her family and keeping them warm

            • TODAY – how have you seen your mother or wife making sure you are warm?

          • The matching unit speaks of a woman being clothed, but not with garments (v. 25a)

            • She is clothed with strength and dignity

            • She is able to face any adversity that comes her way with confidence instead of fear

            • TODAY – How have you seen your mother or wife face adversity and uncertainty?

          • The woman in this passage is prepared for the future

        • No fear (vv. 21a, 25b)

          • She is ready when winter comes and can laugh at the days to come

            • This shows not only a physical readiness, but an emotional readiness

            • We’ll see in the final matched pair where this confidence and emotional readiness and strength come from

            • It doesn’t come from herself

          • In this next pair, we see that this woman is generous, compassionate, loving, and caring

        • Wife gives to others (vv. 20, 26)

          • With her possessions (v. 20)

            • Perhaps you’re skeptical about whether or not this is truly a matching pair

            • Both Anders and Garrett explain that throughout Proverbs, and other wisdom literature, that the mark of wisdom is in providing for the poor – it is a fundamental virtue [Anders, 362; Garrett, The New American Commentary, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, 250]

            • This woman is either giving them what they need (food, clothing, etc.) and/or inviting them into her home

            • What we see here is generosity and hospitality

            • TODAY – How have you seen your mother or wife reaching out to those in need, and either providing what they need or inviting them into your home?

          • With her words (v. 26)

            • Speaks with wisdom

              • “That she speaks with wisdom implies that she already possesses it and that wisdom shapes what she has to say and how she says it.” [Waltke, 532]

              • It is probable that she is sharing her wisdom with her husband

              • Husbands, how many of you have experienced the great wisdom of your wives?

              • I know I have – God has given Judy incredible wisdom and I’m a better man when I listen to God speaking through her

            • Faithful instruction is on her tongue

              • Can you hear her children? ​​ “Mom, why did you give that garment, you made, to that beggar?” ​​ “Why did you invited that family to our house for a meal?”

              • Can you see her, gently sitting down with her children and explaining, “God has been so good to us. ​​ He has provided for your father and I above what we could ever imagine. ​​ We want others to know and experience God’s love, compassion, and provision through us. ​​ So, sometimes we give them clothing or feed them a meal.”

              • She uses the wisdom she has gained through circumstances and questions from her children as teachable moments

              • She is concerned about passing on the wisdom she has gained

            • TODAY – What wisdom has your mother passed on to you?

          • She not only speaks and lives out wisdom, but she works hard

        • Wife works hard (vv. 13-19, 27)

          • Works herself (vv. 13-19)

            • She makes her own thread from the wool and flax she selects (vv. 13, 19)

              • She probably goes to the market place and carefully looks through the wool selections

              • She also carefully looks at the flax selection, for the best quality

                • Flax was made from a plant that was uprooted and dried and then the fibers were extracted from the plant

                • Flax was used to make linen, so the better the flax, the better the linen

              • She uses the distaff and the spindle in order to spin her own wool and flax thread for weaving and making garments

              • She does this with eager hands (at the pleasure of her hands – she enjoys it!)

            • She provides food for her family (vv. 14-15)

              • She goes to the market place before sunrise, so she’ll have the best food selection possible for her family

              • She also chooses exotic food for her family to enjoy

              • She’s probably not making food for the servant girls, but rather, providing the raw ingredients for them to make the food

            • She is a savvy business person (v. 16)

              • She looks at all of the angles, puts a plan together, and then executes her plan in purchasing a field and then planting a vineyard on it

              • We’ve been watching old episodes of “Counting On” with the Duggar children and Jinger decides that she wants to buy a car, at the auction, and then flip it. ​​ She takes a couple of her brothers with her to the auction, then she has a couple other brothers, a friend, and her one sister who make the necessary repairs and detail and clean the car, and finally she takes two other brothers with her to show the vehicle to a prospective buyer – she did her homework and used the generous resources of family members to help her purchase and sell the vehicle for a profit.

            • She is not lazy (v. 17)

              • She plans her work and works her plan

              • She has a strong back and strong arms

              • She probably has strong hands as well

            • She never lacks for financial resources (v. 18)

              • The trading that she does is profitable

              • Her lamp does not go out, is not necessarily speaking about her staying up late working into the night, but rather, is probably talking about the fact that she never lacks money, she is prosperous

            • TODAY – In what ways have you seen your mother or wife working hard for the family?

              • Does she make things and sell them?

              • Does she provide good food for you to eat?

              • Is she a savvy business person?

              • Does she every stop working?

              • Does she provide financially for you?

            • This woman not only works hard herself, but she also supervises the work of others

          • Supervises the work of others (v. 27)

            • She is aware of everything that’s happening in the household

            • When something is missing around the house, who do you ask first? (Mom)

            • She is not idle

              • I’ve watched my mom and my wife preparing for family meals and they both have multiple things cooking at the same time and are able to know where everyone is and all the details of upcoming events and activities

              • There are times when I have to ask Judy if she is going to stop and sit down (of course it’s for selfish reasons, because I want to stop and sit down)

              • When I first met Judy’s Grandma Young I wondered if she ever ate, because she would be a flurry of activity around the dinner table. ​​ She would always ask if I needed anything else, because my plate was empty. ​​ She wanted to make sure everyone was provided for, before she would take time to eat.

          • We all know how hard our mothers and wives work to provide just what we need, so we should take time to recognize and acknowledge that fact

        • Recognition by husband and children (vv. 11-12, 28-29)

          • Husbands (vv. 11-12, 28b-29)

            • Do you have full confidence in your wife? (when is the last time you told her that?)

            • How has she brought good into your life? (when is the last time you expressed gratitude for the good she has brought into your life?)

            • When is the last time you’ve praised your wife?

              • The author gives us an example here, “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.”

              • When Judy and I were dating, I told the guys in the dorm that I was sorry for them, because they had to settle for second best, since I was dating the best! (I know it sounds cheesy, but I meant it)

              • How can you praise your wife today? ​​ What characteristics are your grateful for?

            • Husbands aren’t the only ones who need to recognize the incredible woman in their home, children need to also

          • Children (v. 28a)

            • When is the last time you’ve expressed your gratitude and love for everything that your mother is doing or did do for you?

            • Today is the perfect day to do just that

          • All of this leads to the very first matching pair in this passage

        • High value of a good wife (vv. 10, 30-31)

          • The author of this section helps us to understand that a wife of noble character can be found, but it is rare, like a precious stone

            • The description that we have seen in this passage may not reflect a single woman, but may be a composite portrait of ideal womanhood [The NIV Life Application Bible, footnote for Proverbs 31:10-31, 1131]

            • It’s always tempting to look at other woman and compare ourselves to them

            • I want to encourage you to not compare yourself to anyone else, but use the characteristics found in this passage as your guide to becoming a virtuous woman

            • Seek to be rare, don’t compare

          • Where does this woman find the physical and emotional strength to do everything she does, with excellence?

            • It doesn’t come from within her

            • She can’t accomplish this on her own

            • It comes from revering the Lord

              • When I was sharing with Judy about the message for today, she said that the only way for her to excel in these character traits is to be connected to the vine

              • She is referring to John 15:1-17

              • We read these words in verse 5, “I am the vine; you are the branches. ​​ If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

              • She shared that when she has tried to do anything on her own, she has failed, but when she stays connected to Jesus, and does it with His strength, she succeeds

            • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Stay connected to Jesus, so I can be a wife and/or mother of noble character.

          • True reward and praise come from being connected to the Lord, not through charm or beauty

            • “In short, ‘charm’ deceives because it promises a lifetime of happiness that it cannot deliver . . . ‘beauty is said to be deceitful because it passes away, and with it passes the hope of happiness base on it.’” ​​ [Waltke, 535]

            • “Inner spiritual beauty does not deceive.” ​​ [Waltke, 535]



“About ten years ago, I found my mother sitting at the kitchen table. She was reading and chuckling in frustration, so I asked her what she was looking at.


She told me that she'd been studying Proverbs for her devotions and that she'd just read chapter 31, which lists the qualities of a virtuous wife. She was frustrated because she realized she could never be the woman God describes there. We talked about it some more, and my mom finally arrived at a decision that still inspires me today: she decided to take on the challenge, one verse at a time. She said: ‘I'll work on the first item in the list. When I've got that one mastered, I'll move to the next one—hopefully I'll be a virtuous woman before I die.’


I recently checked in with her to see how she was progressing. She laughed and told me she was seven or eight items into the list but was currently stuck on, ‘Her children call her blessed.’ She said, ‘I might have to wait for all of them to grow out of their teens before I can accomplish that one.’


Last year, my sisters and I got together and made a Certificate of Completion in Proverbs 31 Training. We took every verse and came up with an example of when she had fulfilled that requirement. When the certificate was finished, it looked like a real diploma and listed her many accomplishments. We all signed it, including my dad.


I read it out loud to her, and when I got to the last verse, ‘Her children call her blessed,’ one by one each of us said, ‘Mom, you are blessed.’ She cried and cried—she had finally reached her life's goal!”


Submitted by Jennifer Tatum, Romeoville, Illinois.



Husbands and Children

My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Take time, today, to tell my wife and/or mother that she is blessed.



My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Take on the challenge of seeking to be rare, one item at a time, so I can be a virtuous woman.