
Generational Blessing

(Genesis 48:1-22)



Did You Ever Wonder Why?


“Most of us wonder about the oddities of life at one time or another. ​​ Well, did you ever wonder . . .


  • Why people spend so much for those little bottles of Evian water? ​​ Try spelling Evian backwards: ​​ NAÏVE.

  • Why we say something is out of whack? ​​ What’s a whack?

  • Why the man who invests your money is called a broker?

  • If lawyers are disbarred and clergymen are defrocked, doesn’t it follow that electricians can be delighted, musicians denoted, cowboys deranged, models deposed, tree surgeons debarked, and dry cleaners depressed?

  • If Lipton Tea employees take coffee breaks?

  • What hair color they put on the driver’s licenses of bald men?


In Scripture there are many things that cause the reader to wonder why. ​​ In this passage there are a number of whys, some of which are answered while we are left to wonder about others.”


[Gangel & Bramer, Holman Old Testament Commentary, Genesis, 369]


We may wonder why Jacob elevated Ephraim and Manasseh to the status of sons and why he crossed his arms and put his right hand on Ephraim’s head when he was the younger son of Joseph.


We may wonder at the blessing Jacob speaks over Ephraim, Manasseh, and Joseph.


One thing we can be sure of is the blessing Jacob bestowed on Ephraim is a generational blessing – it had come down the line from Abraham, to Isaac, to Jacob, and now Ephraim.



  • ME

    • Generational blessings

        • One generational blessing that Judy and I have experienced has been money from an estate

        • The greater generational blessing we have received is a spiritual heritage that has been passed on from our parents, grandparents, and even generations further back


  • WE

    • What kind of generational blessings can we all reflect on this morning (spiritual, financial, occupational, and/or physical, etc.)


Jacob reflected on the blessings God Almighty had promised him when he met Him at Luz (Bethel). ​​ In his blessing of Joseph, he reflected on the blessing of a spiritual heritage that his father and grandfather had left him. ​​ Finally, he blessed Joseph with a piece of land in Canaan that had been his. ​​ What we will learn from this passage of Scripture today is that . . .


BIG IDEA – We can experience the blessings of God from generation to generation.


Let’s pray


  • GOD (Genesis 48:1-22)

    • Beneficiaries (vv. 1-12)

        • What we see happening in these twelve verses is that Jacob adopted Ephraim and Manasseh as his sons – they are elevated from grandsons to sons

        • Joseph’s visit

          • The exact amount of time that passed from Joseph’s solemn vow to bury Jacob in Canaan (Gen. 47:31) and this current visit is vague

            • Some time later. ​​ The Hebrew is literally, ‘after these things’ (i.e., after the oath ceremony).” ​​ [Waltke, Genesis: A Commentary, 595]

            • It was certainly a short time and not months or years later

            • It all unfolded in Jacob’s 17th year in Egypt

          • Jacob is ill

            • What prompted Joseph’s visit was news that his father was ill

            • Perhaps his brothers saw a drastic decline in their father

              • He was sleeping all the time

              • He stopped eating and drinking

              • So they sent an anonymous messenger to Joseph to encourage him to come

          • Joseph came to Goshen with his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim (Joseph lists them in birth order, remember that)

            • That means he had not moved to Goshen to live with his family, but was still living where Pharaoh lived

            • He probably brought his two sons with him in anticipation of a patriarchal blessing

            • Little did he know what was about to happen

          • Jacob rallied his strength

            • When Jacob was told that Joseph had come, he rallied his strength and sat up on the bed

            • “Jacob has deteriorated from ‘dwelling’ in Goshen to ‘dwelling’ in bed.” ​​ [Hamilton, The New International Commentary on the Old Testament, The Book of Genesis, Chapters 18-50, 628]

            • The fact that Jacob musters up the strength to sit up in bed shows how important this visit is to him

          • Jacob shared the terms of his adoption of Ephraim and Manasseh

        • Terms of adoption

          • Jacob repeated the covenant given to him many years before at Bethel that had initially been given to Abraham

            • Luz was the ancient name for Bethel

            • Genesis 28:13-15, There above it stood the Lord, and he said: “I am the Lord, the God of your father Abraham and the God of Isaac. ​​ I will give you and your descendants the land on which you are lying. ​​ Your descendants will be like the dust of the earth, and you will spread out to the west and to the east, to the north and to the south. ​​ All peoples on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring. ​​ I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. ​​ I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”

            • The blessing of Jacob was a continuation of the blessing given to Abraham and Isaac

            • He was experiencing the generational blessing

            • We can experience the blessings of God from generation to generation, too.

          • Only Ephraim and Manasseh

            • Notice that Jacob refers to Joseph’s two sons in reverse birth order – Ephraim and Manasseh (that is significant)

            • Ephraim and Manasseh will be to Jacob just like Reuben and Simeon were

            • Any children born to Joseph after Ephraim and Manasseh will be Joseph’s

              • They will not inherit a portion of the Promised Land like Ephraim and Manasseh will, but will be part of the inheritance they gain as two of the twelve tribes of Israel

              • Only Ephraim and Manasseh were elevated

              • “Since Joseph is the recipient of Reuben’s right of inheritance as the firstborn, according to the Chronicler, the sons of Joseph also receive firstborn rights as the adopted sons of Joseph (1 Chr 5:1-2).” ​​ [Mathews, The New American Commentary, Volume 1B, Genesis 11:27-50:26, 875]

              • 1 Chronicles 5:1-2, The sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel (he was the firstborn, but when he defiled his father’s marriage bed, his rights as firstborn were given to the sons of Joseph son of Israel; so he could not be listed in the genealogical record in accordance with his birthright, and though Judah was the strongest of his brothers and a ruler came from him, the rights of the firstborn belonged to Joseph)

            • PRINCIPLE #1 – “God is in control of circumstances, and He works providentially to accomplish His purposes.” ​​ [Gangel & Bramer]

              • God’s purpose was to have twelve tribes of Israel that would inherit the Promised Land

                • He knew about Reuben’s sin of defiling his father’s marriage bed, which forfeited his status as firstborn

                • He knew His plans involved having one of Israel’s sons, Levi, become a tribe of priests that would not need an inheritance, but would live in forty-four cities scattered throughout Israel (Num. 18:20; Deut. 18:2; Josh. 13:33; 14:4; 21:1ff) [Wiersbe, The Bible Exposition Commentary, Old Testament, Pentateuch, 164]

                • God was working providentially to accomplish His purposes

                • He does the same thing in our lives

              • Application

                • How has God done that in the past?

                • Take a moment to reflect on how He has worked providentially in your life in the past

                  • Individually, I have had several instances when I knew that God was working out His plan and purpose in my life (leaving CEF; leaving EGM; becoming a pastor)

                  • As a body of believers we have experienced the providential hand of God using circumstances to work out His plan for us (live streaming before the pandemic started; having the payroll protection plan loan forgiven and using the money we saved to pay off the PA Department of Revenue tax debt; even how God orchestrates certain songs being sung that fit together so well with the message)

                • We do not always recognize it when we are going through it, but God is in control of the circumstances of our lives

                  • What are you going through right now that has you wondering what God is doing?

                  • Do you truly believe that God is in control of every circumstance, including your current circumstance?

                  • Can you trust His providential work in your life, because of His faithful work in your life previously?

                • #1 – My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Trust God to accomplish His purpose in my life, since He is in control of the circumstances.

              • God was in control of the circumstances of Jacob’s life and through His providential work, Jacob elevated Ephraim and Manasseh to the status of sons so His purposes would be accomplished

          • Rationale for the adoption of Joseph’s two sons

            • Jacob revisits the premature death of his favorite wife, Rachel

              • When Jacob was returning from Paddan-Aram (Northwestern Mesopotamia), Rachel died near Bethlehem

              • We know that she died giving birth to Benjamin, her second child

              • Jacob buried her beside the road to Bethlehem

              • Had she not died prematurely, she would have probably had additional children including more sons

              • “Since Rachel had no more children, Jacob counted the sons born to Joseph as his own by proxy, immediately multiplying her tribes.” ​​ [Mathews, 875]

            • Joseph’s sons, who were now Jacob’s sons, would also be counted as Rachel’s sons

          • Official ceremony

            • When Jacob asked Joseph, “Who are these?” it was not because he did not know who they were

              • He had already used their names when talking about adopting them

              • The question was to signify the beginning of the official adoption ceremony

              • “. . . the question to identify the beneficiaries is part of the legal ritual of adoption and/or blessing (cf. 27:18).” ​​ [Waltke, 597]

              • “One thinks of the question at a baptism, ‘What name is given to this child?’ or the question at a wedding, ‘Who gives this woman to this man?’ – neither of which is prompted by the ignorance of the clergyperson.” [Hamilton, 634]

              • “We have here the second stage of the legal adoptive process, namely, the establishment of the true identity of the candidates for adoption by formal interrogation of the natural father.” ​​ [Sarna cited by Hamilton in footnote 24, 634]

            • Joseph’s response

              • He credits God for giving him these two sons

              • PRINCIPLE #2 – Children are a gift from God.

                • Whether they are biological, adopted, or spiritual children, all children are a gift from God!

                • Whether they are expected or unexpected, all children are a gift from God!

                • Whether they have special needs or are “normal,” all children are a gift from God!

                • Whether they are in the womb or outside the womb, all children are a gift from God!

            • Jacob requested that Joseph bring them to him so he could bless them

              • We learn that Jacob’s eyes were failing because of old age

              • Joseph brought his sons close to Jacob

              • Jacob embraced them and kissed them

              • Jacob never thought he would see Joseph again and now he has not only seen Joseph, but his two sons also

              • PRINCIPLE #3 – God is the One who numbers our days.

                • When our first grandchild was just an infant, we had the privilege of going to a family reunion on my father’s side

                  • We were able to take a couple of pictures that featured five generations [show the two pictures]

                  • Our granddaughter was the very first great, great grandchild for my Grandma Johns

                  • I do not know if my grandma ever imagined or thought that she would see a great, great grandchild

                  • I do not know if my parents ever thought they would see any great grandchildren, but now they have seen and held all three

                • Is there anything you never imagined you would see or experience in your lifetime?

                  • Think about the people who saw the first toaster, automobile, telephone, television, microwave, computer, etc.

                  • They probably never thought they would see or experience those things

                • Is there anything you are hoping to see before you die?

                  • Maybe it is grandchildren, great grandchildren, or great, great grandchildren (keep praying!)

                  • Maybe it is the salvation of a loved one (keep praying!)

                  • Maybe it is a spiritual revival in our nation (keep praying!)

                  • Perhaps it is the cure for some disease (keep praying!)

                • God knows our heart and the number of our days, so we can trust Him to accomplish His plan and purpose for us

            • Joseph removed his sons from Israel’s knees

              • It is unlikely that Ephraim and Manasseh were sitting on Israel’s lap, one on each knee

              • They would have been around 18 to 20 years old

              • If you remember, Israel is weak and frail and had to rally his strength to just sit up in bed

              • It is more likely that Joseph’s two sons were kneeling in front of Israel’s knees

          • With the adoption complete, Joseph bows down with his face to ground in respect of his father

        • Ephraim and Manasseh are now the beneficiaries of being adopted into Jacob’s family, but Jacob still has a blessing for them

    • Blessed (vv. 13-20)

        • Joseph orchestrated his approach to his father, Israel (v. 13)

          • He put Ephraim on his right side toward Israel’s left hand and Manasseh on his left side toward Israel’s right hand

          • He probably did this to help his father who was struggling to see

          • Joseph understood the culture and traditions of the day

            • He knew that the right hand was the “the position of strength, honor, power, and glory (cf. Ex. 15:6; Ps. 89:13; Prov. 3:16; Eccl. 10:2; Matt. 25:33; Acts 2:33).” ​​ [Waltke, 598]

              • Exodus 15:6, “Your right hand, O Lord, was majestic in power. ​​ Your right hand, O Lord, shattered the enemy.”

              • Psalm 89:13, Your arm is endued with power; your hand is strong, your right hand exalted.

              • Matthew 25:33, He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.

            • He wanted Manasseh his firstborn son to receive the greater blessing

          • Israel shook it up (v. 14)

            • As Ephraim and Manasseh approached Israel, he reached out his right hand and placed it on Ephraim’s head, then he crossed his arms and placed his left hand on Manasseh’s head

              • “Jacob may be losing his sight, but he is not losing his insight.” ​​ [Hamilton, 636]

              • Israel followed the leading of the Lord in his crisscrossed gesture

              • It was God who was acting to accomplish His purpose

            • PRINCIPLE #4 – “God acts according to His own purpose, not necessarily in line with human tradition or custom.” ​​ [Gangel & Bramer]

              • God is all knowing and eternal, which means he knows the beginning from the end

                • He sees the totality of history and is able to act according to His own purpose

                • There are times when His actions do not line up with our traditions, customs, or human logic, but His ways are perfect

                • Isaiah 55:8-11, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. ​​ “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. ​​ As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: ​​ It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

                • Read Psalm 18:30-36

              • Application

                • Where are you at?

                  • Is there something you are going through right now that has you questioning God?

                  • Are you looking at it through the eyes of human tradition, custom, or logic?

                  • Do you believe that God’s way is perfect and His word is flawless?

                • What changes do you need to make?

                  • Do you need to submit to God’s ways instead of your own?

                  • Do you need to think with the mind of Christ instead of with the mind of humanity?

                • #2 – My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Submit my issue to God’s perfect way, even if it does not line up with human tradition, custom, or logic.

            • God’s way is perfect (vv. 17-20)

              • When Joseph saw what his father had done, he tried to correct him, but Israel refused

              • Israel explained that he knew what he was doing and it was not an accident because of his poor eyesight

                • Israel intentionally gave the greater blessing to Ephraim

                • Isaac had unintentionally blessed Jacob/Israel due to deception, but that was not the case here

                • God knew exactly what He was doing through this entire situation

              • Manasseh became a people and became great also, but Ephraim was greater

              • Ephraim would be greater and his descendants became a group of nations and not just a people

              • “This blessing began to be fulfilled from the time of the Judges, when the tribe of Ephraim so increased in extent and power, that it took the lead of the northern tribes and became the head of the ten tribes, and its name acquired equal importance with the name Israel . . .” ​​ [Keil & Delitzsch, Commentary of the Old Testament, Volume 1, The Pentateuch, 248]

          • Let’s look back in verses 15 and 16 at the blessing

        • The blessing (vv. 15-16)

          • Israel/Jacob’s testimony covered three generations (vv. 15-16a)

            • Israel recalled how his grandfather and father walked before God

            • Next he highlighted how God had shepherded him all his life and delivered him from all harm

            • Finally, he prayed that this ever present, guiding, and delivering God would bless Ephraim and Manasseh

          • PRINCIPLE #5 – God walks with, guides, and delivers His people.

            • Whatever circumstances you are facing right now, God is with you in it, will guide you through it, and will deliver you from all harm

            • What do you need to experience from Him right now?

              • Do you need to experience His presence with you?

              • Do you need Him to guide your thoughts and actions?

              • Do you need Him to deliver you from something?

            • Cry out to Him right now!

            • #3 – My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Ask the Lord to be with me, to guide me, and/or deliver me.

          • The result of the blessing

            • That Ephraim and Manasseh would be called by Israel’s, Abraham’s, and Isaac’s names

            • That they would increase greatly upon the earth

          • Ephraim and Manasseh experienced and received the generational blessing from Israel/Jacob

          • We can experience the blessings of God from generation to generation.

        • Israel/Jacob had one final blessing for Joseph

    • Bequeathed (vv. 21-22)

        • Israel encouraged Joseph that God would be with him and would take him back to the Promised Land

          • We do not know if Israel believed that Joseph would return to the Promised Land in his lifetime

          • We do know that when Joseph was about to die, he made the Israelites promise to take his bones back to the Promised Land when they returned, which they did

        • Israel gave a double portion of land to Joseph as the “firstborn”

          • It is not recorded what ridge of land Jacob had taken with his sword and bow

            • Some scholars believe it was the city of Shechem where Simeon and Levi had taken revenge for Dinah their sister by slaughtering all of the male inhabitants of Shechem

            • Jacob did not approve of their actions, but perhaps occupied the land after everyone was destroyed

            • Joshua 24:32, And Joseph’s bones, which the Israelites had brought up from Egypt, were buried at Shechem in the tract of land that Jacob bought for a hundred pieces of silver from the sons of Hamor, the father of Shechem. ​​ This became the inheritance of Joseph’s descendants.

          • For now, we may just have to wonder


  • YOU

    • Do you need to trust God to accomplish His purpose in your life, since He is in control of the circumstances?

    • Perhaps you need to submit your issue to God’s perfect way, even if it does not line up with human tradition, custom, or logic.

    • Maybe you need to ask the Lord to be with you, to guide you, and/or deliver you.


  • WE

    • As a body of believers, we need to trust God to accomplish His purpose in the life of our church.

    • We may need to submit our issue to God’s perfect way.

    • We may need to ask the Lord to be with us, guide, and/or deliver us.



“It is sometimes difficult to understand why things happen as they do. ​​ Even as believers we find it difficult to understand why God chooses certain purposes and brings them about a certain way. ​​ But God is sovereign. ​​ He acts in keeping with his character but not always in harmony with human custom and tradition. ​​ Both Jacob and Joseph demonstrated they understood that their responsibility was to exercise faith—faith to the very end of life.


[Gangel & Bramer, 376].




The Mercy of God

(Genesis 47:13-31)



“In the early 1950s teenage Lyle Dorsett and his family moved to Birmingham from Kansas City, Missouri. They were outsiders, often labeled Yankees by peers. But one summer evening in 1953, Dorsett was walking to his house after work and decided to take a shortcut through the campus of then-Howard College (now Samford University).


He was immediately intrigued by the sight he saw: a large tent on the football field featuring a magnetic preacher. As Dorsett drew near, he could hear evangelist Eddie Martin preaching on the parable of the prodigal son, calling other prodigals to come home. Dorsett said, ‘I knew I was the prodigal and … needed to come home.’


Martin asked those in attendance to return the next evening. Dorsett came early, and this time was seated near the front. When the call came, ‘the evangelist led me through a sinner’s prayer. I confessed my need for forgiveness. While being led in prayer, I strongly felt the presence of Jesus Christ. I sensed his love and forgiveness as well as his call to preach the gospel.’


Shortly thereafter, Dorsett and his parents joined a local Baptist church. However, 18 months later, Dorsett’s family moved back to Kansas City. On his return, gradually he drifted. During his time in college, he embraced a materialistic worldview. He received a Ph.D. in history but despite professional success, he began to drink heavily and became an alcoholic. His wife, Mary, who became a Christian after their marriage, began to pray.


One evening, he stormed out of the house after Mary asked him not to drink around the children. He found a bar and drank until closing. While driving up a winding mountain road, he stopped at an overlook and blacked out. The next morning, he woke up on a dirt road at the bottom of a mountain next to a cemetery not having any memory of the drive.


Dorsett cried out to God, ‘Lord, if you are there, please help me.’ At that moment, he recognized that the same presence he had met in Birmingham was with him in the car and loved him. The prodigal son had finally, truly come home. He said, ‘Although I made countless mistakes, the Lord never gave up on me.’


God then called Dorsett to full-time ministry, ordination in the Anglican Church, and eventually to the Billy Graham Chair of Evangelism at Beeson Divinity School, Samford University, where he had first heard God’s call to preach.


He concludes,

Over the years God has proved to be a gentle Comforter—like when Mary underwent massive surgery for cancer, and when our 10-year-old daughter died unexpectedly. Certainly, the most humbling and reassuring lesson is his persistence in drawing me to himself. And it was he who pursued me and sustained the relationship when I strayed in ignorant sheeplike fashion, doubted his existence, and then like the Prodigal Son deliberately moved to the far country. And it is all grace—unearned, undeserved, unrepayable grace.


Source: Lyle Dorsett, “A Sobering Mercy,” CT magazine (September, 2014), pp. 87-88; Kristen Padilla, “A Fulfilling Ministry,” Beeson Divinity (4-12-18).





  • ME

    • I have experienced the mercy of God throughout my life

        • I experienced the mercy of God when I lost both of my grandfathers a year apart (I was around 12 years old at the time)

        • I experienced the mercy of God when we moved to Birmingham, AL after my sophomore year of high school. ​​ I left behind a steady girlfriend, but the ending of that relationship, while it was difficult, was God’s mercy at work (now I have a beautiful wife of 32 years as of Thursday of this past week)

        • I experienced the mercy of God through several job transitions

    • I know that I can trust God to extend His mercy as I continue to live my life


  • WE

    • Perhaps every one of us can remember a time when we experienced the mercy of God

    • For many of us we can recall God’s mercy in various stages of life


We will see today that the Egyptians experienced the mercy of God through Joseph’s administration of grain, and Jacob experienced the mercy of God through Joseph’s promise to him. ​​ The author of Genesis wants us to understand that . . .


BIG IDEA – The mercy of God is for all stages of life.


Let’s pray


  • GOD (Genesis 47:13-31)

    • Procuring (vv. 13-26)

        • Contrast (v. 13)

          • As we saw last week, Pharaoh provided Jacob and his family with property and Joseph provided them with food (Genesis 47:11-12)

          • Now, in contrast to that, we see in verse 13 that there was no food available in Egypt or Canaan, because of the severity of the famine – Egypt and Canaan wasted away

        • Joseph’s administration

          • Because of Joseph’s recommendation to take a fifth of the harvest of Egypt during the seven years of abundance, Egypt was not actually out of food

          • All of the food was owned by Pharaoh and had been stored in the various cities throughout the country (Gen. 41:33-36)

          • They had not used any of the reserves up to this point

        • Progression of procurement (vv. 14-22)

          • Money

            • When it was time to begin distributing the grain, Joseph started with the money in Egypt and Canaan

            • He collected all of the money that was found in both countries

              • “The sense is that the people fervently rummage for money, ‘bringing every last penny.’” [Mathews, The New American Commentary, Volume 1B, Genesis 11:27-50:26, 857]

              • How many of us have experienced that feeling?

              • We have to rummage through our couch cushions or our car to find enough money to buy something

              • Judy and I experienced that when we moved back from California. ​​ We stopped at the Tropical Treat on our way back from Hanover to get ice cream with the boys and did not realize they did not take credit/debit cards until after we ordered. ​​ I started rummaging through our car and found a film canister that I had filled up with quarters. ​​ I canceled what I had order, but was able to pay for the rest with the money I had found in our car

              • When Judy and I were first married and still in college, she had a pair of jeans that would produce paper money at just the right time. ​​ It was amazing how we were able to go on a cheap date with the money her jeans produced. ​​ I do not think she has those jeans anymore. ​​ Of course, we realized it was God providing for us out of His incredible grace and mercy

              • PRINCIPLE #1 – God is merciful!

              • The mercy of God is for all stages of life.

            • Notice that Joseph did not keep any of the money for himself – he brought it all to Pharaoh’s palace

            • Notice the switch here from Egypt and Canaan to only Egypt

              • Only the Egyptians would forfeit their livestock, land, and lives

              • The Canaanites would not

              • I believe this is significant, especially as it pertains to The Promised Land

              • The Promised Land was reserved for God’s chosen people, therefore, it would not be owned by Pharaoh and Egypt

            • The Egyptians came to Joseph when their money was used up and asked him for food

          • Livestock

            • Joseph barters with the Egyptians

            • He will sell them food in exchange for their livestock

            • Their livestock included

              • Horses –

              • Sheep

              • Goats

              • Cattle

              • Donkeys

            • Joseph brought them through that year with food in exchange for their livestock

              • The various translations say it differently

                • Brought them through (NIV)

                • Fed them (KJV, NKJV, NASB20, NASB95, LSB, ASV, DBY, HNV)

                • Supplied them (ESV, RSV)

                • Provided them (CSB, NLT)

                • Got them through (NET)

                • Led them as a shepherd (literal translation NASB95, NASB20, LSB)

                  • “He is said to have ‘brought them through’ (piel, from nāhal), a term that can indicate a gentle leading of the weak to a place of respite (e.g., 33:14; Ps 23:2; Isa 40:11; 51:18).” ​​ [Mathews, 857]

                  • Psalm 23:1-3a, The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. ​​ He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters. ​​ He restores my soul.

                • Joseph mercifully leads the Egyptians through a difficult time in their lives

                • God does the same for us

                • The mercy of God is for all stages of life.

              • PRINCIPLE #2 – God, in His mercy, will lead us through any difficulty.

                • Scripture support

                  • Deuteronomy 31:8, The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will ​​ never leave you nor forsake you. ​​ Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

                  • Isaiah 41:10, So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. ​​ I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

                  • Philippians 4:19, And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

                • What difficulty are you facing today?

                  • Like the Egyptians, lack of food?

                  • Difficult relationship? (family, friend)

                  • Health issues? (feel normal again, do the things I used to do)

                  • Emotional struggles? (anxiety, depression, fear)

                  • Spiritual battle? (temptation, addiction)

                  • Financial shortage? (debt, medical bills, foreclosure)

                • Just as Joseph mercifully led the Egyptians through their lack of food, God will mercifully lead us through our difficulties to a place of peace and rest

                • #1 – My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Trust in the mercy of God to lead me through the difficulty I am currently facing.

            • Joseph bartered with the Egyptians for their livestock, but they were going to have to surrender more in order to survive the severe famine

          • Land and lives

            • Nothing left

              • The livestock lasted for just a year and now the Egyptians do not have anything else to use to buy or barter for food

              • They openly admit this to Joseph – they cannot hide the fact from him

              • I am certain that Joseph already knew where they were

              • The Egyptians actually make the offer of their land and lives to Joseph and he accepts

              • Seed is the third word used for what they are receiving from Joseph

                • In verse 14 they receive rations (šeḇer) [sheh’ber/shay’-ver] (this was threshed grain, corn, or cereal) in exchange for money

                • In verse 17 they receive food (leḥem) [lekh’-em/lekh’-hem] in exchange for livestock

                • In verses 19 and 23 they receive seed (zeraʿ) [zeh’-rah] in exchange for their land and lives

              • The reason they are bartering their land and lives was two-fold

                • They did not want to die

                • They did not want the land to become desolate or ruined

            • No one exempt except the priests

              • Every Egyptian sold his field to Pharaoh

                • They were now land tenants

                • They no longer owned the land, but farmed it for Pharaoh

                • The NIV says that Joseph reduced them to servitude

                  • Other translations and the footnote in the NIV reference the Masoretic Text that says, Joseph moved the people into the cities

                  • “To make food distribution easier, many of the farm workers were moved into the cities until such time as seed would be available for planting.” ​​ [Wiersbe, The Bible Exposition Commentary, Pentateuch, 163]

                  • This was also a way of reinforcing the fact that Pharaoh now owned their land [Goldingay, Baker Commentary on the Old Testament, Pentateuch, Genesis, 671]

              • Joseph did not buy the land of the priests

                • The priests did not need to sell their land, because Pharaoh gave them a regular allotment of food

                • They were not starving and about to die, like the regular Egyptians were

                • Just a reminder that Jacob and his family were also taken care of by Pharaoh and Joseph – they were not in need

            • The procuring is done – Pharaoh has all of the Egyptians money, livestock, land, and lives

            • Joseph takes it one step further

          • Futures (vv. 23-26)

            • Joseph established a law that was still in existence when the author of Genesis was writing (around 400 plus years later)

            • This was probably to ensure the success of all future Pharaohs who had priests and other groups to provide for

            • Joseph gave the Egyptians seed so they could plant the ground

              • When it came time to harvest the crop, they had to give one fifth (20%) of it to Pharaoh

              • They were allowed to use the other four-fifths (80%) as seed and food for themselves

                • This was a generous offer from Pharaoh

                • This was actually below average for the Middle East in ancient times

                • “First Maccabees 10:30 refers to a one-third tax on grain and one-half on fruit.” ​​ [Goldingay, 672]

              • Joseph was entrusting the seed that he had gathered during the seven years of abundance to the Egyptians, so that lives would be preserved and that God’s purposes would be fulfilled [Keil & Delitzsch, Commentary on the Old Testament, Volume 1, The Pentateuch, 245]

              • God does the same thing with us

            • PRINCIPLE #3 – God entrusts us with the good things of this earth for His purposes.

              • Biblical support

                • Psalm 24:1-2, The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters.

                • 1 Timothy 6:17, Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain., but to put their hope in God, who richly provides for us with everything for our enjoyment.

                • 1 Timothy 5:8, If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

                • Proverbs 3:5-10, Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. ​​ Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. ​​ This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. ​​ Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.

              • God has been generous with us

                • From the Old Testament we see the principle of tithing, giving 10% to the Lord of all that He has given to us

                • We also see the principle of offerings, which is anything extra that we give above our regular tithe

                • Giving is an act of worship, acknowledging God’s provision and care for us

                • It is also a way for God’s purposes to be accomplished here on earth (taking care of the orphan, widow, and poor; spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ, etc.)

                • 2 Corinthians 9:6-8, Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. ​​ Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. ​​ And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

              • #2 – My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Give to the Lord a portion of all that He has given to me, so His plans and purposes can be accomplished.

            • Reaction of the Egyptians

              • The Egyptians were grateful to Joseph for saving their lives

              • They did not see Joseph as a tyrant that was treating them unfairly, but as a savior [Waltke, Genesis: A Commentary, 591]

        • Joseph mercifully led the Egyptians through the seven years of severe famine

        • Next we will see that Joseph was merciful to his father at the end of his life by showing him kindness and faithfulness

        • The mercy of God is for all stages of life, whether we are going through difficulties in the middle of our lives or as we near death

    • Promising (vv. 27-31)

        • Prosperous

          • We know that the Israelites settled in Goshen during the time of the famine and acquired property there

          • We also know that Joseph provided for them until the famine ended

          • God was blessing the wombs of the women during this time and the Israelites produced a lot of offspring

            • This was the fulfillment of the promise given to Jacob in Genesis 46:3

            • They were becoming a great nation in Egypt

        • Time stamp

          • We learn that Jacob lived in Egypt for 17 years before he died

          • He was 147 years old when he died

        • Nearing death

          • Jacob realized that his time was short, so he called for Joseph to come

            • Joseph has the power and authority to make Jacob’s last wish come true

            • Joseph is also the oldest son of Jacob’s favorite wife

          • Jacob asked Joseph to make a solemn vow by placing his hand under his thigh (this was a common practice in the ancient near east)

          • PRINCIPLE #4 – God is pleased when we show mercy to our loved ones.

            • Joseph was showing mercy to his father by being kind to him and faithful to his vow

            • We too can show mercy to our loved ones as they near death by being kind to them and faithful to our vows

              • I have had the privilege of being with individuals and their families as they have neared death

              • It is such a sweet time of sharing memories, love, and kindness

              • I remember one person, who had their entire family with them in the hospital room

              • The family members were loving on them and perhaps making final promises to care for one another and treat each other with kindness

            • Maybe you made a promise to a parent or spouse

              • How have you been doing with that promise?

              • Have you been faithful to that promise?

              • Is there anything you need to do to keep that promise?

            • Perhaps you have a loved one who is nearing death

              • With dementia and Alzheimer’s being more prevalent today, it can be difficult to show kindness to that loved one, especially when they constantly repeat the same thing over and over again

              • You can show God’s mercy to them by being kind and compassionate during those times

            • I want to challenge you today to ask the Lord to help you be kind and faithful to a loved one who is nearing death

            • He will give you the strength to succeed!

        • Joseph promised and swore to bury his father in Canaan at Machpelah (Gen. 50:12-14)

        • Israel/Jacob worshiped the Lord

          • He was grateful to the Lord that his last wish would be fulfilled

          • He was also grateful to the Lord that clan leadership had been successfully passed on to Joseph [Walton, The NIV Application Commentary, Genesis, 710]

          • Since, Jacob was too feeble to get out of bed and bow down in worship, he turned towards the head of the bed as a symbolic way of bowing [Kiel & Delitzsch, 245]

          • “Jacob’s desire was that his funeral would be a clear witness that he was not an idol-worshiping Egyptian but a believer in the true and living God.” [Wiersbe, 164]

          • Jacob did not want his ailing and feeble body stop him from worshiping the Lord

          • PRINCIPLE #5 – We should never neglect to worship the Lord.


  • YOU

    • Do you need to trust in the mercy of God to lead you through the difficulty you are currently facing?

    • Are you ready to give to the Lord a portion of all that He has given to you, so His plans and purposes can be accomplished?

    • Is there a loved one that you need to show mercy to?

    • Have you neglected to worship the Lord for something?


  • WE

    • We can trust in the mercy of God to lead us through difficult times

    • We can show mercy to those in our congregation

    • We can worship the Lord for all He has done for us



“I recently read a story by a woman who said that as a girl she was poor. She said, ‘I grew up in a cold water flat, but I married a man who had money. And he took me up to a place where I had flowers, and I had gardens, and I had grass. It was wonderful. And we had children.’


‘Then suddenly I became physically sick. I went to the hospital, and the doctors ran all sorts of tests. One night the doctor came into my room, and with a long look on his face, said, ‘I'm sorry to tell you this. Your liver has stopped working.’


‘I said, ‘Doctor, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Are you telling me that I am dying?’ And he said, ‘I, I can't tell you any more than that. Your liver has stopped working. We've done everything we can to start it.’ And he walked out.


‘I knew I was dying. I was so weak, I had to feel my way along the corridor down to the chapel of the hospital. I wanted to tell God off. I wanted to tell God, ‘You are a shyster! You've been passing yourself off as a loving God for two thousand years, but every time anyone begins to get happy you pull the rug out from under them.’ I wanted this to be a face-to-face telling off of God.


‘And just as I got into the center aisle of the chapel, I tripped, I swooned, I fainted. And I looked up, and there stenciled along the step into the sanctuary, where the altar is, I saw these words: LORD, BE MERCIFUL TO ME A SINNER. I know God spoke to me that night. I know he did.’


She didn't say how God communicated this to her, but what God said was, ‘You know what this is all about. It's about the moment of surrender; it's about bringing you to that moment when you will surrender everything to me. These doctors, they do the best they can. but they only treat. I'm the only one who can cure you.’


And she said, ‘There with my head down on my folded arms in the center of the chapel, repeating, ‘Lord, be merciful to me a sinner,’ I surrendered to God. I found my way back to my hospital bed, weak as I was.


‘The next morning, after the doctor ran the blood tests and the urinalysis and so forth, he said, ‘Your liver has started working again. We don't know why. We don't know why it stopped, and we don't know why it started up again.’ And I said in my heart, But I know. Oh but I know. God has brought me to the brink of disaster, just to get me to turn my life over to him.’”


Source: John Powell, "Prayer as Surrender," Preaching Today, Tape No. 108.





The Blessings of God

I want to open with two stories this morning. You will hear the first part of both stories now and the rest of the two stories at the conclusion. The first story comes from Mark Batterson’s book “A Double Blessing.” During his celebrated career as a composer, George Frederic Handel wrote forty-two operas, twenty-nine oratorios, and 120 cantatas. Of Handel, Beethoven said, “To him I bow the knee.” Handel certainly ranks as one of history’s greatest composers, but he hit a point of diminishing return later in life. At age fifty-six, Handel was past his composing prime. He was depressed, in debt and a stroke hindered the use of his right hand. Handel was struggling to stay musically relevant, which is rather ironic given the fact that he was about to score one of history’s most iconic pieces of music. On August 22, 1741, George Frederic Handel started composing. He would not leave his home for three weeks. In fact, he rarely left his composing chair. Twenty-one days later, Handel emerged from his writing room with a 259-page masterpiece called Messiah. The opening act prophetically points to the coming Messiah. The middle act is Handel’s commentary on the passion of Christ. The final act celebrates the risen Savior, who “shall reign forever and ever.” Finally Handel inked three letters on the last page, SDG—soli Deo gloria—“To God alone be the glory!”

The second story comes from the website “” Second Kings 7 tells a fascinating story of four lepers who sat at the gate of Samaria at a time when the city was under siege. Things had gotten so bad inside the city that women were eating their own children to survive. But Elisha the prophet had predicted something that seemed utterly impossible, that the next day food would be plentiful and affordable in Samaria. Meanwhile, the four lepers evaluated their dismal situation. If they stayed at the gate of Samaria, they would starve. If they went over to the enemy camp, they may be killed, which would be no worse than starving. But there was the outside chance that the enemy would take pity on them and give them some scraps of food. So they took their chances and went over to the enemy camp. When they got there, they were shocked to find the camp deserted. The Lord had caused the enemy to hear the sound of a great army of chariots and horses so that they fled in a panic, leaving all of their supplies behind. The four beggars ate all that they could eat. They hauled away and hid several loads of silver and gold and clothes. Those are the backstories and we’ll hear the rest at the end of the sermon.

What do those stories have in common? Both are stories of God’s blessings poured out on his creation. Handel was depressed, in debt and had had a stroke that hindered the use of his right hand. But God blessed him to still be able to write the Messiah, one of the greatest pieces in the history of music. God blessed the four lepers by miraculously supplying food and causing the enemy to flee in a panic in the face of a perceived army. Last week, Jacob, who was also called Israel, offered sacrifices at Beersheba and God spoke to him in a vision there. Jacob was given the ok from God to go down to Egypt and he promised to go there with him and to bring him back to the Promised Land one day. He also again promised to make him into a great nation. Then Jacob, his sons and grandsons and his daughters and granddaughters – all his offspring set out for Egypt. This morning we will continue to see God’s blessings poured out on Jacob and his family, but these blessings were not given to them to be hoarded. These blessings were given to fulfill Genesis 12:2-3 which says, “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” God’s blessings to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the nation of Israel were to be used to bless all peoples on earth. God’s blessings to us are also to be used to bless those on the earth around us which brings us to our big idea this morning that God blesses his people so that they will be a blessing to the world. Later on, we will talk about ways that we can be a blessing to those around us, especially those who are far from Jesus and are in need of a Savior.

As we think on that big idea and before we study our scripture this morning, let’s pray: Good and Generous Heavenly Father, we thank you for the many blessings that you pour out on us every day. Just waking up and taking our first breath of the day should cause us to worship you and give you praise. Fill us with your Holy Spirit this morning and give us insight as we open your Word. May your Word transform us and may we obey your commands found in it. I pray that we would not hoard your blessings for ourselves or for our church but that we would take your blessings given to us and pour them out on others especially those who do not know you which in turn would cause them to look to you as their Lord and Savior. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

There are two points this morning. The first is Preparation found in Genesis 46:28-34. Follow along as I read those verses. This is what God’s Word says, “Now Jacob sent Judah ahead of him to Joseph, to guide him to Goshen; and they came into the land of Goshen. Joseph prepared his chariot and went up to Goshen to meet his father Israel; as soon as he appeared to him, Joseph threw himself on his neck and wept on his neck a long time. Then Israel said to Joseph, “Now let me die, since I have seen your face, that you are still alive.” But Joseph said to his brothers and to his father’s household, “I will go up and tell Pharaoh, and will say to him, ‘My brothers and my father’s household, who were in the land of Canaan, have come to me; and the men are shepherds, for they have been keepers of livestock; and they have brought their flocks and their herds and all that they have.’ When Pharaoh calls for you and says, ‘What is your occupation?’ you shall say, ‘Your servants have been keepers of livestock since our youth even until now, both we and our fathers,’ so that you may live in the land of Goshen; for every shepherd is an abomination to the Egyptians.””

Jacob and his family have made the journey to Egypt and are ready to enter Goshen. At some point in the journey, Jacob sends Judah ahead to let Joseph know when they would be arriving. We continue to see Judah assuming the leadership and taking responsibility amongst his brothers. Back in chapter 43, it was Judah who talked Jacob into letting Benjamin go to Egypt with his own life as surety. At the end of chapter 44, it was Judah who begged Joseph to allow himself to take Benjamin’s place as his slave so that the favored son of Jacob could return home. We can now assume that Jacob and Judah are on good terms. The incident between Judah and Tamar is forgotten and Judah’s role in enslaving Joseph seemingly confessed and forgiven. Judah has proven faithful and is given the responsibility by his father to prepare the way for Jacob to meet Joseph in Goshen. This morning, I want to highlight God’s many blessings as they come up in our scripture and here is the first blessing we see. Blessing #1 is that Judah is given the leadership role and responsibility by Jacob. This leadership role would continue and culminate in Jesus Christ the Messiah coming from his tribe.

The sending of Judah to Joseph was probably some predetermined arrangement that was set up. Judah would come to Joseph and let him know that Jacob and the family had arrived in Goshen. Then Joseph would come to them and make arrangements for their settlement in the region. We notice the urgency of Joseph to see his father. He literally “harnessed” or prepared his chariot himself. Joseph was in a hurry to be reunited with his father and couldn’t wait for the servants to get his chariot ready so he did it himself. He then made the trek to Goshen to meet his father, Israel. Jacob is called Israel here because he is bringing the entirety of his family down to Egypt. The family that would, in Egypt, become the nation of Israel, God’s chosen people.

Next, we see the reunion between Jacob and Joseph. As soon as Joseph appeared to Jacob he embraced his father and wept a long time. This showed the strong attachment he had for his father. The word “appeared” subtly conveys the presence of God in this reunion which was twenty-two years in the making. Blessing #2 is Joseph being reunited with his father. There was really no expectation that they would ever see each other again, and when they do Joseph weeps for the fifth time in the narrative. Now we aren’t told that Jacob cried but we can imagine that he was probably as emotional as Joseph was; how could he not be. But we are given some insight into what was going through Israel’s mind at the time. He was now ready to die because he had seen Joseph’s face and knew that he was alive. Mathews says, “This recalls the vision of the Lord at Peniel and alludes to when he meets Esau saying “to see your face is like seeing the face of God.” This reunion with Joseph bears for Jacob the same divine significance as his reunion with Esau.” Earlier in the book of Genesis, Jacob said that he would go down to his grave in sorrow meaning that even in death he would not have peace. Jacob has been talking about death and dying for a while now but before it was all negative, now his death would be a positive thing. Jacob was resolved to see Joseph again and now that God had blessed him with this reunion he could now die in peace. Blessing #3 is that Jacob could now die in peace.

Have you ever had a desire for a resolution of something in your life, especially before you die? Maybe it’s a place you would like to visit or an activity you would want to do while you are still living. Or maybe it’s a person you would like to see one last time before you die. Maybe you have a close friend or family member who is not “born again.” They have never committed their life to Jesus as their Lord and Savior. And before you die you would like to see that resolved in their life before they die. We can all probably think of that someone right now. The question is what are we waiting for? In Matthew West’s song “While I can” he talks about the things he would do if it was his last day. The chorus goes like this: “What am I waiting for? It ain't like I'm gonna live forever I don't wanna miss it anymore So from now on it's now or never I'm gonna hold on to what matters And let the rest slip through my hands What I would do Is what I will do While I can.” This is true for that place you would like to visit or that person you would like to see one last time. Or for your friends or family members who don’t know Jesus yet. Do you really know what matters in life? What are you waiting for so that you can be at peace? That brings us to our first next step on the back of your communication card which is to go to that place, do that activity, see that person, go and tell my friends and family members about Jesus so that I can be at peace. It may be now or never so don’t wait to do the things and see the people that matter to you in this life.

Joseph informs his family that he is going to go and tell Pharaoh that they have arrived in Egypt from Canaan. He will tell Pharaoh that they are shepherds, they tend livestock, and they have brought all their flocks and herds and everything they own with them. Joseph prepares his brothers how to answer Pharaoh when he asks them what their occupation is. He tells them to say they have tended livestock just as their fathers have done before them. Joseph had an ulterior motive for having his brothers answer Pharaoh in this way. It was so Pharaoh would allow them to settle in Goshen. There were practical reasons for this, but Joseph was also thinking long term because God had given him divine insight. Practically, Goshen was the lushest part of Egypt and the perfect pastureland for their flocks and herds. Long term, it would keep the Israelites isolated and insulated from the culture and religion of the Egyptians. It was also closer to the Red Sea, so that later when the Exodus came, they would be able to make preparations to leave without prying eyes and would be closer to their “escape” route. God in his sovereignty and providence had worked out every detail. And the reason why Pharaoh would be in agreement with letting them settle in Goshen was because shepherds were detestable to Egyptians. The civilized Egyptians were mainly farmers, very good at agriculture and so looked down on nomadic shepherds. They may have considered shepherds ceremonially unclean just as the Israelites did in Jesus’ day. Pharaoh would have ample reasons to let Jacob and his family settle in Goshen.

That brings us to our second point this morning which is Presentation found in Genesis 47:1-12. Follow along as I read those verses. This is what God’s Word says, “Then Joseph went in and told Pharaoh, and said, “My father and my brothers and their flocks and their herds and all that they have, have come out of the land of Canaan; and behold, they are in the land of Goshen.” And he took five men from among his brothers and presented them to Pharaoh. Then Pharaoh said to his brothers, “What is your occupation?” So they said to Pharaoh, “Your servants are shepherds, both we and our fathers.” They also said to Pharaoh, “We have come to reside in the land, for there is no pasture for your servants’ flocks, for the famine is severe in the land of Canaan. Now, therefore, please let your servants live in the land of Goshen.” Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Your father and your brothers have come to you. The land of Egypt is at your disposal; settle your father and your brothers in the best of the land, let them live in the land of Goshen; and if you know any capable men among them, then put them in charge of my livestock.” Then Joseph brought his father Jacob and presented him to Pharaoh; and Jacob blessed Pharaoh. And Pharaoh said to Jacob, “How many years have you lived?” So Jacob said to Pharaoh, “The years of my living abroad are 130; few and unpleasant have been the years of my life, nor have they attained the years that my fathers lived during the days of their living abroad.” So Jacob blessed Pharaoh, and went out from his presence. Now Joseph settled his father and his brothers and gave them property in the land of Egypt, in the best of the land, in the land of Rameses, as Pharaoh had ordered. Joseph also provided his father and his brothers and all his father’s household with food, according to the number of their little ones.”

Joseph informs Pharaoh that his family has arrived in Goshen with their flocks and herds and everything they own. Pharaoh would have the last word on whether or not Joseph’s family were allowed to settle in Egypt. Joseph chose five of his eleven brothers and presented them before Pharaoh. We don’t know what five he chose and why he chose them but there are theories. He may have picked five instead of eleven so Pharaoh wouldn’t have any fears of a growing tribe. Five would remind the first hearers of five times the portions given to Benjamin and or that there were five years left of famine. Hamilton quotes Speiser saying, “He may have wanted to make a good impression on Pharaoh so chose the most outstanding brothers.” Hamilton goes on to say that “Rabbinic tradition says the opposite. That he took more inferior and less formidable brothers so that Pharaoh would not possibly conscript them into his army. According to that tradition, Joseph took Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Benjamin and Issachar.

Just as Joseph prepped the brothers, Pharaoh asked them what their occupation was. The brothers say they are shepherds as their fathers were before them. They added that they have come to Egypt to live for a while because the famine was severe in the land of Canaan and there was no pastureland for their flocks and herds. They humbly asked Pharaoh to allow them to settle in Goshen. The brothers would not be a burden on the state as they brought their own flocks and herds. They just wanted to be able to live in Goshen during the famine where they would have enough food for their families and their animals. Once they were finished addressing Pharaoh, notice that Pharaoh did not answer the brothers but addressed Joseph. Joseph was his second-in-command and would be the one to implement whatever decision Pharaoh made. He told Joseph that the entire land of Egypt was open before him and he could settle his father and brothers in the best part of the land which was Goshen. Blessing #4 is Pharaoh allows Joseph to settle his family in Goshen. But God’s blessings to the brothers didn’t stop there. If any of his brothers were capable men who had special ability, they were to be put in charge of Pharoah’s own livestock. This was Blessing #5. It was important that Pharaoh was the one who made this decision to settle Joseph’s family in Goshen. Ross says, “The detailed presentation of his family to Pharaoh was to show the settlement of Jacob’s family and the provision made during the famine was done expressly on Pharaoh’s guarantee. Pharaoh provided land and food for Jacob’s family attributable to Joseph’s wisdom.”

Joseph then presented his father Jacob to Pharaoh and we see Blessing #6 as Jacob immediately blesses him. Blessing was usually given by the greater to the lesser as in father to a son or king to a subject. God allowed Jacob to bless Pharaoh who would have been considered superior. Jacob expressed his faith in God’s promises and acted on the promise that all peoples on earth would be blessed through him and his offspring as seen in Genesis 12:2-3 and 28:14. Jacob would have been extremely grateful to Pharaoh for what he had done for Joseph and his family and it was only appropriate for Jacob to bless him. Gangel & Bramer quoting Oswalt says, “To bless someone is “to endue with power for success, prosperity, fertility, longevity, etc.” After Jacob blessed Pharaoh, Pharaoh, out of respect for Jacob’s long life, asked him how old he was. People did not live that long in the ancient Near East and Pharaoh had probably never seen anyone as old as Jacob. Pharoah would have been fascinated and impressed with his old age. Jacob replies that the years of his living abroad have been 130 years. God had blessed Jacob with long life just as he did for his father before him and his father before him. In the NIV, Jacob calls his life a pilgrimage meaning he didn’t have a place on this earth to call home. He had moved from place to place all his life. But he was looking forward to the Promised Land that God had given to his descendants. The patriarchs were pilgrims and strangers on the earth just as we are. This world was not their home just as this world is not our home. Heaven was their eternal home and one day will be ours, as well.

Jacob described his pilgrimage as few and difficult. Few because his father and grandfather lived longer than he was old at the time. Jacob unbeknownst to himself would live for another 17 years for a total of 147 years, but Isaac lived to be 180 and Abraham lived to be 175 years old. Jacob also described his pilgrimage as unpleasant or difficult which literally means “evil.” As Jacob looked back upon his life, he remembered the difficulties that he lived through. Some were of his own making, some were of other’s making and some were just part of living in a sinful world. Jacob then blesses Pharaoh again and leaves his presence. Joseph fulfilled Pharaoh’s directive for his family and settled them in the best part of the land, the district of Rameses. Most commentaries say that this reference to Rameses was an editorial note by the author distinguishing Rameses as the name for Goshen in Moses’ time. Joseph not only settled them in the best part of the land; he also granted them property there which is Blessing #7. It was like having a deed to the land; a permanent inheritance, which was above and beyond what Pharaoh had directed. Lastly, Joseph also provided his family with food as well as land. This is Blessing #8. Joseph did this according to the number of children in each household, meaning he was looking ahead to future generations. The people of Israel would spend the next four hundred years in Egypt before Moses would bring them out of slavery into the Promised Land.

As I conclude I want to tell the rest of the stories from the beginning of the sermon. The rest of the story from Mark Batterson about Handel’s Messiah is this: Messiah debuted as an Easter offering at the Great Music Hall in Dublin, Ireland, on April 13, 1742. The music mesmerized its listeners, but it accomplished so much more than that. It wasn’t just a concert; it was a benefit concert. That inaugural performance raised £400—$86,000 in today’s dollars! And that £400 was used to free 142 men from debtors’ prison. That is what qualifies Messiah as a double blessing. The first blessing was beautiful music that inspired the soul. The second blessing was setting 142 captives free!

The rest of the story from and 2 Kings 7 is this: But then their consciences began to gnaw at them. They said, “We’re not doing right. This is a day of good news, but we are keeping silent” (2 Kings 7:9). So they went and told the starving city where they could find abundant supplies to satisfy their needs. That story illustrates the main message of Zechariah 8, summed up by the Lord’s words in verse 13: “I will save you that you may become a blessing.” God’s people are blessed to bless others. God pours out His grace on us so that we will slop it over on others who are starving and dying without hope.

An African proverb states, “There is only one crime worse than murder on the desert, and that is to know where the water is and not tell.” God has led us to Christ, the living water. He has blessed us with His salvation and He promises to bless us even more abundantly in the future. But He didn’t save us so that we can sit in the lifeboat feeling warm and cozy, oblivious to the lost of the world. He saved us so that we may become a blessing to others. If you’re saved, but you don’t have your focus on blessing others, you’ve only got half the picture. He blessed you so that you may become a blessing.

What are some ways that we who are blessed by God can be a blessing to others? Here’s ten: The first way you can bless someone else is with words of encouragement. Our words can bring someone down or lift someone up. The second way is by helping someone who is going through a tough time. They may be going through the loss of a family member, loss of a job, a difficult pregnancy or birth, surgery or treatment for a disease. You could make and take them a meal, pick up and or pay for their groceries, offer to clean their house or babysit for them. The third way is like the second which is to also make an effort to listen well and be compassionate to those who are going through a tough time. The fourth way is to give your companionship or company. There may be someone you know who is lonely and needs someone to just visit with them. It may be an older family member, or someone in the hospital or someone who is shut-in and can’t get outside for whatever reason. The fifth way is to share your bounty with others. You may have had a big harvest in your garden or have received an unexpected bonus at work. You could share your bounty with others.

The sixth way is to teach someone something they want to learn. It may be teaching someone how to can or sew. It may be teaching someone how to use the internet or how to use a smartphone. It may be teaching someone how to play an instrument like the piano, guitar or drums. The seventh way is to pray with or for someone. Praying with and for someone can be comforting and encouraging to them. The eighth way is to give your undivided attention to someone. We can put down whatever is distracting us from paying attention to the person who is in front of us. The ninth way is to provide support for the journey someone is on. They may be trying to lose weight or find a new job. They may be going back to school or recovering from a long illness or an addiction. You can give words of affirmation and help to keep them accountable on their journey. The final way is to forgive and give grace. We are all human and fail and fall into sin. God forgave us and showed us grace and mercy. We can extend forgiveness, grace and mercy to someone who has let us down or sinned against us as well. That brings us to the second next step on the back of your communication card this morning which is to choose one of the ten ways to bless someone and bless them this week.

As the Ushers prepare to collect the tithes and offerings and as the Praise Team prepares to lead us in a final song, let’s pray: Lord, as we leave this place may we hide your Word in our hearts and may we allow it to transform us according to your will. Help us to resolve to go to that place, do that activity, see that person and especially go and tell our friends and family members who don’t have a relationship with your son about your son Jesus so that we can be at peace. Also, help us to not hoard the blessings that you give us but to choose to bless others the way that you have blessed us for your honor and your glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.



The Guidance of God

(Genesis 46:1-27)



“‘Pastor, could I talk to you for a minute?’


Her voice was low; she wasn't sure of herself. She looked to be in her early 20s, a girl I'd never seen at our church before.


It was my first year as senior pastor at Full Gospel Tabernacle in downtown Fresno, California. I was greeting people after the Wednesday night Bible study.


‘What can I do for you?’


‘Would you please talk with my husband? He moved out from our home and into an apartment with two women. I don't know what to do.’


‘Is he a Christian?’


‘He's the one who led me to a relationship with Christ.’


‘I'll be glad to talk with him. How can I get in touch with him?’

‘That's the problem. I can't reach him. If he wants to talk, he calls me.’


There was little I could do. I asked her to have him call me if he talked with her again.


I remember the look of despair in her eyes as she walked away.


Friday was my day off. I got up early. We were landscaping our front yard, and I wanted it finished. By late morning the end was in sight. It was hot. I was muddy, aching, and thoroughly tired of the whole project. To add to my woes, I ran out of ornamental plants. I drove to the store for more.


The first store had the right kind, but the price had gone up. A store a mile down the road had them, and the price was right. I loaded my cart and headed to the checkout.


As I waited in line, I glanced at the cashier's nametag. It looked familiar.


As he began to ring up the plants, I motioned to his nametag.


‘Is that your name?’ (Dumb question, but I wanted to be sure.)


He looked at me blankly, going on full ‘village idiot’ alert. ‘Yes.’


‘Are you married to ________?’ and I named the woman who had talked with me on Wednesday night.


He looked wary. ‘Yes?’


I drew myself up to my full 6 feet 5 inches—unshaven, messy, sweaty, and muddy. I gave him my happiest smile.


‘God has sent me here to talk to you about your marriage.’


Some 300,000 people lived in the Fresno area then. Out of all of them, the first person I had talked to—other than family and staff—since Wednesday night was this husband.


In a lifetime of seeking to be led by the Lord, that is the most powerful example I have experienced. I had heard many stories of people led by the Spirit to go to unusual places or to say unusual things. I always wondered what that would be like. At times I've really needed guidance and have prayed earnestly for it. God has helped me. But my unerring, no-wasted-step trip to that husband remains my most remarkable example. Not only was I not trying to be led, I wasn't conscious of God's leading. I just wanted the yard finished.”


Used by permission of author


Source: C. David Gable, "He Leadeth Me," Pentecostal Evangel (5-30-10), p. 15.





  • ME

    • God’s guidance

        • On Wednesday I was at a follow up meeting for Revival on the Farm

        • The meeting wasn’t over and they were planning to spend some time in prayer

        • I didn’t want to leave before the prayer time, but I was sensing that I needed to leave

        • So, I excused myself and drove back to the church

        • As I was walking from the garage to the church, I noticed that someone I recognized was entering the church

        • It was the person I have been working with to organize the Romanian Orphan’s Choir

        • She asked me if I had gotten her message about coming to the church at that time

        • I told her that I hadn’t gotten her message, because she had called after hours and I had stepped in to my office just to pick up a file before leaving for the follow up meeting

        • God had prompted me to leave the meeting, because he knew that this individual was coming and I wasn’t aware of it

        • God’s guidance is incredible!


  • WE

    • Perhaps all of us can remember a time when we knew that God was guiding us – especially after we were obedient to His prompting


Jacob was getting ready to leave the Promised Land for Egypt, but as he approached the border, he took time to offer sacrifices to God and seek His will. ​​ He received assurance that God was guiding him to Egypt and had His blessing to continue. ​​ Jacob sought the will of God and was able to trust Him to guide them as they traveled to Egypt. ​​ We can do the same thing, which brings us to our Big Idea, that . . .


BIG IDEA – We can trust God to guide us when we seek His will.


Let’s pray


  • GOD (Genesis 46:1-27)

    • God’s guidance (vv. 1-4)

        • Last week

          • Jacob was convinced that Joseph was alive

          • He is willing to go to Egypt and see him before he dies

        • Israel leaves for Egypt

          • We can assume that Israel/Jacob is still living in Hebron (Gen. 35:27; 37:14) [show map]

          • He leaves there and travels several days before reaching Beersheba (be-ayr’ sheh’-vah)

            • He stopped there momentarily

            • It was about 20 miles southwest of Hebron

            • This was the southernmost town in Canaan

            • It was a significant town for Jacob’s family

              • His grandfather, Abraham, had planted a tamarisk tree there and called on the Lord (Gen. 21:33)

              • His father, Isaac, had also called on the Lord there and built an altar (Gen. 26:23-25)

              • Jacob stopped there and sacrificed to the God of his father Isaac

          • Before leaving Canaan/The Promised Land, Israel/Jacob wanted to make sure that he was following God’s plan and not his own wishes or desires

        • Seeking guidance

          • The purpose of offering sacrifices to God was perhaps to seek the guidance and wisdom of God

          • PRINCIPLE #1 – “Don’t be afraid to confirm God’s leading in the midst of puzzling circumstances.” ​​ [Gangel & Bramer, 364]

            • If you remember, Jacob was living under the assumption, for the last twenty-two years, that Joseph had been devoured by a wild animal and was no longer alive

              • His sons had confessed that Joseph was still alive, second in command of Egypt, and wanted them all to come live with him there

              • Jacob grew numb at hearing the news

              • He probably never expected to see Joseph again

            • Israel/Jacob wanted to know the will of God for him

            • “It’s good to ask for God’s special help and blessing when we’re about to enter a new phase in life.” ​​ [Wiersbe, The Bible Exposition Commentary, Pentateuch, 161]

            • Application

              • Are you currently facing a change in your life – a new phase in your life?

                • Perhaps it’s a new relationship

                • Maybe it has to do with your occupation (needing a job, wanting a different job, etc.)

                • The change could be concerning your education

                • Others may be dealing with a change, financially

              • Have you already made the move or are you still considering it?

              • You may be on the border, about to make the change

              • Now is the time to stop momentarily and confirm God’s leading

              • #1 – My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Ask the Lord to confirm His leading, about a change in my life, so I can experience His help and blessing.

          • We can trust God to guide us when we seek His will.

          • When we seek God’s will, He will answer

        • God’s promise

          • God spoke to Israel in a vision at night and used his given name, Jacob

          • “This last recorded speech of God to the patriarchs forms a preview of Israel’s sacred history in the land of Egypt. ​​ The next recorded special revelation will be to Moses at the burning bush (Ex. 3:1-4:17), about 430 years later (Ex. 12:40).” ​​ [Waltke, Genesis: A Commentary, 573]

          • Jacob is attentive to the voice of God – he is listening

          • We need to be attentive to the voice of God also, especially if we are seeking His will

          • After identifying Himself, God encourages Jacob

            • Don’t be afraid to go down to Egypt, because I will fulfill the promise there that I made to you, your father and grandfather

              • Perhaps Jacob was fearful about going to Egypt because of the difficulties his grandfather, Abraham had experienced (Gen. 12:10-13:1)

              • “Keep close to God, and then you need fear nothing.” ​​ [Joseph Eliot cited by Mathews, The New American Commentary, Volume 1B, Genesis 11:27-50:26, 826]

              • He may have recalled God’s prohibition for his father, Isaac concerning Egypt (Gen. 26:2)

              • ​​ “What God denied Isaac he permits for Jacob. ​​ For Isaac Egypt was off-limits. ​​ For Jacob Egypt is the land in which God will bless Jacob and his progeny, and form them into a nation. ​​ Thus the sojourn of Jacob and his family to Egypt is not in fundamental opposition to God’s purposes. ​​ Rather, the sojourn is part of the development of God’s plan for this chosen family, first articulated to Abraham in 12:1ff.” ​​ [Hamilton, The New International Commentary on the Old Testament, The Book of Genesis, Chapters 18-50, 590-91]

            • God had promised to make Abraham’s descendants into a great nation

              • Genesis 12:2, “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.”

              • Genesis 17:6, I will make you very fruitful; I will make nations of you, and kings will come from you.

              • Genesis 18:18, Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all nations on earth will be blessed through him.

              • Jacob is given the same promise when is fleeing Esau

              • Genesis 28:14, Your descendants will be like the dust of the earth, and you will spread out to the west and to the east, to the north and to the south. ​​ All peoples on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring.

            • “The promise of Jacob recalls the ominous prediction given to Abraham, also in a night vision: ‘Your descendants will be strangers [gēr] in a country not their own, and they will be enslaved and mistreated four hundred years’ (15:13).” ​​ [Mathews, 821]

          • PRINCIPLE #2 – God keeps His promises!

            • God had kept His promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob up to this point

            • Jacob could trust that He would keep His promise again

            • We can trust that God will keep His promises to us also

        • God’s presence

          • God promises His presence with Jacob as he enters Egypt

            • He not only promised his presence going to Egypt, but also in bringing him back from Egypt

            • Jacob knew that God would keep this promise, because He had already done it once before

            • At Bethel, God met with Jacob and promised to watch over him wherever he went

            • Genesis 28:15, “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. ​​ I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”

              • God had made this promise to Jacob as he was fleeing to Haran

              • Twenty-two years later He was still with him and had brought him back to the Promised Land

              • Genesis 31:3, Then the Lord said to Jacob, “Go back to the land of your fathers and to your relatives, and I will be with you.”

            • Jacob had confidence that God would once again go with him to a foreign land and bring him back to the Promised Land

            • He knew from experience that God is not limited by geography – He is omnipresent

          • We know from the last half of verse 4 that Jacob would be returning to Canaan in a coffin or sarcophagus, because Joseph would be there to close his eyes after he had died

          • Application

            • PRINCIPLE #3 – God promises to go with us wherever we go, when we go according to His will.

              • If you have asked the Lord about that new relationship you are interested in pursuing and He has confirmed His leading, then He will go with you into that relationship

              • If you have consulted the Lord about that new job and He has confirmed His leading, then He will go with you as you start that new job

              • If you have sought the Lord’s leading about your schooling and He has confirmed it, then know that He will be going with you to that school

              • If you have asked the Lord about that financial decision and He has confirmed His leading, then trust that He will be with you as you move forward

              • In whatever decisions you need to make, when you consult the Lord and receive His leading, then you can be confident that He will go with you

            • #2 – My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Trust in God’s presence with me after I have consulted Him and received His leading.

            • We can trust God to guide us when we seek His will.

        • After a momentary stop at Beersheba (be-ayr’ sheh’-vah), Jacob continues his journey to Egypt

    • God’s grace (vv. 5-27)

        • Jacob’s sons used the carts that Pharaoh had provided to transport their father, wives, and children

        • They took with them two things (goods/group; clutter/clan; possessions/people; holdings/household)

          • Their goods

            • Livestock

            • Possessions

              • Last week I asked you if you had ever had the privilege of living in a fully furnish apartment or house

              • While that can be exciting, short-term, most of us find comfort in our own things

              • Perhaps that is what Jacob and his household were thinking

              • Jacob realized this was not going to be a short-term visit when the Lord told him that He would make him into a great nation there

              • Israel would become a great nation while they were in Egypt

              • “Egypt will become the womb for this great nation.” ​​ [Hamilton, 591]

              • We know from the promise to Abraham in Genesis 15:13 that the Israelites are going to be there at least 400 years

            • They not only took their goods, but also their group

          • Their group

            • Summary

              • Very generally, Jacob and all his offspring

              • Generally, his sons and grandsons and his daughters and granddaughters

            • Specifics

              • In verses 8-25 we are given the specifics of who went to Egypt in a genealogy structured around the two wives and their handmaidens

              • Leah’s (lay-aw’) [weary] children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren

                • Reuben (reh-oo-vane’) [behold a son]

                  • Hanoch (khan-oke’) [dedicated]

                  • Pallu (pal-loo’) [distinguished]

                  • Hezron (khets-rone’) [surrounded by a wall]

                  • Carmi (care-mee’) [my vineyard]

                • Simeon (shim-own’) [heard]

                  • Jemuel (yem-oo-ale’) [day of God]

                  • Jamin (yaw-meen’) [right hand]

                  • Ohad (o’-had) [united]

                  • Jakin (yaw-keen’) [He will establish]

                  • Zohar (tso’-khar) [tawny]

                  • Shaul (shaw-ool’) [desired]

                • Levi (lay-vee’) [joined to]

                  • Gershon (gay-resh-own’) [exile]

                  • Kohath (keh-hawth’) [assembly]

                  • Merari (mer-aw-ree’) [bitter]

                • Judah (yeh-hoo-daw’) [praised]

                  • Er (ayr) [awake] {died in Canaan}

                  • Onan (o-nawn’) [strong] {died in Canaan}

                  • Shelah (shay-law’) [a petition]

                  • Perez (peh’-rets) [breach]

                  • Zerah (reh’-rakh) [rising]

                  • Hezron (khets-rone’) [surrounded by a wall] {son of Perez}

                  • Hamul (khaw-mool’) [spared] {son of Perez}

                • Issachar (yis-sauce-har’) [there is recompense]

                  • Tola (toe-law’) [worm]

                  • Puah (poo-aw’) [splendid]

                  • Jashub (yove/yaw-shuv’) [persecuted]

                  • Shimron (shim-rone’) [watch-height]

                • Zebulun (zev-oo-loon’) [exalted]

                  • Sered (she’-red) [fear]

                  • Elon (ay-lone’) [terebinth, mighty]

                  • Jahleel (yakh-leh-ale’) [God waits]

                • These sons and Dinah (dee-naw’) [judgment] were born to Jacob in Paddan Aram

                • They totaled thirty-three in all

              • Zilpah’s (zil-paw) [a trickling] children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren

                • Gad (gawd) [troop]

                  • Zephon (tsif-yone’) [lookout]

                  • Haggi (khag-ghee’) [festive]

                  • Shuni (shoo-nee’) [fortunate]

                  • Ezbon (ez-vone’) [hasting to discern: I will be enlargement]

                  • Eri (air-ree’) [watchful]

                  • Arodi (air-road’) [I shall subdue: I shall roam]

                  • Areli (air-ay-lee’) [lion of God]

                • Asher (aw-share’) [happy]

                  • Imnah (yim-naw’) [right hand]

                  • Ishvah (yish-vaw’) [he will resemble]

                  • Ishvi (yish-vee’) [he resembles me]

                  • Beriah (bear-ee’-aw) [with a friend]

                  • Serah (seh’-rack) [the prince breathed] {sister}

                  • Heber (kheh-ver) [comrade] {son of Beriah}

                  • Malkiel (mal-kee-ale’) [my king is God] {son of Beriah}

                • Zilpah was Leah’s handmaiden

                • They totaled sixteen in all

              • Rachel’s (raw-khale’) [ewe] children and grandchildren (she is the only one identified as his wife in this genealogy)

                • Joseph (yo-safe’) [Jehovah has added]

                  • Manasseh (men-ash-sheh’) [causing to forget]

                  • Ephraim (ef-rah’-yim) [double ash-heap: I shall be double fruitful]

                  • Born to Joseph by Asenath (aw-say-nath’) [belonging to the goddess Neith] daughter of Potiphera (po-tee feh’-rah) [he whom the Ra gave], priest of On (Heliopolis)

                • Benjamin (bin-yaw-mene’) [son of the right hand]

                  • Bela (beh’-lah) [destruction]

                  • Beker (beh’ker) [young camel]

                  • Ashbel (ash-bale’) [a man in God; a man of Baal; fire of Bel; I will make a path]

                  • Gera (gay-raw’) [a grain]

                  • Naaman (nah-am-awn’) [pleasantness]

                  • Ehi (ay-khee’) [my brother]

                  • Rosh (roshe) [head]

                  • Muppim (mop-peem’) [serpent]

                  • Huppim (khoop-peem’) [protected]

                  • Ard (aired) [I shall subdue]

                • They totaled fourteen in all

              • Bilhah’s (bil-haw’) [troubled] children and grandchildren

                • Dan (dawn) [a judge]

                  • Hushim (khoo-sheem’) [who makes haste]

                • Naphtali (naf-taw-lee’) [wrestling]

                  • Jahziel (yakh-tseh-ale’) [God divides]

                  • Guni (goo-nee’) [my defender (?)]

                  • Jezer (yate-ser) [forming]

                  • Shillem (shil-lame’) [repaid]

                • Bilhah was Rachel’s handmaiden

                • They totaled seven in all

            • Totals

              • The total of Jacob’s direct descendants, not counting his sons’ wives, that went to Egypt was 66

              • Including Joseph, his two sons, and himself brings the total to 70 in all who started out in Egypt

              • We see this same number of 70 in the beginning of Exodus (1:5)

              • “It may be best to consider the list in Genesis 46 as a document listing those who are considered charter members of the Goshen settlement (similar to the list that serves as a foundation for the Society of Mayflower Descendants) rather than something like an airplane’s manifest or a census document. ​​ That this is the case is indicated somewhat in the text itself as it notes that the number does not include the sons’ wives (46:26). ​​ They would have physically participated in the journey and resettlement, but their charter status is represented in their husbands.” ​​ [Walton, The NIV Application Commentary, Genesis, 686]

              • Total leaving Egypt 430 years later was 600,000 men on foot, besides women and children (Exodus 12:37) – so potentially 2 million in total

        • God’s grace was with Jacob as he left Beersheba and entered Egypt


  • YOU

    • Are you ready to ask the Lord to confirm His leading, about a change in your life, so you can experience His help and blessing?

    • Do you need to trust in God’s presence with you after you have consulted Him and received His leading?


  • WE

    • We need to ask the Lord to confirm His leading about Idaville Church, so we can experience His help and blessing

    • We need to trust that God is with us after we have consulted Him and received His leading



“Wishing to encourage her young son’s progress on the piano, a mother took him to a Paderewski concert. ​​ After they were seated, the mother spotted a friend in the audience and walked down the aisle to greet her. ​​ Seizing the opportunity to explore the wonders of the concert hall, the little boy eventually explored his way through a door marked ‘NO ADMITTANCE.’


When the house lights dimmed and the concert was about to begin, the mother returned to her seat and discovered that the child was missing. ​​ Suddenly, the curtains lifted and spotlights focused on the impressive Steinway on stage. ​​ In horror, the mother saw her little boy sitting at the keyboard, picking out ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.’


At that moment the great piano master made his entrance, quickly moved to the piano, and whispered in the boy’s ear, ‘Keep playing.’ ​​ Then Paderewski reached down with his left hand and began filling in the bass part on the piano. ​​ Soon his right arm reached around to the other side of the child as he added a running obbligato. ​​ Together, the old master and the young novice transformed a frightening situation into a wonderfully creative experience. ​​ The audience was mesmerized.


That’s the way it is with God. ​​ What we can accomplish on our own is less than noteworthy. ​​ We try our best, but the results aren’t exactly graceful, flowing music. ​​ But with the hand of the Master, our life’s work can be beautiful. ​​ Next time you set out to accomplish great feats, listen carefully. ​​ You can hear the voice of the Master, whispering in your ear, ‘Keep playing.’ ​​ Feel his loving arms around you. ​​ Know that his strong hands are there to help you turn your feeble attempts into a true masterpiece.


God doesn’t call the equipped; he equips the called. ​​ And he’ll always be there to love you and to guide you on to great things. ​​ Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of God’s grace. ​​ And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God’s grace.


Jacob did not expect to see his son Joseph again, but now he would because God did not ‘stop playing.’ ​​ God will make something out of our lives if we remain faithful to him.”


[Gangel & Bramer, Holman Old Testament Commentary, Genesis, 357].




The Goodness of God

(Genesis 45:16-28)



“When the Ku Waru warriors of Papua New Guinea were about to launch any risky activity that required close cooperation—like going into battle—they first took time to set themselves right. Not only overt actions, but even hidden feelings had to be revealed.


The Ku Waru men would go to a secluded spot in the jungle, kill and roast pigs, and as they shared the meal, confess to each other the items they had stolen and the animals they had mistreated. But there was still more on the agenda. The Ku Waru believed that feelings such as anger or jealousy would sap their strength and cause them to be wounded or even killed. Only through confession could these pent-up negative emotions be neutralized.


[The Ku Waru understand an important truth.] Only by facing our faults, misdeeds, and hateful or jealous thoughts can we be made whole again. Only then can they, and we, be at full strength and ready to face a marauding tribe … or the kids at home.”


Source: Paul Wilkes, The Art of Confession (Workman Publishing Company, 2012), pp. 24-25.





  • ME

    • Confession

        • On Tuesday evening at Revival on the Farm, Pastor Mark Ostby guided us in several prayers to the Lord confessing how we have grieved the Holy Spirit

        • After we spent that time alone with the Lord, he encouraged men to find another man, and women to find another woman and confess one of the sins we prayed about to that individual

        • After confessing, the other person would say, “the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses you from all sin.” ​​ Then they would pray for a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit in the person’s life

        • This was an incredibly beautiful exercise

        • James 5:16, Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. ​​ The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.


  • WE

    • Confession

        • Perhaps every one of us has experienced forgiveness when we have confessed our sins to those we have hurt, lied to, cheated, etc.

        • How many of us have also experienced God’s goodness after confessing and receiving forgiveness?


Last week we learned that Joseph finally revealed himself to his brothers. ​​ Pharaoh hears about Joseph’s brothers and offers them the best that Egypt has to offer, as well as provisions and resources to relocate them to Egypt. ​​ Joseph’s brothers experienced the goodness of God through Pharaoh and Joseph after they confessed their wrongdoing and received forgiveness. ​​ That is our Big Idea today, that . . .


BIG IDEA – We can experience the goodness of God when we confess and seek forgiveness.


Let’s pray


  • GOD (Genesis 45:16-28)

    • In Egypt (vv. 16-24)

        • Reaction of Pharaoh and his officials (v. 16)

          • Obviously the attendants that Joseph asked to leave in verse 1 were aware of what had transpired and subsequently told Pharaoh

          • They figured out that the men Joseph had been courting were his brothers

          • Pharaoh and his officials were pleased to hear about Joseph’s family coming

            • “Were pleased” can be translated literally as “it was good in the eyes of Pharaoh and his officials”

            • “Pharaoh and his courtiers favor Joseph’s family because they look upon Joseph with favor (contra Ex. 1:8).” ​​ [Waltke, Genesis: A Commentary, 571]

            • Remember, Joseph was able to interpret Pharaoh’s dream and then recommended a course of action, which Pharaoh and his officials accepted (Gen. 41:1-40)

            • They put Joseph in charge of the plan and he executed the plan perfectly, saving not only all Egypt, but also the surrounding countries (Gen. 41:41-57)

            • It was not wonder that the news about Joseph’s brothers coming, was good in their eyes

            • All they know about Joseph’s family is what they had experienced with him and it had been very positive

            • They probably assumed that the rest of his brothers had the same kind of character as him

          • Hopefully, others view our family the same way, because of the kind of character we have exhibited

          • Pharaoh gave Joseph two directives for his brothers and through this we see Pharaoh’s generosity

        • Pharaoh’s generosity (vv. 17-20)

          • First directive with a promise

            • Their responsibility

              • Load your animals

                • Obviously Joseph’s brothers had brought their own donkeys to carry back more grain for their households

                • They had loaded them down with the best products of the land of Canaan (balm, honey, spices, myrrh, pistachio nuts, and almonds) as gift

                • They were simply reloading what had been given to them before they were detained

              • Return to Canaan

              • Bring your father and your families back to me

            • Pharaoh’s promise

              • I will give you the best of the land of Egypt

                • Joseph already had in mind where he wanted them to settle

                • As shepherds, they would need plenty of pasture land

                • Joseph had already chosen Goshen as the best place for his family to settle

                • We will see all of this unfold in the coming weeks

              • You can enjoy the fat of the land

                • The Hebrew word for enjoy, literally means “to eat”

                • “Fat of the land” is referring to the “finest products of harvest” [Mathews, The New American Commentary, Volume 1B, Genesis 11:27-50:26, 818]

                • They were going to be enjoying the finest food of the land

                • When I was growing up in Alabama, my parents had befriended a couple who had emigrated from Europe. ​​ He was a classically trained chef and was opening a restaurant in Birmingham. ​​ Our family was invited to the grand opening. ​​ That was probably the first time I had eaten high quality, fine food. ​​ The memory I have of the meal was that I ate asparagus and liked it. ​​ I had eaten asparagus before and did not like it.

              • What an incredible promise from Pharaoh

            • Pharaoh had a second directive with a promise

          • Second directive with a promise

            • Their responsibility

              • Take some carts from Egypt for your children and wives

              • Get your father and come back to Egypt

              • Don’t worry about your belongings

            • Pharaoh’s promise

              • The best of Egypt will be yours

              • Jacob and his sons were not only going to have the best pasture lands for their flocks and herds and the finest food to eat from the harvest, but also whatever belongings they needed would be provided by Pharaoh

              • Have you ever lived in a fully furnished house or apartment (Judy and I did right after Wade was born and before we moved back to Ohio from Florida)

            • They were going to experience the goodness of God through the generosity of Pharaoh

            • I’m certain that Joseph’s brothers were grateful they were related to him at this point

              • How many stories have we heard about long, lost family members who finally found their relative who recently won the lottery

              • We know of athletes who have provided houses and vehicles for their family members once they made it to the highest level of their sport

              • Celebrities and entertainers have also done the same thing

              • Those family members are probably grateful to be related to them

              • That’s probably how Joseph’s brothers felt at this point

              • They were experiencing the goodness of God, because of Joseph

            • We can experience the goodness of God when we confess and seek forgiveness.

          • Application

            • The only reason Joseph revealed himself to his brothers is because he had tested them and saw that they had changed

              • They were repentant for what they had done to him

              • Judah had confessed that God had uncovered their guilt (Gen. 44:16)

            • PRINCIPLE #1 – God forgives us and extends His goodness to us even though we have sinned.

              • That is exactly what Joseph’s brothers were experiencing

                • Joseph had forgiven them

                • God had forgiven them

                • Now they were going to be taken care of, royally, until the severe famine ended

              • We can experience God’s goodness when we confess our sins and accept His forgiveness

                • The goodness of God looks different for each person

                • We may not be given the best pasture lands, the finest food, or have all of our belongings provided for us

                • Instead, we may experience God’s goodness through restored relationships, health, jobs, scholarships, opportunities, etc.

              • Sometimes we struggle with accepting God’s forgiveness or the forgiveness of others, but don’t let Satan have the victory

              • 1 John 1:9, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

              • #1 – My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Accept God’s forgiveness, so I can experience His goodness.

          • Pharaoh was very generous, but Joseph was also

        • Joseph’s generosity (vv. 21-23)

          • Joseph did as Pharaoh had instructed him

            • He gave them carts

            • He gave them provisions for their journey

          • Joseph added to what Pharaoh had directed him to do

            • He gave each of his brothers a set of new clothing

              • The clothing described here was not every day wear

              • It was festival clothing, dress clothes to be worn on special occasions

              • “The brothers had taken Joseph’s robe from him when they sold him to the merchants (37:23), but he gave each of them new clothes to wear. ​​ In Scripture, a change of clothes is often the sign of a new beginning (35:1-7; 41:14), and this was certainly a new beginning for Jacob’s eleven sons.” [Wiersbe, The Bible Exposition Commentary, Old Testament, Pentateuch, 160]

            • He gave Benjamin five sets of festival clothing and 300 shekels of silver

              • This is reminiscent of how Joseph treated Benjamin at the banquet, where he gave him five times the amount of food

              • Three hundred shekels of silver would be about 7.5 pounds of silver

                • For reference let me share several items that weigh around 7 pounds (Persian cat, 24-inch LED monitor, Big-sized melon, Cordless drills, 3 bags of sugar, 3 liters of vegetable oil, Telecaster guitar, Small sledge hammer, Pomeranian dog, Electric hand planer)

                • []

              • The narrator does not indicate that this favoritism of Benjamin caused his brothers to fall back into anger, jealousy, and rage

                • Perhaps they were just grateful for God’s goodness to them through Pharaoh and Joseph

                • They had changed and grown since they sold Joseph into slavery

                • “The brothers have learned the lesson of sovereign grace and are now above petty jealousy. ​​ Even after Joseph gave Benjamin five times as much food (43:34), they were still willing to be enslaved for him (44:13).” ​​ [Waltke, 572]

              • While Joseph gave some gifts to his brothers, he also prepared some items for his father

            • Joseph’s gifts to his father

              • Ten donkeys loaded with the best things of Egypt

                • We are not told what these items are

                • We can assume it is probably not food, since the ten female donkeys are carrying those items

              • Ten female donkeys loaded with grain and bread and other provisions for his journey

                • The food being carried by these donkeys was to be used for their journey back to Egypt

                • The grain that each of the brothers donkeys were carrying would have been for their trip to Canaan and for food while they prepared to move

              • So Jacob was receiving 20 donkeys, some of the best things of Egypt, and grain, bread, and other provisions

            • Joseph added one more thing above and beyond Pharaoh’s directives

          • He had a warning for them as they traveled back to Canaan

        • Joseph’s warning (v. 24)

          • He told his brothers not to quarrel on their trip home

            • The Hebrew term for “quarrel” does not mean that, anywhere else in Scripture

            • It literally means “Do not get excited,” [Waltke, 572] or “Do not get worked up or agitated” [Walton, The NIV Application Commentary, Genesis, 683]

            • It can refer to being angry, excited, fearful, anxious, joyful, or sad [Walton, 683]

          • Why did Joseph give them this warning?

            • What could they possibly get excited, worked up, or agitated about, since they have just experienced the goodness of God through Pharaoh and Joseph?

            • Joseph doesn’t want them to rehash their crime of selling him into slavery

              • He had forgiven them, so they should extend forgiveness to each other

              • Read Matthew 18:21-35

              • “The matter had been settled once and for all and there was no need to discuss it or to try to fix the blame or measure the guilt.” ​​ [Wiersbe, 160]

              • Psalm 133:1, How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!

              • Jacob’s sons were going to have some explaining to do when they told their father about Joseph being alive

            • PRINCIPLE #2 – Forgiveness eliminates the need for blame and guilt.

              • Joseph wanted his brothers to forgive each other and themselves

              • Read Genesis 45:5-8a

              • Since Joseph had forgiven them, they didn’t need to point the finger at each other or feel guilty themselves

              • Neither of these is easy to do

                • When we know we have to come clean about something we did wrong, it is natural, in our humanness, to place blame on someone or something else, so we can save face

                • Satan does an excellent job of reminding us of our past sins and/or our habitual sins

                • The old adage goes, “When Satan reminds you of your past, remind him of his future.”

                • As followers of Jesus Christ, Satan has no power over us

                • When we confess our sins, God removes them

                • Psalm 103:11-12, For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

                • When we confess and seek forgiveness, then we can experience the goodness of God

              • #2 – My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Embrace the forgiveness extended to me, so I can forgive others and myself.

        • After receiving the directives from Pharaoh and the warning from Joseph, the brothers left Egypt and headed for Canaan

    • In Canaan (vv. 25-28)

        • Arrival (v. 25)

          • They traveled home and met their father

          • I’m sure that Jacob was probably counting heads at this point to make sure that Benjamin and Simeon were with the other brothers

          • It is likely that Jacob’s sons shared more details than what we are given in this text

          • Perhaps what led to their announcement and confession about Joseph was the extra donkeys and carts that Jacob saw when they arrived

        • Confession (v. 26)

          • They shared that Joseph was alive and was ruler of all Egypt

          • Jacob struggled to believe what he was hearing, because he had been mourning for Joseph twenty-two years

          • Jacob realized that his sons had lied to him

            • They had broken trust with him by keeping up false pretenses for so many years

            • “But whereas he believed his sons when they were lying (37:31-35), he can’t believe them when they are telling the truth. ​​ ‘Look at what happens to a liar. ​​ Even when he tells the truth, people do not believe him’ (Gen. Rab. 94.3).” ​​ [Goldingay, Baker Commentary on the Old Testament, Pentateuch, Genesis, 653]

            • PRINCIPLE #3 – Lying breaks trust.

              • Not lying is one of the Ten Commandments

              • I would venture to guess that everyone of us has lied at some point in our lives

              • There are no levels of lying (big or small)

              • If you have ever been lied to, you know how hard it is to believe that person the next time they tell you something – the question in the back of your mind is whether or not what they just told you was truthful or not

              • It takes a long time to rebuild trust once it is broken

              • #3 – My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Always speak the truth.

          • Jacob was stunned

            • It can also be translated “grew cold” or “grew numb”

            • How many of us have experienced that feeling when we have heard bad news or news that is hard to believe

              • I remember feeling that way after hearing about the attacks on 9/11

              • Some of us have experienced that when we hear the news of a loved one passing away – we are never ready to hear that news

              • Others have experienced that when hearing a diagnosis about an illness

              • All of us have probably experienced that

          • Jacob did not remain in that state for very long

        • Revival (vv. 27-28)

          • PRINCIPLE #4 – Confession promotes healing.

            • Jacob’s healing seemed to come pretty quickly

            • His spirit was revived after he heard everything Joseph was promising them and saw the carts he had sent to bring them to Egypt

            • The same is true for us

              • When we confess our sins, it promotes healing

              • Healing does not always take place, unfortunately, because the other person has to be willing to forgive and move forward

              • Our job is not to bring healing, but to confess

              • Healing may take years as we remain truthful and honest

              • #4 – My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Help promote healing by confessing to those I have lied to or hurt, and ask for forgiveness.

          • Israel is convinced

            • The narrator uses Jacob’s new name, Israel, because that name represents strength and leadership

            • He is going to lead his family to Egypt to see Joseph before he dies

            • He is also leading his family in forgiveness

            • Israel experienced the goodness and mercy of God

            • “His life has been dominated by grief for years, but as he gets nearer the end of life, he finds relief, not because he grows out of grief but because God has mercy.” ​​ [Goldingay, 653]

            • We can experience the goodness of God when we confess and seek forgiveness.


  • YOU

    • Are you ready to accept God’s forgiveness, so you can experience His goodness?

    • Are you ready to embrace the forgiveness extended to you, so you can forgive others and yourself?

    • Are you ready to abandon lying and speak the truth at all times?

    • Are you ready to promote healing by confessing your sins and asking for forgiveness?


  • WE

    • We can experience God’s goodness when accept His forgiveness corporately

    • We can forgive others and ourselves, because of what Jesus has done for us

    • We must always speak the truth

    • We need to promote healing



“Ever since my high school buddy and I drank ourselves sick with a case of quarts, I have liked beer …. Out of the keg, tap, bottle, or frosty mug—it doesn't matter to me. I like it.


[But I also know that] alcoholism haunts my family ancestry. I have early memories of following my father through the halls of a rehab center to see his sister. Similar scenes repeated themselves with other relatives for decades. Beer doesn't mix well with my family DNA. So at the age of twenty-one, I swore off it ….


Then a few years back something resurrected my cravings …. At some point I reached for a can of brew instead of a can of soda, and as quick as you can pop the top, I was a beer fan again. A once-in-a-while … then once-a-week … then once-a-day beer fan.


I kept my preference to myself. No beer at home, lest my daughters think less of me. No beer in public. Who knows who might see me? None at home, none in public leaves only one option: convenience-store parking lots. For about a week I was that guy in the car, drinking out of the brown paper bag.


No, I don't know what resurrected my cravings, but I remember what stunted them. En route to speak at a men's retreat, I stopped for my daily purchase. I walked out of the convenience store with a beer pressed against my side, scurried to my car for fear of being seen, opened the door, climbed in, and opened the can.

Then it dawned on me. I had become the very thing I hate: a hypocrite. A pretender. Two-faced. Acting one way. Living another. I had written sermons about people like me—Christians who care more about appearance than integrity. It wasn't the beer but the cover-up that nauseated me.


[So what] happened with my hypocrisy? First I threw the can of beer in the trash. Next I sat in the car for a long time, praying. Then I scheduled a visit with our church elders. I didn't embellish or downplay my actions; I just confessed them. And they, in turn, pronounced forgiveness over me. Jim Potts, a dear, silver-haired saint, reached across the table and put his hand on my shoulder and said something like this: "What you did was wrong. But what you are doing tonight is right. God's love is great enough to cover your sin. Trust his grace."


After talking to the elders, I spoke to the church. At our midweek gathering I once again told the story. I apologized for my duplicity and requested the prayers of the congregation. What followed was a refreshing hour of confession in which other people did the same. The church was strengthened, not weakened, by our honesty.”


Source: Max Lucado, Grace (Thomas Nelson, 2012), pp. 89-91.






The following is from a November 29, 2022 article on A Texas woman who was kidnapped as a baby more than 50 years ago has been reunited with her family members thanks to a home DNA testing kit. Melissa Highsmith was just 22 months old when a babysitter allegedly kidnapped her from her parents’ Fort Worth apartment in August 1971, according to NBC Dallas-Fort Worth. Highsmith's mother, Alta Apantenco, who was working as a waitress at the time, placed an ad in a local newspaper to find childcare for her daughter. After a woman answered the ad, Mrs. Apantenco hired her without meeting her first. The woman allegedly took her daughter and never returned. Alta, and her husband, Jeffrie Highsmith, and her family members spent the next five decades searching for the missing child, even turning to social media in the digital age by creating a Facebook page called “Finding Melissa.” After a recommendation from a genealogist, the family decided to use the home DNA testing kits Ancestry and 23andMe in an effort to track down Melissa. The idea worked: A promising DNA match turned up on 23andMe. Melissa Highsmith's sister Victoria told NBC Dallas-Fort Worth that the DNA matched samples from Melissa Highsmith’s children. Her parents then provided their own DNA samples. Within three weeks, the Highsmiths were reunited with their long-lost daughter, now age 53. “It was like, ‘Boom, boom, boom,’ we found her,” Victoria Highsmith said. “I couldn’t stop crying. I was overjoyed and I’m still walking around in a fog trying to comprehend that my sister is right in front of me and that we found her,” she added. “It’s a Christmas miracle! It’s amazing meeting her. It was like looking into myself; she looks like me, like us. She’s overjoyed to be in our lives.” According to NBC Dallas-Fort Worth, Melissa Highsmith, who grew up believing her name was Melanie, lived most of her life in Fort Worth and had no idea she had been kidnapped. A spokesperson for 23andMe told NBC News that the company had never heard of an account like this one. “There are really no words to describe how incredible this story is. We are so grateful Melissa and her family were able to reunite after such a long period of time, and we wish them all the best in getting to know one another.”

This morning we are going to see another family reunion with a similar theme. It’s been twenty-two years since Joseph’s brothers kidnapped him and sold him into slavery. Their father was shown his bloody robe and thinking he had been killed by a ferocious animal, had no hope of ever seeing him again. Over the past several weeks we have followed the story as Joseph’s brothers arrived in Egypt looking to buy grain during the worldwide famine. They unknowingly encountered their brother, who was now the second-in-command of Egypt. The brothers were put through a series of tests, by God through Joseph, to remind them and convict them of their sin and bring them to repentance. These tests have reminded them of their guilt believing that God was punishing them for what they had done to their brother. Last week, Judah made an impassioned plea to take Benjamin’s place as Joseph’s slave. Judah showed how much he cared for his father, wanting to keep him from having to deal with the loss of another favored son. Judah, as the spokesperson for himself and his brothers, proved that they had changed and were sorry for what they had done to Joseph all those years ago. This morning we will see a family reunited with embracing, kissing and tears made possible because Joseph had forgiven his brothers for what they had done to him and because his brothers had repented of their sin against him. They were able to be reconciled and have true fellowship with each other once again, which brings us to the big idea this morning that Forgiveness and repentance bring reconciliation and fellowship. When we are willing to forgive and repent, we can be reconciled and have true fellowship with other human beings. And when we repent of our sins God forgives us and we can be reconciled and have true fellowship with our heavenly father.

Let’s pray: Heavenly Father, as we open your Word today, give us wisdom and insight from your Holy Spirit. Help us to grow in love for you and your Word and in wisdom and knowledge. Give us a heart for all your creation as we navigate our everyday lives on this earth you have placed us on. Help us to fall deeper in love with you as we surrender our lives to you and follow your will. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

There are three points this morning. The first is Pardoning Grace found in Genesis 45:1-4 and 14-15. Follow along as I read those verses. This is what God’s Word says, “Then Joseph could no longer control himself before all his attendants, and he cried out, “Have everyone leave my presence!” So there was no one with Joseph when he made himself known to his brothers. And he wept so loudly that the Egyptians heard him, and Pharaoh’s household heard about it. Joseph said to his brothers, “I am Joseph! Is my father still living?” But his brothers were not able to answer him, because they were terrified at his presence. Then Joseph said to his brothers, “Come close to me.” When they had done so, he said, “I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt! 14 Then he threw his arms around his brother Benjamin and wept, and Benjamin embraced him, weeping. And he kissed all his brothers and wept over them. Afterward his brothers talked with him.

As I already mentioned, Judah makes an impassioned plea on behalf of his father. He refers to him fourteen times in a loving and caring manner at the end of chapter 44. “Simply, Judah so feels for his father that he begs to sacrifice himself for a brother more loved than himself.” (Sternberg). Joseph realizes that what he has hoped for has come true. His brothers have changed. Judah is willing to become a slave to Joseph in Benjamin’s place and they care for their father, not wanting to see him hurt anymore. They have also seemingly treated Benjamin differently than they treated Joseph and there is repentance for what they had done to him. Speiser says, “Joseph’s brothers have passed a critical test which is all the more revealing since they did not know they were being tested.” That’s important, isn’t it? This showed that a true transformation had taken place in his brother’s lives. Once Joseph was convinced of their transformation, he could no longer control his emotions. In order to keep this a private family matter, he commands his Egyptian attendants to leave, and he reveals himself to them. Joseph is so overcome with emotion that he weeps tears of joy and love because he could now be reunited with his family. He wept so loudly that the Egyptians in his household, outside the room, could hear him and the news of his weeping even reached Pharoah’s household.

Joseph tells his brothers that he is their long-lost brother. He then asked them if his father was still living. This question showed his compassion toward his brothers. He didn’t want them to feel more guilty about what they had done to him, so he directed their thoughts to their father, not focusing them on himself or what they had done to him. Now this question about his father may seem strange because right before the feast in chapter 43 he had asked if his father was still living, and they answered that he was alive and well. And Joseph knows they never made it back home before being stopped and questioned about the silver cup. But this time he asks about “my father” as opposed to “your father.” He didn’t want to know literally if his father was alive or not because they had already told them he was. He wanted to know all the intimate details about his father that he had missed in the last twenty-two years.

His brothers are stunned by this revelation and are left speechless. They are terrified of him because if this is really their brother that they sold into slavery and if he is really the second-in-command of Egypt, they are terrified that he will have his revenge against them. Their guilt is brought to the surface again. Joseph, seeing the panic in their faces, tells them three things to encourage them. First, he tells them to “come close to him” so they would feel more at ease. This was in the plural meaning all his brothers. They may have been reluctant at first because Egyptians and Hebrews didn’t have close intimate contact, but he needed them to see that he was sincere and that he was one of them. Second, as they came closer to him, he again tells them that he is Joseph, and adds that he is their brother. Third, he qualifies his previous statement that he is “the one you sold into Egypt.” He didn’t do this to make them feel more guilty but to further identify who he was. This would prove who he was because no one else would have that particular information.

Moving down to verses 14 and 15, we see the pardoning grace that Joseph extended to them. He started with his full brother Benjamin. He embraced him and wept over him. And Benjamin reciprocated by embracing him and weeping over Joseph as well. He then kissed all his brothers and wept over them. His weeping showed them this was not a trap and that he held no resentment, bitterness, or grudge toward them. He had already forgiven them, and they didn’t need to feel guilty or be afraid anymore. Lastly, they were able to fellowship together and even speak to one another, which was important. Genesis 37:4 says that his brothers hated him so much that they couldn’t speak a kind word to him. Now that Joseph had forgiven them and they had repented, they could be a family again, being reconciled and enjoying fellowship together. (BIG IDEA).

Our second point this morning is Preserving Grace found in verses 5-8. This is what God’s Word says, “And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you. For two years now there has been famine in the land, and for the next five years there will be no plowing and reaping. But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance. “So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God. He made me father to Pharaoh, lord of his entire household and ruler of all Egypt.”

Joseph didn’t want his brothers to be distressed, meaning grieved, and he didn’t want them to be angry with themselves for selling him into slavery. There was no reason for them to keep feeling guilty for what they had done to him because God was in control, and it was part of his plan all along. He mentions four times that God was behind the events of his life. In God’s preserving grace he sent Joseph to Egypt ahead of his family to save lives. This was why Joseph was sold into slavery and rose to second-in-command of Egypt. This was why God gave him the knowledge of the seven-year famine and the plan to save Egypt, Canaan and the world from starvation. The famine has been in effect for two years and there will still be five more years of no significant harvesting taking place. Yes, the brothers hated Joseph and sold him into slavery, but God used their hatred to further his plan to preserve a remnant on the earth and save their lives by a great deliverance.

This great deliverance speaks to this present saving and the future saving of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. It also speaks of the future coming of Jesus, the Messiah. Joseph’s family, who would become God’s chosen people, were the remnant from the earth, that would deliver the world from death and sin through their descendant, Jesus Christ. Jesus would save lives by a great deliverance by dying on a cross for the sins of the entire world and resurrecting on the third day. This was why God made Joseph father to Pharaoh, meaning he was Pharaoh’s advisor, and made him lord over his entire household and ruler of all Egypt. It was to fulfill his plan and purpose to save the world. It was the sovereignty and providence of God that sent Joseph to Egypt not his brothers. We don’t know exactly when in Joseph’s journey he realized the hand of God in his life but when he did, he was able to extend forgiveness to his brothers for what they had done to him.

Sometimes I believe that we don’t give God enough credit for what he is doing in our lives and in the world. We feel like we are in total control of our lives, and he is not influencing us at all. Now do not get me wrong. We are not puppets to God the puppet-master. We still have free will and can make our own decisions. And we still have a human responsibility for our actions. But I can fully testify that God’s hand has been all over my life from the day of my birth and he has directed my paths even as I have sinned against him. I believe that he still does every single day and wouldn’t want it any other way. I also I think we are fearful and anxious about what is going on in our lives and the world because we feel God doesn’t really care about us. We don’t fully believe that he loves us and wants to be in fellowship and in relationship with us. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Matthew 10:29-31 says, “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

When we realize that God loves us, wants a genuine relationship with us and wants to move in our lives we can truly have fellowship with him and an abundant life on this earth following his will. When we totally surrender our whole lives to him, we will see the events of our lives in a different way and will be able to go through life with hope and peace instead of fear and anxiety. Maybe you struggle for some reason with these concepts this morning that God loves you, cares for you, and wants to be in fellowship and relationship with you. Maybe you struggle with the idea of God’s sovereignty and providence in your life or in the world. That brings us to the first next step on the back of your communication card which is to totally surrender to God, embracing his love and care for me and his sovereignty and providence in my life.

Our third point is Promised Grace found in verses 9-13. This is what God’s Word says, “Now hurry back to my father and say to him, ‘This is what your son Joseph says: God has made me lord of all Egypt. Come down to me; don’t delay. You shall live in the region of Goshen and be near me—you, your children and grandchildren, your flocks and herds, and all you have. I will provide for you there, because five years of famine are still to come. Otherwise you and your household and all who belong to you will become destitute.’ “You can see for yourselves, and so can my brother Benjamin, that it is really I who am speaking to you. Tell my father about all the honor accorded me in Egypt and about everything you have seen. And bring my father down here quickly.”

Joseph tells his brothers to hurry to Canaan and bring their father and their families back to Egypt. But he realizes that Jacob may have a few problems with this message from his sons. First, Jacob will probably not want to leave the Promised Land. He did that once before at the urging of his mother after Esau threatened to kill him and he ended up being gone for twenty years. Now that he is again living in the Promised Land that God gave his grandfather Abraham as his inheritance, why would he leave? Canaan is where he is supposed to be. Joseph’s brothers will need to make a compelling argument for Jacob to realize his need to leave Canaan and that God’s hand is in it. They are to tell their father about the honor that God has given Joseph. He is lord of all Egypt and because of that he has a place for them to live. “Part of the Abrahamic covenant (Gen. 12:3), especially the promise of a great name, was being fulfilled in Jacob’s son, Joseph, because God had made him lord of all Egypt.” (Gangel & Bramer).

In Goshen, Jacob, his children, his grandchildren, their flocks and herds and all they have can be comfortable and safe. Goshen was the best of the land and was unpopulated because it was reserved for royalty. They would also be able to be near Joseph and would not lack for anything. He promised to provide for them for the remaining five years of famine and he could make this promise because God put him right where he needed to be, right when he needed to be there. They were also to tell their father that if he didn’t come down to Egypt his household and all who belong to him would become destitute. During times of famine families would have to mortgage their lands and even sell themselves and their family into slavery causing them to become destitute. Joseph didn’t want this for his family.

Second, Jacob may not believe them that Joseph was alive. He would probably be a little skeptical. Joseph’s brothers were going to have to do a hard thing. They were going to have to tell their father that Joseph didn’t die but that they had sold him into Egypt. Then they would be able to testify that they had seen him with their own eyes, and had heard him with their own ears. Joseph had sent everyone out in verse one including the interpreter, so he has been speaking Hebrew to his brothers during this whole time. This was evidence that he was truly their brother. Joseph singles out Benjamin because their father would more readily take his word for it, being Joseph’s full brother by the same mother. All of this would be compelling evidence for Jacob to believe that Joseph was still alive. Lastly, Joseph tells them again to tell their father about all the honor, status and power, he has in Egypt and that they have seen this with their own eyes. He finishes with “bring my father down quickly.” This reunion with his brothers has been sweet, especially with Benjamin but now what he really wants is to be reunited with his father. He thought he would never see his father again and Jacob thought he was dead all these years but now a full family reunion can be had, and fellowship can be rekindled because there has been forgiveness, repentance and reconciliation. (BIG IDEA).

Before I close this morning, I want to pass on four principles of forgiveness we can glean from these last couple of chapters. One, forgiveness should be done privately. Matthew 18:15 says, “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over.” Second, forgiveness should be given freely and unconditionally. We may ask how can this be done when someone has hurt us or wronged us badly? Ephesians 4:32 says, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” We must forgive others because we have been forgiven by God. Three, forgiveness seeks correction and restoration of the offender. Too many times restoration never happens because either the offended or the offender doesn’t want it or doesn’t think it’s important. Reconciliation and restoration are what can bring us back into fellowship and relationship. Four, forgiveness must be permanent and not brought up again. It may not be humanly possible to forget the sin perpetrated against us but in order to have true forgiveness and reconciliation, once the offense if repented of and forgiven, you must live and act like you have forgotten it in order to have fellowship with that person.

A father and his teenage son had a stormy relationship. So the son ran away from home. His father began a journey in search of his rebellious son. Finally in Madrid, in a last desperate effort to find him, the father put an ad in the newspaper. The ad read, “Dear Paco, meet me in front of the newspaper office at noon. All is forgiven. I love you, Your father.” The next day at noon in front of the newspaper office eight hundred “Pacos” showed up. They were all seeking forgiveness and love from their fathers. Joseph didn’t require that his brothers make the first move in seeking forgiveness. Even before their repentance Joseph had treated them generously and graciously when he had every right to treat them with bitterness and vengeance. He wanted to be reconciled. Once he knew their hearts were ready, he revealed the truth to them. He held nothing against them but desired to hold them close and to see his father again.

Our families and churches are full of many broken relationships that beg to be mended. But reconciliation requires the conviction that something is wrong, the confession of that wrong, and forgiveness offered and accepted. So what are you prepared to do to repair the broken relationships in your life? Are you willing to take the first step? What is your desire – to be vindicated or to be reconciled? May we be like Joseph, seeking reconciliation. That brings us to our final next step this morning, which is to forgive and seek reconciliation in the broken relationships in my life.

As the praise team comes to lead us in a final song and the ushers prepare to collect the tithes and offerings, let’s pray: Heavenly Father, thank you this opportunity to be in your house with your people learning from your Word. Help us to be willing to surrender our lives to you. Help us to embrace your love and care for us and your sovereignty and providence in our lives. And I pray that we would be willing to forgive other first seeking reconciliation in the broken relationships in our lives. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Change of Heart

(Genesis 44:1-34)



“‘Be sure your sin will find you out,’ Numbers 32:23 tells us. But in the case of this story, we could also say ‘Be sure your Cheetos will find you out.’ During the early morning hours of January 6, 2013, county deputies were called to the Cassatt Country Store in Cassatt, South Carolina to investigate a burglary. The deputies determined that someone had broken into the store and stolen beer, cigarettes, snack foods, and energy drinks. The burglar only stole $160 worth of goods, but caused about $2,500 in damages.


The store manager, Howard ‘Buck’ Buckholz, said, ‘He knocked out our front door, he knocked out the beer cooler, and stole beer, cigarettes, Slim Jims, and in his haste, he punctured two or three bags of Cheetos.’ That was the burglar's undoing. Buckholz said, ‘Cheetos were all over the parking lot, at the place where he parked his car, and at the residence.’ The police followed the trail of cheesy dust right to the house where the burglar was staying with a friend. As investigators approached the front door of the home, they observed more fresh Cheetos on the front porch. Buckholz added, ‘He was very easy to catch. It was a very quick deal.’”


Source: Kevin Dolak, "Trail of Cheetos Leads to Store Robber," ABC News (1-19-13).





  • ME

    • Change of mind about communicating our financial standing

        • When my boys were younger and they would ask if we could buy a certain item, my go-to answer was always, “we don’t have the money to buy that.”

        • I always thought that was a good answer, but it left our boys thinking we were poor

        • When our oldest son was college age, he read a book about finances and the author said something profound that he shared with Judy and I

        • The author said that instead of saying, “we don’t have the money for that,” we should said, “we are choosing not to spend our money on that.”

        • I wish I had read that book before I started telling the boys that we didn’t have the money

        • We actually had the money, but it was in savings and we were choosing not to spend it on that item

        • It would have helped them to understand that we were not poor

        • We are frugal, but not poor

        • We are not wealthy, but God has provided

    • Change of heart

        • Over the years God has changed my heart as it pertains to His plan, purpose, and timing

        • In the past, I would fight like crazy to try to accomplish something, even when barriers kept preventing me from doing so

        • By God’s grace, I more readily acknowledge that something may not be God’s timing when I can’t seem to accomplish what I would like

        • I’ve learned to trust Him for His timing, plan, and purpose

        • It took many years of heartache and wasted time, on my part, to have a change of heart to trust God always


  • WE

    • Every one of us can probably recall a time in our lives when we had a change of heart

        • Take a moment to reflect on one of those times

        • Perhaps it was about an individual (teacher, coworker, neighbor, friend, family member, fellow church attender)

        • Maybe the change of heart took place concerning a restaurant or other business

        • As a follower of Jesus Christ, we have all experienced a change of heart from rebellion to repentance


Joseph continued to test his brothers to see if they had a change of heart. ​​ Twenty-two years before, they were dealing with selfishness, jealousy, envy, and anger at the favoritism shown to Joseph. ​​ Have they grown? ​​ Have they been transformed? ​​ How would they react to Benjamin being the favored son? ​​ Would they stand by him and protect their father’s feelings, or would they abandon him and watch their father fall deeper into despair and probably death? ​​ What we will see today are hearts transformed by God. ​​ We will learn that . . .


BIG IDEA – God transforms our heart.


Let’s pray


The titles for the main points and sub points came from Wiersbe’s Commentary. ​​ I could not top his alliteration, so I am giving him credit today.


  • GOD (Genesis 44:1-34)

    • Confrontation (vv. 1-13)

        • Overjoyed

          • Joseph’s brothers had a lot to be joyful about

            • They were not arrested for stealing the grain money, but were told that God had given them treasure in their sacks

            • Simeon had been released from prison

            • Benjamin had been safe during their travels

            • They were getting ready to leave for home

            • They were feasting and drinking freely with the ruler of Egypt (Gen. 43:34)

            • The ruler of Egypt was sending them home with sacks full of grain

          • What they did not realize was this was all a façade

          • Everything was about to change

        • Overtaken (vv. 1-6)

          • Joseph gave his steward some instructions as the feast was probably winding down

            • Fill their sacks with as much food as they can carry

            • Put their silver in the mouth of their sacks

            • Put my silver cup in the mouth of the youngest one’s sack

            • Joseph’s steward did everything he was asked to do

          • The next morning, Joseph’s brothers were sent on their way, but they did not get very far

          • Joseph gave his steward more instructions

            • Go after those men at once

            • When you reach them ask them why they have repaid good with evil by taking my silver cup

              • It is likely that Joseph had used the silver cup in their presence at the feast

              • It would have been easy for one of them to conceal the silver cup in their robe and then put it in their sack

              • Divination

                • Using a silver cup for divination was part of the culture of the day, especially by those in positions of authority

                • There were multiple forms of divination using a cup or goblet

                  • Oleomancy (pouring oil into water)

                  • Hydromancy (pouring water into oil)

                  • Lecanomancy (observing the actions of liquids in some kind of a container, like ripples or reflections)

                  • “When water and oil are mixed, configurations form which are then studied and interpreted by the diviner.” ​​ [Hamilton, The New International Commentary on the Old Testament, The Book of Genesis, Chapters 18-50, 559]

                • Divination was used to understand what the gods wanted concerning the future, the source of trouble, whether someone would live or die, whether or not to go to war, and many other matters

              • It is unlikely that Joseph actually used divination, since he received revelation from God alone (Gen. 37:5-9; 41:16) [Waltke, Genesis: A Commentary, 560]

              • It was probably all part of the ruse Joseph was creating to make sure his brothers did not recognize him before he was able to determine if they had had a change of heart

            • Joseph’s steward did everything he was asked to do

          • The steward’s accusation caused confusion

        • Overconfident (vv. 7-12)

          • Character quality – honesty

            • The brothers are confused by the accusation, because they did not do things like that – they were not characterized as thieves

            • They even reminded the steward that they brought back the silver they found in their sacks from the first visit

            • They were honest men, who would never think of stealing silver or gold from his master’s house

          • Penalty for anyone found with the silver cup

            • They are so confident that none of them had taken the silver cup that they proposed the death penalty for the offender and slavery for the rest of them

              • We saw the same confidence in Jacob when Laban caught up with him and accused him of stealing his household gods

              • But if you find anyone who has your gods, he shall not live. (Gen. 31:32)

              • “But one can be generous with proposals when one is convinced that little is at stake.” ​​ [Hamilton, 563]

              • The brothers, like Jacob, are willing to put the death penalty on the table, because they are unaware of the deception that has taken place

            • If the silver cup was found in any of their sacks, that person would be put to death and the rest of them of would become Joseph’s slaves

            • The steward agrees with the principle that the thief should be treated differently than the rest of the brothers, but he counters their penalty by saying that the thief would be his slave and the rest of them would be free from blame

            • He had some insider information and knew that the death penalty for Benjamin would not accomplish Joseph’s purpose

          • Search

            • The speed with which they lowered their sacks to the ground speaks of the certainty they had of their innocence

            • The steward begins his search with the oldest and proceeds to the youngest

            • Laban searched Rachel’s tent last, but did not find his gods there (Gen. 31:33) because she had hidden them

            • The steward finds Joseph’s silver cup in Benjamin’s sack

            • The steward is not surprised, because he was the one who placed it there – imagine if he had not found the silver cup

            • The brothers are surprised!

          • Their reaction shows a change of heart

          • God transforms our heart.

        • Overwhelmed (v. 13)

          • The brothers tore their clothes

            • “Spontaneously, the brothers ‘tore their clothes,’ which was the sign of deep emotional distress (e.g., Num 14:6). ​​ That all the brothers suffered such distress is a telling sign of the new sense of unity they had developed.” ​​ [Mathews, The New American Commentary, Volume 1B, Genesis 11:27-50:26, 800]

            • “They now show affection for their father and brother (contra 37:34).” ​​ [Waltke, 560]

              • Twenty-two years earlier, they were plagued with selfishness, jealousy, envy, and anger

              • They didn’t even think or care how Joseph’s death would affect their father emotionally

              • All they cared about was appeasing their jealousy, envy, and anger

              • That had changed!

              • God had transformed their hearts over the twenty-two year period

              • They are distressed and filled with grief over the unexpected turn of events

            • PRINCIPLE #1 – Grief over our sin honors God.

              • Biblical support

                • Read Romans 7:14-25

                • Read Psalm 51:13-17

                • Read 2 Corinthians 7:8-11

              • Application

                • Joseph’s brothers were experiencing godly sorrow that brought repentance and led to salvation with no regrets

                • Are you grieving and sorrowing over your sins?

                • Are you genuinely repentant of your sins, which means you are willing to turn away from them?

                • When we recognize how our sins grieve the Lord, we should be willing to truly repent, so that we can experience salvation without regret

                • Take a moment to examine yourself and be honest with yourself and with God

                • #1 – My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Honor God by grieving over my sin, so I can experience salvation and forgiveness without regret.

            • Joseph’s brothers expressed godly sorrow by tearing their clothes

          • The brothers loaded their donkeys and returned to the city

            • “This time they would not leave a younger brother, a favorite of their father, to become a slave. ​​ This shows they had changed since selling their brother Joseph into slavery about twenty-two years before.” ​​ [Gangel & Bramer, Holman Old Testament Commentary, Genesis, 349]

            • Benjamin was not only Jacob’s favorite, but also the Egyptian rulers favorite (Joseph gave him five times the amount of food at the feast)

            • The brothers passed the test by not being envious and showing self-sacrificing love by giving up their own freedom and lives for Benjamin [Keil & Delitzsch, Commentary of the Old Testament, Volume 1, The Pentateuch, 234]

          • They were definitely overwhelmed by the chain of events that had just transpired

        • Judah takes the lead to represent the brothers as they come before Joseph again

    • Confession (vv. 14-34)

        • Submission (vv. 14-17)

          • The brothers reaction

            • When they arrived back in the city, Joseph was still in the house, because he already knew they would be back

            • They threw themselves to the ground

              • The first two times they came into Joseph’s presence they bowed in respect of his position – that would have been the appropriate thing to do

              • This time they prostrated themselves – they are lying flat on the ground, which showed submission

            • They were prepared to serve Joseph as slaves

          • Joseph’s response

            • Joseph continues the ruse by asking them why they did it

            • He also continues to play along with the idea about divination – didn’t they know he could find things out by divination

            • We know it wasn’t divination that gave Joseph the knowledge about his silver cup being in Benjamin’s sack

            • Joseph had staged everything to expose his brother’s true feelings about their father and his favorite son, Benjamin

          • Judah’s confession

            • Judah admits that they don’t have a defense

            • He acknowledges that God has uncovered their guilt

              • The uncovering of their guilt goes far deeper than the silver cup and payment for the grain being found in Benjamin’s sack

              • Judah’s conscience had been pricked and he realized that God was holding he and his brothers accountable for how they treated Joseph and their father all those years ago

              • “It’s when guilty sinners’ mouths are shut and they stop defending themselves that God can show them mercy (Rom. 3:19).” ​​ [Wiersbe, The Bible Exposition Commentary, Pentateuch, 157]

              • Romans 3:19, Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be silenced and the whole world held accountable to God.

              • PRINCIPLE #2 – Our sins are not hidden from God.

                • Judah and his brothers recognized that their sin was not hidden from God, therefore, God was holding them accountable – they would become slaves

                • Biblical background

                  • When the Israelites were getting ready to go into the Promised Land, the Reubenites, Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasseh wanted to remain on the east side of the Jordan. ​​ They came to Moses, Eleazer the priest, and the leaders of the community to ask permission. ​​ They were given permission on one condition – their men would arm themselves, go ahead of the other tribes into the Promised Land, and help them defeat the inhabitants. ​​ Moses warned them with these words, “But if you fail to do this, you will be sinning against the Lord; and you may be sure that your sin will find you out. (Num. 32:23). ​​ The Israelites sin would not be hidden from God

                  • In Joshua 7:1-26 we read about how Achan coveted a beautiful Babylonian robe, 200 shekels of silver and a wedge of gold weighing 50 shekels from the plunder at Jericho that was devoted to the Lord. ​​ When the Israelites tried to attack Ai, they lost, because there was sin in the camp. ​​ No one else knew about, but God did!

                  • “This is God’s way, says Judah, of visiting their past misdeeds upon them. ​​ They withheld mercy from Joseph (42:21). ​​ Now God will withhold mercy from them. ​​ They deserve what is happening to them even if they are not guilty of this particular crime. ​​ Here is a graphic illustration of the Bible’s emphasis on God’s justice. ​​ The wrongs one does will be repaid someway, somehow, somewhere.” ​​ [Hamilton, 566]

                • You and I have to recognize that our sin is not hidden from God

                  • The principle is the same for us – God knows when we sin, it is not hidden from Him, even if it is hidden from everyone else

                  • Are you dealing with a “hidden sin” that only God knows about?

                  • Are you recognizing today that God is holding you accountable for that sin?

                  • 1 John 1:9, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

                  • #2 – My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Confess my “hidden sin” to the Lord and embrace His forgiveness.

              • Judah acknowledged their sin and knew there was consequences

            • Judah states that all eleven brothers are now Joseph’s slaves

          • Joseph’s justice

            • Joseph knew that he could not hold all eleven brothers accountable

            • Only Benjamin would become his slave

            • The rest of the brothers could go back to their father in peace

          • Judah knew the outcome of Benjamin not returning to his father, so he asks to speak with Joseph privately

        • Surety (vv. 18-34)

          • Addressing Joseph

            • Judah refers to Joseph as his lord, which is a sign of respect

            • Judah recognizes Joseph’s position, equal to Pharaoh

          • History recounted

            • Judah then recounted everything that happened to them

            • During their first visit, they answered Joseph’s questions about their father and youngest brother and another brother that had died

            • They also explained that their father loved the youngest brother because he is the only one of his mother’s sons left

            • Joseph told them to bring Benjamin down as proof that they were not spies, but they told him that their father would die if he and the boy were separated

            • Joseph warned them not to return to Egypt without their youngest brother

            • When Jacob told them to go buy a little more food, they refused unless he sent Benjamin with them

            • Jacob agreed, but cautioned his sons that he would die in misery if anything happened to Benjamin

            • If Benjamin is not with them when they return, their father will die in sorrow

            • Judah had guaranteed Benjamin’s safety to his father or he would bear the blame the rest of his life

            • God transforms our heart.

            • PRINCIPLE #3 – “True repentance involves a change of attitude and action, not just tears and regret.” ​​ [Gangel & Bramer, 352]

              • What a change and transformation that had taken place in Judah’s heart and mind

              • He was no longer thinking about himself, but was concerned about his father’s well-being

              • He was no longer consumed by jealousy, envy, and anger, but rather love and concern for his father’s favorite son, Benjamin

              • It had taken twenty-two years, but an incredible transformation had taken place

              • Jesus transforms our heart, so that the motivation behind our actions are pure and not selfish

                • Our love is transformed

                  • We no longer love someone because they love us in return

                  • We love because he first loved us (1 John 4:19)

                • Our forgiveness is transformed

                  • We forgive others whether or not they seek forgiveness or apologize

                  • Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you (Ephesians 4:32)

                • Our actions are transformed

                  • We no longer do things out of selfishness only thinking about ourselves

                  • Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. ​​ Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others (Philippians 2:3-4)

                • Our whole lives are transformed

                  • We no longer desire to follow the patterns of this world

                  • Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. ​​ Do not conform any longer the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. ​​ Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will (Romans 12:1-2)

              • #3 – My Next Step Today Is To: ​​ Truly repent of my sins and allow God to transform my attitudes and actions.

            • That is what happened to Judah – he had been transformed by God

          • Judah’s plea

            • Please let me take Benjamin’s place as your servant, so he can return home with my brothers!

              • Judah was substituting himself for Benjamin – he was his surety/guarantee

              • Jesus substituted Himself for us – He was our surety/guarantee

              • Because of this oath, Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant (Hebrews 7:22)

              • Jesus took responsibility to make sure we would come to God the Father (Read John 14:1-6)

              • Are you ready to come to the Father through Jesus Christ?

              • Gospel

                • Admit you are a sinner (Rom. 3:23; Rom. 6:23)

                • Believe in Jesus (1 Corinthians 15:3-4)

                • Choose everlasting life (John 3:16)

                • Send Me Info About: ​​ Becoming a follower of Jesus

            • Don’t let me return home without Benjamin and see the misery on my father’s face

            • PRINCIPLE #4 – “Leadership means speaking up and taking a stand.” ​​ [Gangel & Bramer, 352]

          • God had transformed Judah’s heart

        • God transforms our heart.


  • YOU

    • Are you ready to honor God by grieving over your sin, so you can experience salvation and forgiveness without regret?

    • Is there a “hidden sin” you need to confess to the Lord?

    • Is it time to truly repent of your sins and allow God to transform your attitudes and actions?

    • Are you ready to follow Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life?


  • WE

    • We need to honor God by grieving over our corporate sins

    • We need to confess any “hidden sins” to the Lord

    • We need to truly repent of our sins and allow God to transform our attitudes and actions



“Anne Rice, whom the media has called the Queen of the Occult, has sold millions of novels about vampires and witches. Several of her books have also been made into movies, even starring Hollywood big-shots like Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt. But since a near-death experience in 1998, Anne has had a change of heart—she's turned to Christ.


In 2005, she stunned her fans by declaring, ‘I promised from now on that I will only write for the Lord.’ Her November 2005 release, Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt, portrays Jesus as a 7-year-old, and the veteran author worked painstakingly to avoid contradicting Scripture in her interpretation of Jesus’ life.


The book was released in November 2005, and as of December 7, 2005, it remained on the New York Times bestsellers list at #8. In the afterword of Christ the Lord, Rice summarizes what she has found in Jesus, calling him ‘the ultimate supernatural hero’ and ‘the ultimate immortal of them all.’


In an interview with Christianity Today in December of 2005, Rice said, ‘Christianity achieved what it did because Jesus rose from the dead.’”


Source: Jennie Yabroff, "Anne Rice Has Gone from Goth to God," (11-21-05); Cindy Crosby, "Interview with a Penitent," Christianity Today.






The following is from A.J. Swoboda’s Subversive Sabbath. In 1991, a yet-to-be-identified flea market enthusiast discovered a simple picture frame to his liking. Securing the purchase, the shopper returned home only to discover an ancient document hiding inconspicuously behind the frame. Thinking little of the discovery, he continued about his life. Two years later, a friend stumbled on the document and investigated its origin. The rest is history. The four-dollar frame had hidden a first – edition copy of the Declaration of Independence reportedly worth north of one million dollars. This accidental discovery is not isolated. There was the contractor who found $182,000 in a bathroom wall he was remodeling. A three-dollar Chinese bowl later sold at Sotheby’s for $2.2 million — it was a treasure from the Northern Song Dynasty. Then there was that California family who stumbled on a can of ancient gold coins in their backyard valued at $10 million. This was all hidden treasure just waiting for someone to find it. Have you ever found money in your pants pocket that you forgot you had? Maybe it went through the wash and the next time you put them on there it was. Or maybe you get your winter coat out and find money that has been there the whole summer. Maybe you found some change in your car or in your sofa cushions that allowed you to get that morning coffee. These are hidden treasures that you may have forgotten about but were just waiting to be found.

Grace and mercy are a lot like hidden treasure. God’s grace and mercy is all over our lives but sometimes we struggle to see it or feel it. We get so caught up in our lives and the world we live in that it’s hard to recognize the grace and mercy He gives us. Sometimes it’s hard for us to accept it because we think we don’t deserve it. And really, we don’t. Grace is getting what we don’t deserve, and mercy is not getting what we do deserve. ​​ God in his infinite love sent his son to die on a cross for us extending grace and mercy to us all. And it can fully be ours, but we must embrace it, we must accept it, and the great thing is that it is free. One reason why we don’t fully embrace grace and mercy is because of sin in our lives. Unconfessed sin causes us to react negatively to situations blinding us to God’s grace and mercy. These negative reactions can cause us to sin but when we confess our sins we can be forgiven. Once we are forgiven, we are better prepared to react positively and rightly to situations in our lives. When we ask forgiveness from God, he gives us grace and mercy and when we ask for forgiveness from others it allows us to fully embrace grace and mercy from them without feeling any guilt or shame. Which brings us to our big idea this morning that Forgiveness brings grace and mercy.

Let’s pray: Heavenly Father, as we open your Word this morning, we ask for your Holy Spirit to illumine our hearts and minds to what you want us to learn and what you want us to share with those we encounter this week. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

This morning there are three points, and in each point, we will see how grace and mercy is extended even in the midst of negative reactions and sin. Our first point this morning is Jacob Prays for Mercy found in Genesis 43:1-15. This is what God’s Word says, “Now the famine was still severe in the land. So, when they had eaten all the grain they had brought from Egypt, their father said to them, “Go back and buy us a little more food.” But Judah said to him, “The man warned us solemnly, ‘You will not see my face again unless your brother is with you.’ If you will send our brother along with us, we will go down and buy food for you. But if you will not send him, we will not go down, because the man said to us, ‘You will not see my face again unless your brother is with you.’” Israel asked, “Why did you bring this trouble on me by telling the man you had another brother?” They replied, “The man questioned us closely about ourselves and our family. ‘Is your father still living?’ he asked us. ‘Do you have another brother?’ We simply answered his questions. How were we to know he would say, ‘Bring your brother down here’?” Then Judah said to Israel his father, “Send the boy along with me and we will go at once, so that we and you and our children may live and not die. I myself will guarantee his safety; you can hold me personally responsible for him. If I do not bring him back to you and set him here before you, I will bear the blame before you all my life. As it is, if we had not delayed, we could have gone and returned twice.” Then their father Israel said to them, “If it must be, then do this: Put some of the best products of the land in your bags and take them down to the man as a gift—a little balm and a little honey, some spices and myrrh, some pistachio nuts and almonds. Take double the amount of silver with you, for you must return the silver that was put back into the mouths of your sacks. Perhaps it was a mistake. Take your brother also and go back to the man at once. And may God Almighty grant you mercy before the man so that he will let your other brother and Benjamin come back with you. As for me, if I am bereaved, I am bereaved.” So the men took the gifts and doubled the amount of silver, and Benjamin also. They hurried down to Egypt and presented themselves to Joseph.”

The famine that sent Jacob’s sons on their first trip to Egypt is still going strong and is still severe in the land of Canaan. We should not be surprised since Pharaoh's dream foretold that the famine would last for seven years. The family has eaten all the grain that was brought back from Egypt on the first trip. And now Jacob asked his sons to go back to buy a little more food. This was a very different Jacob than we saw last week when he rebuked them for not taking the initiative to go to Egypt and buy food so the family would live and not die. Now he is asking them politely. It’s as if he is asking them to just run down to the corner market and grab a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread. We see Judah speak up as he seems to have taken on the role of spokesperson for the brothers. He immediately reminds his father that the man (talking about Joseph) “solemnly warned” them that the only way to “see his face” again would be to bring their youngest brother to Egypt. In the last chapter they downplayed Joseph’s threats but this time he tells his father that the man “solemnly warned” them meaning that it was no empty threat. The word “solemnly” would have made it even more ominous. In order to get an audience with “the man” Benjamin would have to be with them. Notice that Judah mentions this warning twice. He wanted to let his father know that taking Benjamin back to Egypt was non-negotiable.

Judah also gives his father an ultimatum. He tells him if he sends Benjamin, they will go to Egypt but if he won’t send him, they will not go. Judah will not overstep his father’s authority and go against his wishes. It will be Jacob’s decision to make. Hamilton asks, “Will he consign his family to starve to death, losing Benjamin in the process or is he willing to release him and take his chances?” Once this ultimatum has been delivered, Jacob reacts negatively. He continues to wallow in self-pity and accuses his sons of bringing this trouble on him. He is still acting selfishly, not seeming to care for the rest of his family and what will happen to them. This “trouble” is having to make a decision about sending Benjamin to Egypt or not. He blames his sons for telling “the man” that they even had another brother. He seems to imply that they should have lied about it. The old deceiver seems to be making another appearance. Jacob is not taking responsibility for his family and in fact he is shirking his responsibility as patriarch of the clan. In his heart, he knows that he is going to have to allow Benjamin to go, but he’s not going to be happy about it and he sins against his sons in the process.

Then we see that all the brothers reply to their father. They tell him that the man questioned them closely about their family, asking if their father was alive or not and if they had another brother. They say they just simply answered his questions. “What else were we to do? How were we to know?” How do we reconcile this with what we learned in chapter 42? We saw in Chapter 42 Joseph accusing his brothers of spying but never asking them personal questions. The brothers seem to volunteer the information about their family. It is possible that chapter 43 gives us a fuller picture of the dialogue than chapter 42. But I still believe in the premise that I put forth last week. That they volunteered this family information in order to prove that they were not spies. Each time Joseph accused them they became more desperate to convince him he was wrong. They kept volunteering more and more information about their family. Also, when we look back at what they told their father when they first returned from Egypt, we see that they didn’t mention that the man questioned them closely. It’s almost like they got their story straight once they were home and had a chance to talk about it. They didn’t want to upset their father, so they use the excuse that it was the “man” who questioned them so closely and they had no choice but to be honest.

Judah again takes the lead asking his father to send the boy with him and they will leave at once. This leaving at once will get Benjamin back quicker and would save three generations of the family from dying. Judah is reminding Jacob of his duty to protect the younger, more vulnerable generation. Notice Judah calls Benjamin “the boy” showing a change in affection and a softening of his attitude toward his youngest half-brother. Judah guarantees Benjamin’s safety, saying he can be held personally responsible and will bear the blame forever before Jacob. In the least he would live in shame for the rest of his life and at the most he placed his own life at risk if he didn’t not return with Benjamin. This pledge by Judah would not have been entered into lightly. Last week we saw that Reuben offered his two sons as surety for Benjamin’s life. The differences were, one, Judah offered his life for the life of Benjamin whereas Reuben offered the lives of his two sons. Judah was willing to put his own life on the line not anyone else’s. Two, Reuben was speaking from a place of guilt and shame for his part in what happened to Joseph. Judah was speaking from a place of leadership and responsibility. Judah then accuses his father of procrastinating just as his father had accused the sons before. If they had not delayed, they could have gone and returned twice already. Judah is reminding Jacob that they wanted to leave right away for Egypt after returning home, but he would not let Benjamin out of his sight.

Once again, Jacob resigns himself to what had to be done (if it must be). He is lacking in faith and not trusting in the sovereignty of God for a joyous outcome. But then he takes charge in getting a gift ready for his sons to present to the man. This is reminiscent of Jacob sending wave after wave of animals to Esau as a gift to him so his brother would find favor in his sight in Gen. 32. This gift was not as extravagant but it was for the same purpose which was to placate the man so he would show mercy to his family and allow Simeon and Benjamin to come home. It seems the famine had affected just their grain and not the other things that Canaan produced. They took the choicest products of the land of Canaan and put them in their bags. The list of items: balm, honey, spices, myrrh, pistachio nuts, and almonds would have reminded the first hearers of what the Ishmaelites were taking to Egypt in their caravan when the brothers sold Joseph to them.

Jacob also told his sons to take double the amount of silver so they could repay what was found in the mouths of their sacks. Jacob is still a little wary of his sons as he hopes finding the silver in their sacks was a mistake. In his mind, the alternative may have been that they sold Simeon for the silver or stole it. He doesn’t see the providence of God in this and is allowing the emotion of his losses to dictate his theology (Gangel & Bramer). Lastly, he says “take your brother and go.” Notice he doesn’t mention Benjamin by name, believing that if he doesn’t say his name he’s not really going. In the midst of his self-pity, pointing fingers and procrastination, Jacob prays for mercy. He prays to God Almighty, El Shaddai, to give them mercy before the man so he will allow the other brother and Benjamin to come back to him. Notice he doesn’t use Simeon’s name, still only concerned with Benjamin. Jacob is able for a few moments to turn to God and ask for his mercy hoping that it all turns out well. The moment doesn’t last very long though as he immediately refocuses on himself with “As for me.” That is not a statement of faith. He has resigned himself to being bereaved. In the midst of negative reactions and sinning against his sons, Jacob prays for mercy, but he doesn’t really expect to receive it. His unconfessed sin is blinding him to what God wants to do in his life. All he needed to do was confess his sin to the Lord and he would find the hidden treasure of grace and mercy. BIG IDEA. That brings us to our first next step on the back of your communication card which is to Confess my sins to the Lord uncovering the hidden treasure of grace and mercy in my life. Jacob’s prayer will still be answered by God even in his sinful condition. That is the grace and mercy of God on full display. The brothers then leave Canaan to go to Egypt taking the gifts, double the silver and Benjamin. And they hurried down to Egypt to present themselves before Joseph.

This brings us to our second point this morning, God Gives Mercy, found in Genesis 43:16-25. This is what God’s Word says, “When Joseph saw Benjamin with them, he said to the steward of his house, “Take these men to my house, slaughter an animal and prepare a meal; they are to eat with me at noon.” The man did as Joseph told him and took the men to Joseph’s house. Now the men were frightened when they were taken to his house. They thought, “We were brought here because of the silver that was put back into our sacks the first time. He wants to attack us and overpower us and seize us as slaves and take our donkeys.” So they went up to Joseph’s steward and spoke to him at the entrance to the house. “We beg your pardon, our lord,” they said, “we came down here the first time to buy food. But at the place where we stopped for the night we opened our sacks and each of us found his silver—the exact weight—in the mouth of his sack. So we have brought it back with us. We have also brought additional silver with us to buy food. We don’t know who put our silver in our sacks.” “It’s all right,” he said. “Don’t be afraid. Your God, the God of your father, has given you treasure in your sacks; I received your silver.” Then he brought Simeon out to them. The steward took the men into Joseph’s house, gave them water to wash their feet and provided fodder for their donkeys. They prepared their gifts for Joseph’s arrival at noon, because they had heard that they were to eat there.”

When the brothers present themselves before Joseph, he immediately recognizes that Benjamin is with them. He has the steward take his brothers to his house, slaughter an animal, and prepare dinner for them because they were going to eat with him at noon. When they arrive at Joseph’s house, they become frightened, convinced that they were being detained or worse for the silver that was found in their sacks. They believed that the man was going to attack them, overpower them and make them his slaves. Which, ironically, is what they did to Joseph. Their guilt was making them paranoid. If Joseph wanted to arrest them and take their donkeys, he could have done it at the border. Even though they knew they hadn’t stolen the silver they still believed God was punishing them for what they had done to their brother. Joseph wanted to give his brothers this meal as a show of grace and mercy to them. He had forgiven them for what they had done, but their guilt hid the treasure of grace and mercy from them. If they had just confessed what they had done to Joseph, they would not have been frightened and could have embraced the grace and mercy he wanted to give them. BIG IDEA

They had brought double the silver with them to return it, so they went to the steward to state their case. They spoke to him at the entrance to the house because they thought if they went inside, they wouldn’t be allowed to leave. They explained to the steward that on the way home from the first trip they found silver in the mouth of their sacks, and it was the same weight they had brought to buy food with. They wanted to return that silver back and had brought extra silver to purchase more food. They tell the steward that they have no idea who put the silver in their sacks. The brothers were expecting judgment for stealing the silver not mercy so were surprised when the steward said “it was alright.” He told them to not be afraid because their God, the God of their father, has given them treasure in your sacks. They would have been astonished that this Egyptian knew anything about their God. The steward also said he had received their silver from before.

This treasure given to them by God was not just the returned silver but his grace and mercy. The treasure was hidden to them because all they could see was their guilt, shame and judgment. God gave them grace and mercy even in the midst of their guilt and shame for what they had done to Joseph. But they needed to confess their sin against Joseph and ask for his forgiveness in order to fully accept and embrace God’s treasure. That brings us to the second next step on the back of your communication card which is to Ask forgiveness from those I have sinned against uncovering the hidden treasure of grace and mercy they want to give me. Then the steward brought Simeon out to them, answering part of Jacob’s prayer to God Almighty for mercy. The steward then extended the finest hospitality to them. He gave them water to wash their feet and provided fodder for their donkeys. After offering to return the silver they felt more comfortable with the arrangements and prepared the gifts they had brought for Joseph.

The third point this morning is Joseph Extends Mercy found in Genesis 43:26-34. This is what God’s Word says, “When Joseph came home, they presented to him the gifts they had brought into the house, and they bowed down before him to the ground. He asked them how they were, and then he said, “How is your aged father you told me about? Is he still living?” They replied, “Your servant, our father is still alive and well.” And they bowed down, prostrating themselves before him. As he looked about and saw his brother Benjamin, his own mother’s son, he asked, “Is this your youngest brother, the one you told me about?” And he said, “God be gracious to you, my son.” Deeply moved at the sight of his brother, Joseph hurried out and looked for a place to weep. He went into his private room and wept there. After he had washed his face, he came out and, controlling himself, said, “Serve the food.” They served him by himself, the brothers by themselves, and the Egyptians who ate with him by themselves, because Egyptians could not eat with Hebrews, for that is detestable to Egyptians. The men had been seated before him in the order of their ages, from the firstborn to the youngest; and they looked at each other in astonishment. When portions were served to them from Joseph’s table, Benjamin’s portion was five times as much as anyone else’s. So they feasted and drank freely with him.”

When Joseph arrived at his home the brothers humbly presented their gifts to him, bowing down paying homage to him. This fully fulfilled Joseph’s first dream in chapter 37 where the eleven sheaves bowed down to his. Again, this would have given Joseph confidence and trust in God’s plan. Joseph continued to show hospitality to his brothers by inquiring into their welfare. He cared for them and was genuinely concerned with how they were doing. He also asked how their aged father was and if he was still alive. With the famine ravaging the land he couldn’t be sure if his father was still living. Notice he asked about their father who “you told me about” not “who I asked you about.” Maybe that is just semantics, but I think it is telling. They referred to their father as a servant of Joseph’s, meaning they were dependent on him and informed him he was alive and well. Joseph then “looked about” and saw Benjamin. To “look about” indicates that what is about to be seen is most important. Benjamin is identified as his “own mother’s son” emphasizing the bond between them as two born from the same womb. He rhetorically asked them if this was the younger brother that again “they had told him about.” He didn’t need an answer because he knew who he was. Joseph blessed Benjamin asking God to be gracious to him. This display would have astonished the brothers like the steward’s news did. Joseph is so overwhelmed with emotion that he must hurry out looking for a place to weep. He ends up going to his private room to weep there. We assume that God has not finished his testing of the brothers or Joseph would have told them who he was.

After Joseph washed his face and had composed himself, he told the servants to serve the food. Egyptian customs would not allow them to eat at the same table as Hebrews because it was detestable to them and would have made them unclean. So, Joseph was served by himself, the brothers by themselves and the Egyptians who were eating with them by themselves. But Joseph’s table was close enough to the brother’s table that they could interact with each other. Joseph extended mercy by giving them a lavish meal that very few foreigners had probably ever seen. As the brothers were seated, they were again astonished because they were all seated in the order of their ages, from the firstborn to the youngest. All these astonishments would have alarmed the brothers thinking that God’s judgment was not yet finished. The seating would have highlighted Benjamin as the youngest in order to set them up for what would happen next. That the portions were served directly from Joseph’s table signified that he would be the source of the family’s survival (Mathews). When the portions came out Benjamin received five times the food that the brothers did. He was being favored and singled out receiving an extravagant amount of food. This would have equated to Joseph’s coat of many colors given to him by his father. Joseph was testing the brothers to see if there was any jealousy in them for Benjamin. Ross says, “Envy and hatred among God’s people would be disastrous to the unity of the nation and so could not be left unchecked.” Joseph will continue to put pressure on the brothers to see if they have really changed, but for now they passed several tests. The brought Benjamin to Egypt, they brought the silver back and they did not show envy or jealousy toward Benjamin. Lastly, they were well fed and satisfied having communion and conversation with Joseph. Joseph was able to extend this mercy to them because he had already forgiven them for what they had done to him, not holding it against them. BIG IDEA

The closing this morning is from Preaching Today: The famous and luxurious Biltmore House in Asheville, North Carolina, was originally owned and managed by George and Edith Vanderbilt, an elegant couple known for their exceptional treatment of their rich and famous guests. But they were also known for the way they treated their staff. For example, there’s the story of how George Vanderbilt treated a young employee named Bessie Smith. Smith was a teenager when she began working at the Biltmore, and she was intimidated by its opulence. On her first day as a server, she walked into the house's grand banquet hall and, startled by the vastness of the room, dropped the tray of monogrammed china she was carrying. George [Vanderbilt], a professorial figure with dark hair and a slightly curved mustache, rose from his chair as his guests looked on, wondering what this great man was going to say. But he didn't say anything. Instead, he got down on his hands and knees and helped her pick up the shards. Then he told her, “Come see me in the morning.” Bessie Smith assumed she was going to be fired. Instead, [George Vanderbilt] promoted Bessie to housekeeper, so she wouldn't have to carry such heavy dishes. That’s the kind of man he was, and that’s the kind of God we serve. When we mess up, He doesn’t condemn us, no! Because of Christ, He promotes us! He uses us for His glory! That’s what grace and forgiveness are all about; and if you have never experienced that kind of grace, please trust Christ today, who died for you and rose again. Trust in the One who loved you even while you were still a sinner. That brings us to the last next step on the back of your communication card which is to Accept Jesus as my Savior, uncovering the hidden treasure of His grace and mercy. I hope that if you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus today that you will make that decision and embrace the grace, mercy and forgiveness that only God can give to you.

As the praise team comes forward and the ushers prepare to pick up the tithes and offerings, let’s pray: Lord God, help us to realize that we need to confess our sins to you. Humble us so we can ask forgiveness from those we have wronged. And open our hearts to accept you as our Lord and Savior if we haven’t already. Help us to uncover the hidden treasure of grace and mercy and embrace it in our lives. To your honor and your glory, in Jesus’ name. Amen.



Steve Farrar, a Men’s discipleship teacher, tells this story on his podcast: One night a cab driver picked up a nun as one of his fares. After a few minutes the cab driver started to make conversation with her. He told the nun they have a lot in common, as they are both catholic and single. The nun replied that’s nice. After a few more minutes the cab driver says this may seem forward but I have always wanted to kiss a nun. The nun doesn’t seem taken aback by this, stating that maybe it had something to do with an emotional event in his childhood. She tells him that it would be okay if he wanted to kiss her. So, the cab driver pulls over, gets in the back seat and they share a kiss. The cab driver gets back in the front seat and continues to drive. After a few minutes the cab driver tells the nun that he needs to make a confession. He says that he’s not really catholic, in fact, he’s not religious at all, and he’s not single but happily married. The nun says that’s ok. I also need to make a confession. I am also not a catholic and am not a nun, my name is Bruce and I am on the way to a Halloween party.

That would be a rude awakening, wouldn’t it? These men were not men of principle. They weren’t living by any fundamental truths that served as a foundation for their behavior. Whenever behavior is based on an absence of principles you will have major problems. They were also men without scruples. They had no trouble with lying and deceiving. It didn’t bother them in the least. So why do I tell this story? When I heard this story last week, I was reminded of Joseph’s brothers. They were also men without principles or scruples. They were jealous, envious, hateful, rageful, murdering, scheming liars. Joseph’s brothers seemingly had no consciences. This morning we are in Genesis chapter 42 and we are going to see God and Joseph testing the brothers as part of God’s plan. They needed to be tested as they were going to become the leaders of the tribes of Israel. They needed to be tested to see if they’ve changed or if they are the same jealous, envious, murdering, scheming liars they were when they sold Joseph into slavery. They needed to be tested to see if they have consciences and can their consciences be awakened. And if their consciences can be awakened, will they remember their guilt and sin against Joseph and be led to repentance? These tests are going to be rude awakenings for the brothers but that is what they will need to be transformed. For us, as Christians, God will also test us and when the Holy Spirit speaks, convicting us, it is imperative that we listen, be reminded of our sin and be led to repentance. Which brings us to our big idea this morning: God tests his people to remind them of their sin and bring them to repentance.

As we think about our big idea, let’s ask God to open our hearts and minds to his scripture and to make us more like his son Jesus. Heavenly Father, we ask you to open our hearts and minds to your scripture this morning. Let us be attentive to your Holy Spirit and what he wants to say to us. Let us remember that your testing in our lives is good and is always for our benefit. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Our first point this morning is Commission and is found in Genesis 42:1-6. Follow along as I read those verses. This is what God’s Word says, “When Jacob learned that there was grain in Egypt, he said to his sons, “Why do you just keep looking at each other?” He continued, “I have heard that there is grain in Egypt. Go down there and buy some for us, so that we may live and not die.” Then ten of Joseph’s brothers went down to buy grain from Egypt. But Jacob did not send Benjamin, Joseph’s brother, with the others, because he was afraid that harm might come to him. So Israel’s sons were among those who went to buy grain, for there was famine in the land of Canaan also. Now Joseph was the governor of the land, the person who sold grain to all its people. So when Joseph’s brothers arrived, they bowed down to him with their faces to the ground.”

We need to go back to Genesis 41:57 to find out what was happening in the beginning of chapter 42. A severe famine is everywhere and all the world is going to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph. First thing we can notice is this is a worldwide famine. This would have been most unusual and uncommon. For famine to come to Egypt it meant that there had been no rain to the south so the Nile River was not able to overflow her banks. And for famine to come to Canaan it meant that no rain had fallen on the land itself. There has been a famine in Canaan a number of times so far in our study of Genesis but up an until this point we have not seen a famine in Egypt. In fact according to Wikipedia, in the last 2500 years there have only been eleven recorded famines in Egypt. For famine to be in both Egypt and Canaan at the same time was a supernatural event sent by God to fulfill his plans and purposes.

Jacob learns that there was grain in Egypt to be bought so he commissions his sons to go down and buy grain for the family. He questions his sons about why they are “looking at each other” and not doing something about their “lack” and “need” of food. The same root word for “learned” and “looking” in verse 1 means “to see” and in the Greek means “idle” as in being indecisive. His sons do not notice what is obvious and is contrasted with Joseph’s insight in chapter 41 whose plan would save Egypt and the world from famine. For some reason Jacob’s sons have not come up with the same brilliant idea that Jacob had to go to Egypt and buy food so they can “live and not die.” It may have been because the trip to Egypt was 250-300 miles long and the round-trip would take six-weeks. It would have also been a dangerous journey with bandits prowling and lurking about. But I believe that God was bringing back memories of their sin against Joseph. Just the mention of “Egypt” probably brought up memories of what they did to their brother. These were memories that they didn’t want dredged up, but their lives were at stake. They needed food and if they didn’t get it, they and their families could die. God needed to see if their consciences could be awakened and if so, could they be moved to repentance. If their consciences couldn’t be awakened, repentance could never happen. BIG IDEA

God was using the famine to test the brothers. He was testing them with the “lack” or “need” of food. The brothers needed to obey their father and trust in God to provide. They also needed to trust God as he ​​ brought memories to light. Of course, the famine was the impetus to drive the brothers to Egypt in order to meet Joseph so they could be tested further. Sometimes God will test us with the “lack of or the need of something” so we will trust and rely on Him to provide our needs. Maybe it’s a financial need. I have a friend who is getting married soon and needs to find a full-time job and a place to live. A full-time job is seemingly opening up but it hasn’t happened yet. Time is short in their mind but God wants them to trust him for his timing and provision. Maybe it’s a relationship need. Maybe you are looking for that perfect someone that God has for you to spend your life with as a married couple. Sometimes God wants us to wait on him and his timing for that perfect someone. Maybe it’s a need for guidance or direction. Maybe you feel that God is calling you to something different, but the doors are not opening for you as you think they should. Again, God wants you to wait on his perfect timing. That brings us to the first NEXT STEP on the back of your communication card which is to Trust in the Lord to provide for me in the times of “lack” or “need.”

The brothers obey their father as the patriarch of their family and go down to Egypt to buy grain. We notice that Jacob doesn’t send Benjamin with them. Benjamin is identified as Joseph’s brother, not theirs continuing the favored status of Rachel’s sons in Jacob’s life. He didn’t send Benjamin because he was afraid that harm might come to him. This is the first inkling we have that Jacob was suspicious of his sons about what happened to Joseph and he is not about to let that happen to Benjamin. Jacob may not know what actually happened, but he knows his sons’ character and will keep Benjamin close. The mention of possible harm to Benjamin would have also reminded the brothers of their sin against Joseph. Another subtle reminder used by God to awaken their consciences, remind them of past sins in order to bring them to repentance. We also notice that Jacob’s sons are referred to as “Israel’s sons” informing the first hearers and readers about how the nation of Israel came to be in Egypt in the first place.

Stating that Joseph is the “governor of the land” and is in charge of selling grain to all the people sets up the meeting between him and his brothers. When they arrive in Egypt they bow down to him, fulfilling his first dream in chapter 37. Seeing his first dream fulfilled would have given him confidence that God was in control of all that had happened and would happen in his life. You may ask how it is possible that Joseph would just happen to be in the right place and the right time to meet his brothers. It is not impossible to believe that Joseph would have been notified when foreigners came to buy grain. He would have been tasked with making sure Egypt wasn’t overrun with spies. Of course, the main reason Joseph was there was because of the sovereignty of God. It was God’s plan to draw the brothers to Egypt in order to come face to face with Joseph.

That brings us to our second point this morning, Confrontation, found in Genesis 42:7-26. Follow along as I read those verses. This is what God’s Word says, “As soon as Joseph saw his brothers, he recognized them, but he pretended to be a stranger and spoke harshly to them. “Where do you come from?” he asked. “From the land of Canaan,” they replied, “to buy food.” 8 Although Joseph recognized his brothers, they did not recognize him. 9 Then he remembered his dreams about them and said to them, “You are spies! You have come to see where our land is unprotected.” 10 “No, my lord,” they answered. “Your servants have come to buy food. 11 We are all the sons of one man. Your servants are honest men, not spies.” 12 “No!” he said to them. “You have come to see where our land is unprotected.” 13 But they replied, “Your servants were twelve brothers, the sons of one man, who lives in the land of Canaan. The youngest is now with our father, and one is no more.” 14 Joseph said to them, “It is just as I told you: You are spies! 15 And this is how you will be tested: As surely as Pharaoh lives, you will not leave this place unless your youngest brother comes here. 16 Send one of your number to get your brother; the rest of you will be kept in prison, so that your words may be tested to see if you are telling the truth. If you are not, then as surely as Pharaoh lives, you are spies!” 17 And he put them all in custody for three days. 18 On the third day, Joseph said to them, “Do this and you will live, for I fear God: 19 If you are honest men, let one of your brothers stay here in prison, while the rest of you go and take grain back for your starving households. 20 But you must bring your youngest brother to me, so that your words may be verified and that you may not die.” This they proceeded to do. 21 They said to one another, “Surely we are being punished because of our brother. We saw how distressed he was when he pleaded with us for his life, but we would not listen; that’s why this distress has come on us.” 22 Reuben replied, “Didn’t I tell you not to sin against the boy? But you wouldn’t listen! Now we must give an accounting for his blood.” 23 They did not realize that Joseph could understand them, since he was using an interpreter. 24 He turned away from them and began to weep, but then came back and spoke to them again. He had Simeon taken from them and bound before their eyes. 25 Joseph gave orders to fill their bags with grain, to put each man’s silver back in his sack, and to give them provisions for their journey. After this was done for them, 26 they loaded their grain on their donkeys and left.

Joseph recognizes his brothers immediately but pretended to be a stranger and spoke harshly to them. He also questioned them about where they were from. They said they were from Canaan and had come to Egypt to buy food. We are told that the brothers didn’t recognize Joseph even though he recognized them. We may ask how it was possible that they didn’t recognize Joseph. We need to remember they haven’t seen him in twenty years, and they think he is dead. He would also have been clean shaven, wearing Egyptian garments and the royal dress of being second in command. Mathews says, “The author is portraying the brothers as spiritually blind.” Why didn’t he tell them who he was right then and there? Because they needed to be tested. It was God’s plan for Joseph to test his brothers to see if their consciences could be awakened, reminding them of their sin and readying them to repent for what they had done. BIG IDEA These were to be the leaders of the twelve tribes of Israel. Were they changed men having Godly principles and scruples? Were they going to do what was righteous and teach their families to do the same? God’s testing would eventually answer these questions.

After this initial questioning, Joseph remembered the dreams he had about them. When his first son was born he named him, Manasseh, which means “forgotten.” Does this mean he had forgotten his dreams what his brothers had done to him? To “forget” meant that he wasn’t holding what they had done to him against them. God had brought Joseph to a place of forgiveness so that his dreams and what had happened to him did not consume him and make him bitter. Joseph, through God’s help, was able to accomplish this. Joseph accuses his brothers of spying in order to find where Egypt’s borders were vulnerable. The brothers deny Joseph’s accusations and reiterate that they are there to buy food. They also volunteer personal information about themselves and their family. The brothers probably said this thinking that a family of brothers dressed like foreigners would be the worst spies ever. And Joseph probably scoffed because what he knew about his brothers was anything but honest. Then we see the cleverness of Joseph as he accuses them of being spies a second time. This causes the brothers to divulge more personal information about themselves and their family. They admit that they were once a family of twelve brothers all sons of one man who lives in Canaan. They added that their youngest brother is back at home with their father and one brother is no more, meaning they thought he was dead. Again, this would have reminded them of Joseph and what they had done, awakening their consciences even more.

This was an honest account to a point but left out that the one brother was dead because of their actions. Joseph took notice of the information, and it gave him hope, cause for concern and an idea. Joseph had hope because his father and his full brother were still alive. Until now, he had no idea whether this was true or not. It also gave him cause for concern because he didn’t know if they had treated Benjamin as badly as they treated him. It also gave Joseph the idea of how they could prove their honesty. For a third time he accuses them of being spies and tells them how they will be tested on this. He begins by making an oath on the life of Pharaoh. They would not be able to leave Egypt until their youngest brother is brought there. One of them must go home and bring that brother back while the rest will stay in prison. He was going to see if they were as honest as they claimed to be. Had they changed or not? If they are not telling the truth then on the life of Pharaoh they would be considered spies, and punished as such.

Joseph then put them all in prison for three days. God was testing the brothers by having them “reap what they had sown.” Remember back in chapter 37 when Jacob sent Joseph to check on his brothers, they accused him of being a spy. Now he is accusing them of being spies. Joseph was put in prison for a crime he didn’t commit and now they are also put in prison for a crime they didn’t commit. They are being treated the same way they treated Joseph in order to connect their circumstances with God’s judgment of them. God was testing them to see if they were changed men. He wanted to know if they would be willing to turn away from their sin and do good. He wanted to know if they could be trusted with being leaders of the tribes of Israel and leading his chosen people.

Next we notice that God tests them with “kindness” shown to them by Joseph. After three days in prison, Joseph seemingly changes his mind and is willing to let nine of the brothers go back to Canaan and require only one to remain in custody. He shows this kindness because he fears God, meaning he was “honest”, and they could trust him to keep his word. This statement of honesty by Joseph would remind them that they weren't always honest men even though they were portraying themselves as such. Again, awakening their consciences to what they had done. This kindness would allow them to take the ten sacks of grain back to their starving family in Canaan. It would also be safer as they traveled the three-week journey home. If they brought their youngest brother back to Egypt they would pass the test and prove that they were honest men like they said. There was still a sentence of death hanging over their heads but if they proved to be honest men they would not die but live. They proceeded to carry out Joseph’s orders.

The results of “reaping what they had sown” and Joseph’s “kindness” to them was that their consciences were awakened. They felt guilt for what they had done and realized they were being punished for it now. We also learn a few things we weren’t told back in chapter 37. Joseph was in distress when they threw him in the pit and pleaded for his life, but the brothers would not listen. They feel that is why they are now in distress. We are also reminded that Reuben was against killing Joseph. He convinced his brothers to throw him in a pit and he planned to come back and rescue him. But before he could the others sold him to the caravan going to Egypt. He accuses his brothers of not listening to him and now they would have to give an accounting for his blood meaning that more judgment was to come.

We notice that this conversation amongst the brothers was overheard by Joseph. He had been using an interpreter to talk with his brothers but of course he didn’t need one but his brothers didn’t know that. After they had admitted their sin against him and seeing their remorse, Joseph was moved to tears. We may think that Joseph was doing all this out of spite or for revenge. But the proof that he was following God’s will and plan is shown by his “kindness” to them and his display of weeping. He cared deeply for his family and did not want them to starve to death. He wanted them to live, not die. God is leading Joseph in testing his brothers to see if they have a conscience and can their consciences be awakened in order to bring them to repentance. BIG IDEA

Joseph gathers himself and has Simeon taken away and bound before their eyes. This would have made Joseph’s threat seem real for them. Why did Joseph choose Simeon? We aren’t told for sure, but he may have chosen Simeon, the second born, after learning of Reuben’s role in trying to save him from the rest of the brothers. Again, we see “kindness” shown by Joseph to his brothers. He gave orders for their sacks to be filled with grain and that the silver they brought to pay for the grain be returned to their sacks as well. He also made sure they had provisions for their journey back to Canaan. He realizes that the famine is not going to be over soon and they will need money for the next time they need grain. They loaded their donkeys and started home.

That brings us to our third point this morning, Consternation, found in Genesis 42:29-38. Follow along as I read those verses. This is what God’s Word says, 27 At the place where they stopped for the night one of them opened his sack to get feed for his donkey, and he saw his silver in the mouth of his sack. 28 “My silver has been returned,” he said to his brothers. “Here it is in my sack.” Their hearts sank and they turned to each other trembling and said, “What is this that God has done to us?”29 When they came to their father Jacob in the land of Canaan, they told him all that had happened to them. They said, 30 “The man who is lord over the land spoke harshly to us and treated us as though we were spying on the land. 31 But we said to him, ‘We are honest men; we are not spies. 32 We were twelve brothers, sons of one father. One is no more, and the youngest is now with our father in Canaan.’ 33 “Then the man who is lord over the land said to us, ‘This is how I will know whether you are honest men: Leave one of your brothers here with me and take food for your starving households and go. 34 But bring your youngest brother to me so I will know that you are not spies but honest men. Then I will give your brother back to you, and you can trade[a] in the land.’” 35 As they were emptying their sacks, there in each man’s sack was his pouch of silver! When they and their father saw the money pouches, they were frightened. 36 Their father Jacob said to them, “You have deprived me of my children. Joseph is no more and Simeon is no more, and now you want to take Benjamin. Everything is against me!” 37 Then Reuben said to his father, “You may put both of my sons to death if I do not bring him back to you. Entrust him to my care, and I will bring him back.” 38 But Jacob said, “My son will not go down there with you; his brother is dead and he is the only one left. If harm comes to him on the journey you are taking, you will bring my gray head down to the grave in sorrow.”

When they stopped for the night one of the brothers opened his sack to feed his donkey and found the silver that had been given back. Consternation, the feeling of anxiety, dread and distress, filled their hearts. They were “distraught”, and they were all trembling, meaning they were “paralyzed with fear.” This appearance of silver would have reminded them of the payment received from selling Joseph into slavery. Notice they don’t accuse the brother who found the silver but realize that God’s hand is in what is happening. They knew they were guilty and that God was punishing them. Realizing that God’s hand was in this was another step towards repentance. But living with unconfessed sin and guilt caused them to react negatively to the kindnesses shown to them. Maybe you have seen this in your life? Something good happens but you don’t think you deserve it and you react negatively to it. Or you don’t attribute it to God believing it was just by chance. Maybe you have even used the word “karma” to explain it. Or something good happens but you don’t give God the praise and glory for it. We forget about God’s role in it and take him for granted. We need to repent of these attitudes and realize the working of God in our lives. That brings us to the second NEXT STEP which is to realize the hand of God in my life and to give him the praise and glory for it.

The greatest act of kindness, of grace and mercy shown, was when Jesus willingly went to the cross for everyone of us. If you are still rejecting that kindness today, focusing on the judgment and not his love, grace and mercy this third NEXT STEP is for you: Accept Jesus’ act of grace and mercy for me: Admit that I am a sinner, believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins, and confess that he is Lord.

The brothers arrive back in Canaan and report to their father all that has happened to them in Egypt. This was another test for the brothers. God was testing them to see if they would give an honest report to their father. In their report they don’t lie to their father but exaggerate the positives and leave out the negatives. They leave out that they were thrown in jail for three days. They mention the “lord over the land” twice to convince Jacob to let Benjamin return with them. This was how they could prove that they were not spies but honest men and be able to get their brother, Simeon, back. They also added that they would be allowed to trade in the land. The brothers realize that asking their father to allow Benjamin to go Egypt was going to be a hard sell so they embellish a little bit. They were hoping that by invoking “the lord of the land” twice and the promise of trade with Egypt would loosen Jacob’s grip on Benjamin.

We will never know if Jacob was thinking of allowing Benjamin to go to Egypt because as the brothers were emptying their sacks, each one found that his pouch of silver had been returned. Again this “kindness” shown to them by Joseph did not produce gratefulness but fright. This kindness brought great consternation. The brothers’ sense of guilt and divine judgment was heightened. Jacob was also frightened and fell deeper into the depths of despair. He accuses them of depriving him of his children. Joseph was dead and now Simeon was dead and they wanted to take Benjamin away from him. They have now returned home twice without a brother but with extra silver in their pockets. For Jacob this was not a coincidence. As their father he knew what kind of men they were and had his suspicions about what happened to Joseph and now Simeon. Jacob dramatically states that “everything is against him.” Jacob can’t see beyond his trouble and is only focused on himself and his losses in life, not God.

Next we see the guilt that Reuben must have been feeling. He tells his father that he may put his two sons to death if he doesn’t bring Benjamin back from Egypt. He asks Jacob to entrust him to his care and he will not let his father down. Notice, that Reuben doesn’t offer one of his sons’ life for the life of Benjamin. He offers two of his sons’ lives; one for Benjamin and one for Joseph. This was a telling sign in all that had happened since chapter 37. Wenham says, “The brothers are trapped by their past lies and aroused consciences. How could Reuben say that yes we lied and did away with Joseph but no we have had nothing to do with Simeon, our hands are clean and our hearts are pure. So to demonstrate his sincerity he offers to put to death two of his sons if Benjamin does not return.” Jacob is still distraught stating that under no circumstances will Benjamin go to Egypt. Joseph, his brother, is dead and Benjamin is the only son left. Again, we see the favoritism that Jacob had for the children of Rachel, his preferred wife. Jacob finishes in dramatic fashion in that if any harm comes to Benjamin “you will bring my gray head down to the grave in sorrow.” There is foreboding in his words: he will die dejected and not be able to find rest in death. Wiersbe in his commentary says, “Benjamin must be protected even if the family starves and Simeon rots in jail in Egypt.”

Today’s conclusion is from Preaching Today called “Guilt Is a Warning.” In the May 15, 1995 edition of The New Yorker, Sara Mosle recounts that on March 18, 1937, a spark ignited a cloud of natural gas that had accumulated in the basement of the London, Texas, school. The blast killed 293 people, most of them children. The explosion happened because the local school board wanted to cut heating costs. Natural gas, the by-product of petroleum extraction, was siphoned from a neighboring oil company's pipeline to fuel the building's furnace free of charge. London never recovered from the blast that turned the phrase "boom town" into a bitter joke. The one positive effect of this disastrous event was government regulation requiring companies to add an odorant to natural gas. The distinctive aroma is now so familiar that we often forget natural gas is naturally odorless. There is a tendency these days to classify all feelings of guilt as hazardous to our self-esteem. In reality, guilt can be valuable, an "odorant" that warns us of danger.

Joseph’s brothers have been tested by God in order to awaken their consciences, remind them of their sin in order to bring them to repentance. BIG IDEA They felt guilty for what they had done and realized that God was working in their hearts and minds. The same goes for us. The Holy Spirit within us will convict us of sin and awaken our consciences to our guilt, shame and sin. Sometimes his tests will be rude awakenings but it is then up to us to confess that sin to the Lord so he can cleanse us from all unrighteousness. That brings us to the fourth NEXT STEP on the back of your communication card: to allow God’s testing to awaken my conscience, remind me of my sin and bring me to repentance.

As the praise team comes to lead us in a final song and the ushers prepare to pick up the communication cards, let’s close out our time in prayer. Heavenly Father, help us to trust in you to provide for me in the times of “lack” or “need.” Help us to realize your hand working in our lives and give you praise and glory for it. Open our hearts to your Holy Spirit as he awakens our consciences, reminds us of our guilt and sin and leads us to repentance. In Jesus’ name. Amen