Worship Service

sun03may10:15 amsun11:45 amWorship ServiceSpecial Guest Speaker

Event Details

We are excited to have Kurt Weaver from Pennsylvania Family Institute as our special guest speaker.  He will be sharing about the importance of the family.

The Mission of the Pennsylvania Family Institute is to strengthen families by restoring to public life the traditional, foundational principles and values essential for the well-being of society. We are the only full-time, professionally staffed non-profit organization representing family values—your values—in the state capitol. We encourage responsible citizenship and involvement in civic affairs to promote respect for life, family, marriage and religious liberty.

You can learn more about the Pennsylvania Family Institute by clicking here.


May 3, 2020 10:15 am - 11:45 am(GMT+00:00)


Idaville Church

3590 Carlisle Road

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