Palm Sunday with Piercing Word

sun05apr10:15 amsun11:45 amPalm Sunday with Piercing WordPassion: The MusicalDue to the continued need for social distancing as recommended by the Federal and State governments.

Event Details

We are excited to celebrate Palm Sunday and our Spring Rally Day with the ministry of Piercing Word as they share Passion:  The Musical.

“This is a powerful presentation of the gospel and how Jesus fulfills everything written about him in the Old Testament.  We’ve framed the piece with a modern-day, urban concept that offers a compelling perspective on the last supper, trial, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.  The beauty of the music and the truth of the words combine to create a powerful piece that will minister to both the churched and the unchurched this Easter season.”  (Caleb Hughes, Artistic Director of Piercing Word).

You can learn more about Piercing Word by clicking here.

A special love offering will be collected for the ministry of Piercing Word in addition to our regular Rally Day offering.


April 5, 2020 10:15 am - 11:45 am(GMT+00:00)


Idaville Church

3590 Carlisle Road

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