Modeling Church Members

(Ephesian 5:22-33)



Show video interview of Candace Cameron Bure concerning a small section in her book, Balancing It All, about submission to her husband. ​​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyoeCnbe_TA]



  • ME

    • Our situation is the same

        • Judy and I are communicating all the time about finances, the boys, other major and minor decisions that need to be made

        • When the final decision needs to be made about a major purchase or life change, then Judy looks to me to make that decision as the leader of the household

        • Fortunately I’m not making that decision in a vacuum – I know her thoughts and feelings about it

        • Career change

          • When I accepted the State Director position with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) in Ohio, Judy and I prayed about it together and talked through what that would look like – but when the decision had to be made, Judy accepted God’s leading in my life

          • When we moved to Missouri to work at the headquarters of CEF and then when we moved to California to work with Every Generation Ministries (EGM), Judy and I prayed together about these two significant moves, and again she rested in God’s leading in my life

          • When Idaville Church (IUB) called us to serve here, Judy and I prayed together and discussed the logistics of the move and God’s leading and we trusted in God’s leading for my life

          • God has blessed our family through this model


  • WE

    • Submit

        • There is one scripture that most men know by heart whether they are Christians or not

        • It’s Ephesians 5:22a, Wives, submit to your husbands . . .

          • With men who are not Christians they use this as God’s law for their wives to be submissive to them no matter what

          • They become dictators and the wife has no say whatsoever

          • In some Christian homes, this passage of scripture has been misinterpreted and only certain parts of it are quoted in order to accomplish the same thing – for women to be obedient to their husband’s every wish and command

          • This is not done out of love

          • The rest of Ephesians 5:22 says, as to the Lord

            • The Lord is talking to women through Paul

            • Ephesians 5:25 then addresses husbands, Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her . . .

          • If both the husband and wife are acting as Jesus Christ did, then love will rule the day

            • The wife will willing submit to her husband, because she knows that he loves her like Christ loved the church

            • The husband will love his wife, because he feels respected by his wife as she submits to him

            • It’s a mutual give and take

    • Embracing the cultural norms theologically

        • In the passage of scripture we’re going to look at today Paul does not reject the cultural norms of the 1st Century, but rather teaches a Christ-like perspective for household codes

        • It’s amazing how he is able to accomplish this

        • It only comes from the Holy Spirit of God and a desire to love and serve Jesus Christ and learn from His modeling

        • Paul is going to be talking about household codes for husbands and wives

        • He will be encouraging husbands to think differently about their role as the head and leader of the family, now that they are followers of Jesus Christ

        • He is encouraging them to model something different than the Greco-Roman world, considered the norm

        • As church members, you and I have a responsibility to model and lead our families to be healthy church members

          • We’ll see that whether your whole family are believers and attend church, or you’re the only one who is a believer and attends church, you have a responsibility before God

          • If you’re single, you also have a responsibility before God

          • Paul is using the analogy of marriage to communicate about the church


BIG IDEA – Leave a legacy of love for the church.


  • GOD (Ephesians 5:22-6:4)

    • Background – wives

        • Wives and women in general were not highly regarded in the Greco-Roman world

          • They could not testify in a court of law

          • They were minimally educated

          • They could not adopt children or make a contract

          • They could not own property or inherit anything

          • They were expected to adopt the religion of their husband when they got married

          • They were under the authority of their father, husband, or another male relative’s authority all their lives

        • Wives and women today

          • We’re not too far off from this in our culture today

          • There are still “glass ceilings” for women

          • There is still unequal pay

          • Wives are being abused (physically, emotionally, mentally, and verbally)

          • Women are being raped and sold into sexual slavery all over the world

            • Did you realize that one of the largest sex rings involving young girls and women, from the US and other countries, is centered around the venue where the Super Bowl is played

            • Men who exploit girls and women will be filtering them into the Minneapolis area as the Big Game gets close

        • Paul speaks into a culture that is dealing with these issues in the family and he shares with them the Christ-like way of love – unconditional/sacrificial love – the most excellent way (1 Cor. 13:1)

        • Ephesians 5:21, Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.

    • Husband and wives (vv. 22-33)

        • Paul teaches two principles here

          • Mutual subjection

          • Connection with Christ

        • Submission of wives (vv. 22-24)

          • Paul addresses the cultural norm – wives submit to your husbands

            • This was the normal Greco-Roman expectation

            • Unfortunately it could mean, with or without love

            • The wife could submit out of obligation

          • He takes it a step further and teaches them to do it in a Christ-like way – as to the Lord

            • “W. O. Carver has observed that subjection is to be ‘voluntary, personal, and having full ethical value for the one who subjects himself/herself and for others whom he/she serves in spiritual surrender.’” ​​ [Beacon Bible Commentary, 239]

            • As a submissive wife, you should be doing it out of your love for Jesus Christ and not out of obligation to your husband

          • God-given responsibility

            • From creation on down God instituted the role of “head of the household” to the husband and father

            • As husbands you have to take this role seriously, just as Jesus takes His role, as head of the church, seriously

            • The church is Christ’s body and He takes care of it

            • Paul states that Christ is the Savior of His body, the church

              • Christ has such an incredible love for the church and for human beings in general that He willingly came from heaven to earth to die on a cross to bring salvation to those who are imprisoned by sin

              • Romans 5:8, But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: ​​ While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

              • He sacrificed His rights and privileges in order to provide protection for you from the penalty of sin

              • Through the Holy Spirit of God living in you, you have the power to defeat sin in your life

              • You and I should follow Christ’s example of submitting His will to the Father

              • When you submit to God, you become more willing to obey His command to submit to others, to subordinate your rights to theirs

              • As church members, you and I are the bride of Christ and we need to submit to His headship

            • Husband is not a savior

              • It’s easy to see that the husband doesn’t have any redemptive ability to save his wife from the penalty of sin

              • You can be your wife’s protector and provider just like Christ

              • Christ protected you and me from the penalty of sin

              • He provided a way for you and me to be saved

              • Guys you know the quickest way to your wife’s heart is to do something selfless without being asked

              • It’s talking about a man here, “Any sacrifice and self-giving that create a sense of well-being and security will normally evoke free and loving submission from his wife.” ​​ [BBC, 240]

            • “Paul redefines being head as having responsibility to love, to give oneself, and to nurture. ​​ A priority is placed on the husband, but, contrary to ancient society, it is for the benefit of the wife.” ​​ [Snodgrass, 295]

          • Church submits to Christ

            • As church members, you should be giving first place to your devotion and service to Christ

            • You and I should be serving each other and Christ out of love and not obligation, just as a wife should submit to her husband out of love for Christ and not obligation or pressure

            • Perhaps you’re serving here at IUB out of obligation or pressure and not love – perhaps you’re not serving at all

              • It’s important for that attitude to change

              • Perhaps what needs to change is your understanding and perspective of who the head of the church is

              • It’s not the pastor, it’s not the board members, or the commission chair people – it’s Jesus Christ

              • God has appointed those individuals to positions of leadership and He speaks to and through them

              • They are there to help the church find the purposes of Christ [Snodgrass, 317]

              • The reason you may be struggling today is that you aren’t submitting to Christ’s headship as you should

              • It’s two-fold

                • If you’re not a follower of Jesus Christ, you haven’t submitted to His headship in your life at all

                • You serve at the church because you think it’s the right thing to do, but it’s not out of love for Jesus Christ

                • You’re hopeful that your service will counter balance all the bad you’re doing

                • This is a works mentality and it doesn’t result in entrance into heaven

                • You have to submit to Christ’s headship in your life – repent of your sins and turn to Him

                • Ephesians 2:8-9, For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is a gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.

                • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Stop trying to work my way to heaven and accept God’s gracious gift of salvation through believing in Jesus Christ by faith.

              • Perhaps you’re not submitting to Christ’s headship in this church through His chosen leaders

                • We’ve been learning about this through the book I Am A Church Member

                • Perhaps you’ve fallen prey to the misconception that the church is here to serve you and to meet all of your preferences

                • When that doesn’t happen you’ve given in to the temptation of gossiping and speaking negatively about those in the church who believe differently than you

                • You’ve stopped praying for the leadership of the church and for those who believe differently

                • You’ve stopped serving at the church, because you don’t like the direction the church is going

                • Maybe you’ve even stopped giving

                • This is not modeling for your family how to be a healthy church member

                • It doesn’t show a submission to the headship of Christ

                • “A greater sense that Christ leads the church, joined with mutual submission in finding his purposes, will move the church past many of its current problems.” ​​ [Snodgrass, 317]

                • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Confess to God that I’ve been fighting against His will for IUB and have not been submitting to the headship of Christ.

                  • Lord willing, on February 4, 2018, you will be receiving a comprehensive document concerning the G.R.O.W. capital campaign that will outline the vision God has given the leadership of the church to expand

                  • Each Sunday in February, you will hear a short devotional from different leaders concerning growth and faith

                  • We’ll have our regular quarterly Mission Possible Meeting on March 4, 2018 where we will field your questions

                  • Then on March 25, 2018 we will have a special Commitment Sunday where you will be able to make a faith promise commitment to the G.R.O.W. campaign

                  • God is asking us, as a congregation, to take another step of faith – will we follow?

        • Love of husbands (vv. 25-33)

          • Paul is talking about an unconditional love, a sacrificial love

          • This was definitely antithetical to the cultural norm of the day

          • However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband ​​ (Eph. 5:33)

          • This is the principle of mutual submission that Paul is trying to communicate to the Ephesian believers

          • “Rather than being guided by self-interests, the husband is asked to place the well-being of his wife first and to give himself to caring for her.” ​​ [Snodgrass, 296]

          • He does this because of ​​ his connection to Christ – it’s transformed him into who God desires him to be as a husband to his wife

          • Christ’s example

            • Christ has an unconditional love for the church

            • Christ sacrificed Himself for the church so she would be holy and blameless

          • Husband’s responsibilities

            • Follow Christ’s example of unconditional love

            • Be willing to sacrifice for your wife

            • Paul says he is talking about Christ and the church

          • Church member’s responsibilities

            • Love the church unconditionally

            • Be willing to sacrifice for the church

            • Take care of the church like you would your own body – feed it and care for it out of love for Christ, the Head

            • Leave a legacy of love for the church

              • We do that by praying together for the church

              • By worshiping together in the church

              • By serving together in the church

              • Asking Christ to help us fall deeper in love with the church


  • YOU

    • All believers and attend church

        • If your whole family are believers and attend church, you still have a responsibility to lead and model love for the church

        • This is done by having your family pray together for the church as a whole and the leadership of the church

          • Last week we looked at areas where you can pray for the pastor, board members, commission chair people, and teachers

          • Spiritual protection; Protection from moral failure

          • Preaching/teaching the Word; Their families

          • Encouragement; Physical strength; Courage

          • Discernment; Wisdom

        • Worship together

          • What you model for your spouse and children is what they will do

          • If you are enthusiastic and find joy in serving the church, that’s what your spouse and children will do

          • If you’re apathetic and angry about church, then your spouse and children will be too

        • Fall deeply in love with the bride of Christ

          • This means to love the church and its members no matter what

          • You are going to encounter disagreeable people – no one is perfect

          • So, you’re not always going to agree, but you must always love

    • Only believer and attend church

        • If you are the only believer in your immediate family, you still have a responsibility to model love for the church

        • You are a testimony of Christ to the unbelieving spouse and any children in the family

        • 1 Corinthians 7:14a, For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband.

        • God has given you an incredible mission field – your family

        • You’re love for the church is being watched by your spouse and children

        • How you pray for the church and its leaders will be how they pray for the church

        • How you love the church will be how they love the church

        • How often you attend church and how you worship at church will be how often they attend church and how they worship at church

    • Single

        • Perhaps you’re here today and you’re single

        • You have the responsibility to model prayer, worship, and love for the church with your extended family, friends and neighbors

        • They are watching how you pray for the church and its leaders

        • They are watching how often you attend church

        • They are watching how you worship at church

        • They are watching how you love church and the people of the church


  • WE

    • Correct modeling

        • When we model love for the church and the people of the church then the community around us will notice that

        • It can be the catalyst that changes their mind about church

        • We’ve all heard individuals say that they will never set foot in a church again, because of things they’ve seen and heard coming out of the church

          • They’ve seen and heard hatred coming out of the church

          • They’ve heard gossip from those within the church about other church members

          • They’ve experienced disunity and criticism coming out of the church

          • It’s no wonder they don’t want to be a part of the church, especially when they experience that at work or in their home

        • We have to model something different

        • We have to model Christ to the world!

        • Leave a legacy of love for the church



What kind of legacy do you want to leave?


“His name was Bob.

He died a few years ago, but, if he influenced just a few people like he influenced me, this relatively unknown and quiet man changed the world.

Bob always seemed to be at the church. ​​ I understand that some people show up at church every time the doors are open out of guilt or legalistic obligation. ​​ Not Bob. ​​ He was always joyous, always serving, always kind. ​​ You could just tell he loved serving the church.

The same could be said about Bob’s wife and two sons. ​​ They too seemed to love the church and to find joy in serving. ​​ The whole family was, well, different. ​​ But different in a good kind of way, if you know what I mean.

I was a young businessman in my early twenties. ​​ I had been married for three years and had just become a dad. ​​ Fatherhood hit me like a ton of bricks. ​​ I wanted to be a good husband and a good dad. ​​ And that meant getting involved at church. ​​ Really involved.

I didn’t know it at the time, but Bob was watching me. ​​ He was concerned for me. ​​ He loved my youthful enthusiasm, but he knew what was coming. ​​ The more I got involved, the more I would see the imperfections of the church, the pastor, the staff, and other church members. ​​ Bob had seen the pattern repeatedly. ​​ Get excited about church. ​​ Get more involved. ​​ Discover the imperfections of the church. ​​ Get discouraged about the church. ​​ Leave the church.

Bob took me under his wing. ​​ When I would begin to get angry, frustrated, or discouraged about something at the church, he would talk to me. ​​ He would explain that no church is perfect. ​​ No pastor is perfect. ​​ No church member is perfect. ​​ And he would gently remind me that I was not close to perfect either.

He told me that we were to find joy in serving the church and those in the church. ​​ We were not a part of the church to see what we could get out of it. ​​ We were part of the church to serve and care for others. ​​ Our perspective should always be on giving, not receiving. ​​ And if someone did something that disappointed or frustrated us, that was God’s way of telling us to pray for that person.

Bob told me that we could never have the perfection of Christ but that we could strive to be more like Him. ​​ He reminded me that Christ died on the cross for people who rebelled against Him. ​​ We should be able, therefore, to love the seemingly unlovable at our church.

Through Bob’s patient biblical teaching, I learned to love the local church. ​​ I learned to love the people despite their imperfections. ​​ Bob would teach me to look at the ‘log’ in my eye (my own imperfections) before I judged the ‘speck’ in other’s eyes (Matt. 7:3-5).

I wish my own parents had taught me how to love the local church. ​​ But Bob was a good spiritual father to me.

By the way, Bob’s two sons are grown men now. ​​ And it’s no surprise. ​​ They are serving and loving their local churches just like their dad.

After all, he taught them well.”


[Thom Rainer, I Am A Church Member, 55-57]


The Fifth Pledge


I will lead my family to be good members of this church as well. ​​ We will pray together for our church. ​​ We will worship together in our church. ​​ We will serve together in our church. ​​ And we will ask Christ to help us fall deeper in love with this church because He gave His life for her.




Praying Church Members

(1 Timothy 3:1-7)



“It’s Thursday morning. ​​ Pastor Mike has a clear calendar, an aberration in his busy schedule. ​​ Actually, the calendar is not really clear. ​​ He has set aside time to finish his sermon for Sunday. ​​ His Bible is open. ​​ Study aids are nearby. ​​ He begins to study.

Then the phone rings.

His assistant tells him about a car accident involving a family in the church. ​​ The ambulances are already on the way to the hospital. ​​ Mike leaves all his study material on his desk and jumps into the car.

On the way to the hospital, his assistant calls him again. ​​ The entire Godsey family of five were in the car. ​​ None are seriously hurt except Gary, the father and husband of the family. ​​ His condition is grave.

Pastor Mike walks into the emergency room. ​​ The family has just been told that their husband and father did not make it. ​​ They see their pastor and run to him sobbing, in total shock. ​​ Mike is there for them. ​​ He stays with the entire family for three hours until he is certain enough people are around to care for them.

He stops by his home to see his wife and grab a quick sandwich. ​​ It is now afternoon. ​​ He’s not sure if he can return to his sermon preparation, but he knows he must. ​​ He must fight the emotional exhaustion of the morning and finish the message. ​​ But as he walks back to the church, his assistant apologetically tells him that two people need to speak with him. ​​ They consider it urgent.

Mike meets with the two men. ​​ One of them is the worship leader of the church. ​​ He is struggling with his ministry and is considering giving up. ​​ For two hours Mike listens, consoles, and attempts to encourage the staff member.

The next visitor then catches Mike off guard. ​​ George is one of the key lay leaders in the church. ​​ Mike considers him a friend and an incredibly vital person in the overall leadership of the congregation. ​​ George struggles to speak: ​​ ‘My wife is having an affair . . .’ There are no more words for five minutes. ​​ Just tears and sobs.

Mike stays with George for over two hours. ​​ They pray together and talk about next steps.

It’s nearly five o’clock in the afternoon. ​​ Mike is too drained to attempt to get back to his sermon. ​​ Instead he begins to look at his crowded e-mail inbox. ​​ He cringes when he sees one of the senders of an e-mail. ​​ But he cannot stop himself from opening the message. ​​ It’s from one of Mike’s most frequent critics in the church. ​​ She has two complaints. ​​ The first irritation was something he said in last Sunday’s sermon. ​​ The second complaint addressed Mike’s failure to visit her sister-in-law who had minor outpatient surgery yesterday. ​​ The woman is not a member of the church. ​​ And Mike knew nothing about the surgery.

Pastor Mike shuts the laptop cover and moves to his car slowly. ​​ He’ll stop by the house to grab a quick bite to eat. ​​ Then he needs to check on the Godsey family. ​​ He will stay with them for a while, but he must leave prior to 7:30, when he is to give the invocation for a local high school basketball game.

Several people corner him at the game, so he doesn’t get home until after nine o’clock. ​​ He goes to his small study in his home, shuts the door, and begins to cry.

Gary Godsey, the father and husband who was killed in the car accident, was Mike’s best friend.

This was the first chance Mike had to grieve.”

[I Am A Church Member by Thom Rainer, 43-46].

That seems daunting doesn’t it? ​​ Now that’s not Mike’s schedule every day or even every week, but there are times in ministry when those kinds of days hit.


What we need to understand is that these kinds of days are not exclusive to the pastor, but also to those in spiritual leadership within the church. ​​ There are those within the church right now who are serving in leadership and have had long days, working their regular job and then attending meetings or meeting with individuals from the church. ​​ As we continue to develop elders within our church, they will find themselves in similar situations. ​​ Our current board of administration understands the pressures. ​​ We need your prayers on a daily basis.



  • ME

    • One of those days

        • Over the past 8 years, I can say that I’ve experienced one of those days on several occasions

        • It’s the emergency surgery, death of a loved one, or family situation that supersedes all other priorities

    • God’s grace

        • It’s easy to feel the pressure of completing God’s message for Sunday with little time, emotional strength, and focus available

        • It’s during those times that God’s Holy Spirit supernaturally intercedes and provides just the right words and ideas to communicate God’s message

        • I’ve been blessed to experience those times of God’s movement in my heart and mind


  • WE

    • There are those in the congregation that understand the pressures of serving during urgent and critical times

    • Volunteer firefighters

        • When the sirens sound, those who volunteer for the fire department have to sacrifice family time and sleep in order to serve their community

        • They have to drop everything they’re doing and go to the fire station or the scene of the emergency and spend multiples hours helping those in need

    • On-call positions

        • Doctor/Nurse

          • If you work in the medical field and are scheduled to be on-call that means your beeper or cell phone could ring at any moment

          • There is someone who is in urgent need of your help

          • You have to drop everything and go immediately to the hospital in order to serve

          • You sacrifice time with your family and sometimes sleep

        • Utilities

          • As an employee of the utility company or an employee of a heating and cooling company there are times when you have to be on-call

          • For some reason people want electricity, gas, oil, water, heat, a/c, etc.

          • There are times when the need for air conditioning and heat are critical and when the units stop working or run out of oil or gas, you have to jump into service

          • It requires you to miss family activities and sometimes sleep in order to serve

    • Praying Church Members

        • We’ve been discovering the attitudes that make the difference in church membership

        • We’ve discovered how to be a functioning, unifying, serving church member

        • Today we’re going to be focusing on being a praying church member – especially praying for the leadership of the church

        • One of the passages of scripture that addresses the qualifications of eldership is 1 Timothy 3:1-7

        • As we look at this passage this morning we’re going to see some important things that we as church members should be praying about for the leadership of Idaville

        • Being an elder and a board member carries with it very important opportunities for serving and shepherding the congregation


BIG IDEA – Prayer support is valuable support.



Read 1 Timothy 3:1-7


  • GOD (1 Timothy 3:1-7)

    • Noble Task (vv. 1)

        • Paul begins this section on overseers and deacons with a common/popular saying of his day and age

        • The NEB translates it this way, To aspire to leadership is an honorable ambition ​​ [Beacon Bible Commentary, 578]

        • NIV – noble task

        • Paul is defining this position of leadership in terms of function and not status or office [Liefeld, 116]

          • Paul is talking about having a desire to serve the church in a way that individuals grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ – this sometimes requires exhortation/admonition, which can be difficult

          • It’s not easy, but it’s important

          • It should never be a popularity contest to serve as an elder, deacon, or on the Board of Administration

          • There has to be a heartfelt desire, a calling, to serve the individuals of the church – selflessly

          • He is not encouraging people to seek status but responsibility.” ​​ [Liefeld, 116]

            • I’m willing to get my hands dirty to serve the church

            • I’m willing to offer my time, talents, and resources to help the church be healthy

            • I’m willing to hang in there and work out any differences that arise

          • “The offices of God’s Church are not honorary positions bestowed on individuals who have attended church faithfully or who are senior in years. ​​ Nor are they board positions to be filled by good friends, rich donors, or charismatic personalities. ​​ Nor are they positions that only graduate seminary students can fill. ​​ The church offices, both eldership and deaconship, are open to all who meet the apostolic, biblical requirements.” ​​ [Strauch, Biblical Eldership, 68]

          • This is what we’re going to look at next

    • Biblical Qualifications

        • Must be or have: (vv. 2, 3, 4-5, 7)

          • Be above reproach (v.2)

            • It means to be above finding fault

            • It does not mean being perfect, because none of us would qualify – that’s not attainable this side of heaven

            • “It means that a leader in the Church of Christ must have no obvious defects in his character and must be a person of unsullied reputation. ​​ He could hardly be expected to be faultless, but he must be blameless.” ​​ [Beacon Bible Commentary, 579]

            • I’m sure you know of a pastor or spiritual leader within a church who has not been blameless

            • In some cases it has made them unfit for service as a spiritual leader

            • What Paul does with the following qualifications is not describe a person totally without sin, but one morally careful and responsible [Liefeld, 118]

            • “When an elder is irreproachable, critics cannot discredit his Christian profession of faith or prove him unfit to lead others (Neh. 6:13). ​​ He has a clean moral and spiritual reputation.” ​​ [Strauch, 189]

            • So, as a church member you should be praying that the spiritual leaders of Idaville Church are ones that are morally careful and responsible

          • Be the husband of but one wife (v. 2)

            • Many people want to know how this applies to divorce and remarriage, but Paul is not addressing that issue at this point

            • He is primarily focusing on the individuals marital and sexual life and seeing if it is clean morally and spiritually

            • “The point is not how often one can be married, nor precisely what constitutes a legitimate marriage (that the marriage of the candidate is legitimate is assumed), but rather how one conducts himself in his marriage.” ​​ [Towner cited by Strauch, 192]

            • “Whether or not a person has been divorced is not the major issue. ​​ That issue is whether the individual’s life and care of his family now exemplify Christianity.” ​​ [Liefeld, 129]

            • It is supposed to be a positive statement concerning the man’s faithfulness in a monogamous marriage [Strauch, 192]

            • From a negative position it prohibits any deviation from faithful, monogamous marriage, including polygamy, prostitution, homosexuality, and/or any questionable sexual relationship [Strauch, 192]

            • In the first century among the wealthy families, the wife was there to provide legitimate children, but other women could be used to satisfy sexual desires and to have on your arm during gatherings

            • You may be married to one wife and never been divorced, but still struggle with other sexual sins – pornography and lust, etc.

            • If you even look at another women with lust, it’s as though you’ve committed adultery with her in your heart

            • You haven’t been faithful to your wife

          • Be temperate (v. 2)

            • It can mean abstaining from wine entirely or the overuse of it, but Paul says later “not given to drunkenness” so it is probably referring to the other meaning of the word

            • It denotes self-control, balanced judgment, and freedom from debilitating excesses or rash behavior [Strauch, 193]

            • Pastors and Elders need to be mentally and emotionally stable, because they will face many serious problems, pressures, and decisions

          • Be self-controlled (v. 2)

            • It has been translated as prudent

            • It’s means to be sound-minded, discreet, and sensible, able to keep an objective perspective in the face of problems and disagreements

            • Exercising good judgment and common sense

            • This meshes well with temperate

          • Be respectable (v. 2)

            • Someone with a good reputation, well behaved

            • It conveys the idea of self-control, proper behavior, and orderliness

            • As praying church members, you and I need to be praying for self-control for the spiritual leaders at Idaville Church

          • Be hospitable (v. 2)

            • It’s more than an handshake and a smile on Sunday morning

            • It’s more than just having your friends over for dinner

            • It’s an expression of Christian love and care for others

            • It’s not just sharing your home, but also your life with others

            • The elders home is one of his most important tools in reaching out and shepherding the flock

            • As praying church members we need to pray for the spiritual leaders and their spouses as they open their homes and lives with you

          • Be able to teach (v. 2)

            • This is very important

            • Paul expands on this when he writes to Titus, He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught (Titus 1:9a)

            • Paul is referring to ability, not knowledge

            • “New Testament elders are both guardians and teachers of sound doctrine.” ​​ [Strauch, 80]

            • The Bible should be the prospective elder’s continual course of study

              • Some people have been learning God’s Word from a very early age from their parents

              • Sound biblical teaching from the church is another source of learning God’s Word

              • Consistent personal study and the ministry of the Holy Spirit

              • You can’t learn it if you’re not reading it

            • It seems as though not all elders were teachers in the early church, The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those who work is preaching and teaching (1 Timothy 5:17)

            • “An elder who doesn’t know the Bible is like a shepherd without legs; he can’t lead or protect the flock.” ​​ [Strauch, 80]

            • “The real strength of the Church is not the amount of its work but the quality of its faith. ​​ One man who truly knows his Bible is worth more to the Church’s real strength than a crowd of workers who do not.” ​​ [Forsyth cited by Strauch, 80]

            • I think that many people shy away from the position of elder because they feel like they don’t know the Bible well enough

              • We forget about the Holy Spirit’s ability to illumine our minds and give us the words to speak when we don’t know the answer

              • The apostles were encouraged that when they didn’t know what to say that the Holy Spirit would give them the words

            • You know what God has taught you through His Word, so be willing to share that with others and teach them the lessons you’ve learned through it

            • As praying church members, you and I need to pray for the spiritual leaders as they study God’s Word and learn from the Holy Spirit

              • I know I need your prayers each week as the Lord guides and directs me in preparing His message for you

              • Please pray for God’s wisdom, insight, and the words to preach

              • There are spiritual leaders who are preparing Sunday school and small group lessons each week

              • They need your prayers for God’s wisdom, insight, and words to speak

          • Be gentle (v. 3)

            • Equitable, fair, and mild

            • The ability to endure when the pressure is on [Beacon Bible Commentary, 582]

            • Forbearing

            • “Yielding wherever yielding is possible rather than standing up for one’s rights.” ​​ [Strauch, 197]

          • Be able to manage his own family well (vv. 4-5)

            • This includes having a reputation of providing for his family, financially, emotionally, and spiritually

            • His children must obey him with proper respect

              • The context involves children who are living at home under their father’s authority

              • It’s not referring to grown children who are living on their own

              • Every parent has times when their child(ren) treat them with disrespect or are disobedient

              • It’s how the parent deals with the situation that is an indication of their ability to manage their own family well

            • If they aren’t able to manage their family well, how can they take care of God’s church? – the answer is, they can’t

            • As praying church members, we need to be praying for the families of the spiritual leaders here

              • Satan will and does use situations in our family to distract us from serving the church well

              • I know that I worry about neglecting Judy and the boys, because of the pressure of expectations that are on me

              • It’s always a concern how you all and the community view our family – it’s the glass house syndrome

              • I’m concerned about my own health – I’m on the edge of having to start taking blood pressure medication (some of it is hereditary, but some of it is stress related)

              • The other spiritual leaders in our church are dealing with similar situations in their families and they need our prayers

          • Have a good reputation with outsiders (v. 7)

            • Most people spend more time with their coworkers and relatives than they do with their fellow church attenders

              • Those coworkers and relatives probably know them better than church attenders do

              • “Paul is concerned that those who may judge less sympathetically but perhaps also more realistically and knowledgeably will render a ‘good’ . . . verdict both from the perspective of their own consciences . . . and also from their awareness of the particular man’s commitment and consistency in terms of his Christian faith.” ​​ [Knight cited by Strauch, 201]

              • Idaville Church’s evangelistic credibility and witness is tied to the moral reputation of our leaders in the community

            • The devil’s trap

              • A trap is something that is set intentionally

              • The devil has devised a plan to bring the pastor and spiritual leaders of the church down

              • When the pastor and spiritual leaders of the church are above reproach, self-controlled, hospitable, studying God’s Word, etc., they are a threat to the devil

              • The devil wants to tempt spiritual leaders with greed, adultery, anger, addiction, you name it, to catch them in his trap so their reputation is harmed and they are ineffective and eventually removed from service

            • And so, as praying church members, we need to bathe our spiritual leaders in prayer as they represent Idaville Church at their work place and in their neighborhood – we need to pray that they will not get caught by the devil’s trap

        • Must not be: (vv. 3, 6)

          • Given to drunkenness (v. 3)

            • Paul uses strong language here that means not preoccupied or overindulgent with wine

            • He is not saying it is an absolute prohibition, but you have to be careful concerning your testimony for the Lord

            • Scripture warns leaders about the dangers of alcohol

            • It is not for kings, O Lemuel,
              It is not for kings to drink wine,
              Or for rulers to desire strong drink,
              Lest they drink and forget what is decreed,
              And pervert the rights of all the afflicted

              (Prov. 31:4, 5; cf. Lev. 10:8, 9; ​​ Isa. 28:1, 7, 8; 56:9-12)

          • Violent (v. 3)

            • It is also translates not pugnacious

            • A man who is pugnacious is a fighter, bad-tempered, irritable, and out-of-control

            • The Greek word is derived from the verb “to strike” and suggests a violent person who is prone to physical assault on others

          • Quarrelsome (v. 3)

            • Also translated “uncontentious”

            • Titus 3:2, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men

            • Spiritual leaders need to peaceable

            • 2 Timothy 2:24, 25a, And the Lord’s servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. ​​ Those who oppose him he must gently instruct . . .

          • A lover of money (v. 3)

            • In the 1st Century, it was the bishop’s responsibility to care for the funds of the church

            • The false teachers were more concerned about developing a gathering so they could get paid

            • The Pharisees loved money (Luke 16:14; Mark 12:40)

            • The chief religious leaders of Jesus’ day turned the temple area into a money making market (Mark 11:15-17)

            • The spiritual leaders of Idaville Church approve the budget each year and approve any expenditures over the budgeted amounts

            • No, one individual controls the finances here

            • 1 Timothy 6:10, For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. ​​ Some people eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs

          • A recent convert (v. 6)

            • This does not mean that a new convert cannot serve the church, but just not in a leadership position

            • New faith needs time to mature

            • Most people within a company or a church are not aware of the inner workings of leadership

              • The stresses involved in leading are not for the faint of heart

              • Spiritual maturity enables a leader to hang in there when things get difficult

            • Paul is concerned with the conceit of a new convert

              • They might think of themselves and their abilities too highly

              • Pride then creeps in and brings destruction

              • The devil was conceited and gave in to pride and was cast out of heaven

              • The new convert should not be put in a position that will potentially cause them to experience the same judgment as the devil

            • Notice that Paul does not put a time frame on this

              • In our humanness we want a time frame

              • How long does it take for someone to be considered spiritually mature?

              • Is it 5 years, 10 years, 20 years?

              • The reason there’s no time frame is because each individual is different

              • We’re not necessarily looking for years of salvation, but rather fruit of the Spirit

              • That is the identifying factor concerning spiritual maturity


  • YOU

    • Pray

        • The role of spiritual leader within the church is a noble task that takes humility, love, and self-control

        • Studying and teaching God’s Word takes time, effort, wisdom, and a heart that is listening to the Holy Spirit

        • Spiritual leaders are constantly under spiritual attack as they are faithful to the qualifications outlined in the Bible

        • What seem daunting to you is something that God calls certain individuals to do within the church and they need your prayers on a daily basis

        • “The Fourth Pledge” in I Am A Church Member
          I will pray for my pastor every day. ​​ I understand that the pastor’s work is never ending. ​​ His days are filled with numerous demands that bring emotional highs and lows. ​​ He must deal with critics. ​​ He must be a good husband and father. ​​ Because my pastor cannot do all things in his own power, I will pray for his strength and wisdom daily.

        • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Commit to be a praying church member that intercedes daily for the spiritual leaders at Idaville Church.

        • We have continued to pray and approach certain men in the church to consider eldership

          • We would appreciate your prayers as we continue to meet with those men

          • Pray that God would confirm in their hearts and minds, His desire for them to serve in this capacity

          • Pray for wisdom, strength, and courage for them to take the step of faith to become an elder

          • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Commit to pray daily for God’s chosen men to serve as elders at Idaville Church.

  • WE

    • As we all diligently pray, God will be glorified and will answer our prayers for qualified spiritual leaders to be raised up

        • We will experience a unity that is only found in obedience to God

        • We will experience peace like never before

        • We will experience the blessing of God here at Idaville Church



Have the current Board of Administration come forward and ask the congregation to stand and pray with me for them.

Pastor Marc Webb, Laurin Fleming, Bev Fleming, Linda Asper, Derrick Nell, Donna Kerrigan, Marlene McCauslin, Sherl Shaffer, Billie Jo Brown, and Stuart Johns




Serving Church Members

(Philippians 2:1-11)



Notice the restaurants shown on the screen (Burger King, Chili’s, Cracker Barrel, Chick-fil-A, Hoss’s, McDonalds, Olive Garden, Pizza Hut, Red Robin, Texas Roadhouse, Panda Express, and Buffalo Wild Wings). ​​ We’re going to find out which one of these is your favorite this morning.


[Go through each logo and ask for a show of hands when the logo is large]


Did you see that not everyone has the same favorite restaurant? ​​ Some of you would never set foot in one of those restaurants, because the food style is repulsive to you. ​​ Your gag reflex is working right now as you think about that kind of food. ​​ It just turns your stomach. ​​ It’s fine for you to feel that way. ​​ Other people love that kind of food and are repulsed by other kinds of foods.



  • ME

    • I love food

        • I’ve always been willing to try just about any kind of food

        • As long as it won’t hurt me or kill me

        • I’ve eaten grasshoppers from Mexico

        • Baby octopus

        • Cubes of fat in Romania

        • I’ve tried menudo from a can (a spicy Mexican soup made with tripe, onions, tomatoes, chilies, and hominy)

    • Food wars

        • I’m sure that none of you have ever had to deal with this in your family

        • When our family eats out it’s difficult to decide where to go, because everyone has their favorite kind of food

          • The boys would be content to go to McDonalds every time

          • Judy and Seth would be fine with pizza every time

          • Wade, Levi, and I would willingly eat at a Chinese restaurant

          • There are no arguments about dessert, because everyone likes Rita’s and Sweet Frog

        • Sacrifice

          • While we don’t eat at McDonalds every time, Judy and I will sacrifice our preferences and eat there

          • There are times when Judy and Seth sacrifice their preferences and we eat at a Chinese restaurant

          • There are times when the boys sacrifice their preferences and eat at a restaurant that Judy and I enjoy

          • Why do we sacrifice our preferences?

          • It’s because we love each other and we want to encourage and express our love through allowing the other members of our family to enjoy the kind of food they like


  • WE

    • Leader always chose same place to eat

        • I heard a story about a leader who when he met with his team once a month would always choose the same restaurant to eat lunch at

        • The reason he did this was because he liked the restaurant and only came to the area once a month

        • The other team members didn’t mind, because they didn’t want to be the leader

    • Within the church

        • You and I are guilty of acting this way in the church

        • Thom Rainer’s team of researchers conducted a survey of churches who were inwardly focused – that means they were not serving past their own walls and their own members – the churches were largely self-serving

        • They found ten dominant behavior patterns of members in these churches:

          • Worship wars – one or more factions in the church want the music just the way they like it. ​​ Any deviation is met with anger and demands for change.

          • Prolonged minutia meetings – The church spends an inordinate amount of time in different meetings. ​​ Most of the meetings deal with the most inconsequential items, while the Great Commission and Great Commandment are rarely the topics of discussion.

          • Facility focus – The church facilities develop iconic status. ​​ One of the highest priorities in the church is the protection and preservation of rooms, furniture, and other visible parts of the church’s buildings and grounds.

          • Program driven – this isn’t bad unless the program becomes an end instead of a means to greater ministry.

          • Inwardly focused budget – a disproportionate share of the budget is used to meet the needs and comforts of the members instead of reaching beyond the walls of the church.

          • Inordinate demands for pastoral care – care and concern is important in times of need and crisis. ​​ Problems occur when church members have unreasonable expectations for even minor matters.

          • Attitudes of entitlement – the overarching attitude is one of demanding and having a sense of deserving special treatment.

          • Greater concern about change than the gospel – Almost any noticeable changes in the church evoke the ire of many; but those same passions are not evident about participating in the work of the gospel to change lives.

          • Anger and hostility – members are consistently angry. ​​ They regularly express hostility toward the church staff and other members.

          • Evangelistic apathy – very few members share their faith on a regular basis. ​​ More are concerned about their own needs rather than the greatest eternal needs of the world and community in which they live.

        • I can tell you today that I’ve been, and am guilty of some of these behavior patterns

        • I’m also confident that most of you have been or are guilty of some of these behavior patterns too

        • I don’t want you to be discouraged today

        • These things need to be discussed and the biblical solution needs to be shared

    • In good company

        • Jesus spent three years developing twelve disciples and they struggled and had a tendency to fight with one another

        • Mark 9:33-37, They came to Capernaum. ​​ When he was in the house, he asked them, “What were you arguing about on the road?” ​​ But they kept quiet because on the way they had argued about who was the greatest. ​​ Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all.” ​​ He took a little child and had him stand among them. ​​ Taking him in his arms he said to them, “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.”

        • Read Mark 10:35-45 [Bible marker #1]

        • Jesus mentioned it twice to His disciples

          • The way to become great is to humble yourself

          • The way to become great is to be a servant to all

          • To become a servant meant to sacrifice your preferences and desires in order to allow someone else to be honored

          • Jesus modeled this for His disciples right before His death, when he wrapped a towel around His waist and washed their feet at the Last Supper

          • But the greatest way Jesus modeled this for His disciples and for you and me is what we find in Philippians 2:1-11


BIG IDEA – Serving others means sacrificing self.




  • GOD (Philippians 2:1-11)

    • Background

        • Paul is writing to the Philippian church because of a dispute that is happening there

        • It’s a dispute between Euodia and Syntyche (Phil. 4:2)

        • He is helping them to understand how to deal correctly with it

    • Blessings (v. 1)

        • Paul reminds the Philippian believers of the blessings of being in a Christian community

        • The Greek word translated in English as “If” also has the meaning in Greek of “since”

          • Paul is not questioning whether the believers have experienced these blessings or not

          • He is saying to them, “Since you have experienced these blessings from Christ, then this is what I want you to do.”

        • Encouragement

          • As followers of Jesus Christ we have been united with him

          • Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. ​​ Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. ​​ For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. ​​ (Matthew 11:28-30)

          • Jesus offers for us to be yoked together with Him, so we can learn from Him

          • This promise from Jesus should bring encouragement to you today, especially if you feeling weary and have a heavy burden you’re carrying (financial, work, relational, health)

          • Jesus is there to help carry that burden, just yoke yourself to Him

          • Don’t keep trying to carry the burden alone

        • Comfort

          • This is referring to Christ’s love for His people

          • We know how He demonstrated that – it involved a rugged cross and mistreatment by those who were blind to the truth

          • Jesus willingly died on the cross for you and me – taking our punishment and paying our sin debt

        • Fellowship

          • It literally means “participation”

          • It is referring to participation with the Holy Spirit

        • Tenderness and compassion

          • The Greek word for tenderness literally means bowels, intestines

          • The bowels were considered as the seat of the more violent passions, such as anger and love; but by the Hebrews as the seat of the more tender affections, especially kindness, benevolence, compassion; hence our heart (tender mercies, affections)

        • The meaning of the verse seems clear: ​​ If there is any divine strength or support available ‘to those who are in Christ Jesus as you are (and there is); if there is any consolation or incentive which springs from your love (and Paul is confident there is); if participation in the Holy Spirit means anything (and it does); if there be in you any affectionate tenderness (and Paul is sure there is),’ then,” make my joy complete by being like-minded. [BBC, 316]

    • Unity (vv. 2-4)

        • Paul lists three characteristics that express the unity of the church

        • First, the same outlook

          • To be like-minded does not mean that you and I agree on everything or like all the same things

          • From a spiritual perspective it does mean that you and I have the same love as Christ did; having the same mind; cherishing the same views, valuing the same thing

          • Every evangelical denomination will agree on the tenets of the Gospel (who Jesus is and what He did)

          • . . . internal unity is necessary for holding back the destructive forces that would hinder the progress of the gospel.” ​​ [Thielman, 96]

          • Every believer in Jesus Christ should be like-minded when it comes to the Gospel

        • Second, humility

          • Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit

            • In literature prior to the New Testament, the term appears only in Aristotle’s Politica, where, in the course of discussing the various causes of political revolutions, the philosopher identifies one cause as the greedy grasp for public office through unjust means.” ​​ [Thielman, 97]

            • Vain conceit means empty pride – don’t do something just to build yourself up, which will lead to emptiness

          • In humility consider others better than yourselves

            • Before the New Testament era, the word “humility” had a negative connotation. ​​ The adjective related to it “was frequently employed, and especially so, to describe the mentality of a slave. ​​ It conveyed the ideas of being base, unfit, shabby, mean, of no account.” ​​ [Melick, 94]

            • Notice that it was used of the mentality of a slave

            • Jesus had told His disciples that they needed to become slaves of all

            • Paul is urging you and me to have the mentality of a slave when it comes to fellow believers; “count others as excelling over us.”

        • Third, consideration

          • Paul is not saying that you neglect yourself or your own interests

            • None of us has a problem taking care of ourselves

            • It’s a part of our American culture and psyche

            • One of our unalienable Rights is the pursuit of happiness – making ourselves happy

            • We pursue our own happiness more vigorously than perhaps anything else – it’s our right!

            • Much modern social and psychological theory is indebted to the notion that members of the human species, like all other animals, are involved in a relentless quest to dominate others in order to survive. ​​ So we not only enter the church with the belief that we deserve to be made happy but often with the notion that our pursuit of happiness at the expense of others is inevitable.” ​​ [Thielman, 106]

        • [Paul] sees [the church] as a group of individuals who, despite their differences, are willing to show love for one another through putting the well-being of others first.” [Thielman, 103]

        • Serving others means sacrificing self.

    • Jesus example (vv. 5-8)

        • Being Christ-like (v. 5)

          • How many of you would say that you want to be Christ-like

          • Isn’t it what every follower of Jesus Christ should desire?

          • But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. ​​ To him be glory both now and forever! ​​ Amen. ​​ (2 Peter 3:18)

          • One of the ways to be Christ-like is with your attitude

          • Paul says that our attitude should be the same as Christ Jesus

        • What was Christ’s attitude? (vv. 6-8)

          • First, we have to understand that He was fully God and fully man

            • He didn’t give up His deity to become a man

            • He set aside the right to His glory and power

            • In submission to God’s will, Christ limited His power and knowledge – He didn’t try to hold on to it

            • What made His humanity unique was His freedom from sin

            • Jesus willingly sacrificed heaven in order to come to earth to redeem the world

          • Second, He took the form of a servant

            • When Jesus came to earth, He didn’t come into earthly royalty

            • He wasn’t born in a palace

            • He didn’t grow up to reign over the Roman Empire or even a portion of the Roman Empire

            • As a human being, He was born into a family where His earthly father was a carpenter – not a particularly high social position

            • By taking the form of a servant He revealed the true meaning of service.” ​​ [BBC, 320]

            • His death on a cross was reserved for individuals who were from the lower classes

            • The only reason a Roman citizen would have ever been considered to be crucified would have been for high treason

            • Death by crucifixion was below the social status of the rich and privileged

            • Even though Jesus was God the Son and had more power and authority than all the Roman rulers, He sacrificed all of that in order to die a servants death

            • He obediently followed the will of His Father

          • Jesus attitude

            • His attitude was one of humility and love

            • In His humility, He sacrificed everything so you could enjoy life

            • It’s through His death, burial, and resurrection that you can truly enjoy your life here on earth

            • It’s through His death, burial, and resurrection that you can enjoy eternal life when He returns

            • John 3:14-15, Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.


  • YOU

    • Salvation

        • Perhaps you’ve hesitated to believe in Jesus Christ, because you’re unwilling to sacrifice something in your life

        • Maybe you’re afraid that believing in Jesus will mean that you can no longer have any fun

        • When you believe in Jesus and repent and turn from your sin, Jesus transforms you

        • You now have the power of the Holy Spirit living in you to give you the strength to sacrifice old habits, old friends, and old attitudes

        • You will find joy in serving Jesus!

        • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Believe in Jesus Christ and receive eternal life.

    • Spiritual growth

        • As followers of Jesus Christ, you and I should be striving each day to have the same attitude of humility and servant hood that Jesus did

        • As biblical church members, you and I should be giving, serving, putting others first

          • We should be doing whatever it takes to keep the unity in our church

          • You should always ask first what you can do for your church

          • Maybe you’ve been doing this, but you’re frustrated by those whose attitude is not Christ-like

          • These individuals are the ones that God has asked you to serve

          • When you’re tired of sacrificing for others in the church, remember the cross

          • You can’t do it in your own strength – it’s you and God together

          • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Pray for God’s strength and wisdom as I strive to have the attitude of Christ while serving those within Idaville Church

        • Perhaps you’ve been struggling with having a Christ-like attitude and you’re more characterized by what the leader did in insisting on eating at the same restaurant every time

          • You’ve been struggling with sacrificing your own personal preferences within the church

          • God’s desire is that everyone be brought to salvation and that none are lost

          • Being obedient to the Great Commission and Great Commandment sometimes requires changes in order to reach the next generation for Christ

          • It requires that you and I sacrifice our preferences in music, programs, our buildings and grounds, and many other areas

          • . . . no sacrifice of our own comparatively paltry rights as human beings seems too great to make in order that the gospel might be advanced.” ​​ [Thielman, 128]

          • Allow yourself to be “overwhelmed by Jesus’ undeserved love for you that caused Him to sacrifice everything – including His preferences . . .” ​​ [Rainer, 40]

          • Keeping that in mind will enable you to do that for others

          • You can’t do this on your own – it has to be you and God

          • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Ask God to help me see where I need to sacrifice my preferences so the Great Commission can be accomplished through Idaville Church


  • WE

    • As you and I obediently follow the will of God by having the same attitude as Christ by serving those within our church and sacrificing our preferences, then several incredible things will happen

        • We will experience joy and unity here at church

        • On the final day, God will respond to the lives of his obedient servants with commendation, just as he responded to Christ’s obedient life (Phil. 2:9-11) [Thielman, 128]



In Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis provides a helpful description of how the fallible believer can be more like Christ amid the give and take of everyday life.


It helps . . . to pretend to be Jesus, just as a child might pretend to be a soldier or a shopkeeper. ​​ Just as the child’s imaginary games help the child to develop skills that will later be useful as a real soldier or shopkeeper, so the ‘game’ of pretending to be Christ inevitably reveals to the believer places for improvement and guides the believer toward spiritual maturity. . . .The minute we realize we are dressing up like Christ, we will discover ways in which our pretense could become reality. ​​ We will be embarrassed to discover thoughts that Christ would not have had and unfulfilled duties that Christ would not have neglected. ​​ Those realizations . . . should in turn prompt us to more complete obedience.” ​​ [Thielman, 130].



The Third Pledge


I will not let my church be about my preferences and desires. ​​ That is self-serving. ​​ I am a member in this church to serve others and to serve Christ. ​​ My Savior went to a cross for me. ​​ I can deal with any inconveniences and matters that just aren’t my preference or style.




Unifying Church Members

(James 3:1-12)



Hearing the word “cancer” is perhaps the hardest thing anyone can go through. ​​ It takes your breath away and instills fear immediately. ​​ It’s been said that everybody has cancer cells in their body, but it’s what triggers those cancer cells to begin growing that’s the real problem. ​​ Most people perhaps don’t even know what caused them to begin growing. ​​ In some cases it can be environmental conditions. ​​ So where you live can cause those cells to start growing. ​​ You may not have been aware that you were surrounded by those environmental conditions.


Once those cancer cells begin growing there are at least four ways of dealing with it.

  • One way is the natural way. ​​ It’s providing your body with good food that has not been processed or has had the least amount of processing done to it.

  • A second way is what most people go through. ​​ It’s a harsh chemical and radiation treatment that kills not only the cancer cells, but also healthy cells. ​​ This can be coupled with surgery.

  • A third response is that some people do nothing; they ignore it, which is certain death.

  • The final way of dealing with cancer is what I recommend and it is seeking healing through the power of God (this approach can be done in cooperation with the first one mentioned – providing your body with the best, natural, wholesome foods possible)

    • We’ve been experiencing some great Biblical teaching on healing, the third Wednesday evening of every month

    • We’ve been building a strong foundation so we can say with confidence that it is God’s will to heal everyone

    • We saw this past month how forgiveness of sins and healing of diseases go hand in hand in the Bible

    • Healing and health in the Old Testament were based on obedience to the Lord (Exodus 15:26)

    • In the New Testament, forgiveness of sins and healing are also on the same basis – faith in the sacrifice of Christ on Calvary (Psalm 103:2-3; James 5:15; Mark 16:16-18)



  • ME

    • Both grandfather’s

        • Both of my grandfather’s died from cancer

        • My Pappy Hykes was diagnosed with cancer after having exploratory surgery and died three weeks later on July 3, 1981– he was too weak to have radiation or chemotherapy

        • My Pappy Johns fought cancer for 13 years with radiation and chemotherapy treatments

        • He died 1 year, 1 month, and 1 day after my Pappy Hykes on August 4, 1982

    • Other family members and friends with cancer

        • My Grandma Johns is a breast cancer survivor

        • I have had other family members who died from various cancers

        • My best friend in Missouri, Dwane, fought a brain tumor for several years before being promoted to heaven


  • WE

    • Natural Way

        • I’m sure you know individuals who have chosen to treat cancer with natural remedies

        • There are those within the church who are doing that

    • Chemo and Radiation

        • You probably know someone who has gone through surgery, chemo, and radiation treatments

        • We have those in our congregation who have done that and may still be going through that

    • Ignore it

        • Maybe you’ve known someone who ignored their diagnosis of cancer and chose not to treat it at all

        • They chose quality of life over the harsh chemical treatments

        • Perhaps they have passed on or are currently in the battle against cancer

    • God’s healing

        • We have individuals in our congregation who have taken the route of trusting God by faith to bring healing to their bodies

        • They coupled that with a homeopathic approach also, which fuels their body with good, wholesome, natural foods

    • Body of Christ

        • We learned last week from 1 Corinthians 12 that the church is just like a human body

        • There are many parts that work together to keep the unity that the Holy Spirit has already produced

        • Just like the human body can be plagued with cancer, the church can be plagued with a cancer that causes it to not function in a unified way

        • One of the most damaging cancers found in the body of Christ is gossip and other negative talk

        • In his Epistle, James talks about how easy it is for you and me to use our tongues for evil

        • Sometimes we do it right after we have praised God, without even thinking about it

        • We’ll see today how that can happen


BIG IDEA – Our tongue has the power to unite or divide.


  • GOD (James 3:1-12)

    • All Stumble (vv. 1-2)

        • Teaching, especially in the Jewish culture, was highly valued and respected as a profession

        • James is warning believers to be careful about their desire to be teachers, because they are held to a higher standard

          • A teacher’s responsibility is great

            • My Spanish teacher in High School was from Brazil

            • The native language of Brazil is Portuguese

            • There was a couple of times that she came back the next day and apologized to the whole class

            • The teaching that she had done the day before was in Portuguese and not Spanish

            • I’m not certain how close the two languages are, but I’m still not sure which language I actually learned

            • The Spanish phrase I used most often in class was “Yo no sé” (“I don’t know”)

          • Everyone is listening to what you say and watching what you do

          • As spiritual teachers, people are basing their spiritual lives on your example and your words

            • 2 Timothy 2:15, Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.

            • It is important that those who teach spend time studying God’s Word and praying for the Holy Spirit’s wisdom

        • James understands the pull of sin even in the lives of believers

          • He includes himself in the stumbling

          • We all stumble in many ways

          • Examples of an untamed tongue include gossiping, putting others down, bragging, manipulating, false teaching, exaggerating, complaining, flattering, and lying.” ​​ [NIV Life Application Bible, 2249]

          • You know where you stumble when it comes to sin in your own life

          • Satan knows which buttons to push and which temptations to present you with each day

          • Those habitual sins are the ones you are constantly confessing to God, pleading with Him to remove the desire from you

          • If you’ve stopped trying to resist the evil, fleshly desires than Satan has won

          • If you’re continuing to fight and battle against those evil, fleshly desires that’s good

          • 1 John 4:4, You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

          • You have the Holy Spirit of God living in you, as a follower of Jesus Christ, to strengthen you for the fight

        • Guiding principle

          • Is James saying that if I hold my tongue and not speak, that I’ll never sin?

          • We all know that’s not true – a person can keep their speech under control and still sin in other ways

          • James is going to explain further in the text that no man has ever tamed the tongue

          • Jesus taught about our words and where they come from

            • Luke 6:43-45, “No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. ​​ Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. ​​ People do not pick figs from thornbushes, or grapes from briers. ​​ The good man brings up good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. ​​ For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.”

            • Matthew 12:33-37, “Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit. ​​ You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? ​​ For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. ​​ The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. ​​ But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken. ​​ For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.

            • What comes out of your mouth is an indication of what’s in your heart

            • This is how you can come and praise God and turn right around and gossip or speak negatively about someone, because that’s what’s in your heart

            • Part of taming the tongue is the ability to control your desire to say what you shouldn’t

            • You and I can justify saying something we shouldn’t by starting it off like this:

              • “Well, I just have to tell the truth!”

              • “I really need to get this off my chest.”

              • “We should pray for so-and-so, because they are dealing with such-and-such.”

            • Before you speak, you need to ask yourself three questions:

              • Is what I want to say true?

              • Is it necessary?

              • Is it kind?

            • Matthew 12:36-37 says that you will be held accountable on the day of judgment for every careless word you’ve spoken – your words will either acquit you or condemn you – it’s very serious

            • Read Matthew 23:25-28 [Bible marker #1]

              • Jesus is gentle with the Pharisees, but also bold

              • He doesn’t back away from saying what needs to be said

              • The only way you and I can deal with the desire to gossip, put others down, complain, or anything else pertaining to the tongue is to ask God to cleanse what’s in your heart

              • You and I need to deal with what’s on the inside first and then we won’t have to worry about an untamed tongue

              • You can’t do it on your own – it’s impossible

              • You have to commit your heart to the Lord each day and ask Him to cleanse you from the inside out

          • If a person could tame their tongue they would be a perfect person, able to keep their whole body in check

    • Positive illustrations (vv. 3-5a)

        • The horse

          • The bit in the horse’s mouth is small, but with it the horse can be made to obey

          • You can turn the whole animal by using the bit properly

        • The ship

          • Think of the largest ship you can – maybe an aircraft carrier

          • When a storm comes up, that huge ship can be pushed by the wind and the waves

          • The captain of the ship can still steer it from the helm

          • As he turns the wheel, the tiny rudder (in comparison to the ship) responds and moves the ship in the direction the captain desires

        • The tongue

          • The tongue can make great boasts

            • Boasting is not necessarily bad – it’s based on what you’re boasting about

            • Paul says that he will not boast in anything, but Jesus Christ

            • You and I can make great boasts for Christ

          • If Jesus is your rider, He can help you to obey Him with your tongue

          • If Jesus is your captain, He can steer you away from using your tongue in the wrong way

          • It’s all about what’s inside – do you allow the Holy Spirit of God to control and guide your heart?

          • That’s the part of you that thinks and feels

          • You’re going to struggle with this area if you’ve never repented of your sins and received Jesus Christ as your Savior, because the Holy Spirit is only given to those who are followers of Jesus Christ

    • Tongue tragedies (vv. 5b-8)

        • Forest fires

          • When we lived in California there was always the fear of flash fires especially during the hot and dry season with the Santa Ana winds

          • Almost every fire that starts during the fire season was set on purpose

          • It only took a small spark on the dry ground and brush, and before you know it, there is that eerie reddish/orange glow just over the hillside that is very visible at nighttime

        • Fiery tongue

          • The tongue is small in comparison to the body, but it is just like a fire that can spread rapidly through your own life and the lives of those around you

          • How many of you have ever said something in anger that you’d never say otherwise and later wished you could take back?

          • Perhaps you’ve done that with your spouse or your children

            • You can see the pain your words have caused in your wife or husband’s eyes

            • Your child’s eyes fill with tears as they absorb the harsh words you’re speaking to them

          • Maybe you’ve exploded verbally at work towards another co-worker and had to return later to apologize

            • While they forgave you, the hurtful words are still in their mind

            • They now know how you really feel about them

          • You and I try so hard to cover up how we really feel about someone, but when a stressful situation presents itself those true feelings come out

        • Poisonous tongue

          • While all kinds of animals have been tamed by humans the tongue is one thing that man has never tamed

          • Even the poisonous viper has been tamed, but our tongues can be more poisonous than that

          • Psalm 140:1-3, Rescue me, O Lord, from evil men; protect me from men of violence, who devise evil plans in their hearts and stir up war every day. ​​ They make their tongues as sharp as a serpent’s; the poison of vipers is on their lips.

    • Contradictions (vv. 9-12)

        • Morally

          • We come to church on Sunday and sing praises to God

            • Then as we drive to work on Monday we curse or speak negatively about the person driving in front of us or the person who is riding on our tail

              • Those individuals have been made in God’s likeness

              • They are His creation

            • Then we talk badly about someone we saw at church and how they were dressed or something they said

            • Then we complain to someone about the worship or the length of the sermon or the style of the sermon or the special music

          • Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing

          • James says this should not be the case!

          • It’s contradictory to what you say you believe and in Whom you say you believe – it doesn’t show the love that Paul expresses in 1 Corinthians 13, that we looked at last week

        • Naturally

          • James uses unnatural conditions that cannot exist as examples

          • Fresh water and salt water cannot come from the same spring – the salt water will overpower the fresh water

          • Every fruit tree will bear its own kind of fruit, it will not bear another kind of fruit

          • Grapevines will not produce figs, but rather grapes

          • A salt spring cannot produce fresh water

            • This is a reminder of what we spoke about earlier

            • Whatever is in the heart is what will come out of the mouth

            • The fruit of your mouth will not be different than what is in your heart, which is the seat of your emotions and feelings

            • “As is the root, so will be the fruit.” ​​ [Beacon Bible Commentary, 224]

Our tongue has the power to unite or divide.


  • YOU

    • Dealing with gossip and negative speech

        • As believers, how we deal with the cancer of gossip and other negative talk in the body of Christ is very important

        • Listen to what the wisest man who ever lived has to say about gossip and the incorrect use of your tongue:

          • Read Proverbs 6:16-19 [Bible marker #2]

          • Proverbs 16:28, A perverse man stirs up dissension, and a gossip separates close friends. ​​ (NIV)

          • Proverbs 17:4, Wrongdoers eagerly listen to gossip; liars pay close attention to slander (NLT)

          • Proverbs 17:9, He who covers over an offense promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends. ​​ (NIV)

          • Proverbs 18:8, The words of a gossip are like choice morsels, they go down to a man’s inmost parts. ​​ (NIV)

          • Proverbs 20:19, A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid a man who talks too much. ​​ (NIV)

          • Read Proverbs 26:20-22 [Bible marker #3]

        • David has some important things to say also:

          • Read Psalm 34:11-14 [Bible marker #4]

          • Psalm 101:5, Whoever slanders his neighbor in secret, him will I put to silence; whoever has haughty eyes and a proud heart, him will I not endure. ​​ (NIV)

        • The Apostles give great counsel:

          • Ephesians 4:29, Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. ​​ (NIV)

          • James 4:11, Brothers, do not slander one another. ​​ Anyone who speaks against his brother or judges him speaks against the law and judges it. ​​ When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it. ​​ There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. ​​ But you – who are you to judge your neighbor? ​​ (NIV)

          • 1 Peter 3:10, Peter is quoting Psalm 34:12-16

    • It can be dealt with in one of three ways – ignore it; treat it naturally; or work to remove it

        • Ignoring it

          • If we ignore it then it’s a guarantee that this body of Christ will die

          • So, leaving it untreated is not an option

          • You and I cannot turn our backs on it, we can’t turn a blind eye to it

        • Naturally

          • Treating cancer in the human body is done by filling it with a good, wholesome diet and proper exercise

          • The same is true of the body of Christ

          • You and I must fill up the body of Christ with a good, wholesome diet and proper exercise

          • The best diet you can get is the Word of God – the Bible

            • It’s not just coming on Sunday morning to hear the pastor preach

            • It’s filling yourself up every day with personal Bible study and prayer

            • It’s filling yourself up once a week with small group Bible study and prayer

          • Treating the cancer of gossip and negative talk naturally, involves allowing Jesus to be the rider and the captain of your heart and asking Him to cleanse your heart daily

            • I’m talking to those who have already repented of their sins, but you’ve taken back the reigns and the helm of your heart

            • Perhaps you’re ready to give the reigns and the helm back to Jesus today

            • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Allow Jesus to be the rider and captain of my heart and seek His cleansing on a daily basis, so that what comes out of my mouth will be the good that He has placed there.

          • Perhaps you’ve never repented of your sins and ask Jesus Christ to be your Savior

            • You can use your tongue in a good way today

            • Read Romans 10:8-10 [Bible marker #5]

            • Maybe you grew up in the church, so you know the Bible

            • The verses you learned as a child are in your heart and you can say them with your mouth

            • Don’t hesitate, today is the day of salvation for you

            • Make Jesus the rider and captain of your life

            • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Ask Jesus to come into my life and save me from my sins, so I can have the power of the Holy Spirit living in me to guide my speech.

          • Treating the cancer of gossip and negative talk naturally, involves not participating in it or starting it yourself

            • Read Psalm 15:1-5 [Bible marker #6]

            • God calls us to be morally upright

            • He gives us ten standards to determine how we’re doing

        • Remove it with love

          • . . . if someone in the church begins to share gossip with you, gently rebuke him or her. ​​ You don’t have to be harsh in your response to them. ​​ Kindly say that you would rather not hear any gossip and you would hope it wouldn’t continue to spread.” ​​ [Rainer, I Am A Church Member, 26]

          • When you do this, the person who is trying to spread gossip or negative talk will probably feel like you are being harsh

            • When they use surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation to remove cancer from the human body it is harsh – it hurts

            • The hope is that through the pain the cancer will be completely removed

          • There will probably be pain involved with removing gossip and negative talk from the church

          • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Commit to gently rebuke anyone who is gossiping or speaking negatively about someone else, through the power of the Holy Spirit living in me.


  • WE

    • Unified church

        • As each person recognizes that they cannot ignore the cancer of gossip in the church and strives to fill their heart with a good, wholesome diet and proper exercise and is willing to gently remove any gossip and negative talk, then the church will be a place of joy and unity

        • 1 Peter 3:10, For, “Whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech.”



. . . Make it pass,

Before you speak, three gates of gold:

These narrow gates. ​​ First, “Is it true?”

Then, “Is it needful?” ​​ In your mind

Give truthful answer. ​​ And the next

Is last and narrowest, “Is it kind?”

And if to reach your lips at last
It passes through these gateways three,

Then you may tell the tale, nor fear

What the result of speech may be.


(Beth Day).


You received another bookmark today. ​​ It has the poem I just read from Beth Day on one side and The Second Pledge from I Am A Church Member.


The Second Pledge

I am a church member.


“I will seek to be a source of unity in my church. ​​ I know there are no perfect pastors, staff, or other church members. ​​ But neither am I. ​​ I will not be a source of gossip or dissension. ​​ One of the greatest contributions I can make is to do all I can in God’s power to help keep the church in unity for the sake of the gospel.”




Functional Church Members

(1 Corinthians 12-13)



VIDEO – I AM A CHURCH MEMBER: ​​ Book Trailer [https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=83&v=wdgejS3F5kw]


How many of you have found that perfect church with perfect people and a perfect pastor with perfect staff members? ​​ You won’t find that here on earth, but that’s the hope of every follower of Jesus Christ. ​​ We will one day experience that kind of perfection, but it will be after there is a new heaven and a new earth – when Jesus Christ returns.


Until that time, you and I have to learn the attitudes that make a difference in being a biblical church member. ​​ Over the next six weeks, we’ll be looking at each of those attitudes.


I’m not just speaking specifically about becoming a member of this church. ​​ It includes everyone who attends this church regularly. ​​ You are a part of this body of believers and your attitudes are also important in making a difference in reaching our community for Christ.


You’re going to find that some of the attitudes are not a problem for you and they are things you’re already doing. ​​ Keep doing those things. ​​ Other attitudes are going to be a challenge for us all as we look at them, together. ​​ The important thing is that you come willing to hear from God concerning your personal attitudes about church membership and what biblical church membership looks like.


We have several copies of the book on the table in the foyer. ​​ If we run out, we’ll get more. ​​ If you can’t afford the $5 suggested donation, please take one anyhow and don’t worry about the money.


We’ll be spending a little time on Wednesday evening discussing the questions at the end of each chapter in the book.



  • ME

    • People leaving the church

        • I can think of people I know personally who have left the church

        • One individual stopped going to a Christian college and church because of the hypocrites they saw there

        • Another individual I know didn’t see the importance of going to church with other believers, because he could learn just as well at home on his own (it’s easier and less messy to learn on ​​ your own – there’s no church politics, hierarchy, or drama to deal with)


  • WE

    • Do you know people like that?

        • Maybe it’s a family member

        • It could be a coworker

        • Perhaps it’s a neighbor

    • What do you say to someone who has quit church?


BIG IDEA – Unity through diversity is built on love.


  • GOD (1 Corinthians 12-13)

    • Concern for the church today

        • I don’t know about you, but I’m concerned about the church and the attitudes within the church – not just here but in the universal church

        • James MacDonald

          • If you read the book Vertical Church you see some staggering statistics about the church in North America

          • 6,000 churches close every year

          • 3,500 Christians are leaving churches every day (that’s 1,277,500 people leaving the church each year)

          • Less than 20% of Americans attend church regularly

          • Only 15% of churches are still growing

          • 2% of churches are growing by conversions

          • Only 800 church plants succeed each year, we would need 10,000 to succeed to reach everyone

        • Thom Rainer

          • Researched 557 churches from 2004 to 2010 and found out that 9 out of 10 churches in America are declining or growing at a pace that is slower than that of their communities

          • About two-thirds of the Builder generation, those born before 1946 (71 + year olds) are Christians

          • Of the Millennials, those born between 1980 and 2000 (17 – 37 year olds), there are only 15 percent who are Christians

        • Local Pastor

          • I was talking with a local pastor in south-central PA several years ago about his church

          • He said they lost the Baby Boomer generation (1946-1964) in their church and almost lost the Generation X (1965-1979) generation

          • His explanation is that the Builder generation wanted the Boomers to take over leadership of the church, but they did not want them to make any changes – they wanted them to have responsibility without authority

          • When this happened the Boomers simply left the church

          • It almost happened again with the Generation X group

          • A pastor friend of mine told the story of a family whose parents wanted to pass on the family farm to one of their children. ​​ As the years went by the parents were unwilling to pass on the farm and their children eventually bought their own properties. ​​ When it came time for the parents to move out of the family farm, none of the children could afford or wanted to purchase the family farm. ​​ The pastor related this story to the church. ​​ When the older generation only allows the younger generation to assume responsibility of the church tasks without authority to make changes, then the younger generation leaves and goes elsewhere. ​​ Then when the older generation is ready to hand over the authority of the church to the next generation, there is no one there to assume the authority.

        • Thom Rainer believes, and I agree, that those kinds of things are happening in churches throughout America, because there are individuals in the church who have a unbiblical understanding of church membership

    • Country Club Membership mentality in the church

        • The basic premise is, I pay my dues and you serve me

        • For individuals with this mentality about church membership it’s about receiving instead of giving, being served instead of serving, rights instead of responsibilities, and entitlements instead of sacrifices – it’s all about them instead of others

        • It’s revealed in statements like the ones Thom Rainer used in his book:

          • “This is my church, so you have to play the music just the way I want it.”

          • “Look pastor, you need to remember who pays your salary.”

          • “If you don’t do this program, I’ll withhold my check to the church.”

          • “I’ve been a member of this church for over thirty years, so I have a right to get what I want.”

          • “I don’t pay good money to this church to listen to sermons that long.”

    • What does Biblical church membership really look like?

        • Unity through diversity (1 Corinthians 12:12-28a)

          • Paul relates the body of believers to the human body (vv. 12-13, 27-28a)

            • When your body is working correctly, you are able to do things without thinking – it comes naturally

            • It’s when something isn’t working properly that you begin to struggle with tasks that were once easy

              • Individuals who have had major brain trauma can tell you how difficult it is to not be able to do what you once could

              • You know in your mind that you could do that with ease before, but now your body doesn’t cooperate with your brain

            • Your body is a unit made up of many members/parts that all work together to enable you to function

            • For even as the body is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ. ​​ (NASB)

            • Now you are Christ’s body, and individually members of it. ​​ And God has appointed in the church . . . ​​ (NASB)

            • The body of Christ (the church) is the same way

              • It’s made up of many different members that work together so that the body of Christ functions properly

              • Ephesians 4:1-6, As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. ​​ Be completely humble and gentle; bearing with one another in love. ​​ Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. ​​ There is one body and one Spirit – just as you were called to one hope when you were called – one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

              • I was studying through the book of Ephesians several years ago

              • Ray Stedman is the one who wrote the commentary for the Joy of Living Bible Study I’m using

              • He has some very important points concerning Ephesians 4:1-6

                • Notice the apostle does not say we are to produce unity; he says we are to keep a unity that has already been produced by the Holy Spirit. ​​ There is a unity that is already there by virtue of the very existence of the church, because the Holy Spirit is the bond which holds the church together.

                • We can violate that unity by our actions, we can grieve the Holy Spirit by our sinful behavior towards one another in the body of Christ, we can bring shame and dishonor to the gospel by sinning against our Spirit-given unity, but we cannot create or destroy what the Spirit Himself has produced. ​​ The church can be divided organizationally, but the body of Christ can never be disjointed.

                • When we are tempted to feelings of resentment or to such actions as attacking one another or spreading rumors against one another, we should stop and ask God to bless the other person.

                • He encourages you and me to pray this way, “Lord, show me how I can reach out to my brother or sister in this time of irritation. ​​ Make me a blessing and not a hindrance in that person’s life. ​​ Show me practical ways I can work to maintain the unity between us that you have made possible through your Spirit. ​​ Replace my annoyance with understanding, my impatience with forbearance, my grudges with forgiveness, my bitterness with a sweet spirit, my resentment with love, my hardened heart with a tender heart. ​​ Lord, I am Your prisoner. ​​ I am ready to take orders from You.

                • The prayer is listed on the bookmark that each person received this morning as you came in (if you didn’t receive one they are available in the foyer when you leave)

                • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Commit to praying this prayer each morning when I have feelings of resentment or frustration with a fellow believer.

              • When you and I forget that the unity of the body already exists through the Holy Spirit, we can do things that cause the body of Christ to not function properly and therefore make what should be easy nearly impossible

            • God is the One who appoints you and I to the various parts of His body, the church

              • This is an important point that you and I have to remember

              • We don’t always remember it, as the next two sections show us

          • Unimportant (vv. 14-19)

            • Perhaps you’ve had those feelings about your spiritual giftedness or where you are serving in the church

            • You may be thinking that if you left the church no one would miss you or even care that you left

            • That is furthest from the truth

              • Communication is the key

              • Most people quietly leave the church and never tell anyone, especially the pastoral staff

              • I know that conversation can be difficult to have with us, but please let us know

                • There are others who are asking us if we know where certain families or individuals are

                • My response to those who ask me, is to encourage them to reach out by calling them and letting them know they’re missed

                • I spoke recently with one family member of a family that hadn’t been to church in six weeks – they told me that they appreciated that I had reached out to them, but they also told me that a couple other people from the church had called them also. ​​ They told me that in the two previous churches they had attended that no one contacted them when they left, including their deacon.

                • I want to say how proud I am of those of you who recognize that individuals and families are missing church and then following up with them by contacting them

                • It’s difficult when we have contacted individuals and never hear anything back

                • We’re not going to be upset when individuals leave

                • We would like to know what caused them to leave

              • If you are feeling unimportant, please forgive me and our church body

              • I care for each one of you deeply and I want you to know I’m available for you – I can’t read your mind, so please call me and set up a time to meet

            • Paul reiterates again that God is the one who has arranged the parts in the body just as He wanted them to be

            • You can’t have a properly functioning body that only has one part or one kind of member

          • Overly important (pride) (vv. 21-26)

            • There is no room for an elitist mentality in the church

            • This is spiritual pride and only causes the body of Christ to stop functioning properly

            • The parts that seem weaker are indispensable

              • A friend of mine on Facebook had this as is status several years ago, “Pinky toes are lame. ​​ There is not another part of your body that has a use only for smashing things in the dark.

              • You know how much that hurts!

              • But do you know how important that pinky toe is to your overall balance and ability to walk?

              • It’s extremely important for balance, which is extremely important for walking

              • You need that pinky toe for your body to function properly

            • Paul again states that God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so there wouldn’t be any division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other

            • If one part suffers every part suffers with it

              • If you’ve ever had an injury you know this principle very well

              • Your body can’t rest well when one part of it is suffering

              • You stay up all night trying to deal with the pain in one part of your body

              • This should be true of church members also

            • If one part is honored, every part rejoices with it

              • When you win a race or competition, you know the joy and feeling of euphoria that courses through your body

              • Every part of your body benefits from the “feel good” chemicals running through your body

              • The same should be true of the church and its members

            • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Suffer with those in our congregation who are suffering and rejoice with those who are rejoicing.

        • Based on a biblical foundation of love (1 Corinthians 13:1-13)

          • Paul shows you and I the most excellent way

          • It’s not about seeking recognition for ourselves, but rather loving others within the body of Christ – thinking about what will cause others to desire a relationship with Jesus Christ or a deeper walk with Him

          • Principles of love

            • Patient

            • Kind

            • Not envious

            • Not boastful

            • Not proud

            • Not rude

            • Not self-seeking

            • Not easily angered

            • Keeps no records of wrongs

            • Doesn’t delight in evil

            • Rejoices with the truth

            • Protects

            • Trusts

            • Hopes

            • Perseveres

            • Never fails

          • A person who is loving in this way is not going to leave the church, but will rather strive to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace

          • Unity through diversity is built on love


  • YOU

    • Spiritual growth

        • You and I each have a role to play in the church

          • The question is, do you know your role and if so, are you doing it?

          • The concept of an inactive church member is an oxymoron. ​​ Biblically, no such church member really exists.” ​​ [Rainer, 16]

          • You should never ask yourself if you should be serving your church – that’s a given

        • You should be asking yourself and God, in prayer, this ongoing question, “How can I best serve my church?”

          • The research that Thom Rainer has done has revealed that, to their best estimates, only one-third of members on church roles are real biblical church members that are functioning properly by giving abundantly and serving without hesitation

          • At the end of each chapter there is a pledge for you to make

          • Perhaps today you recognized that you are struggling in the area of being a biblical functioning church member and you’re ready to make the change

          • On the back of the bookmark is the first pledge and a place for you to sign to commit to making that pledge

          • The pledge is between you and God

          • My Next Step Today Is To: Pledge to be a functioning church member by giving, serving, ministering, evangelizing, studying, and being a blessing to others.

  • WE

    • As you and I examine each attitude and willingly ask God to make changes to those attitudes in our own lives, Thom says two things are going to happen

        • You will likely have a new or renewed attitude about Idaville Church. ​​ You will learn the joy of being last instead of seeking to be first. ​​ Instead of being a whiner complaining about what’s wrong with your church, you will be a unifier seeking what’s best for your church.

        • Idaville Church will begin to change. ​​ It will become healthier because one of its members is healthier. ​​ And as the church gets healthier, it will have a greater impact on our community and the world.



VIDEO – The Body of Christ [https://www.rightnowmedia.org/Content/illustration/97944]



4th Sunday of Advent

The Star: ​​ A Journey of Peace

(Mark 4:35-41; Isaiah 9:6; John 14:27)



VIDEO – Peace Bumper video


This is the final Sunday of Advent. ​​ What an amazing season it has been as we’ve journeyed together toward Christmas. ​​ We’ve learned together that the word Advent is a version of a Latin term meaning “coming.” ​​ The Israelites were waiting for the coming of the Messiah. ​​ It was a highly anticipated event. ​​ There was great expectation. ​​ Each Israelite family had hoped that their baby boy would be the Messiah. ​​ Their expectation was that the Messiah would bring peace, but it wasn’t the kind of peace they were hoping for.


We hear celebrities, politicians, some adults, and especially children talk about wanting world peace. ​​ As followers of Jesus Christ, we are waiting for the second coming of Jesus when true peace will be established. ​​ We wait with hope for the new heaven and the new earth, where the wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a child will lead them (Isaiah 11:6). ​​ As we wait for Jesus’ second coming and the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy, we continue on our faith journey that will include hope, love, joy, and peace.


Perhaps one of the greatest stories of peace is the story behind the song “It Is Well with My Soul.”


[Show VIDEO – It Is Well With My Soul: ​​ The Story Behind the Hymn – Horatio Spafford (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bvq3pYsHidA)]


Peace is a lot like joy, it can be experienced even when there is turmoil and chaos, hardship, trouble, violence, and fear. ​​ As the hymn so beautifully captures, this journey of peace is not immune from those things. ​​ In fact, they are central to the story. ​​ On this journey, we learn that peace is not the absence of trouble but rather the presence of God.



  • ME

    • Minimally high blood sugar and blood pressure

        • It wasn’t long after moving from Ohio to Missouri that I went to the doctor for a regular physical

        • The bloodwork caused the doctor to order a glucose tolerance test

        • Those are always fun, aren’t they, especially for someone who hates needles

        • The test revealed that I had minimally high blood sugar

        • I was also struggling with minimally high blood pressure numbers

        • The doctor asked me all the questions they normally ask to determine if there was anything I should stop doing

          • Do you smoke? ​​ (No)

          • Do you drink alcohol? (No)

          • Do you take drugs? (No)

        • The doctor then asked me a couple of other questions

          • Do you exercise regularly? (No)

          • Are you under any stress? (YES!)

            • We had just moved to Missouri not long before the appointment

            • We had bought our first home

            • I started a new job at the Headquarters of Child Evangelism Fellowship

            • Judy had had a miscarriage before we moved to Missouri and now she was expecting Levi

        • The doctor’s response was, “Well, there’s nothing I can tell you to stop doing, but I would encourage you to start exercising every day.”

    • Daily exercise

        • I started riding a stationary bike in our basement

        • I started out slow and eventually was riding between 20-30 minutes a day

        • I lost a little bit of weight, I didn’t need to lose much back then

        • The cardio-vascular work out was good for my heart

        • We started eating a low sugar diet also

    • Peace in the middle of trouble

        • Exercise was a part of what I started doing, but I also started praying

        • Prayer is what motivated me to continue to exercise and it helped to bring me peace

        • I knew that everything was going to be alright, because God was with me


  • WE

    • What pain are you facing this season?

    • What struggles are weighing you down?

    • What anxiety and stress are stirring up chaos in your spirit?

    • Those pressures and problems can be both external and internal

        • We often take the external pressures and problems and internalize them

          • When we internalize those pressures and problems we begin to experience health problems

          • It’s our body’s way of telling us that something isn’t right

          • Stomach ulcers are a sign that our body is producing too much acid

          • High blood pressure can be an indication that stress is present

          • Headaches and muscle aches can be an indicator that our bodies are tense

          • Insomnia can be a result of our brains trying to process the problems and pressures we are experiencing

    • Are you willing to open your heart to God’s peace even in the midst of your struggles?


Through this journey of peace, today, we can be assured that . . .


BIG IDEA – God’s presence provides peace.


Let’s pray


This journey of peace is certainly an appropriate journey for our world today. ​​ Just as the ancient Roman world must have felt during that first Christmas, our world seems full of violence and warfare and uncertainty. ​​ And the pressures of our daily lives barrage us at an unparalleled pace. ​​ Ours is a world in desperate need of peace! ​​ But it is a world where the Prince of Peace has walked and understood. ​​ He has come, and He is present. ​​ His peace is available to us today.


  • GOD

    • Peace in the Midst (Mark 4:35-41)

        • The first Christmas

          • We sing about that first Christmas night being a silent night where everything was calm and bright

          • I’m not sure that’s exactly what the characters in the Christmas story were experiencing

            • The city of Bethlehem was hustling and bustling with an influx of those who were from the line of David

            • The city was filled to beyond capacity with people from all over the region

            • These travelers were tired, dirty, and probably testy

            • Everyone was trying to find a place to stay and perhaps food to eat

            • Mary and Joseph were perhaps anxious, nervous, and stressed as Mary went through her first delivery

            • It was shortly after giving birth that the shepherds began to arrive

          • King Herod

            • Sometime during Jesus’ first two years of life, the Magi arrived in Jerusalem

            • They questioned King Herod about the whereabouts of the baby who had been born king of the Jews

            • Matthew tells us that King Herod was disturbed and all Jerusalem with him (Matthew 2:3)

            • The news of Jesus’ birth did not bring peace to King Herod and since the King was disturbed, so were his subjects

            • King Herod ordered that all the boys, two years of age and younger, living in Bethlehem and the surrounding vicinity, were to be killed (Matthew 2:16)

            • Imagine the chaos King Herod’s order created in Bethlehem and the surrounding villages

            • The parents of two year old boys and younger were not experiencing peace

          • Application

            • Can you relate to the chaos that those who were part of the first Christmas were experiencing?

              • Perhaps you’re going to be traveling or have already traveled to be here this morning and you understand the exhaustion, frustration, and testiness that the travelers in the 1st Century felt

              • Maybe you’re experiencing the interruptions of a quiet family time together as others come to see you

              • Some of you may be experiencing the birth of a child or the loss of a loved one during this Christmas season, so you understand the exhaustion and emotions involved in both of those scenarios

            • Our journey of peace this season is not one separated from the realities of life but a journey of peace in the midst of life with all its noise and chaos

            • VIDEO – “The Rain Keeps Falling Andrew Peterson Lyrics” ​​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fn8cbI9jFGc]

              • The lyrics contain a long and honest confession of so many struggles

              • Notice that interjected into and over the lyrics are the words of Jesus, “Peace. ​​ Be still.”

              • We can have peace in the midst of life in a fallen world with God’s presence in our lives

              • The words that Jesus spoke are found in Mark 4:35-41

        • Jesus calming the storm

          • Read Mark 4:35-41

          • The disciples were in a situation where they felt helpless

          • They were afraid!

          • Jesus was sleeping peacefully in the stern of the boat – the storm did not bother Him

          • After the disciples woke Him up, He immediately rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet, Be still!” (most translations have “Peace, Be still!”

          • Jesus asked His disciples why they were so afraid

            • His second question concerned their faith in Him

            • The disciples should have known by this point that Jesus was all-powerful

            • His power, from God, extended to all of creation

            • God’s presence was with Jesus, so Jesus’ presence provides peace

          • Application

            • Jesus’ presence in our lives provides peace also

            • We don’t have to be fear when pain, struggles, anxiety, and stress stir up chaos in our spirit

            • We can have faith in Jesus who is all-powerful, all-knowing, and sovereign

            • Perhaps you need to express that faith today

            • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Trust by faith in the peace that Jesus’ presence can bring during the pain, struggles, anxiety, and stress I am currently experiencing.

              • I’ve found that Jesus’ peace can be found in reading God’s Word the Bible

              • It can also be found in praying – that’s us talking to God

              • God talking to us requires us to sit quietly and patiently before Him – we can experience peace in those moments as well

              • Some people have a specific place where they go to find peace from the chaos of their lives

        • Jesus brings peace right into the center of our hurt and frantic striving

        • He brings power to cease the noise, calm the storm, and overwhelm our hearts with His restorative sense of perfect peace

        • He is indeed the Prince of Peace

    • Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6)

        • Isaiah 9:6, For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. ​​ And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

          • Peace is not just a feeling or a state of being

          • Peace is a person

          • Jesus is the Prince of Peace

          • By sending His Son, God sent peace into the world

            • Paul tells the Ephesian Gentiles that before they came to faith in Christ, they were separate from Christ

              • Ephesians 2:12, remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world.

              • That is the condition of every person who is born – we are separated from God and Christ and we have no hope

              • Sin is what separates us from God and Christ

              • Sin is the rejection of God and His authority in our lives

              • We become our own boss/authority

              • God’s Word tells us that when we reject Him and become our own boss, that there is a consequence for that – for the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23)

            • When we reject God and His plans and way we are really at war with Him

              • Perhaps you’ve experienced that in the past or are experiencing that right now

              • You know that God is pursuing you, because He puts people in your life who talk to you about Him

              • Your reaction towards them is harsh and unkind, not because you don’t like them but because you’re at war with God – you’re not at peace with God

              • Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty talks about his life in his book Happy, Happy, Happy

                • He thought he was happy, but he was busy “romping, stomping, and ripping with [his] drinking buddies”

                • He owned a honky-tonk bar at this point in his life

                • His sister decided that Phil needed to hear about Jesus, so she brought her pastor, Bill Smith, with her to the bar

                • This was Phil’s reaction, “‘You some kind of preacher?’ ​​ I immediately asked him. ​​ When Smith told me he was, I added, ‘You ever been drunk?’ ​​ ‘Yes, I used to drink a few beers,’ he told me. ​​ ‘Well, what’s the difference between you and me?’ ​​ I asked him. ​​ ‘You’ been drunk, and I’m getting drunk right now. ​​ There ain’t a dime’s worth of difference between you and me, Jack. ​​ You ain’t putting any Bible on me. ​​ That’s the way I was born.’” [Robertson, Happy, Happy, Happy, 79]

            • God made a way for us to reconciled to Him – to have peace with Him

              • It is through the Prince of Peace – Jesus!

              • Ephesians 2:14-18, For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations. ​​ His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace, and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. ​​ He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. ​​ For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.

                • In this passage, Paul is talking to both Jews and Gentiles

                • He was explaining that through Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection, all people could now be reconciled to God – it wasn’t just for the Jews anymore

                • Jesus’ sacrifice brought peace between the Jews and the Gentiles

                • It also brought peace between God and humanity

                • Romans 5:1, Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

                  • There is nothing we can do on our own to deal with our sin problem

                  • There is nothing we can do on our own to deal with our rejection of God

                  • God in His infinite wisdom, justice, and love provided a way for us to be reconciled to Him – to have peace with Him

                  • It is through faith in what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross

                  • Justified can be defined as “just as if I have never sinned”

                  • That is how God sees us when we admit we are sinners, repent of our sins, and trust in Jesus by faith

              • Perhaps you’re ready to be reconciled to God today – to be at peace with God

                • You’re ready to end the war with God

                • You’re ready to accept God’s authority in your life instead of rejecting it

                • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Recognize Jesus as the Prince of Peace, admit I am a sinner, repent of my sins, and have peace with God through faith in Jesus Christ.

        • Peace with God does not guarantee freedom from pain, struggles, anxiety, and stress

          • We are human and still fallible

          • We still make mistakes and fail to trust God in every area of our lives

          • Mary’s example

            • In the midst of all that was happening that first Christmas, we are told that Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart (Luke 2:19)

            • On the surface, Mary’s life did not become more peaceful

            • If anything, things got crazier with the announcement of her miraculous pregnancy and the birth of a new baby

            • But Mary was learning to trust the One who was in control

          • When we can surrender control – stop worrying, stop planning, stop striving – to the Prince of Peace, we can find rest in Him

            • The inner and outer chaos, anxiety, noise, and busyness of life may not change, but we can experience peace because we trust the One in control

            • Where do you need to surrender and enter the journey of peace this season?

            • I want to encourage you to pause and embrace the words of the Psalmist, Be still, and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10)

            • The same things I mentioned earlier about how to find Jesus’ peace also apply to being still, and knowing that God is God (reading God’s Word, spending time in prayer, and repeating Scripture)

            • This can happen in the morning before your day begins, throughout your day as needed, and before going to bed

        • While we can experience peace through Jesus Christ, we also realize that the world around us may still be experiencing pain, struggles, anxiety, and stress

    • Peace for the World (John 14:27)

        • All we have to do is look at the news coverage to realize that our world is not at peace

          • Countries are at war (Our young people are concerned about what North Korea is capable of doing right now – they’re concerned that they have the ability to launch an attack on the eastern part of the United States)

          • Refugees are far from home

          • Our neighbors are hurting

          • There is violence in our schools

          • Church leadership teams are discussing strategies to provide a safe and secure environment for their parishioners to worship in

          • There is anger in our families

        • While Jesus brought peace to the earth when He came the first time, it is not a perfect or complete peace

          • We live in the tension between the already and not yet

          • We know that Jesus has won the battle over sin and death, but the manifestation of that victory is still to be revealed when Jesus comes again

          • In the interim, we are encouraged to draw close to God and to rely on Him for His peace

          • God’s presence provides peace

          • Philippians 4:6-7, Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. ​​ And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

            • God’s peace doesn’t make sense to us as humans

            • It’s beyond our understanding sometimes

            • Have you or someone you’ve known experienced that kind of peace?

              • Perhaps they’ve gotten news about their health that is concerning, but instead of worrying about it they immediately began to pray and while they should be stressed, they’re at peace

              • When someone losses their job or is just struggling financially, yet they’re not anxious about the situation, but are trusting God, it doesn’t make sense – that’s the peace of God that transcends our understanding

            • Our natural inclination is to worry, fret, and complain instead of turning to God in prayer, waiting on Him, and experiencing His peace

              • So often we come to God asking Him to change our circumstances or those around us

              • Sometimes God answers our prayer by changing our circumstances or those around us

              • More often, He uses the difficult circumstances to change us – He wants us to be transformed and to grow in our faith

              • He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and sovereign

              • He knows what’s best for us

              • He will not give us more than we are able to bear, without providing a way of escape

              • Perhaps you’re feeling anxious, right now, about a particular circumstance in your life

              • Now is the time to turn to God in prayer and present your petitions to Him with thanksgiving

              • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Turn to God in prayer with thanksgiving about the circumstance I’m feeling anxious about.

          • Jesus gave His disciples a promise that is still relevant for us today

            • He promised them the gift of peace

            • John 14:27, Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. ​​ I do not give to you as the world gives. ​​ Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

            • We can claim that promise for ourselves

            • We don’t have to be afraid, because we serve a God who is in control of everything

            • Whatever is causing you pain, struggle, anxiety, and stress now, in the end, Jesus’ peace will overcome it

            • His peace will sustain us through our difficulties, which may be great but are also momentary (2 Cor. 4:17)


  • YOU

    • You can trust by faith in the peace that Jesus’ presence can bring during the pain, struggles, anxiety, and stress that you’re currently experiencing

    • You can recognize that Jesus is the Prince of Peace, admit you are a sinner, repent of your sins, and have peace with God through faith in Jesus Christ

    • You can turn to God in prayer with thanksgiving about the circumstances you’re feeling anxious about


God’s presence provides peace.

 ​​ ​​​​ 


VIDEO – “Advent_2_-_Peace_English_Version”



3rd Sunday of Advent

The Star: ​​ A Journey of Joy

(Luke 2:8-20)



VIDEO – Joy Bumper video


Today is the third Sunday of Advent, and we’re glad you’re here journeying with us through this season. ​​ We’ve been spending the last couple of Sundays talking about Advent and how it is a season of preparation and expectation. ​​ We’ve already learned about the journey of hope and love.


Our guiding symbol through the season is the star. ​​ Just as that Star of Bethlehem drew the wise men toward the Savior thousands of years ago, the star guides our focus on a spiritual journey of hope, love, joy, and peace that all connect us to the Morning Star, the light of the world, Jesus.


As we continue to follow the star toward Christmas, it leads us today to focus on the journey of joy. ​​ Joy can be the fuel that brightens our journey, and it is a fascinating concept. ​​ Joy is often misunderstood. ​​ It is often confused with happiness. ​​ And it regularly shows up in situations where it may be least expected.



  • ME

    • Birth of our children

        • I remember with the birth of all three of our boys that while Judy was experiencing labor pains, there was extreme joy that followed as soon as they were born

        • At least for a short period of time, after giving birth, Judy didn’t notice the pain her body was experiencing

        • With Seth’s birth, she was told for the last two months of the pregnancy that she couldn’t have the baby yet

          • She wasn’t able to mentally prepare for his delivery like she had done for Wade’s delivery

          • Then one day, they told her she could have the baby

          • That delivery was probably the most difficult of the three

        • While I didn’t experience labor pains, I was filled with joy and wept at the birth of all three of our boys

    • Being laid-off

        • While working at the headquarters of Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) in Missouri, I was caught up in one of the layoffs that took place

        • There had been financial struggles for many ministries that year and CEF was not exempt

        • The night before the layoffs were announced, I remember thinking that they would never lay me off, because of how much I did and how much I knew

          • It was that night that God told me I was one of the ones who would be laid off

          • So, I went to work the next day anticipating that I would not a job by the end of the day

        • There was definitely fear associated with being laid off

          • I had a wife and three boys to take care of

          • We had a beautiful home and a mortgage to pay each month

          • We had two vehicles with monthly insurance payments

          • I had no idea where I would get a job

          • Yet, the next day when the Vice President of USA Ministries came into my office and explained that I was being laid off, I was filled with joy

          • As he prayed for me, I remember raising my hands (under my desk) and thanking God for showing me that it was time for me to leave CEF and pursue other opportunities

          • I had some growing to do and that experience was the catalyst that started that growth, both personally and spiritually


  • WE

    • What fears are you facing right now?

        • Health concerns?

        • Financial concerns?

        • Relational concerns?

        • Employment concerns?

        • Educational concerns?

        • Spiritual concerns?

        • Governmental concerns?

        • Societal concerns?

        • The list could go on!

    • Are those concerns stripping you of joy?

        • Are those concerns consuming every waking moment?

        • Are they keeping you awake at night?

        • Are you struggling to find joy in the difficult situation?


Through this journey of joy, today, God wants us to understand that . . .


BIG IDEA – We can have joy in life’s journey.


Let’s pray


As we look at the journey of joy today, we’ll see that joy and pain co-exist, that joy connects us with others, and that our response to joy should be worship.


  • GOD (Luke 2:8-20)

    • Joy and Pain (vv. 8-14)

        • Sometimes it’s easier to find joy in our circumstances when we stop focusing on them and begin to focus on the needs of others

          • In America, we are blessed in so many ways

          • We have plenty of food at our fingertips and clean drinking water

          • Most everyone has a safe place to live

          • We have multiple educational opportunities for our children

          • We have a governmental system that provides certain freedoms

          • We have our own toothbrush and toothpaste

          • We have multiple versions of the Bible and many of us have multiple copies of the Bible

          • Yet, there are individuals around the world who have so much less than we have and find joy in it

          • Operation Christmas Child is an organization that provides boxes filled with items we take for granted, but that children around the world cherish and find great joy in

          • Show VIDEO – LoveGrowsinUkraine [https://video.samaritanspurse.org/love-grows-in-ukraine/]

            • I just love the children’s faces with those huge smiles on them

            • Their faces say it all – they are filled with joy!

            • Even though they live a life that we would consider hard or difficult, they find joy in the simple things

          • As we think about joy and pain or joy and fear, I’m reminded of the shepherds the night Jesus was born

        • Shepherds

          • Read Luke 2:8-14

          • The shepherds were a strong, ruddy group

            • They didn’t lead easy lives

            • They were considered ceremonially unclean because of their work and therefore weren’t able to worship at the Temple

            • They continually had to guard their flocks against wild animals

              • We’re reminded of David, the shepherd boy, who killed Goliath

              • When he came before King Saul to offer his services against Goliath, he told the King that he had killed the lion and bear to protect his father’s flocks

            • They also laid in the opening to the sheep pen throughout the night and became the “door” to protect the sheep from thieves

            • The shepherds had their fears and pains, but I’m sure they experienced joy also

          • The angels appearance brought fear

            • While these shepherds were a hardy bunch, the appearance of an angel in the dead of night terrified them

            • They didn’t know what to think about what they were seeing

            • The angel and his group came in peace with the world’s greatest birth announcement, but first he had to help the shepherds get over their fear

              • He calms their fears by telling them not to be afraid

              • They weren’t the first ones to hear those words from an angel

              • Mary and Joseph also heard those same words when they each had their own individual meeting with an angel

            • Once the shepherd’s fear was taken care of, they were ready to hear the angel’s message

          • The angels message would bring joy

            • The angel had good news that would bring great joy to all of humanity

            • There was a baby that was born in Bethlehem that night

            • It wasn’t just any baby, but it was Christ the Lord!

            • The angel gave the shepherds specific information to identify the baby they were to look for (the baby would be wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger – a feeding trough for animals)

            • Before the angel left he was joined with a choir of angels, praising God

        • Application

          • It’s a strange thing about joy – it seems the natural reaction for most of us is to think joy could only come when pain is removed

            • But the truth is, in our fallen world, joy and pain exist side by side

            • Our lives are a constant balance of joy and pain as we walk through the experiences of life

            • In fact, it is often the pain or struggle that magnifies the power of joy

            • And it’s here in this dichotomy that the message of the angel is for us as well: ​​ Do not be afraid!

          • The struggles you’re going through – health, finances, relationships, school, employment, society, government, etc. – those are the exact places where the words of the angel can penetrate the most deeply and powerfully

            • The angel’s message is for you!

            • There is good news of great joy

            • James writes about joy in trials and makes a pretty astounding statement

            • James 1:2-4, Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. ​​ Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

              • Can James really mean that?

              • It’s not a “fake it ‘til you make it” idea

              • It’s understanding that through our trials we can grow and become mature in our faith as we seek God

              • As we walk in relationship with God, we can grow to experience a sense of joy that comes from understanding there is more than the pain we’re currently facing

            • We can have joy in life’s journey

          • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Not be afraid of the difficult things I’m currently going through and remember that I can have joy in the middle of it with God’s help.

        • The shepherds experienced joy and fear co-existing, but they also realized that joy brings connection with others

    • Joy and Connection (vv. 15-19)

        • Thinking back about the video from Operation Christmas Child, did you notice that they bring all the children together

          • The children are experiencing the joy of receiving their gift with other children who are also receiving a gift

          • It’s a time of building community and togetherness

          • They are also hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ as they gather together

          • In Ukraine, the children continue to gather together to learn how to read

          • The joy each child experiences is done in connection with other children – they experience joy together

        • Read Luke 2:15-19

        • The shepherds were experiencing the joy of Jesus’ birth together

          • Scripture doesn’t tell us how many shepherds were together that evening, but it was more than one

          • They had experienced a heavenly choir and the incredible news that the Messiah had been born

          • This was who Israel was waiting for!

          • As the shepherds were processing everything they had just seen and heard, they decided to go and see what had happened

          • So, they hurried off into town and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby – just like the angel had said

          • The shepherds didn’t just keep this incredible news to themselves

        • The shepherds connected with others in Bethlehem after seeing Jesus

          • They began to spread the word concerning what they had been told about Jesus

          • He is the Savior, He is Christ the Lord

            • Those were two important terms for the Israelites

            • They were looking for a Savior from Roman rule

            • Christ was even more important for them

            • Christ can be translated Messiah

              • In Greek it was “The Christ”

              • In Hebrew it was “the Messiah”

              • Both mean “the Anointed One”

            • John 3:17, For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

            • What do we need to be saved from?

              • The Israelites thought they needed to be saved from Roman rule

              • We may be feeling like we need to be saved from the difficult circumstances we’re currently in (health, finances, school, employment, relationships, government, society, etc.)

              • In many cases we need to be saved from those things, but there is a greater concern we need to be saved from – the darkness of sin in our lives

                • Sin is an age-old problem that every generation and every individual has been enslaved to since the fall of Adam and Eve

                • Isaiah 53:6, We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

                • We are born with a desire to have our own way

                • It is not a condition that only certain people struggle with – it’s a condition that all humanity struggles with

                • Romans 3:23, For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

                • God knew from the beginning of time that we would reject Him and go our own way – we would choose to be separated from Him

                • That is what we earn or deserve for our sin – ​​ for the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23)

                • Since God knew we would choose to reject Him, He already had a plan in place to deal with the darkness of sin in our lives

                • He was waiting for just the right time

                  • Romans 5:6, You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.

                  • Galatians 4:4-7, But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those under law, that we might receive full rights of sons. ​​ Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” ​​ So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir.

                • God’s plan was to send Jesus from heaven to earth, grow up to be a man, live a perfect life, die on a cross to take our punishment for sin, be buried, and come alive again on the third day, conquering sin and death

                • Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 that Jesus fulfilled God’s plan that was prophesied by Old Testament prophets – He died, was buried, and came alive again in three days

              • Romans 10:9-10, 13, That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. ​​ For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved . . . for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

                • You have to admit that you are enslaved to sin

                • You have to be willing to turn from your sin (Repent)

                • You have to believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus died, was buried, and came alive again to save you from your sin

                • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Believe in Jesus, confess that with my mouth, and be saved from the darkness of sin in my life.

              • When you make that decision to be saved from your sins, you are connected with millions of other believers around the world

              • The good news of great joy wasn’t just for the shepherds, the Israelites, Americans, or all Christians

              • The good news is for the whole world (everyone), regardless of borders, governments, nationalities, races, or socio-economic levels

          • The shepherds connected with those in Bethlehem and shared the good news about Jesus

        • The response of those they told was amazement!

        • There is one more aspect of joy that we need to investigate

    • Joy and Worship (v. 20)

        • Questions

          • What is our response to joy?

          • What do we do when joy interrupts our everyday lives and sets up camp alongside our fears and pain?

          • How do we live in the balance of joy and pain/fear until Jesus comes again?

          • How do we foster and experience this joy that is offered to us?

        • Feelings about joy

          • Sometimes it’s easy to embrace joy

          • Sometimes our struggles and hurts are so overwhelming that we are trapped and bound by our fear

          • Joy can feel so far away, so distant, maybe even impossible

        • The Bible shows us that the appropriate response to joy is always worship

          • It is even possible that worship can jump-start joy as we fix our eyes on God and His greater reality and plan rather than on our immediate problems or the fears we are facing at the moment

          • In the Christmas story we see the response to joy from three different groups

            • The angels, Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.” (Luke 2:13-14)

            • The shepherds, The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told. (Luke 2:20)

            • The wise men, When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. ​​ On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. ​​ Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh. (Matthew 2:10-11)

          • All of creation rejoices and worships the Lord

            • Psalm 96:11-13, Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it; let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them. ​​ Then all the trees of the forest will sing for joy; they will sing before the Lord, for he comes, he comes to judge the earth.

            • Isaiah 55:12, You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.

        • Application

          • We can experience the same kind of joy that causes us to worship this Advent season

            • Peter told us our walk of faith in Jesus brings us a sense of joy

            • 1 Peter 1:8-9, Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.

            • When we change our focus from the fear and pain we are currently experiencing and focus on eternity, we begin to realize that what we going through may not be that bad – it gives us perspective

            • 2 Corinthians 4:17-18, For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. ​​ So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. ​​ For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

          • We have a choice

            • We can wallow in self-pity, fear, and pain

            • Or, we can change our perspective and focus, by worshiping God in the fear and pain

            • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Focus on the unseen by worshiping God in the middle of my fear and pain as a way to jump-start joy in my life.


  • YOU

    • Not experiencing joy in your life

        • The brokenness of our fallen world stands at odds with Christ’s joy

        • We straddle the tension between our physical and spiritual realities

        • While we talk about the angels, shepherds, and wise men worshiping God, because of Jesus’ birth, it may be a very difficult and lonely time for many of us

        • What can we do when we find ourselves in that position?

          • First, take the time to connect with others – joy can be contagious (this room is a great place to start if you need to find someone to listen, to pray, and to worship)

          • Second, take time and make a choice to be purposefully thankful (gratitude has a way of reminding us of joy and the reasons we have to rejoice even in the midst of pain – even make a list so you can refer back to it when you’re experiencing fear and pain)

          • Third, let’s worship God for who He is! (we can worship God for who He is, because His eternal love and faithfulness never change and His goodness and mercy never run out)

    • Experiencing joy in your life

        • Make yourself available for those who are struggling this Christmas season

        • Practical ways

          • We will be taking up a love offering during the closing song this morning for a family in the church who is struggling financially

          • There are many individuals within our church and even outside our church who are lonely and would welcome a visit (we can recommend individuals to you)

          • There are individuals who just need someone to pray with them and encourage them

 ​​ ​​​​ 


VIDEO – “Advent_4_-_Joy_English_Version”



2nd Sunday of Advent

The Star: ​​ A Journey of Love

(1 John 4:7-21)



VIDEO – Love Bumper video


Welcome to the second Sunday of Advent. ​​ I hope you have been rejoicing in this Advent season. ​​ Last week we talked about the word advent, which is a version of a Latin term which means “coming.” ​​ And so we use these weeks leading up to Christmas as a chance to look forward with great expectation to the coming of Christ as we embark on a journey of hope, love, joy, and peace.


While the star is only mentioned briefly in the Biblical texts concerning Jesus’ birth, it was a star that led people to Jesus, just as the star leads us to Jesus this Advent season.


So together we continue to look for the light as we follow the star on this journey of love. ​​ The star signals the brightest love, the love that never gives up, the love that conquered sin and death, the love that surrounds us daily and fills us eternally. ​​ Perfect love. ​​ God’s love embodied.


How do we understand love?



  • ME

    • First pet

        • After college, Judy and I moved to Florida

        • While we were there we took in a kitten

        • Kittens are cute, but cats are not always cute

        • We had this cat for about a year

        • It wouldn’t allow us to keep our bedroom door shut at night, because it wanted to be able to come and go throughout the night

        • It’s morning ritual was to jump up on the bed, put its rear end in my face and knead my bladder with its front paws

          • Needless to say, after being asleep all night, my bladder was full

          • It was this cats way of getting me out of bed, so I would feed it

        • This cat did some other irritating things while we had it, but the day we had to take it to a shelter was extremely difficult

          • We were moving to a new apartment in an adult community and they did not allow us to have any pets (except fish)

          • Judy stayed in the car while I took our cat into the shelter

          • I was trying to be strong, but I broke down and cried as I signed the paperwork and handed our cat over

          • While the cat did some irritating things, we still loved it

    • Other pets

        • We had a dog when we lived in Ohio

          • When we knew we were moving to Missouri, we tried to find a loving home for Socks, but weren’t successful

          • We didn’t want to take him to the pound

          • Several months before we moved, he was hit by a minivan and killed

          • I remember Wade’s words that day as we sat in the living room talking about Socks, he said, “I wasn’t ready for Socks to die!”

          • We weren’t ready for Socks to die either

          • We loved him and enjoyed his company even though he did some crazy things that would get on our nerves (like bringing a dead animal up from the ditch and then rolling in them)

        • We had a cat when we lived in Missouri

        • We had turtles in California

        • We have a dog and two cats now

          • We love Fester, CBS (Clyde, Barney, Skittles), and BTCP (Butterball, Tinkerbell, Cinderella, Precious)

          • I’m not looking forward to the day when they are no longer with us, even though I was not in favor of taking in the two cats

          • They have grown on me


  • WE

    • Do you know how much Americans spent on their pets in 2016?

        • $60 billion [Michelle Castillo, “Americans Will Spend More Than $60 Billion on Their Pets This Year,” NBCNews.com, July 12, 2015, http://www.nbcnews.com/business/consumer/americans-will-spend-more-60-billion-their-pets-year-n390181]

        • Why would we do that?

          • We walk them, clean up after them, vacuum up the hair, take allergy pills, clean the tank, apologize to the neighbors, and much more

          • We love them, so we spend our hard-earned money and time caring for them

          • It’s not because of anything they’ve done for us, but simply because we love them

    • How many of you can relate?

        • Have you or are you going to buy your pet a Christmas gift?

        • Is there anything you wouldn’t do to take care of your pet?

          • How many of you have taken your pet to the vet for a dental visit or some kind of surgery?

          • Who has or is currently giving their pet shots for diabetes or medication for some other health concern

        • We do all of that out of love

        • Please don’t think that I’m trying to compare God’s love for you with your love for your pet

        • God’s love is far greater than the love we lavish on our pets

    • Thinking about our love for our pets starts us down the road to think about God’s love for us

        • How do you perceive God’s love for you?

        • Do you feel you need to earn it?

        • Do you wonder if God’s love is meant for you?

        • Do you see the overflow of God’s love in your own life toward others?


Through this journey of love, today, God wants us to understand that . . .


BIG IDEA – We love because He first loved us.


Let’s pray


As we look at the journey of love today, we’ll see that God’s love is a lasting, conquering, and overflowing love.


  • GOD (1 John 4:7-21)

    • Lasting Love [love that never gives up] (vv. 7-8, 16b-18)

        • Read 1 John 4:7-8, 16b-18

        • The key phrase we find in these two sets of verses is “God is love”

          • This is one of His many attributes

          • His love has no beginning or ending – no limits

          • His love desires our good and never desires harm or evil

          • He wants our love in return

          • Jeremiah 31:3, The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: ​​ “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness.

            • The love that the prophet Jeremiah is describing here is one that never ends

            • God loved us before we were even created

            • He continues to love us, without limits

            • He loves us even when we don’t love Him, even when we don’t desire to be in a relationship with Him

            • This is the love God the Father has for His creation – an unending, unlimited love

            • God doesn’t just love us with words, but He loves us with actions, as well

            • Romans 5:8, But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: ​​ While we were still sinners, Christ dies for us

            • We’re going to learn more about that when we talk about the second point, conquering love

        • God’s love demonstrated at Jesus’ birth

          • We often talk about Christmas as the time “when love came down.”

          • We say God’s love entered the world as a baby

          • All of that is true, but God’s love didn’t begin at Jesus’ birth

          • His love has always been and will always be

          • It was manifested on earth during the creation of the world

          • The history of our world, the story of the Bible, is a love story from the first day of creation

          • It’s the story of God’s love for His people and His plan of redemption to bring us back into relationship with Him

          • David expresses in Psalm 139 these truths: ​​ God is all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful, and everywhere present. ​​ God knows us, God is with us, and his greatest gift is to allow us to know him

        • God’s love is expressed through the fulfillment of His plan in Jesus Christ

          • Paul explains this to the Ephesian believers

          • Ephesians 1:4-8, For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. ​​ In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will – to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. ​​ In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding.

          • God’s love does not depend on us

          • It’s not something we have to earn or perform for to maintain

          • It starts with God, not us – He is the One who initiated a relationship with us – He pursues us

          • God is love

          • It’s His nature and character – it’s who He is

          • His love for us was there from the beginning of time and will continue throughout eternity

        • God’s love is not only a lasting love, but it’s also a conquering love

    • Conquering Love [love that conquered sin and death] (vv. 9-10, 13-16a)

        • Questions

          • Do you ever have a hard time loving God?

          • Do you ever have a hard time accepting His love for you?

          • Do you ever doubt that His love is enough to cover all the pain, hurt, selfishness, and evil of our world?

          • Do you question whether or not His love is enough to cover the pain or hurt in your own heart?

        • God’s love is different than human love

          • The love of a father, mother, spouse, ex-spouse, friend, or enemy is not a perfect love

            • They can and will let you down, hurt you, abuse you, twist the concept of love to inflict damage or pain or heartache or to manipulate you

            • Those betrayals of love can seem hard to heal from or let go of

          • God loves you unconditionally

            • It’s not based on anything you’ve done or have to do

            • It’s not a limited amount of love for a certain period of time

            • God loves you purely, perfectly, wholly, and lavishly

            • He pours love out on us – no matter how unlovable or unworthy we may feel

            • God’s love is more vast and perfect than we can ever fully and completely understand with our human intellect

            • Ephesians 3:17-19, And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

          • God’s unconditional love was expressed for us through Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection

        • Read 1 John 4:9-10, 13-16a

        • God’s plan through Jesus

          • God showed His love among us by sending Jesus as an atoning sacrifice for our sins

            • We are all born with a desire to have our own way

            • Romans 3:23, For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

            • Romans 6:23, For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

              • God gave us a will and freedom of choice

              • When we choose sin it results in separation from God – a gap between God and us

              • Isaiah 59:2, But your iniquities have separated you from your God; and your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear.

              • Some of us chose avenues that do not bridge the gap, such as good works, religion, philosophy, morality, and many other things

            • There is only one way to bridge the gap that our sin has created between us and God

              • It is Jesus Christ!

              • This was who the Israelites were waiting for, but many of them missed Him, because He did not fit their preconceived ideas of what the Messiah was supposed to be like

              • God became man through the birth of Jesus Christ

              • God’s love was manifested on earth through Jesus

              • 1 Timothy 2:5, For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus.

              • 1 Peter 3:18, For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God.

          • Acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God

            • This simple fact is what separates true Christianity from the false religions of the world

              • When asked who they believe Jesus was and what He came to earth to do, their answers will inevitably avoid recognizing Jesus’ divinity

              • He was a good teacher

              • He was a another prophet from God

              • He was just a man

            • When we acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God, then God lives in us – we have a relationship with Him

            • John 3:16, For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

              • Admit your need (I am a sinner)

              • Be willing to turn from your sins (Repent)

              • Believe that Jesus Christ died for you on the cross and rose from the grave

              • Through prayer, invite Jesus Christ to come in and control your life through the Holy Spirit (Receive God’s eternal life)

              • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God, believe that He died for me on the cross and rose from the grave, and receive His eternal life.

        • As followers of Jesus Christ we have this promise from God, written in Paul’s letter to the Romans

          • Romans 8:38-39, For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

            • That’s an incredible promise from God

            • Our feelings can deceive us

              • When we’re going through difficult times, we may feel like God isn’t there or that He doesn’t care

              • When a financial crisis hits we may feel abandoned by God and alone

              • When God doesn’t answer our prayers the way we wanted Him to, we can feel like God doesn’t love us

              • When we see widows, orphans, and the poor living ​​ all around us or poverty and the ravages of war in other parts of the world, we can sometimes wonder why a loving God would allow those kinds of things to happen

              • The reality is that our loving God is in the middle of all of those situations (he is all-knowing, present everywhere, and sovereign)

            • Our feelings do not change the truths of God’s Word or His character

            • As followers of Jesus Christ we can know with confidence that nothing will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord (we can claim that promise for ourselves today)

          • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Claim God’s promise that nothing will be able to separate me from His love

        • God’s love that conquered sin and death has been around forever and through the Holy Spirit it lives in us and overflows to others

    • Overflowing Love [love that overflows to others on our life’s journey] (vv. 11-12, 19-21)

        • Questions

          • Does anyone have company coming this Christmas? (Parents, siblings, aunts, uncles?)

          • While Christmas is a wonderful time to be together, let me ask you this question, how many of us will be sick of our relatives or guests after the third day of being together all the time?

          • Some of us may be feeling that way about your spouse and/or children

          • We can’t wait for the holidays to be done, and the Christmas break from school to end, so we can have some peace and quiet

        • It’s the very nature of God’s unending and unlimited love that it cannot be contained

          • God doesn’t want it to be contained

          • The Bible tells us to love others, even the people who seem unlovable

          • Sometimes that’s easy, and sometimes it’s the hardest thing in the world

          • Expressing God’s love to others is not something we can do on our own

          • It only happens when we have been transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ

          • When we believe in Jesus and repent of our sins, then the Holy Spirit immediately comes to dwell within us

          • He gives us the power to love everyone as God loves us

          • 1 Peter 1:22-23, Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart. ​​ For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.

          • That doesn’t mean it is easy, but it shifts our focus from trying hard to love others on our own, to experiencing the depth of God’s love in a way that allows it to overflow in our life to the people around us

        • Read 1 John 4:11-12, 19-21

          • We see in verses 11-12 that we should be willing to love others, because God loved us and sent Jesus to take our punishment for sin

          • In verse 19, John changes from saying that we ought to love to the fact that we do love, because God loved us first

          • John tells us that it is impossible for us to love God if we do not love other people

          • In verse 21 John gives us a command from Jesus, Whoever loves God must also love his brother

          • We love because He first loved us

        • Application

          • God’s love is truly the whole reason we celebrate this season

          • The journey of love is not simply about words or even the feelings of acceptance – it is also a journey of action and truth

          • The gift of God’s Son that we celebrate was God putting love into action through Jesus

          • His love is an overwhelming love that calls and moves us to similar action

          • 1 John 3:16, This is how we know what love is: ​​ Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. ​​ And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.

          • Advent and Christmas can be an easy season to put this similar love into practice

          • It can also be a difficult season to practice God’s love overflowing through us

          • As you gather to celebrate Christ’s birth this year, will you allow His love to penetrate and overflow your heart as you abide with the source of all love?

          • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Be willing to allow God’s love to overflow into the lives of family members, friends, and coworkers.

 ​​ ​​​​ 


VIDEO – “Advent_3_-_Love_English_Version”



1st Sunday of Advent

The Star: ​​ A Journey of Hope

(Isaiah 7:14; 9:2; Revelation 7:9, 16-17)



VIDEO – Hope Bumper video


Welcome to the first Sunday of Advent. ​​ Today begins our journey to Christmas. ​​ It’s only four weeks away! ​​ Of course the retail stores have been prepared long before this first Sunday of Advent. ​​ The word advent is a version of a Latin term which means “coming.” ​​ So we use these weeks leading up to Christmas as a chance to look forward to our celebration of the arrival of Jesus, the Messiah, the light of world, our Savior. ​​ Advent is a season of great expectation, and I’m glad you’re here with us today as we embark on a journey – actually join in an epic journey that began more than two thousand years ago – and follow the star and discover the light of the world. ​​ It’s a journey of the heart and soul, but it’s also a journey that will realign our expectations and experience of the Christmas season. ​​ And it’s a journey that will explore the gifts of Christmas delivered by and through Christ: ​​ hope, love, joy, and peace. ​​ We will need hope in the storms of life and love that never gives up. ​​ We need fresh joy on our journey and peace no matter what we’re facing or dealing with.


We’re going to be focusing on the star as our guiding light. ​​ It guided the Biblical characters to the place where Jesus was and it can guide us to Jesus, the light of the world, even today.



  • ME

    • I have been looking forward to this Christmas season more than in the past couple of years, because of hope!

    • Hope

        • Home

          • I’ve experienced hope at home as Judy and I have continued to deepen our relationship as husband and wife as we move into a new phase of life (almost empty nesters)

          • I’ve also experienced hope at home as I’ve watched our boys develop into fine young men

            • Wade has become more independent

            • Seth is finishing college this year and getting married in June to a wonderful young lady, Emily

            • Levi has matured this past school year and is working more independently on his school work

        • Church

          • I’ve also experienced hope at church

          • There are more people participating in small group Bible studies than in the past couple of years

          • We have vision for the future and faith to move forward

          • God has been challenging us as a congregation and I see Him working powerfully in your lives

          • That brings me great hope!

    • While I’ve been experiencing hope at home and at the church, I realize that not everyone is experiencing hope, especially during the Christmas season


  • WE

    • Are you struggling to experience hope right now?

    • There are numerous struggles you may be experiencing today that are stripping you of hope

        • Financial stresses (you want to make Christmas special for your family, but finances are tight)

        • Relational dysfunctions (you’re not looking forward to the family gathering, because of tensions in your family)

        • Memories of loss (perhaps the Christmas season is difficult, because you’re remembering a loved one that has passed away – this may be your first Christmas without that individual)

        • Commercialized expectations (maybe you’re feeling the pressure to keep up with Jones’s)

    • We’ve all been there at some time or another

    • We may be there right now in some form or another

    • We’re not alone

        • Those who were part of the journey toward the first Christmas – Mary, Joseph, an innkeeper, a jealous king, some wise men, common shepherds, angels, and so many more didn’t even understand what was happening all the time

        • Mary and Joseph placed their firstborn son in a manger, because there wasn’t room in the inn

        • Herod wasn’t feeling hopeful when he learned of a king who had been born in Bethlehem

        • The wise men had a long journey to take in order to see Jesus

        • The shepherds were afraid when the angels appeared to them

        • While there were hardships along the journey, most of the characters answered God’s invitation to come and see the arrival of His son, the light of the world and the Savior of all

    • Questions

        • Will you say yes to the journey?

        • Will you peer through the darkness of your life, no matter what that may be, and look for the glimmer of hope?

        • Will you step toward the light of the star even if your vision seems cloudy or muddled?

        • Will you journey toward Bethlehem, drawn by hope for the love, joy, and peace that await?


Through this journey of hope God wants us to know that . . .


BIG IDEA – Jesus brings hope in the dark times of life.


Let’s pray


How do we follow the star on a journey of hope? ​​ How can we purposefully live this season of anticipation in light of hope? ​​ Let’s look at three key components – acknowledging the darkness around us, embracing the wait, and committing to the journey.


  • GOD

    • Acknowledging the Darkness

        • VIDEO – Methanol – fire (1) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZEEuCHdWFA]

          • In the video we saw that a methanol fire is very hard to see in the daylight, but burns a beautiful blue color in the dark

          • In the darkness the flame is visible and gives off light

        • The same is true of stars

          • We aren’t able to see them during the daytime, but at night (as long as the sky is clear) we can see the stars

          • In fact the darker the night, the better we can see the stars

          • If you live in the country as opposed to the city, you will see the stars more clearly, because there are less light

          • When the moon is that tiny sliver instead of a full-moon we are able to see the stars more clearly

          • The darker the setting, the brighter the starlight

          • Just because we can’t see them in the daytime doesn’t mean they aren’t still there

          • This is the wonder of God’s creation and He chose a star to guide the wise men to Bethlehem

        • Throughout the Bible, we see how God uses His own creation to reveal Himself to us

          • Psalm 19:1-4, The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. ​​ Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. ​​ There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. ​​ Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world (NIV)

          • Psalm 8:3-4, When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? (NIV)

        • Masking the darkness

          • It’s easy for us to mask the darkness that we see in the world around us and in our own hearts, especially during the holidays

          • We allow the holiday glitz to artificially light our lives, but the darkness within us is still there

          • But facing darkness and calling it what it is allows us to see true light

          • Sometimes we have to experience the darkness in order to see the light clearly

            • If you’ve ever heard the testimony of someone who has come out of an addiction, many times you’ll hear the same thing

            • They had to hit rock bottom before they were ready to ​​ acknowledge the darkness within

            • It was only when they acknowledged the darkness that they were able to see the light of hope and kick their addiction

          • There is darkness all around us in our world

            • The recent news stories of Hollywood executives, newscasters, and politicians who are losing their jobs as a result of inappropriate behavior with the opposite sex or with children

            • The shooting that took place in a church in Texas

            • The use of a box truck in New York City to kill individuals

            • The shooting that happened during a concert in Las Vegas

            • We don’t have to look far to see that there is darkness all around us

        • The Israelites were experiencing a dark time also when Jesus showed up

          • There had been 400 years of silence from God between the Old Testament prophets and the New Testament times

          • They were also experiencing Roman rule in Israel

            • They didn’t like having the Romans as their authorities

            • Their belief about the Messiah was that He would come and set them free from Roman rule

            • They were looking for a political savior

          • I’m sure the Israelites felt like God had abandoned them, yet if they remembered the words of the prophet Isaiah they should have been hopeful

          • Isaiah 7:14, Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: ​​ The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel (NIV)

            • The time was coming when God would be with man in the flesh

            • Immanuel means, “God with us”

          • Isaiah talked about the coming light and the present darkness, and that darkness continued to grow through the centuries

          • Isaiah 9:2, The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned (NIV)

          • Isaiah was foretelling the future

            • Both of these verses were spoken long before Jesus was born

            • The people of Israel lived in that space between promise and fulfillment

            • They were desperate for a deliverer

        • Application

          • Today we share that common experience of darkness and desperation

            • Every one of us wants to be set free from the darkness we are experiencing

            • Jesus brings hope in the dark times of life.

            • The greatest darkness we all experience is the darkness of sin in our lives

              • We are all born with a desire to sin, a desire to have our own way, to be our own boss, to not submit to anyone else as our authority

              • It is the heart condition of every person

              • Romans 3:23, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (NIV)

              • Romans 3:10-12, “There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God. ​​ All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.” (NIV)

              • The darkness of sin is found in every one of us

              • When we choose to do wrong in our families, school, workplace, or community, there are consequences

              • The same is true with God, who is holy and just

              • Romans 6:23, For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (NIV)

              • This verse talks about the consequences of our sin, but it also gives us hope

              • God had a plan to deal with the darkness of sin in our lives

              • It was sending Jesus from heaven to earth to die on a cross so we could be purified from the darkness of sin in our lives

              • Romans 5:8, But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: ​​ While we were still sinners, Christ died for us (NIV)

              • 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: ​​ that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures (NIV)

              • This was God’s plan and promise, through the prophet Isaiah, fulfilled

              • 1 John 1:5-7, This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: ​​ God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. ​​ If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. ​​ But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. (NIV)

          • Perhaps the darkness you need to deal with today is the darkness of sin in your life

            • Nothing can rescue you from the darkness of sin except God

            • Jesus entered your darkness that first Christmas, so you could have hope

            • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Acknowledge the darkness of sin in my life and accept Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross to purify me of my sins.

              • The beginning of the purification process is talking to God and admitting that you are sinner, that you are sorry for your sin, that you believe in Jesus’ perfect sacrifice on the cross, and that you choose to be purified

              • Sanctification is the ongoing process of purification where we deny ourselves and take up our cross daily and follow Jesus

              • It’s a lifestyle change that comes through the transforming power of Jesus Christ living within us

              • Repentance is a 180 degree turn from pursuing sin to pursuing Jesus

              • Total sanctification will come when Jesus Christ returns, but we are still in the waiting process

              • We have to learn to embrace the wait

    • Embrace the Wait

        • Questions

          • Who likes waiting?

          • Does anyone like waiting?

          • How many people waited in a line during Black Friday shopping? ​​ (Did anyone enjoy it?)

          • I remember having to wait on Christmas morning to open presents

            • We didn’t have the tradition of opening one present on Christmas Eve

            • We were allowed to open our stockings before my parents got up, but we couldn’t open any of the presents under the tree

            • We’ve continued that tradition with our boys – they are allowed to open their stockings before we get up, but nothing under the tree

            • The older I’ve gotten the earlier I’ve been getting up, so they probably won’t have to wait as long this Christmas

          • Waiting

            • Children can’t wait for their Birthday or Christmas morning to arrive

            • Students wait to hear if they’ve been accepted into a college or graduate program

            • Other students wait to find out if they got the part in the school play/musical or made the team

            • Adults wait to hear if they got a job or promotion

            • Parents wait for the birth of their child or children

            • Other couples wait to hear about adopting a child

            • If you go to Chick-fil-A, though, you won’t have to wait very long

        • Israelites

          • The Israelites knew all about the long wait

          • Since Genesis, in the very first book of the Bible, when sin entered the world, we see that God offered the promise of hope

          • Genesis 3:14-15, So the Lord God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this, cursed are you above all the livestock and all the wild animals! ​​ You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life. ​​ And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” (NIV)

          • God was talking about Jesus, the source of hope from the very beginning

          • God had a plan of hope from the start

          • But constrained by the time of our world, the waiting seemed like forever

        • Illustration

          • Imagine a farmer standing on the dry dust of a parched field and looking up to the sky. ​​ Years of drought have taken everything from him, and he has lost hope. ​​ But then, in the distance, he hears the rumble of thunder – the promise of rain

          • That is the image John the Baptist gave of himself when people asked if he was the Messiah. ​​ No, he was not, but he was announcing the arrival of the long-awaited One. ​​ He was the herald of hope.

          • John 1:23, “I’m thunder in the desert: ​​ ‘Make the road straight for God!’ ​​ I’m doing what the prophet Isaiah preached.” (MSG)

        • Advent is a time of waiting

          • While we struggle with waiting in our culture, there is great benefit in embracing this season as we anticipate the coming of Jesus

          • The waiting reminds us of where our hope is set

          • It allows us the time and focus to hear the distant rumble of thunder, the promise that our hope will be fulfilled

          • God keeps His promises and He has promised to send Jesus a second time

          • As we wait to celebrate Jesus’ birth, we also wait for our true hope to be fulfilled – our complete and total sanctification – the perfecting of our souls

          • The apostle John describes it for us in Revelation 7:9, 16-17

          • Revelation 7:9, 16-17, After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb . . . Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. ​​ The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat. ​​ For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; he will lead them to springs of living water. ​​ And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. (NIV)

          • We still live in the space between the already and the not yet

            • We have to embrace the waiting just like the Israelites did

            • They were waiting for the arrival of the Messiah the first time

            • We’re waiting for the arrival of the Messiah the second time

            • Hope is what fuels our faith as we wait, because we know that eternity with God will far outweigh what we have experienced here on earth – the darkness that we are currently experiencing, that is stripping us of hope

            • 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, Therefore do not lose heart. ​​ Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. ​​ For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. ​​ So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. ​​ For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal (NIV)

            • Hebrews 11:1, Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see (NIV)

        • Application

          • Will you allow this Advent season to serve as a reminder of the confidence we have as we wait in hope for what we do not yet see?

          • Will you seek the light of the star, no matter how faintly it might first appear to you, and draw hope from its growing light?

          • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Wait with hope for Jesus’ second coming and for my complete and total sanctification.

        • We normally define waiting as an inactive process, but it can be an active process – we have to commit to the journey

    • Commit to the Journey

        • The concept of waiting throughout the Bible is one of active waiting

          • It is not just sitting around, doing nothing

          • We wait with expectant hearts, but we are constantly moving forward on our journey

        • “Active waiting means to be present fully to the moment, in the conviction that something is happening where you are and that you want to be present to it.” ​​ [Henri J. M. Nouwen, Waiting for God]

          • What an excellent description of Advent!

          • Wait means being active, present in the moment while still anticipating where we are going

          • It not’s easy!

          • It takes strength and courage, but we can receive that from the Lord

          • Psalm 31:24, Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord (NIV)

        • So what does that look like in real life?

          • The apostle Peter gives us great words of wisdom that apply to our real lives – he speaks about being holy

          • 1 Peter 1:13-16, Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. ​​ As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. ​​ But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: ​​ “Be holy, because I am holy.” (NIV)

          • Hope is about waiting, but that waiting involves a commitment to being present in our journey of obedience

          • Preparing our minds means that we are alert, it involves expectation and active anticipation

          • Being self-controlled is also an active process as we wait

          • Each of us is perhaps at a different place in our journey with God

            • That’s natural and normal

            • Don’t compare with those who are also on the journey, but are at a different place – keep following God’s light

            • Advent is not about finding all the answers or checking all the boxes

            • It’s about preparing

            • You just have to show up and be willing to follow God’s lead

            • He wants to fill you heart with hope and healing as you seek His Son, Jesus



VIDEO – “Advent_1_-_Hope_English_Version”



Last Sunday after Pentecost: ​​ Christ the King

Jesus in Disguise

(Matthew 25:31-46)



“The surprise was complete. ​​ The attacking planes came in two waves; the first hit its target at 7:53 A.M., the second at 8:55. ​​ By 9:55 it was all over. ​​ By 1:00 P.M. the carriers that launched the planes from 274 miles off the coast of Oahu were heading back to Japan.


Behind them they left chaos, 2,403 dead, 188 destroyed planes, and a crippled Pacific Fleet that included eight damaged or destroyed battleships.


At 6 A.M. (Hawaiian time) on December 7, 1941, the first Japanese attack fleet of 183 planes took off from aircraft carriers 230 miles north of Oahu. ​​ Ironically, at 7:02 A.M., two Army operators at a radar station on Oahu’s north shore picked up approaching Japanese fighters on radar. ​​ They contacted a junior officer who disregarded their sighting, thinking that it was B-17 bombers from the United States west coast. ​​ The first Japanese bomb was dropped at 7:55 a.m. on Wheeler Field, eight miles from Pearl Harbor. ​​ No one was prepared for what was occurring. ​​ The rest is history.


At Pearl Harbor, the consequences for not being ready for an enemy attack was devastating. ​​ There were signs that went unheeded. ​​ Had the U.S. military been ready to spring into action, the losses at Pearl Harbor might have been greatly reduced.


The element of watchful waiting applies to the return of Christ. ​​ For the believer, being ready for Christ’s return involves more than not being caught by surprise. ​​ It also involves living a life in faithful obedience to God, investing our resources in the kingdom of God. ​​ Jesus will someday return. ​​ Those who are found faithful and living in obedience to God will be rewarded. ​​ Are you among the ready?”


[Stuart K. Weber, Holman New Testament Commentary, 427-28].



  • ME

    • Mission Trips

        • Spokane, WA – an important part of what we did was to take care of Wayne and Denise Miller and their family

        • Mississippi – we are planning a trip to Carthage, MS next summer to help at Abigail Farmer’s church (she is one of our missionaries) – part of the time will again be spent taking care of Abby and ministering to her

    • Serving others

        • Dwane

          • A friend of mine was diagnosed with a brain tumor

          • He was a follower of Jesus Christ

          • I took him once to his experimental treatment and waited with him

          • He had helped me out before when I woke up with something in my eye in the middle of the night

        • Serving homeless in Spokane, WA

          • They were so appreciative of the food and clothing items we brought through the two organizations we served with

          • It was a joy to minister to each person


  • WE

    • Youth

        • Week of service this past summer (they took care of other ministries)

          • Tender Care Pregnancy Center

          • Upper Adams Food Pantry

          • Project Share

          • Laurin and Bev Fleming’s home

        • In the past

          • New Hope Ministries in Hanover

          • Adams Rescue Mission

          • Helped with other individuals within the church

    • Adults

        • Gettysburg Soup Kitchen

        • Upper Adams Food Pantry

        • In-Gathering (happened last week)

        • Individuals in our church have used their talents to help others in the church

          • Car maintenance and repair

          • Yard work and mowing

          • Cleaning

          • Financial support

          • Rides to church, doctor appointments, the pharmacy, and the grocery store

          • These are just a few of the ways that we have helped others, but there are countless other ways as well

    • Take a moment to think about how you have taken care of others


Jesus has been teaching on the Mount of Olives. ​​ He has been talking about the future and gives a couple parables to help His disciples understand they need to be ready and obediently working at multiplying the Gospel. ​​ He concludes His Olivet Discourse by teaching about the final judgment. ​​ Through His teaching Jesus wants His disciples and us to understand that . . .


BIG IDEA – Serving servants of Jesus is serving Jesus.


Let’s pray


  • GOD (Matthew 25:31-46)

    • Jesus will return (vv. 31-33)

        • PROMISE/TRUTH – God will send Jesus to earth a second time

          • When God gives us a promise or truth in His Word, we can claim that promise and believe that truth, wholeheartedly

          • We can put our hope in the fact that Jesus is coming again

          • It will be in power, which is represented by all the angels coming with Him

          • He will also come in authority as He sits on His throne in heavenly glory

          • He will come with God’s glory and authority to judge

        • Nations and people

          • In the Greek the word used for “nations” is talking about all people or the Gentiles and the Jews

          • The Great Commission includes every nationality and people group in the entire world

          • While every nation will be represented, the Greek word used for “the people” is in the masculine gender and “implies that individuals and not just nations or people groups are intended.” ​​ [Blomberg, The New American Commentary, Matthew, 376]

          • This concept agrees with all of Scripture – we are individually responsible for our salvation and how it is evidenced through our actions

        • Separating individuals

          • Jesus uses imagery that would have been familiar to those He was teaching

          • The practice of keeping sheep and goats together in the pasture is still used in the Middle East today

          • Our image of sheep and goats is different than in the Middle East and probably from what was normal in the 1st Century

            • Our image of sheep are those with pure white wool coats

            • Goats can have different colored spots and patches on their coats

            • The sheep being referenced here probably had spots and patches of different colors that made them harder to distinguish from the goats

            • Genesis 30:31-32, “What shall I give you?” he asked. ​​ “Don’t give me anything,” Jacob replied. ​​ “But if you will do this one thing for me, I will go on tending your flocks and watching over them: ​​ Let me go through all your flocks today and remove from them every speckled or spotted sheep, every dark-colored lamb and every spotted or speckled goat. ​​ They will be my wages.”

          • While sheep and goats grazed together in the fields, when it was time to separate them, they would be sent down a chute that required them to go one at time in a single line

            • A shepherd would sit on top of the fence and swing a gate back and forth to guide each animal into the appropriate pen [Weber, Holman New Testament Commentary, Matthew, 424]

            • If the sheep and goats were both spotted, it would take a trained eye to quickly separate them

          • Jesus has that trained eye

            • We do not know the heart of man, but God does

            • We may think from outward actions or superficial knowledge that we know who are God’s people and who are not

            • Praise the Lord, He knows!

          • Right and left

            • Jesus will separate each individual from all nations

            • He will put the sheep, who represent those who are righteous, on His right side – this is the place of honor

            • He will put the goats, who represent those who are cursed, on His left side – in this context, it was a place of disgrace

        • Now that the righteous and the cursed have been separated, Jesus explains what will happen to each group

    • Blessed (vv. 34-40)

        • Reward (v. 34)

          • Jesus refers to Himself as the King in this parable

          • He will beckon those on His right – the righteous ones – to come and take their inheritance

          • These individuals are blessed by God the Father

            • This blessing is not the same as in the Beatitudes, where the Greek word means “happy”

            • It rather means someone who enjoys God’s good favor [France, The New International Commentary on the New Testament, Matthew, 962]

            • It also has the idea that these individuals have received God’s spiritual and material blessing and favor already and that they will continue to receive it [Weber, Holman New Testament Commentary, Matthew, 424]

          • Their reward is the inheritance of the Kingdom of God

            • This was prepared for them since the creation of the world

            • There are two beliefs concerning the wording “since the creation of the world”

              • One belief system says that the identity of the individuals who will enjoy God’s blessing and favor have been determined before their birth

              • The other belief system is that Jesus is referring to the group of those who are saved as a whole

              • “God has prepared this kingship for those who will prove to be worthy of it, but who those people will be remains to be discovered on the basis of their response to the gospel and to the will of God.” ​​ [France, The New International Commentary on the New Testament, Matthew, 963]

              • As we’ll see in vv. 35-36, how individuals respond to Jesus’ disciples who are in need, is evidence of a genuine relationship with Him

        • Service (vv. 35-36)

          • The righteous ones recognize three basic human needs (food, shelter, and companionship) and step in to help

          • These individual did not have to be told to do these things, because it was an outpouring of their love for Christ

          • Their perspective on humanity had been transformed by a relationship with Jesus Christ – they now saw each person as a valuable creation of God the Father

          • The amazing thing is that they didn’t even realize they were serving Jesus

        • Surprise (vv. 37-39)

          • These verses make it sound like the righteous are confused or surprised by the King’s statement

          • They didn’t realize that serving servants of Jesus is serving Jesus

          • Jesus is saying to the righteous that they fed Him, gave Him water to drink, invited Him in to their homes, gave Him clothing, took care of Him when He was sick, and visited Him when He was in prison

            • Jesus is talking to His disciples about the final judgment

            • So, it could be confusing how these individuals had taken care of Jesus in the various scenarios outlined, since He was already back in heaven

            • I like how Wilkins addresses the surprise that the righteous ones are experiencing

            • “Such surprise indicates that these were not intentional meritorious acts to gain access to the kingdom. ​​ Rather, these acts of mercy are evidences that the sheep belong to the kingdom . . .” ​​ [Wilkins, The NIV Application Commentary, Matthew, 810]

              • The righteous were ​​ not doing these things as a way of working their way to heaven

              • They were doing these things as evidence that they were already citizens of heaven

              • They had been transformed by Jesus Christ and the proof was evident through how they served servants of Jesus

              • PRINCIPLE – Acts of service are a sign of salvation.

                • Our acts of service do not have to be “great” things

                • They are usually little things that seem insignificant to us

                • Providing food and drink to those who are need

                • Welcoming someone into our home who is a stranger

                • Offering clothing to those who need them

                • Caring for the sick or visiting those in prison

                • Perhaps the righteous didn’t even remember doing these things because they seem so insignificant

          • Application

            • Are we helping those in need?

              • There are individuals all around us who are in need

              • There are those who are hungry and thirsty

              • There are individuals who need shelter and clothing

              • There are many in our congregation right now who are sick and can use help

              • We financially support Chaplain Will Olson and his ministry at Adams County Adult Correctional Facility, but he needs volunteers to help with Bible studies to both men and women

              • There are other needs in our church and community that we can help with

                • Financial counseling

                • Those who have experienced divorce and separation (children and adults)

                • Various addictions (drugs, alcohol, pornography, etc.)

                • There a things we can do corporately as the body of Christ

              • What can you do individually?

              • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Commit to helping those in my church and community who are in need.

            • What is our motivation for helping those in need?

              • The righteous in Jesus’ parable weren’t motivated by accolades or the hope of salvation by serving others

              • It was an outpouring and evidence of the transformational power of the Gospel in their lives

              • “True disciples will pass an examination not because they are trying to pass an examination but because they will love his brothers and sisters – and therefore Jesus.” ​​ [D.A. Carson cited by Boice, The Gospel of Matthew Volume 2, An Expositional Commentary, 541]

              • We should be serving others, because of the salvation we have received through Jesus Christ

          • This passage has been used by many in the social Gospel movement to motivate Christians to serve the poor, but those Jesus is referring to here are not just any poor or needy person

        • Servants (v. 40)

          • Disciples of Jesus

            • The least of these brothers of mine refers to Christ’s disciples or all Christians

            • In Matthew’s gospel the Greek word used for “least” is the superlative form of the adjective “little [ones]” which without exception in the gospel of Matthew refers to the disciples (10:42; 18:6, 10, 14; cf. also 5:19; 11:11)

            • The same is true of the Greek word used for “brothers” – “when not referring to literal, biological siblings, always means spiritual kin (5:22-24, 47; 7:3-5; 12:48-50; 18:15 (2X), 21, 35; 23:8; 28:10).” ​​ [Blomberg, The New American Commentary, Matthew, 377-78]

            • John Broadus explains it this ways, “Our Lord is not expressly speaking of benevolence to the poor and suffering in general, but of kindness to his poor and suffering ‘brethren’ for his sake.” ​​ [Broadus cited by Boice, The Gospel of Matthew Volume 2, An Expositional Commentary, 541]

              • For this particular passage of Scripture, Jesus is saying that our future depends on how we relate to His followers, which is a reflection of how we relate to Him

              • The Apostle Paul reiterates Jesus’ teaching when writing to the Galatians about doing good to all

              • Galatians 6:10, Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

            • While this passage does not speak to the social justice for all people, that does not mean that God is ambivalent towards the poor and needy who are not followers of Jesus Christ

          • Importance of taking care of the poor, the widow, and the orphan

            • There are multiple passages throughout the Old Testament that speak about God’s will concerning the poor, the widow, and the orphan

            • Nearly every prophetic book in the Old Testament has a warning from the Lord concerning taking care of the poor, the widow, and the orphan

            • There are additional warnings against taking advantage of those who are less fortunate

            • The king and those in authority were not to forget about those in their kingdom who were in need

            • From those passages and others in the New Testament, we know that we have a responsibility to take care of all who are poor and needy, whether they are in our church or in our community

        • We see that the righteous are blessed and will receive the Kingdom as their inheritance, because they willingly took care of Jesus’ disciples who were in need as evidence of their salvation and relationship with Jesus Christ

        • But Jesus has something to say to those on His left who are cursed

    • Cursed (vv. 41-45)

        • Punishment (v. 41)

          • We see some mirrored opposites here

          • The cursed are told to depart from Jesus instead of coming to Him

          • They are cursed instead of blessed

          • Their destiny is the eternal fire instead of kingship

            • The eternal fire was prepared for the devil and his angels

            • We have no evidence in Scripture that the fallen angels were given a chance to repent

            • That is not the case with humanity

            • No one should have to face eternal fire – it was prepared for the devil and his angels

              • Yet there are those who have chosen hell by rejecting Jesus Christ

              • They have no one else to blame but themselves

              • God has given each of us a free will to either accept or reject His plan of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ

              • There are individuals who readily say they welcome hell as their destiny, but they don’t understand what they are saying and what’s at stake

                • Hell is total separation from those in heaven and from God – if those in hell are able to, they will understand the vastness of God’s grace and mercy because they will no longer be experiencing it – He will no longer hold back His wrath

                • Those who go to hell will be together with the devil and his angels in total rebellion against God

                • Hell is suffering – it will be eternal weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matt. 25:30)

              • There is still hope!

                • Jesus has not yet returned the second time

                • God’s grace and mercy are still in full force

                • God’s salvation is still available to anyone and everyone who repents and submits to Jesus as their master

                • Ephesians 2:8-9, For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.

                • The beginning of our relationship with Jesus Christ comes in believing in Him, but it doesn’t stop there

                • It’s a total transformation that takes place in our lives through the Holy Spirit that now lives within us

                • Matthew 16:24-26, Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. ​​ For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it. ​​ What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? ​​ Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?”

                • Luke shares the same teaching from Jesus, but adds that the we have to take up our cross daily

                • My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Begin my relationship with Jesus today by accepting God’s grace through faith in Jesus, and then grow in my faith by denying myself and taking up my cross daily.

          • Those on Jesus’ left did not make that decision and therefore neglected to take care of Jesus’ disciples

        • Neglect (vv. 42-43)

          • Here is the sad reality – the cursed did not do some great evil against Jesus’ disciples, they simply neglected to do good

          • The reality for us is that there are some who claim to have a relationship with Jesus Christ and attend church on a regular basis, but will be separated to Jesus’ left hand

            • Their relationship with Jesus was only lip service

            • A true transformation never took place

            • The evidence is clear from what Jesus says about those individuals

            • They did not take care of the basic needs of Jesus’ disciples who were suffering

        • Surprise (v. 44)

          • This group is also surprised by Jesus’ statement of not taking care of Him

          • They also didn’t recognize that taking care of Jesus’ disciples who were suffering meant they were taking care of Jesus

          • They didn’t understand that serving servants of Jesus is serving Jesus

        • Servants (v. 45)

          • The same disciples of Jesus were around these individuals, but they refused to take care of them

          • Their perspective on humanity had not been transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ

          • They perhaps looked right past or through these suffering servants of Jesus

          • Their hearts were not compassionate towards those followers of Jesus who were suffering for Him

          • They were more concerned about themselves instead of others

    • Accountability (v. 46)

        • PRINCIPLE – Every one of God’s people will be held accountable for their response to Jesus’ disciples who are in need.

        • Those who neglect to help Jesus’ disciples will experience eternal punishment

        • Those who serve Jesus’ disciples will experience eternal life

        • “The presence of kingdom life will always produce evidence in the transformed speech, thought, actions, and character of Jesus’ followers. ​​ The absence of transformation is proof that a person has not accepted the invitation to the kingdom. ​​ Reward or penalty is distributed according to the evidence.” ​​ [Wilkins, The NIV Application Commentary, 813]


  • YOU

    • Does your life evidence a transformation by Jesus Christ?

    • If you’ve never accepted God’s grace, through faith in Jesus Christ are you ready to do that today?

    • If you stood before Jesus today would you be a sheep or a goat?


  • WE

    • We all have an individual responsibility to serve Jesus’ disciples who are in need

    • We also have a corporate responsibility

        • We need individuals who will lead various ministry aspects

        • Men’s ministry leader

        • Single’s or divorce recovery ministry for adults and children

        • Addiction recovery

        • Prison ministry

        • Many more

        • We need individuals who have a passion for these various areas to step up and lead



“When a friend cared for her housebound mother-in-law, she asked her what she longed for the most. ​​ Her mother-in-law said, ‘For my feet to be washed.’ ​​ My friend admitted, ‘How I hated that job! ​​ Each time she asked me to do it I was resentful, and would ask God to hide my feelings from her.’


But one day her grumbling attitude changed in a flash. ​​ As she got out the bowl and towel and knelt at her mother-in-law’s feet, she said, ‘I looked up, and for a moment I felt like I was washing the feet of Jesus Himself. ​​ She was Jesus in disguise!’ ​​ After that, she felt honored to wash her mother-in-law’s feet.


Today, might you echo my friend, who now wonders when she meets someone new, ‘Are you Jesus in disguise?’”


[Amy Boucher Pye, Our Daily Bread, September, October, November 2017, October 24]