Leaving It Behind

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Jesus frees us to leave behind everything we know.

John(86) (Part of the Believe(74) series)
by Jason Stansbury(10) on July 21, 2019 (Sunday Morning(361))

God's Will(10), Sacrifice(17), Witnessing(11)

Leaving It Behind

John 4:27-42


  • A Bit of Background

    • John 4:27

    • The Samaritan woman seems to gradually understand more and more about Jesus’ identity

      • 4:9 – “a Jew”

      • 4:12 – “Sir”; Greater than our father Jacob?”

      • 4:19 – “A prophet”

      • 4:27 – Jesus: ​​ “I am he” (the Messiah)

  • Leaving It Behind

    • John 4:28

      • The woman only came to the well to get water

      • She hasn’t yet drawn water

      • Now she is abandoning the task of getting water altogether

      • WHY?!

    • John 4:29

      • The woman is starting to get it!

      • If Jesus is who she thinks He is, the He’s worth abandoning everything else for

        • She’s not sure: ​​ “Could this be . . .?”

        • AND YET, she broke out of her normal patterns to tell the other Samaritans about Jesus

        • “. . . she had met Jesus, who had filled her with a desire for a quality of life that she had never dreamed ​​ of and who had revealed Himself to her ​​ as the One through whom that life is ​​ imparted to men and women.” ​​ [Anders]

        • PRINCIPLE #1 – Jesus frees us to leave behind everything we know

        • Jeremiah 2:13

        • MY NEXT STEP TODAY IS TO: ​​ Leave behind ​​ the parts of my life I’ve made for myself

  • Jesus Secret Food

    • John 4:30-32

    • John 4:33

      • Continuing the trend of missing the point (Nicodemus, the woman, now the disciples)

      • Understandable, and yet shows the disciples’ priorities

      • It’s on this topic of priorities that Jesus seems to be correcting His disciples

    • John 4:34-35

      • Translation: ​​ Check your priorities! (Deuteronomy 8:3)

      • In Christ, we are free to focus on His will as He takes care of the rest ​​ 

      • PRINCIPLE #2 – When we focus on the will of God, He sustains us

      • MY NEXT STEP TODAY IS TO: ​​ Consider where the “harvest” may be “ripe” in my life

  • Being a Witness

    • John 4:39 – Despite everything in her life, this woman is a sufficient witness because of her encounter with Christ

    • John 4:40-41 – Those who have heard the woman’s testimony are now seeking a personal ​​ encounter with Christ

    • John 4:42 – The woman fulfilled her role, and Jesus ​​ has taken care of the rest

    • How did Jesus witness?

      • He was friendly

      • He asked questions

      • He showed concern for human need

      • He faithfully explained the scriptures

      • He emphasized good news for thirsty people

      • PRINCIPLE #3 – “Witnesses are not responsible for converting people; their task is to tell the truth about what they know.” ​​ [Anders]

      • Sometimes we are so focused on representing Christ that we forget to be like Him

      • And if we aren’t representing Christ in our attitudes, what good are our words?

      • MY NEXT STEP TODAY IS TO: ​​ Commit to representing Christ in my actions and attitudes.