Men's & Women's Bible Study

sat21sep7:00 amsat8:00 amMen's & Women's Bible StudyGoing Deeper

Event Details

Our Men’s and Women’s Bible Study meets twice a month.  You can join the Tuesday evening study at 7:00 pm or the Saturday morning study at 7:00 am.

We are currently studying Faith Commander:  Living Five Values From The Parable Of Jesus.

Men and women gather together to watch the video before we separate into two small groups, one for women and the other for men, to discuss the video and reading from the book.

If you are interested in joining us, please call the church office at 717-323-0335.


September 21, 2019 7:00 am - 8:00 am(GMT+00:00)


Idaville Church

3590 Carlisle Road

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