Piercing Word Presentation

sun06aug10:15 amsun11:45 amPiercing Word PresentationParables of Jesus

Event Details

Piercing Word will be presenting “Parables of Jesus” on August 6, 2023 during our regular worship service at 10:15 am.

“Experience an African-inspired telling of the stories that Jesus told! Parables of Jesus utilizes traditional African instruments and movement to convey the heart of God in a colorful, energetic way. The stories of the Sheep and the Shepherd, Good Samaritan, Prodigal Son, and many others come to life with both humor and poignancy. Watch as Jesus helps his followers understand the nature of the Kingdom of God and the value of following Him.”

Piercing Word is a dynamic team from Lancaster, PA that shares the Bible, word-for-word, through drama and music.  To learn more about Piercing Word, please click here.

We will be collecting a special love offering during the service to help support this incredible ministry!

We hope you will join us.


August 6, 2023 10:15 am - 11:45 am(GMT+00:00)


Idaville Church

3590 Carlisle Road

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